Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1946)
Page 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1946 5 J l It’s CHRISTMAS Time AT — S. D’s We’re ready with a grand collection of appropriate gifts right here in W.S.D.’s convenient campus store. GIFTS OF SPORTSWEAR So popular with men of all ages. If you want to make his something to remember, give him a ROBE. Other Top-Notch GIFTS Toiletries Hickok Jewelry Smart Neckwear Sweaters Gloves Luggage KhiS These and many more Gifts are here for your choosing. CLOTHIERS College and Bryan Dorsey Named Head Houston Co. Club The Houston County Club, meet ing November 21, elected the fol lowing officers: George Edward Dorsey, III, president; Henry Ellis, vice-president; A. J. Spence, Jr., secretary-treasurer; Nolan Huff, social chairman, and Gene Woodell, reporter. Meetings of the club are to be held at 7:30 p. m. on the first and third .Thursdays of each month. Several social events are being planned. —LONGHORN— (Continued from Page 1) Wednesday, February 5 Astronomy Club Thursday, February 6 Geology Club A. I. E. E. Friday, February 7 Saddle and Sirloin Club Houston Club Military Organizations The following schedule will be followed for taking organization pictures. Pictures will be made on the steps of the Administration building at 12:35 on the day indi cated. Blouses and garrison caps with stiffeners will be worn. Sen iors will wear boots and organi zation commanders will carry sa bers. Students with classes at 12:00 should make arrangements with the instructor to be absent. Organization commanders must have their roster of cadet comm issioned officers, non-commission ed officers and privates listed in alphebetical order turned in by Wednesday, December 11 to John Kelso, Room 418 Dormitory 2, or Tommy Johns, Room 318 Dormi tory 10. Monday, December 9 “C” Troop Cavalry “F” Btry Field Artillery Tuesday, December 10 “A’ Btry Coast Artillery Artillery Band Wednesday, December 11 “B” Co. Infantry “C” Co. Infantry Thursday, December 12 “D” Co. Infantry “E” Co. Infantry Friday, December 13 “F” Co. Infantry “G” Co. Infantry Monday, December 16 “A” Troop Cavalry "B” Troop Cavalry Infantry Band Tuesday, December 17 “E” Btry Field Artillery “D” Troop Cavalry “A” Co. QMC Wednesday, December 18 “A” Co. Engineers “B” Co. Engineers “C” Co. Engineers Thursday, December 19 “A” Co. CWS “A” Co. Signal Corps “A" Co. Ordnance Dates for “E” Troop Cavalry, “G” Btry Field Artillery, and “H” Btry Field Artillery will be an nounced at a later date. In the event of bad weather the organ ization will be informed as soon as possible of the postphonement of the picture. Sweetheart Named For ASAE Chapter Dorothy Marshall of Beaumont was selected chapter sweetheart of the A.&M. Chapter of the Amer ican Society of Agricultural En gineers at their meeting on De cember 3. Miss Marshall will represent the chapter at the Cot ton Ball and her picture will be placed in the Longhorn. The main speaker of the evening was W. R. Horsely of the Place ment Office. Mr. Horsely ex plained the operation of the Place ment Office and its aid to gradu ating students seeking jobs. Fred R. Jones, head of the Department of Agricultural Engineerin g, stressing private business, brought out job opportunities for students majoring in Agricultural Engin eering. Official Notices ORDINANCE NO. 92 Garbage and Trash Ordinance AN ORDINANCE DEFINING THE VARIOUS KINDS OF GARBAGE, REG ULATING THE KINDS AND SIZE OF RECEPTACLES IN WHICH TO PLACE SAME, THE MANNER OF ITS PREP ARATION AND WHERE IT MUST BE PLACED TO BE COLLECTED; PRO VIDING REGULATIONS FOR COL LECTING SAME AND PROHIBITING THE PLACING OF GARBAGE OR ANY ARTICLE OR MATERIAL IN STREETS AND ALLEYS; PROVIDING FOR SER VICE CHARGES; PROHIBITING THE MEDDLING, SCATTERING CONTENTS, PILFERING OR JUNKING, WITH GARBAGE CANS; AND PRESCRIBING A PENALTY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: Section 1. This ordinance shall be known as the “garbage ordinance” of tourists camps, apartments, sanitariums, rooming houses, schools, private residences, vacant lots, and all other places within within the city limits of the City of College Station, where garbage or trash accumulates in ordinary quantities. The various kinds of garbage shall be defined as follows: (a) By the term “Kitchen garbage” as used in this ordinance is meant dry kitchen refuse, all meat, vegetables and fruit refuse, small dead animals and dead fowls, from any premises within the city limits. (b) By the term “dry kitchen refuse” is meant the solids after the liquid or slop has been drained off. (c) By the term “trash” as used in this ordinance is meant paper of all kinds, tin cans, bottles, paper containers, small boxes, and such other smaller items as are usually discorded by households or businesses; it does not include refuse from building construction, large trees and limbs therefrom, heavy accumulations of brick, stone, lumber, ashes, dirt, or other heavy bulky materials. Section 2. every person, firm or corporation owning managing, operating, leasing or renting lises, or any place where gar- trash accumulate, to provide a any premises, or any place where gar bage or trash accumulate, to provide a portable garbage can constructed of gal vanized iron, tin or other suitable metal, with two handles and a tight fitting cover of a capacity not less than five gallons nor over thirty gallons and the daily accumulation of kitchen garbage and dry kitchen refuse shall be placed in this barbage can. It shall also be the duty of every person, firm or corporation owning, managing, operating, leasing or renting any premises to place all trash Du Paiil Hems of Interest in the Fields of Chemistry, Engineering, Physics, and Biology Chemistry Provides New Colors for New Cars In Detroit this spring, automotive engi neers and designers were shown a dozen cars finished in glowing colors never be fore seen on any automobile—colors that diffused and reflected light back to the eye from within the finish instead of from the surface. These new ”Duco” Metalli-Chrome lacquers which attracted industry-wide attention are expected to give new beauty and durability to America’s cars. The story behind their development is an interesting one. New Techniques for Pigment Preparation As many commercial pigments are now made, they are precipitated from chem ical solutions in the form of fine parti cles, which are then dried, ground and reground with a liquid vehicle to pro duce the final paint, enamel or lacquer. The fineness of the particle-size largely determines the luster of the finish. Al though mechanically ground pigment particles can be made extremely fine, they are not nearly as small as the par ticles originally precipitated. A few years ago a program of research was started by Du Pont scientists to try to take advantage of the very fine particles formed by precipitation. They proposed to eliminate the drying and grinding processes entirely—to trans fer the microscopically sized, precipita ted, hydrated pigment particles directly from the mother solution to the lacquer vehicle. Extended study by organic and col loid chemists, physicists and chemical engineers finally solved this problem. The procedure consists of mixing the wet pigment in a heavy-duty mill with water-wetnitrocellulose,dibutyl phthal- ate and castor oil. Dibutyl phthalate forms a colloidal solution with nitro cellulose. The colloid absorbs the castor oil and pigment, but eliminates the major portion of the water as a sepa rate insoluble phase. ! A New Range of Color Effects After the method of transferring wet pigment particles had been established, the second development in this program was the practical utilization of precipi tated ferric hydroxide. Although it had been used for a long time as an inter mediate for the manufacture of dry fer ric oxide pigment, ferric hydroxide in the wet form as a pigment had been ap plied only to a very limited extent and its true value had gone unrecognized. When used in conjunction with the new process, wet ferric hydroxide produced a lacquer of unusual brilliance and dur ability. In combination with other pig ments, a whole new range of color effects became possible. Because of their extremely small pig ment particle-size, the Metalli-Chromes are somewhat translucent, having a dis tinctive, soft innerglow. This lustrous depth is further enhanced by introducing into the film aluminum particles which act like mirrors to reflect the light with in the finish. Not only are these new lacquer fin ishes more lustrous and more beautiful, but they are also more durable, as proved by four years of laboratory and road- testing. "Duco” Metalli-Chrome lac quer is a worthy newcomer to the ever- More facts about Du Pont—Listen to “Cavalcade of America," Mondays, 7 P. M. CST, on NBC lengthening list of developments by men of Du Pont that have helped in the mass-production of automobiles and the creation of new industries, new markets, new jobs for millions of Americans. Questions College Men ask about working with Du Pont WILL I FIND COMPETITION DIFFICULT AT DU PONT? It is to be expected that there will be competition in an organization where every effort is made to select the best trained and most promising graduates. However, such competition is not de liberate or is it on an elimination basis. New employees are given every oppor tunity to grow in the organization. Technical undergraduates and gradu ate students will be interested in the new booklet, "The Du Pont Company and the College Graduate.” Write to 2521 Nemours Building, Wilmington, Del. (fPP) ■US. u.s. PAT.Off- BETTER THINGS FOR BETTER LIVING ...THROUGH CHEMISTRY E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS & CO. (INC.) WILMINGTON 98, DELAWARE HISTORY OF 60TH INF. REGT. NOW AVAILABLE To help in the distribution of a recently completed hist ory of the Sixtieth Infantry Regiment, current and former members of that group who wish a free copy should com municate with the regimental historian, Sixtieth Infantry, APO 9, c/o Postmaster, N. Y., N. Y., it was made known Tues day. Persons desiring a copy should send in their name, add ress and dates of service with the organization. Nearest of kin of men who died in action are urged to write for one. The history’ covers the action of that group during both World Wars and the occupation of Germany following the last one. and rubbish from said premises in boxes, sacks or barrels or other receptac reasonable size, provided that the weight does not exceed 100 pounds. Gar bage cans and trash shall be placed inside the property line at the edge of the alley; and where there is no alley same shall be placed to be readily accessible to the garbage vehicles. the terms of this Ordinance. made two times per week, or as often may be necessary to comply with sai tary regulations of the City. Section 7. There shall be charged,, i sessed and collected from each person, firm or copropation within the city limits the following monthly service charges for garbage and trash disposal: Single family residence or apai 31.00 Small appliance shops, cleaning estab lishments, filling stations, pho' graphic shops, etc., each $3.00 Drug stores, retail grocerys, hardwa restaurants, clothing stores, bo stores, etc., each $5.00 The above charges shall be paid ea month and within 15 days from date monthly bill, otherwise service will discontinued. Section 8. Any person, firm or cor- such ds titute a ary Cit; less the terms of said ordinances adn regul tions, in which case the terms of th ordinance shall prevail. Passed and approved this the 10th d£ of October, A. D. 1946. Approved: Attest: N. M. McGinnis City Secretary Ernest Langford Mayor CLASSIFIEDS ATTENTION ENGINEERS: Get your engineers’ math chart at the Exchange Store. THE SCRIBE SHOP—Typing, mimeo graphing, drawing. Phone 2-6705. 1007 E. 23rd, Bryan. SERVICE & Ex-SERVICE MEN—Dec. 31st is the last day to get Life, Time & Newsweek for $3.50 each per year. John son’s Magazine Agency at College Book Store, Box 284, Phone 4-8814. FOR SALE: 1946 Harley 61 OVH 9000 Mi. Performance guaranteed. E. C. Hodge, 106 Jersey, Across Drill Field behind Duncan. FOR SALE: Hunting Binoculars. Bausch & Lomb; 6 power, 30 m.m. Have been reconditioned and have coated optics. D. D. Dickerson, Rm. 415, Dorm. 15, Box 396. LOST: Tan trench coat at Rice game —North end of Aggie section. $5.00 re ward. R. C. Bass, Y.M.C.A. FOR SALE: 1938 Willys Deluxe Coupe. Clean car, good tires and motor, ex cellent gas mileage. Graff, Hart C-7 & B after 5 p. m. FOR SALE: Five room house with all modern conveniences. Selling at right price. See Michael Renghofer, Jr., on Jane St., off Sulphur Springs Road. PERSONAL SHOPPER: Xmas gifts your problem ? Do you have that unde cided feeling? Only 19 more days—Let someone solve your troubles. Gifts bought, wrapped, and mailed if desired. Phone 4-7789. Will the person who picked up the field jacket in Aggieland Barber Shop on Wed nesday, Nov. 27, please return it and the keys in it to Dr. Charlie Barron, Dept, of Veterinary Anatomy. LOST: Gray gabardine trench coat at Texas game. Finder please contact 0. G. Kirkpatrick, Box 5734. FOUND: Sorority pin with name Gloria Ackerman, found on campus about Nov. 16. Call for it at Security Office. LOST: Brown sport jacket lost on line in San Antonio. See Staples, 317-9. Box 2936. LOST: Air Corps flight jacket. Brown leather. Billy J. Hancock printed inside £ollar. Notify Hancok, Box 4341. Couple desires ride to Phoenix or El Faso. Wil share expenses. Contact James A. Regester, Box 2889. LOST: Wyler wrist watch near Dorm. 8, November 26th, between 5 and & p.m. Reward. W. T. Harris, Dorm. 8, room 327. FOR SALE: 4 1 / 4 room house on 57x120 lot. Asbestos siding, concrete foundation, furnished. Call at 211 Park Place, Col lege Station, Texas between 6 and 8. LOST: Transparent plastic type bill fold with identification enclosed. If found please contact Stanley L. Rogers. Dorm. 1-202. Reward. Riders wanted from North Carolina to College Station. Leave Raleigh December 27 or 28. Call 4-6464. FOR SALE: 5 acres of land, house with 2 large rooms, bath, pantry and hallway, built-in closets, hot and cold water, lights and butane gas, located on Palasota Drive in Bryan. Write or see J. B. Huggins, Rt. 1, Box 17, Bryan, Texas or George O. Buchalts, Bryan. FOUND: Slide rule in room 31, Physics Building. Owner please form line at room 213, Dorm. 11. FOUND: Bicycle—Call 4-8429. FOR SALE: Blouse, size 38 with 2 pair pants. Room 418, Dorm. 14. SACRIFICE: 1939 Plymouth convertible. WANTED TO RENT: Garage near East Gate. Contact Box 660, College Station. FOR SALE: Senior boots, practically new, (IOV2 to 11, calf 14), spurs, ice cream, cotton boot pants, blouse, cap,, ac cessories. I am 6’ 1” tall, medium, weight. Watson 215—No. 14 after supper. Starting December 2nd Excellence in imported French perfumes displayed 7-10 p.m. Monday 101—No. 7; Tuesday and Friday 202—No. 1; Monday and Tuesday, Wednesday 115—No. 10; Thursday and Friday 324—No. 14; Wednesday 6-B Pur- year; Thursday and Friday 327—No. 15. mti For letters that may find their way into a hope chest, choose Montag’s finer writing papers. There’s a paper to match your personality at practically any price you prefer to pay. At our station ery counter—cleverly boxed. FA.SHION ABLE £0*il7K<j PA P E RS THE EXCHANGE STORE “Serving Texas Aggies” & The Years Behind Us AFTER Pearl Harber They add up to five already—yet the years of war (and months of peace) will not dull our memories of sacrifice in freedom’s name. This anniver sary of Pearl Harbor is a strong reminder to us all to protect our future! FORD MUNNERLYN, ’26, District Manager for The American General Life Insurance Co. Offices at North Gate Over Aggieland Studio Sidney L. Loveless, ’38 M. M. (Rip) Erskine H. E. Burgess, ’29 PHONE 4-1132 Harry Hooker, ’35 Ray Smith