Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1946)
Page 2 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1946 Practice in Seclusion . . . “No, You can’t practice in this building. I am going to work tonight and music just drives me crazy. Besides the ‘National Idiots’ society meets in Room 28 and I am sure that they wouldn’t want to be interrupted.” “I am sorry but this auditorium is taken. We are giv ing a benefit picture show to raise money to buy parks for the penguins at the south pole. Also, singing makes me sleepy.” “Young man, you can’t practice your play in the sacred halls of this building. “I have fought ‘drammer” all of my life and I don’t aim to stop now. No sir, you shall not desecrate the hallowed walls of this building by having some of your number scream bloody murder. If I had my way about it, all the plays that have been written would be immediately burned. Go and don’t bother to come back.” Fantastic as these conversations may seem, The Aggie- land Orchestra, The Singing Cadets and the Aggie Players have spent many weary hours just searching for a place in which they could practice. Such conditions, while discour aging, never seemed to daunt the organizations concerned and they continued their work in spite of difficulties. Now it appears that the weary searches for these three organizations are over, as they are soon to have a home of their own. Painting, sawing and hammering have completely reno vated the old Consolidated School building, across from George’s, “which will be used by the Aggieland Orchestra, The Singing Cadets and the Aggie Players. The building will be completely equipped to serve organizations of this type. We have it on good authority that the building will be equipped with record players and piano for the benefit of students who have a few spare minutes and who like to play the piano or who would like to listen to records. We congratulate everyone who had a part in bringing about this improvement. Such a building has been needed for a long time, and our next hope is that many more simi lar improvements are in the offing. Make Minors Majors, Too . . . When taps have sounded on Kyle Field for the final time, when the last great Aggie football victory has been won, or when the last spectator has filed out of the stands, The Battalion would like to be listed among those who have waged the fight for a balanced athletic program at A&M. No one will deny that football is the big money-maker and draws the biggest crowds. Nearly everyone delights in watching a hard-fought gridiron battle. We would be the last to vote for its de-emphasis. Although we like football, we don’t think it wise or even fair to continue making orphans of our basketball, base ball, track, tennis, cross country and swimming teams. The problem is not to de-emphasize football, but rather to em phasize all the sports mentioned. Every type of intercollegiate sport has a large follow ing on this campus and many would have a much wider fol lowing with coordinated support from athletic authorities. We are surprised at the showing that some of our athletic teams make in the face of inadequate support. We have not inquired concerning conditions at the various teachers col leges, but we will lay you odds that there is not a single school in the Lone Star conference that offers so few basketball scholarships as does A&M. This is no time for witch burning or scapegoat hunting. We realize that this is the first school year approaching nor mal conditions since the war. The time is ripe for action! The El Dorado (Ark.) Times reported in a headline recently: “Episcopal church to expand its missionaries.” 'Fads' Prove False,- Nothing Like New Scoreboard Purchased It’s sad, sad, sad. Right after the burning of the Kyle Field scoreboard, The Bat talion was soundly thrashed, ver bally of course, for writing the editorial which presumably pre cipitated the arsonists’ prank with our outmoded scoreboard. The as sistant director of publicity, in charge of athletic poop, came into the Batt office accusing the editor of a serious journalistic crime — writing without basis of fact. “Why, if you had just investi gated the facts, you would have known the athletic department has a brand new $15,000 scoreboard with electric lights and all the at tachments down there at Kyle Field right now,” he stated. The editor, somewhat chastened and surprised at this charge, ex plained that no-information of that sort had come to his attention from any source, even the publicity de partment. He wondered at the time why such a fact was not made public, and asked why, if it were down there, it had not been in stalled. The spokesman went on to say that the new $15,000 scoreboard had not been put into use because, after an exhaustive search of the country, no electric cable could be had, for any price. “You’re the editor; why don’t you get the facts?” was the pub licity expert’s final shot. Taking his advice, the editorial staff began to hunt the facts. But when the story on the scoreboard burning was published, the last paragraph stated that word had come from an athletic department source (authoritative) that a new scoreboard was at Kyle Field. The first hint of the untruth of the new scoreboard fable came when an International Business Machine salesman came into our office and said maybe the athletic department would buy that cable he’d been trying to sell them, now that the old one had burned down. Charley Crawford, chairman of the Athletic Council was consulted. He stated that to his knowledge, there had been no scoreboard pur chased. This was from a man who should know. Then a reporter went down to Kyle Field poking around for the new scoreboard. None was found. C. D. Ownby, the new business manager of athletics, another man who should know, was interviewed personally. He explained that they were now dickering for one, and had received estimates ranging from $4000 to $17,000, but no con tract had been let. Ownby went on to declare that buying the $17,000 de luxe score- board was extremely unlikely, and that final settlement would prob ably be a $4000 one. More im portant places for the money, he said. Still no scoreboard. TJie Battalion The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and 'the City of College Station, is published semi-weekly and circulated on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Member Plssoaoted GpUe&iate Press Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Subscription rate $4.00 per school year. Advertising rates on request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Allen Self Vick Lindley David M. Seligman Charles E. Murray U. V. Johnston Paul Martin : Larry Goodwyn ! : Ike Ashburn, Jr. Wendell McClure, Peyton Me Knight Gerald Mon so Corps Editor Veteran Editor ..Tuesday Associate Editor —Friday Associate Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Sports Writer Annex Editor . Advertising Managers Gerald Monson Circulation Manager Ferd English, Arthur Matula, Claude Buntyn, Wm. Colville, Dudley Burris, Clyde H. Patterson, Jr., J. M. Nelson .Reporters A1 Hudeck, Jack Herrington Photographers Letters TURN ON THE COOL AIR Dear Editor: I read your editorial entitled “Shoemaker’s Children”, and could n’t help agreeing with you 100%. I am a member of the ASHVE, and, although I can’t speak for the entire group, I think that if the matter were up to them they would air condition every building on the campus. I’m sure that you were not trying to cast aspersions upon the ASHVE, but unfortunate ly they don’t control the purse strings of the college. I think it is a crying shame that so many of our buildings, partic ularly Guion Hall and the Library, are so very outmoded. It does cost more to air condition an existing building than it does to incorpo rate this feature in a new building. In spite of this, I don’t think the college is too destitute to afford needed improvements — they only pretend to be when someone sug gests spending money. The University of Houston has air conditioned classrooms, and is planning to erect air conditioned dormitories. It seems to me that at least A. & M. ought to be able to air condition Guion Hall, the Library, and the Administration Building, and should include air conditioning in all plans for new buildings. Sincerely, Lee W. Thompson. Editor’s Note: In “Shoemaker’s Children”, the Batt was not cast ing aspersions upon the ASHVE. As you can see, we do agree with you. What’s Cooking TUESDAY, December 10 7:30 p. m. Biology Club, Con ference Room Ag. Experiment Station. Film. 7:30 p. m. Agronomy Society, AI Lecture Room. Speaker, Dr. R. F. Chandler. 7:30 p. m. Saddle and Sirloin Club, Room 115, AI Bldg. 7:30 p. m. Marketing & Finance Club, Room 312, Ag. Bldg. 7:30 p. m. Foods Group, Aggie Wives Club, Sbisa. 7:30 p. m. Reserve Officers As sociation, Geology Lecture Room. Subsequent meeting for Air Force Reserve officers. 7:30 p. m. Architecture Society, EE Lecture Room. Business meet ing. 7:30 p. m. Sociology Club, Room 203, Ag. Bldg. 7:30 p. m. Accounting Society, Ag. Engineering Lecture Room. 7:30 p. m. Business Society, YMCA. WEDNESDAY, December 11 6:00 p. m. Battalion Staff Ban quet, Sbisa. 7:00 p. m. Brazoria County Club Room 205, Acad. Bldg. 7:15 p. m. A I Ch E, Petroleum Lecture Room. Speaker, Profes sor C. G. Kirkbride. 7:30 p. m. “C” Co Inf, Classes ’40 to ’46, YMCA chapel. 8:00 p. m. Baptist Student Coun cil, First Baptist Church. 8:00 a. m.—2^00 p. m. Horticul ture Show, Sbisa Hall Annex. • TUESDAY, December 12 7:00 p. m. Corpus Christi A&M Club, Room 227, Acad. Bldg. 7:00 p. m. Rio Grande Valley Club, YMCA. 7:00 p. m. Land of the Lakes Club, Room 324, Acad. Bldg. 7:00 p. m. Del Rio Club, Room 304, Acad. Bldg. 7:00 p. m. San Angelo A&M Club, Room 203, Acad. Bldg. 7:00 p. m. Greenville A&M Club, Room 227, Acad. Bldg. 7:00 p. m. San Antonio A&M Club, Room 205, Acad. Bldg. 7:00 p. m. Wharton County A&M Club, Room 129, Acad. Bldg. 7:30 p. m. Houston A&M Club, Room 129, Acad. Bldg. THURSDAY, December 12 7:15 p. m. Shreveport A&M Club, Room 106, Acad. Bldg. 7:15 p. m. Panhandle A&M Club, Room 228, Acad. Bldg. 7:30 p. m. Radio Club, EE Bldg. 7:30 p. m. Abilene A&M Club, YMCA. ^ 7:30 Lecture, “Radio-activity Well-logging” by A. B. Winters of the Lane Wells Co. Lecture room of Physics Building. Sponsored by geophysics section, P h y s ic s Dept. ssmfsmx Special to The Battalion—Far North Correspondent In its instinctive desire to be first with the news, The Battalion contactetd St. Nick in his frigid North Pole headquarters, and found that he was receiving requests for a number of gifts to be lowered down the chimneys at Aggieland. Our reporter, who made a flying trip to the Far North, found Santa wearily scratching his head, and pouring over numerous gift requests. Looking up, Santa sighed, “That bunch from College Sta tion just about drives me crazy. Some are not worthy of the smallest gift. It should be switches and ashes in their stockings instead. But I’ll give them one more chance, I suppose.” Unrolling a huge parchment scroll, he pointed a gnarled finger at the list, and said, “That’s what I have for the boys at Aggieland.” The reporter, somewhat puzzled by this ambiguous statement, asked Santa to elucidate further. “Now just look at this,” said Santa, “I have a complete list of gifts for all.” “Here’s one that came early in your semester. Some nautical enthusiast, who signed his name (Adm.) Robert P. Kelly, wants a set of sails for his bed. “And from one who, unlike many Aggies, is evidently a teeto taler, comes a request for another barrel of powdered milk for the Creamery, so they can sell their fresh milk to the North Gate eateries. “F. I.Dahlberg, of the AH department, wants 135 new trees (that forty-dollar kind) to replace those burned before Thanksgiving. He claims his cows have taken to grazing on leaves and branches, and since he is expecting a cold, dry winter, his cattle will starve unless his oaks are replaced.” Our reporter, doubting that A. & M.’s scientific breeding had pro duced giraffe-like cows, asked to see the signed letter; as he sus pected, the request had originated from the Brazos County Kennel Club. “Do you doubt the authoritative source of this report?” kindly old St. Nick thundered. Just then Santa was interrupted by a Western Union messenger. The telegram was worded like this: “Can’t wait till Xmas. Send gal lon of red paint solvent immediately.” The signature was illegible, but it looked like NNIZ. “Another letter signed by 220 members of the Aggie Band pro tested that they had been forcibly excluded from the NTSC basket ball game, and asked for free tickets to all future contests.” Santa stated. The Batt’s interviewer cancelled that request, saying that the Band had free tickets already, but that sometimes they just didn’t feel like blowing their horns. “And from a group of ‘Interested Students’ came a letter asking that a red tricycle be delivered to one Jim Demopulos, corpse editor of the bi-annual ’47 Shorthorn, so he can make it down to the office for work more regularly. “To Fred Hickman, who signed his letter ‘City Marshal’, goes an abundant supply of blank parking tickets. In his letter, he also styled himself as the ‘Law East of the Brazos.’ ” Santa chuckled and produced a faded piece of cardboard. Ap parently it was sent by one of the employees of the Laundry. On it was scrawled the following: “Please, suh, send me a wash tub fo’ these buttons that done come off these shirts. ' Man, right now, Ah is up to my neck in buttons.” Noting the appearance of threatening snow clouds, the Batt’s Far North Correspondent had to take leave of St. Nick. Before leaving, however, he said he’d be back in two or three days bearing with him any gifts suggestions which might have come in to the Battalion of fice from College employees and students. “Don’t you dare betray any of my confidences,” Santa admon ished. Crossing his fingers, our demon correspondent said, “Well, all right. I’ll see you before Friday’s deadline.” Then he turned and trudged out into the snow. BETWEEN THE BOOKENDS . . . Outdoor Books on Baseballers And Arimrican Deer Hunters l THE DETROIT TIGERS by Frederick G. Lieb Every boy has followed the for tunes of the big league baseball teams since he has been old enough to read the sports pages book by a well known sports writer is just the sort o f thing baseball fans have been waiting for. Fred Lieb, who also wrote the biography of Connie Mack, has brought us the dramatic story of the Detroit Tigers, a ball club that has always fought to the finish. Win or lose, up or down, the Tigers have al ways been a spirited team. You’ll read about some of the “Old Tim ers”—great players of the past, from Ty Cobb, the “fightin’est” Tiger of them all, up to last sea son’s stars. This is an intimate history of the ball club filled with anecdotes and close-ups of players, managers, and owners. The Tigers always give their fans a great show and Fred Lieb’s book will give the reader an exciting time. THE CHICAGO CUBS by Warren Brown Not to be outdone by the Detroit Tigers, the Cubs have also had a book written about them. The Cubs are not the oldest baseball club in the country, but they are as old as the National League itself, which has been a going concern since the early 1870’s. Just for the record, the Cubs have taken fifteen league championships and two world championships. The history of the Cubs is pack- ‘FISH” BLOTO . . by Pete Tumlinson ^ f iumlm/on ed with some of baseball’s most exciting incidents. Back in 1906 there was the one-hitter, Ed Reul- bach, who pitched the game a- gainst Detroit in a world’s series which stood as the record for the finest world series pitching until Claude Passeau, again for the Cubs, pitched the one-hit shut-out game, also against Detroit, in the 1945 series. Here are some of the more fascinating characters on the Cubs’ list: Spalding and “Pop” Anson of the horse and buggy days; Frank “Husk” Chance, one of the team’s most successful managers; Roger Hornsby; Charlie Grim; Gabby Hartnett; Dizzy Dean, and many others. Mr. Brown’s book gives you a glimpse of their lives both on and off the field. HUNTING NORTH AMERICAN DEER by Arthur H. Carhart This book was written for every sportsman who has hunted or ever hopes to hunt deer, one of the most abundant sources of big game in America. Here you find the answers to most important questions about deer in the United States and Canada. There are chapters on the different types of deer—the mulies, the white-tails, and the black-tails, and how to bring home the best top-grade venison. The section of the book of guns will be helpful to any hunter, since every type of rifle is described from the old-time .30-.30 to the more popular .270. There are also chapters which discuss the still hunt, the stalk, and the drive. Mr. Carhart is an experienced hun ter, and was formerly coordinator of the Federal Aid in Wildlife Re storation in Colorado. DALACE ■ PHONE 2*8879 BRYAN, TEXAS THRU THURSDAY “NOTORIOUS” —With— Cary Grant Ingrid Bergman FRIDAY and SATURDAY — THE — “PLAINSMAN” —With— Gary Cooper Jean Arthur Hollywood Revel-otions By Harry Revel Hi’ye Aggies . . . LEO ‘LIPPY’ DUROCHER, o f BROOKLYN BUMS fame, is being considered for a leading part in a forthcom ing movie . . . TOMMY HARMON is being starred in a serial over at Republic Studios . . . that ex- Coast Guard BOB MOSELY, now known as GUY MADISON is be ing groomed for stardom over at RKO Studios . . . his latest picture HONEYMOON has him playing opposite SHIRLEY TEMPLE ... . GUY has a brother who’s even better looking than he is . . . goes to UCLA . . . MICKEY ROONEY and his vodvil unit touring the East and mid-East is breaking re cords . . . CONNIE HAINES and LEONARD SUES, ace trumpeter, are with him . . . UNIVERSAL STUDIOS bought the movie rights for ARE YOU WITH IT?, the Broadway hit of last season and will star DONALD O’CONNOR and PETER LIND HAYES in it . . . JACKIE COOPER makes his return to the screen since the war, in a picture called KILROY WAS HERE . . . BETTY HUTTON is the proudest mama in Hollywood ... a daughter was born to her a few weeks ago . . . DEANNA DURBIN has resigned with UNI VERSAL STUDIOS for another year thereby dispelling rumors that she was about to move over to FOX 20th CENTURY . . TONY MARTIN and MGM have severed relationship . . . Many of our lead ing orchestras are disbanding . . . dance business is taking a nose dive . . . but it’s probably only temporary . . . most businesses out WATCH REPAIRS IT’S A CONVENIENT AND FAST SERVICE The broken dirty watch may be made a depend able time piece. here are complaining that trade is of fforty per cent. . . guess the strikes and the unsettled conditions that prevail everywhere have a lot to do with these chaotic state of affaires . . . EDDIE CANTOR’S picture IF YOU KNEW SUSIE has been postponed to late in Jan uary . . . JACK HALEY and RKO have parted company . . . however popular Jack has many studio of fers and can pick his choice . . . THE ANNIVERSARY SONG from THE JOLSON STORY is over one hundred years old . . . the tune is in public domain and wordage written by AL have made this ven erable old melody, an assured hit. DINAH SHORE’S rendition of this ballad is really tops . . . speaking of melodies . . . DAVID ROSE has a new orchestral gem in GOING NOWHERE-FST, an orchestration- al epic that bids fair to even sur pass his well known HOLIDAY FOR STRINGS . . . Have you heard FRED WARING’S arrangement of SCHEHEREZADE by RIMSKY- KORSAKOV? . . .it’s out of this world ... So long . . see you next issue. A&M FOOD SPECIALIST AT KANSAS CITY MEET Gwendolyne Jones, specialist in food preservation for the A. and M. College Extension Service, is spending December 5-7 in Kansas City, Mo., at the Conference Home Canning Research. Opens 1:00 p.m. Ph. 4-1181 TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY THURSDAY “THREE LITTLE GIRLS IN BLUE” —With— June Haver Vivian Blaine 4 DAY CLEANING 1 DAY CROWN AND CRYSTAL SERVICE TUES.-WED.-THURS. lnU>rnn l ioneJ P : -’ - • or«*nnt» GARY COOPER‘IMA YOUNG iK A'UrtHa&y i£6*sm.'s Afonq Came Jones WILLIAM DEMAREST • DAN DURYEA • Frank Sully ■Released by RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. A Toy for Every CHILD • Dolls with made-to order cloths • Game Sets • Educational Toys • Erector Sets of All Aluminum—with Electric Motor • Play-Skool and Holgate Toys. Toys for all age groups. JOYCES TOY HOUSE 608 S. College Road—Bryan ORDER NOW! Here is 85 pounds of REAL CHRISTMAS Oranges & Grape Fruit Ship for $6.75 F.O.B. A Mexican Bamboo Vk Bushel Basket of Red Blush Grapefruit and $>150 Oranges, Mixed t 1 A Full 55 pound $yj50 Bushel Basket t 1 SEE THE FRUIT—ORDER NOW LEON B. WEISS