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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1946)
Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1946 San Angelo Club Picks Duchess for Christmas Dance At a regular meeting of the San Angelo A. & M. club Thursday night, members elected a duchess to represent San Angelo at the annual Christmas dance. The girl elected was Eugenia Watkins, cur rently enrolled at Texas Tech. Presentation of the duchesses is the highlight of the dance. At that time the duchess chosen to re present each town who is a mem ber of the club is introduced and escorted up the center of the dance floor. Plans for the dance are going into their final phase, and Jim Callas, chairman of the ticket com mittee, reports an expected sell out. The dance will be held Decem ber 27 with the Aggieland orches tra furnishing the music. CERTIFIED DIAMO We can fully inform you about the quality! of the Tru-Art Diamond Ring you buy here, because each exquisitely mounted Tru-Art Diamond is certified, and its Quality Is; Higher Than Its Pricel f SANKEY PARR JEWELER 111 N. Main—Bryan Ft. Worth Mothers Entertain Nov. 29 The Ft. Worth A&M. Mothers’ Club will entertain the Ft. Worth Aggies with a dance and barbecue at the Ernest Allen ranch Novem ber 29, it was announced by club president Clyde Huddleston. The Allen ranch is located on Stove Foundry Road and all Ft. Worth Aggies and their dates will be admitted by showing their membership card. MUSEUM OPENS EXHIBIT OF OBJECTS OF ANCIENTS Mr. H. B. Parks, Curator, has announced that the Texas A&M College Museum has open for in spection seven cases of objects left in Southeastern Texas by the Peo ples who preceded the white race. On display are various orna mented potteries, mortors, pestles and various forms indicating that all these races ground their food material. This exhibit will be open through Dec. 26, at which time it will be removed to make way for the loan exhibit of Texana. Veterans who have been denied Veterans Administration benefits for which they have filed claims may appeal to the Administrator of Veterans Affairs for final de cisions by the Board of Veterans Appeals. Laundry Losses Are Preventable If you identify your clothing with your name The Justrite Indelible Type Kit contains attractive, permanent cloth markings: Black indelible ink, pads, brush, tweezers, type hold er, ample 3-16 inch interchange able rubber type to make any name. Ideal for Uniforms and Linens Order by post card. Only $1.29 COD THE BERNARD CO. P.O. Box 351 New Orleans 9, La. CLUBS Hometown Papers Want Club News Hometown newspapers are asking for news of hometown clubs at A. & M. If you will report the highlights of each of your club meetings to t h e Department of Information, 4th floor of the Administration building, a complete story will be sent to your hometown pa pers. Or make a carbon copy of your minutes and drop them in the Campus mail slot in the Academic building addressed to Department of Information. College Station Votes On Bond Issue Next Month The College Station city council has ordered a special election Dec ember 17, when qualified voters will go to the polls to decide on issuance of $100,000 in bonds for city improvements, Mayor Ernest Langford announced today. Money obtained from sale of the bonds, if voted, will be split into three parts, Langford indi cated. A sum of $50,000 will be used to improve and extend the present city sewerage system, $35,000 will pay for bettering the waterworks system, and $15,000 will be used to improve the elec tric distribution network in the city. * The proposed bonds, according to City Manager Francis A. Vaughn, will be ad valorem tax bonds, issuance of which would raise the city tax rate by 40 cents of the $100 valuation, although the hike will not be effective for one year. The polls will be open from 8:00 a. m. to 7:00 p^ m. on December 17, Vaughn said. Drain dirty, diluted, dangerou* summer FLUSH, and refill with Balanced 997—it s a good number? Or with Esso Motor Oil- unexcelled I TIME TO LUBRICATE Humble charted lubrication gets into every hearing with the right lubricant for smooth, long-life operation. TIME TO CHECK THE COOLING SYSTEM Drain, flush, and refill the radiator. Replace worn fan-belts and drippy water-hoses. 4 TIME TO CHECK WIND. SHIELD WIPER BLADES You’ll need a clean sweep on your windshield this winter. To drive safely, you must be able to see. Keep your car running right and looking good— let your Humble station give it this thorough check after last summer’s hard driving. Humble stations are fully equipped and Humble men are carefully trained to render you these services. TIME TO CHECK YOUR SPARK PLUGS Replace burned, cracked .park plug, for mor. /;-v efficient oocration and fnr Kottor crucKcu sparK-piugs lor more AVv-tT efficient operation and for belter gasoline mile. Jtgj age. At many Humble station., you’ll be able to secure Atlas Champions. TIME TO CHECK THE TIRES JZ- Rotate your tires for longer wear. Replace tread. U£\ Te* safety’s sake. At many Humble sta- f fl (Q you can get Allas Tire*, with the unenndi. warranty. — v-*»» • II CUII- bare tires for safety’s sake. At many Humble sta tions, you can get Atlas Tires, with the uncondi tional warranty. time to check battery AND BATTERY CABLE Does yours need recharging or do yon need a new Atlas battery? And don’t forget frayed batter* eables—they can give yon a lot of trouble. TIME TO CHECK DIFFERENTIAL AND TRANSMISSION LUBRI. CANTS These should be changed every 5,000 miles.-When was the last time you rhanged yoprs? TIME TO WASH, POLISH AND WAX YOUR CAR _ hr t v ,u , l: a e*. p s;ri„ s You ’ u roor ear to ,ook ^ TIME TO FILL UP WITH CSSO EXTRA Official Notices ELECTION NOTICE THE STATE OP TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS CITY OF COLLEGE STATION TO THE RESIDENT QUALIFIED PROPERTY TAXPAYING VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: TAKE NOTICE that an election will be held in the City of College Station, Texas, on the 17th day of December, 1946, on the propositions and at the places more particularly set forth in the election order adopted by the City Council on the 19th day of November, 1946, which is as follows: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, deems it ad visable and to the best interest of said City to submit to the resident qualified property taxpaying voters of said City for the purpose of constructing improvements and extensions to the waterworks system of said City; the proposition for the issuance of $50,000.00 of bands of said City for the purpose of constructing im provements and extensions to the sani tary sewer system of said City; and the proposition for the issuance of $15,000.00 of bonds of said City for the purpose of constructing improvements and extensions to the electric light system of said City; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS : That an election be held in the City of College Station, Texas, on the 17th day of December, 1946, at which election the following propositions shall be sub mitted to the resident qualified property taxpaying voters of said City, who own taxable property in said City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, for their action thereupon: PROPOSITION N6. 1 Shall the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, be authorized to issue the bonds of the City of College Station, in the sum of $35,000.00, payable serially not to exceed twenty (20) years from their date, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed four (4) per cent per annum, and to levy a tax sufficient to redeem them at maturity, for the purpose of constructing improvements and exten sions to the waterworks system of said City, as authorized by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas. PROPOSITION NO. 2 Shall the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, be authorized to issue the bonds of the City of College Station, in the sum of $50,000.00, payable serially not to exceed twenty (20) years from their date, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed four (4) per cent per an num, and to levy a tax sufficient to redeem them at maturity, for the pur pose of constructing improvements and extensions to the sanitary sewer system of said City, as authorized by the Consti tution and Laws of the State of Texas. PROPOSITION NO. 3 Shall the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, be authorized to issue the bonds of the City of College Station, in the sum of $15,000.00, papable serially not to exceced twenty (20) years from their date, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed four (4) per cent per annum, and to levy a tax sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds and create a sinking fund sufficient to re- dedeem them at maturity, for the pur pose of constructing improvements and extensions to the electric light system of said City, as authorized by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas. The said election shall be held at the following places in said City and the following named persons are hereby ap pointed election officers for said election: At the Southside Market Building, Ward No. 1, with F. R. Brison, as Presiding Judge, W. L. Hughes, as Assistant Judge, and Mrs. C. B. Godbey and Mrs. T. H. Terrell, as Clerks. At the Lukes Grocery Building, Ward No. 2, with E. H. Brock, as Presiding Judge, T. E. Rattan, as Assistant Judge, and Mrs. T. W. LeLand and Mrs. R. E. Snuggs, as Clerks. At the A. M. Waldrop and Co. Build ing, Ward No. 3, with C. J. Gorzyeki as Presiding Judge, Guy Boyett, as Assistant Judge, and Mrs. C. L. Gillispie and Mrs. Walter Johnson, as Clerks. The said election shall be held under the provisions of and in accordance with the laws governing the issuance of muni cipal bonds by cities, as provided in the General Laws of the State of Texas, and only qualified electors, who own -taxable property in the City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, shall be qualified to vote. The ballots for said election shall have written or printed thereon the following: “FOR THE ISSUANCE OF WATER WORKS SYSTEMS BONDS AND THE LEVYING OF THE TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF, AS SUBMIT TED IN PROPOSITION NO. 1.” “AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF WAT ERWORKS SYSTEM BONDS AND THE LEVYING OF THE TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF, AS SUBMIT TED IN PROPOSITION NO. 1” “FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SEWER SYSTEM BONDS AND THE LEVY ING OF THE TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF, AS SUBMITTED IN PROPOSITION NO. 2.” “AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF SEW ER SYSTEM BONDS AND THE LEVYING OP THE TAX IN PAY MENT THEREOF, AS SUBMITTED IN PROPOSITION NO. 2.” “FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTEM BONDS AND THE LEVYING OF THE TAX IN PAY MENT THEREOF, AS SUBMITTED IN PROPOSITION NO. 3.” “AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF ELEC TRIC LIGHT SYSTEM BONDS AND THE LEVYING OF THE TAX IN PAYMENT THEREOF, AS SUBMIT TED IN PROPOSITION NO. 3.” As to each of the foregoing propositions, each voter shall mark out with black ink or black pencil one of the above ex pressions, thus leaving the other as in- indicating his vote on the three proposi tions, respectively. A copy of this resolution and order signed by the Mayor of said City and attested by the City Secretary, shall serve as proper notice of said election. The Mayor is authorized and directed to cause said notice of the election to be posted at the City Hall in said City, and at each of the places designated for holding said election, for at least fifteen (15) full days prior to the date of said election. The Mayor is further authorized and directed to have said notice of election published in Battalion, a newspaper pub lished in the City of College Station, Texas, and which notice shall be pub lished on the same day in each of two (2) successive weeks, the date of the first publication being not less than four teen (14) full days prior to the date of th PASSED "’AND APPROVED this the 19th day of November, 1940. Ernest Langford Mayor, City of College Station, Texas. ATTEST: N. M. McGinnis City Secretary. CLASSIFIEDS ATTENTION ENGINEERS: Get your engineers’ math chart at the Exchange Store. THE SCRIBE SHOP—Typing, mimeo graphing, drawing. Phone 2-6705. 1007 E. 23rd, Bryan. Service and Ex-servicemen: Only a few more weeks to get Life, Time, and News week for $3.50 each per year. Johnson’s Magazine Agency at Book Store, Box 284, Ph. 4-8814. Blue Top Roller Rink—Now Open! Ag gies welcome. Located across from the Bronco Inn. RS Club to Meet State Officers W. E. Robertson, chief probation officer of Harris County, and Carl Basland, classification officer for the Texas Prison System, will dis cuss their work and job opportuni ties for A&M students at a meet ing of the Rural Sociology club Tuesday night, November 26 at 7:30 p. m. in Room 203, Ag Building. “This discussion should be of interest to a wide group, whether taking sociology or not,” Truman Turner, president of the club said, “and the general public is invited to attend ” He urged that mem bers bring their wives or friends who might be interested. Job opportunities in the State Department of Public Welfare were discussed by John H. Winters, director of the department, at the last meeting of the club. Several of those present at that meeting applied for and took the state merit system examination which was given on the campus. Kream & Kow Klub Wants New Members A campaign by the Kream and Kow Klub to increase its active membership was started Tuesday night, November 19 As stated by Kenneth Garvin, president of the club, there are more than 50 eli gible students on the campus with only about 15-20 attending the regular meetings. Membership in the club is open to all students who have an inter est in dairy subjects. Meetings are held the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p. m. in the creamery lecture room. Y. A. Yentzen, secretary-trea surer, announced that the present club officers are also the officers of the United Science Club of Tex as A&M. The Kream and Kow Klub is a member of this organi zation which is now becoming active for the first time since the war, he stated. —Barbecue— (Continued from Page 1) ed the club with 30 minutes of western music, and was invited to play at the barbecue. Mertz closed the meeting with the announcement that the club will have its picture taken for the Longhorn in front of Guion Hall at 12:30 Thursday, Novem ber 21 and that Mr. Horsley will speak at. the next meeting in re gards to jobs for graduates. —Contest— (Continued from Page 1) third and fourth place finishers received aluminum plaques. In addition, the high and second high scorers representing each of the engineering departments were awarded bronze and aluminum plaques bearing the insignia of the respective student engineering so cieties, and each of the 85 con testants was given a small plaque to commemorate his participation. Sam B. French, chemical engi neer from Port Arthur, was second in the regular contest, followed by Bobby J. Byington, electrical en gineer from Dallas and John A. Hagen, civil engineer from San Antonio. Among the special contestants, W. L. Wallace, petroleum engin eer, Lubbock, was second, trailed by J. C. McElroy, electrical en gineer, Houston, and William A. Wahrmund, petroleum engineer, San Antonio. Since a number of the winners are enrolled at the Texas A&M Annex, located at Bryan Army Air Field some 12 miles from the main campus, it is planned to hold a second presentation ceremony Tuesday morning at the Annex, where their fellow-freshmen may watch the awards being given, it was announced by J. H. Caddess, manager of the contest. LOST: Small black leather zipper key case and also one key ring and keys. No tify John Lawrence, Phone 2-1531, Bryan. FOR SALE: ’42 Dodge Tudor.—a very clean car, low mileage, good tires and new battery. See at Project House 4, Apt. A. FOR SALE: Black, female Dachsund, 3 oms. Box 2899, College Station. FOR SALE: 1940 Super 4 door Buick with radio, heater. 4 good tires. Con tact W. W. Cecil, Box 2318, College Sta tion. FOR SALE: Diamond wedding ring set, never been worn. Contact W. W. Cecil, Box 2318, College Station. LOST: Saturday of Rice Game one ear-ring, flower shaped, set with eight rhinestones. Contact H. O. Walker, Re ward $5.00, Box 2182. FOR SALE: Used large size family ice-box. Also used ladies winter coat, fur collar. Inquire at Rasmussen home, Kyle St. (next to Project House) College Hills Addition. Will buy refrigerator. Phone 4-8339, after six. McCarter. LOST: On campus November 11, black billfold, containing money and impor tant papers. Finder please contact Billy Owens, Dorm. 16-410, Box 1604. Reward. LOST: Brown wallet containing pa pers. Contact Allen J. Bohuslav. Rm. 332—No. 17. Starting December 2nd Excellence in imported French perfumes displayed 7-10 p.m., Monday 101—No. 7; Tuesday and Friday 202—No. 1; Monday and Tuesday Wednesday 115—No. 10; Thursday and 324—No. 14; Wednesday 6-B Puryear; Thursday and Friday 327—No. 15. WEDDING SERVICE, Incorporated 5512 Hudson Featuring Dallas 6, Texas COMPLETE WEDDING ARRANGEMENTS — Including — Wedding and Reception Rooms—T7-8315 TYLER CLUB TO HOLD THANKSGIVING PARTY The Tyler A&M Club plans to have a Thanksgiving party at Lake Placid near Tyler, on Friday, Nov ember 29 at 7 P. M. All Aggies from Tyler and vici nity are asked to attend the affair, whether they are members of the club or not. Dates, as well as friends, are invited. Directions to the party site can be obtained from Bobby Henry. HOYT HUGHES TO PLAY FOR SOUTHWEST DANCE The Southwest Texas Club met Thursday evening, November 14, at 7:30 and discussed plans for a Christmas dance to be held in Uvalde during the holidays. Ed Zimmerman, president of the club,, presided over the meeting of about 25 members. Probable orchestra for the dance will be Hoyt Hughes. Dues were also taken for the pres ent year. Watch his face light up when he opens this package — and for months afterwards every time he uses these superb toi letries. Surfspray is a promise of cooling, refreshing enjoy ment with the sparkle of Christmas in every application. riVfldropfl(5. “TWO CONVENIENT STORES’’ Warm Up to The Idea of Cold Weather.... Before your teeth chatter, how about listening to some sound advice. You’ll have more fun at the Thanksgiving Game and other Holiday events in our comfortable jackets and sweaters. The Crisp, fall air won’t dent these warmer— uppers. They’ll really keep you toasted. Leather Jackets, Wool Jackets, ■ Zelan Jackets, Wool Sweaters (all styles), Leisure Shirts, (wool, rayon, or cotton mixture.) College Station — Bryan