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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1947)
Page Four THE BATTALION, College Station (Aggieland), Texas, Tuesday, May 6, 1947 is the WALKING WAY! TAKE CARE Of YOUR CAR... SOME FOLKS WILL BE WALKING BEFORE THEY GET NEW CARS Until new cars are avail able, your present car absolutely must last! To help keep your car running smoothly, dependably and safely, bring it in to us regu larly for dependable, economical service. BRYAN MOTOR COMPANY N. Main Bryan Geology Prof Asked For Petroleum Item Dr. W. L. Russell, associate pro fessor of geology since last fall, has been asked to write a discus sion on the “geological interpreta tion of radio activity in neutron well logs” for the Science of Re- Engagement and Wedding Rings 300.00 Engagement Ring Only 225.00 Also at $500. Prices include federal tax. TT 2T GENUINE.REGISTERED 1\ Keepsake .MATCHED SEJE [See our other famous geri2 [uine [registered Keep$ake[ Diamond Rings in a wide] range of prices, but'all of traditionot Keepsake quality.i SANKEY PARK — Bryan — troleum, four volumes of scientific facts compiled and printed by the Oxford University press. He was selected from among all the geolo gists in this country. Before coming to A.&M, Dr. Rus sell was with Stanoline and Well Surveys Inc., the latter having in vented and developed these well log methods. German Prewar Auto Under Test to Set 248.3 MPH Record HOLLYWOOD, Calif, May 5—A “Hitler-built’ ’prewar racing car is being made ready for entry in the Indianapolis races on Memorial Day. It is a Mercedes-Benz V-12, just brought to this country, which set a world record of 248.3 miles an hour. The car has many unusual fea tures. It has a tubular frame, five-speed transmission, and a trick suspension. The driver sits four inches off the ground. Its 480-horsepower engine is assisted by a two-stage supercharger. The engine is set at a diagonal, with the drive shaft clearing the driver on the left side. It has a double overhead cam, four valves to a cylinder, roller-bearing crank shaft, and twin magnetos. It is water-cooled, and uses methanol alcohol as a fuel. The car was brought to this country by the Don Lee Experi mental Engineering Company, and is now being tested on the Califor nia salt flats. It was built just before the war in the Hitler pro gram to develop high-performance motors. Records and Players, Paints, Varnishes, Wall Paper. CHAPMAN’S Next to P. O. Bryan EATING OUT IS FUN — AT — HOTARD’S CAFETERIA 311 North Main—Bryan “Where the ART OF FINE COOKERY Has Not Been Forgotten” Veterans Relax After Voting On Exchange Store Veterans relaxed and forgot their troubles last night, listening to the Prairie View Swingsters rock the old Assembly Hall in a jazz program that followed the monthly business meeting of the association. During the business meeting, the group, was told by A. E. Hinman, newly elected president of the Ex students Association, that “the ex es will be behind you in every way we see fit.” Hinman read and ex plained the resolution adopted by the exes last Saturday, which ex pressed full confidence in the board of directors: urged the legislative committee to continue to make its investigations carefully, completely and fairly; and urged wholehearted support of all to whatever solution may be found to end present dif ferences. “The quicker these troubles can be smoothed over and for gotten, the better it will be for the school,” Hinman said. “We’re going to have to give things and take things.” The question of Exchange Store profits was discussed by O. E. Courtade and Arthur Matula, stu dent members of the Exchange store committee. Courtade stated that manufacturers would not stock the store unless standard prices were 1 charged. With few cash sales, and most of last year’s bus iness done with the Veterans Ad ministration, the store made a large profit for the first time last year, Courtade stated. The veterans voted to request that funds from next years prof its be given to the library for books and air-conditioning rath er than to the operating fund for the Student Union Building, not yet erected. Sam S. Williams, treasurer, asked every veteran on the campus to contribute 50 cents or a dollar to the “clean-up” fund which has financed anti-administration fight. The association has so far expend ed $627 on the fight, Williams an nounced, the largest item being for lawyer’s fees. DR. N. B. McNUTT DENTIST Office in Parker Building Over Canady’s Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas PHILIP MORRIS is so much better to smoke! *Tt’s always fair weather when good fellows get together” . . . with PHILIP MORRIS! It’s true ... if every smoker knew what PHILIP MORRIS smokers know . . . they’d ALL change to PHILIP MORRIS. Yes, the PHILIP MORRIS smoker really gets what other smokers only hope to get . . . PERFECT SMOKING PLEASURE. So for perfect smoking pleasure... try a pack today! ALWAYS BETTER-BETTER ALL WAYS Official Notices DEPARTMENT OF AGRONOMY Summer school and Cotton Classing, June 2nd—July 14th, 1947. Those students who desire to take the 38th summer course in Cotton Classing for credit should sign up at the registrar’s, office for Agronomy 205, one hour credit; 206, two hours credit; Agriculture Economics 205, three hours credit. This will make a total of six hours for the summer course in cotton classing. (Signed) J. E. ADAMS Department of Agronomy CLASSIFIED ADS ATTENTION ENGINEERS: Get your engineers’ math chart at the Exchange Store. THE SCRIBE SHOP—Typing, mimeo graphing, drawing. Phone 2-6705. 1007 E. 23rd, Bryan. REPAIRS: Radio and refrigerator sales and service. All work guaranteed. LEONARDS East Gate Ph. 4-1240 New and refresher classes starting now at McKenzie-Baldwin Business College in shorthand, typewriting and associated sub jects. Phone 2-6655 for information. LOST 7 month old buff male cocker spaniel. Unmarked collar, no tags. Might answer to Chico. Call C. W. Files, M. E. Dept. Veteran and wife desire furnished apart ment June 1st to Sept, 1st. Contact Har ry Saunders, Box 2201, College Station. Record players-—automatic, electric — guaranteed — going at i price 1 Clayton Furniture Company, 203 N. Main, Bryan, Texas. LOST: In Veteran’s Village last Mon day, orange-red Persian cat. Contact Edward Mitchell, Box 2778, Col lege or 15A Veteran’s Village. SPECIAL STUDENT AND EDUCATOR RATES ON MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS, Time, $4.50 a year, Life, $4.25 a year, Newsweek, $4.50 a year and $8.00 for two years. Anyone travelling to California around June 5 wanting a passenger, contact Hol- lingshead at 26 Mitchell or Box 2026. Parker Herbex Scalp Preparation — Dermetics, Cohtoure: Ravlon, Cosmetics, College Hills Beauty Salon, Eeast Gate. Phone 4-1174. FOR SALE: One pair senior boots. Size 71 and equipment. 114 No. 15. FOR SALE: 2 bicycles ; B-flat trumpet; Photographic Darkroom equipment & sup plies ; Zeiss Ikonta B Camera; Radio & Record Player; 6 cu. ft Icebox. 213 N. Munnerlyn Drive or Box 2169 College. FOR SALE: 2 bedroom prefabricated house with large screened porch. Delivery in August. Unfurnished or partly fur nished. 213 N. Munnerlyn Drive. FOR SALE: 1945 Cushman Scooter, Farmer, Box 353 4108A College Main. FOR SALE: 1 pr. senior boots, Size 7 ; 1 pr. pink boot pants, 1 pr. khaki pants, hooks, spurs. 1-F Puryear. FOR SALE: One bedroom house partly furnished. Priced to sell. Call after 5 p.m. 206 So. Munnerlyn Village. FOR SALE: House trailer with built in bed by Aggie Service Station, $400.00, See Stout. TYPEWRITER UPPER CASE RENT ERS : Your machines must be returned to Loupot’s by May 15. You may buy your typewriter at this time. Other stu dents may buy typewriters after May 15. 3 Plastic Surgery Centers Designated In Dallas District Three hospitals—McKinney, New Orleans, and El Paso—have been designated as plastic surgery cen ters in the Dallas Branch Area, acocrding to Dr. Lee D. Cady, branch medical director of the Vet erans Administration. The latter will be used only when facilities are overtaxed at other hospitals, Dr. Cady said. Plastic surgeons are available through agreements with South western, Dallas, Tulane, and Louis iana State University medical sschools. Movement of the VA hospital from McKinney to Dallas at a later date is contemplated for the con venience of both veterans and sur geons, stated Dr. Cady. —POPULATION— (Continued from Page 1) time industry to a peace-time will their population remain unchang ed. C. Horace Hamilton, ’23, head of the Department of Rural Sociology, North Carolina State College, clos ed the afternoon session with an address on “The Application of Population Research to Welfare Problems.” He told of the need for population studies specifically related to such problems as health, medical care, care of crippled chil dren, afflicted adults and the aged. He also described the application of population and vital statistics to the development of a hospital and medical care program, with partic ular reference to North Carolina. The program was brought to a close at noon, May 2. The number of disabled veterans awaiting induction into training for vocational rehabilitation con tinued to decline during January 1947, Veterans Administration said. Veterans Administration estim ated the World War II veterans population for March 1 at nearly 14,500,000 and the total veteran population at approximately 18,- 378,000. CASH FOR SLIDE RULES— T-SQUARES DRAWING INSTRUMENTS DRAWING BOARDS BOOKS LAMPS — Best Prices At — College Book Store — North Gate — n THERE'S MO need to FEEL THAT WAV. . - I’M BZiUQIHG A FGIEUO WHO'LL TURN INTO WATCH* FOR SMft'y EACH WEEK IM THIS PAPER/// PRESENTED TO YOU WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF Better Homes Appliances and Records ,314 W. Main Bryan Sophomores And Juniors Place your orders for serge pants and shirts; pink shirts, and boot pants NOW For Delivery Next Fall. As we have a contract for govern ment alterations, it is wise to order now to assure delivery. Mendl and Homak — North Gate — THE TAILOR SHOP FOR UNIFORMS OF DISTINCTION HAVE YOU BEEN — TO — Joyce’s Toy House There you will find the most complete line of toys between Houston and Dal las, at very reasonable prices. Your gifts wrap ped free of charge. 608 S. College Ph. 2-2864 Our MOTHER’S DAY SPECIAL an 8x10 PORTRAIT $5. Value Only $2.45 AGGIELAND STUDIO North Gate