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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1947)
The Battalion Paff« + FRIDAY. JUNK U. IM7 Official Notice* AO*l( ut ICAL ftAL AND • J«M 1*4] T4 LAUNDRY NOTH'K IAN or M MI _ SUNDRY m RtuAMto M«la« M tW rraject Am tar* in laundry *t 1 DtaMta tarh mi Uru^rt HiMM *. A tte* L mm TrHmt mm4 *• * •• TiihAmt Mar* • a.m. Ua* •tala immmtry 1M. ImAW «IU ta »«rfc*4 •» at BtaAioa t aaraa* fruai Dara a. Tta. b a tmnpurary *rr**«r«w*|. Dv Rtaiiab tum I* kaandry north a*4 *( P. 0. Hall. Rom** M4 A ‘hr* L mm Saturtay and M tWa Z m W«d- mmm4my tafara • Rm Stuianta ll*in« I* D»n* I Utra It tar* I* laundry at Slatla* t arraaa froa* Dan* PHAar and M tar* Z a* Tanadar tafara • m.m. Ua* arkba laundry I Ml ■tadrnu I lain* I* Dan* t to* ta landry at Statia* t anroaa front Dan* • ■ U«* Mu# laundry Mai. Tar* i* taan- 4ry am»rdln« to ta* fatlowtac: A •• C. D. PrMar R r. c. H. I. Monday J K. L. M Mr N T*tod*r O. P. Q R R. . Wta*todar T. V. Y. W. *. Y. Z. Thunday AU baa dry munt ta ta tadar* a a m a* tta daabMtad day f. «. ROtXINR. Dm «f Mata . IU«Mt*r *uw fa* aunt tac Juan I. N*w and ItaSbaa* ton* •tart- t'ntaa.. Dial 1-4444 CLASSIFIED ADS TUB RCBIRB Hor-Tytatak Mm ftafcbta drawl*#. Pba*a »4tta Id t. Wad. Draw* Rev. ArtRur To Conduct Bible Study Gi RBPAIBBl Radto and RRPAIRd Radio aad R*fr and Srrvlrr. AM work roar ard*a Eaat Cato. Ml 4-It 4*. LOST: dm lac Rta«. ’44. C. R. Ttaaaaa. ROOM FOR RENT Prival* mtraar* adjatataa from Marti «orta Gat* Mala TOR SALK: at A. Apaly A«w Beutel, Thomas New Trustees In Research Foundation Body REWARD fur II Kta*n 4 -114a a* 40414. RnddbMtauwa ■ Prof. John Architecture M. Rowlett, of the Department, was Mini OaDn* Ma*day. j3w *• *Aa zueat speaker of the Small Home* Mm. *0 Conference, held June^t Rt the iaC* M. I'rriveraity of Oklahoma. The fol- lowinz da iralad . tad* will ta r**et Offla* af tta Ma*. AertoaMural aad Martaataal TVwm entll l«W A M.. Ma*d *** ""*■ I lowlnf day l»e at i 'iSdJ^VtauM "sin ta* '"f ■* of Offbref tta RiMtaaaa “tiir— A. A M. problem aubmitted by eeniora in •* 7*?*^ ejhw< RtaMa*. Taaaa. the architeeture department. The ■V mMMf ^^mrMm Mdtad fseto* proillem waa • “Deeign of a 8hop- • ^ ’ jUiHMlUaata* l ping Center for Oklahoma City; Bmtel of Freeport and 4. Ft. Worth were eleet* the College Reeearch Tueeday it the third the Cottneilor* , Three other Barlow, denn of esgi nee ring of the college, Victor Bchoffdlmofer, Dallaa, and C. L. Kurth. of Lufkin, were reelected to the governing body. Beutel, a division manager for Dow Chemical Company, replaces J. W. Carpenwr, Dallas, as a trus tee from the industrial group and place of W. B. Cook of Houston in the alumni group. Barlow is wAMfMBMllDtteR of the college; Schottfelmeyer, ar- riculture editor of the Dallas Mom- iag News, Is the agriculture trus- and Kurth, a lumberman, is the public group, term of office for theee positions ia three yearn. The trus- toeahips are divided in a Which cnablee each of five to he represented by three toes. The three men from each group serug in staggered terms. The annual election is held by a ■mil vote of the councilors And Announced Rt the meeting In addition to the election If. beginning with the summer | mlta, the councilors reviewed the sessions, the Lev. R. L. Brown stated Tuesday Instituted several months ago, t ftr instruction has been carried on by the Rev. Brown, pastor of the College Station Bap tist Churrh. Two courses will be offered this summer under tev. Smith, surveys in the Obi am I New Testamenta. Both will l»e tRught In the First Baptist Churrh Rev. Smith lolda B. 8. and M degree* in I 1 duration from Sou thern Illinois Normal Cnlversity at 'arbondale, III noia He also spent two years at Mkody Bible Institute, two years at Sti atheni Baptist The ological Semirary at (xniisville. Kentucky, ami one year at South western Baptia, Theological Semi nary at Fort Worth, receiving a Master of Theology degree at the latter school ii lS»4fi. His wife ard three son* will join him soon in College Station. work of tha organization to the past your. Tha function of ths roundattoR is to provide rosoarth facilities for tho industrial and ag ricultural group# of ths stats. It was recommended to the board of trusteed that funds be raised by the issuance of deben ture* and that tho by-laws b« changed to permit tile appointment of mors than M) councilor* as la tho current rate. The councilor* heard progress reports from project directors on ton reeearch actlvitte* now In op eration. Judge Edward I. Boyles of Hous ton, a rocent speaker at thg ram- program, visited the Musicians Needed For Summer Rand Musicians are needed far W. M. A ..--1-1^**.^/ i AWn*ian<i students should c lB» Mafe 7 In George's t Weetloaery between • a. m. aad I p. m. | The Rev. Arthur M. Smith 1 been named fi 11-time teacher the Baptist Ch tir of Bible at / Justin McCarty turns his designing zkill to short#—and they are just the shorts you want. Well tailored of Tegar. a Ijibtex fabric by Bur-Mil. cut to hang and fit per fectly, with a zi|fper iif back, they are streamlined and incoming. All colom. B to Id. $3.95 — Eating Out Is Fun. Jim — A T — fi 1 I a/IyU HOTARD’S North Main N Y ■ / Fdmondh to Speak To *Star (razers' »y. Astronomical Society wilhbold-ita first meeting of the summer in Room 39, Phys cs Building at 7:30 I p.m. A. G< F dmonds will speak ] on "Photograi hie Processing Related to Ast ■onomy." Under the di ection of E. E. Ve-! ley. the organ ration proposes to | construct an ol wervatory to house a 24-inch reflec ting telescope. The latter ia also t< be built to replace Vexey‘* N 12-inch telescope, currently used. President Vincent O'Bryan en courages all pdi sons interested in | any phase of ijstronomy to attend this meeting. PohI Offi ve Has New ( .losing Time The College Station Poat Office has announced new cloaing hours of K pm Mondiy thru Friday for all window* cxrept General Deliv ery which will shut down at 6:30 | pm. On Satur lay service at all ^ windows cidullng general deliv ery will trrmlnite at 12 noon. The ' general deliver;’ will close at 12:30. (Continued Taft-Hartley seek to desire) laltor the past —AVC— from Page One) Bill, which would all gains made by several decades. IX Officers at (resent of the AAM (chapter are II. E. Rohard*. chair man; F. F\ I lock, aecretar-trea- surer; and Tiuett Book, corres- | (tonding-secret! ry. // SLACKS! . i i' r. ■ i 1 1 Help yourself to comfort and smartness in a pair S’ of truly wrinkle resistant Bur-Mil rayon slacks by Northcool. In tan, blue, or grey with a stripe. $9.50 Y r ’ 1 ■ ' M' V - '' j X , • a • All wool tropical worsted Slacks $13.95 to $15.00 • | . rj^aldrop6(c ('adage Station—Bryan •Two CoRveaUnt BUraa** . F w " -r • -F ' 1 \ \ BETTER TASTING 4^ MS GALE STORM I ITAR Of ROY Dll RUTH I MOOUCTION | 'IT HAMINID ON PIFTH AVINUI _ . /, V at J / If* m / . m */ ■ m V to us* r I!'- I’HESTERFIELD ALL OVER AMERICA — CHESTERFIELD IS TOPS! B * A tJ, [ 1|