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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1946)
Four Aggies Play For Last Time Thursday Two Linemen and Two Backs Leave at Close of This Season ' When the Aggies move into Me morial Stadium on Thursday for the annual Thanksgiving game, four of their members will be wearing the colors of the Maroon and White for the last time. They are Willie Zapalac, fullback, Leo Daniels, quarterback, Monte Mon- crief, tackle and Leonard Dickey, also a tackle. Willie Zapalac, the big line crusher in the Aggie backfield, hails from Bellville and is wearing number 39 made famous by a full back of bygone years, John Kim brough. There are times when Willie looks exactly the counter part of his predecessor. Zapalac lettered in 1941 and 1942 and then joined the Army Air Forces. Af ter the fight was over he returned to Aggieland to earn his third letter. There have been few Ag gie games played this season in which Zapalac wasn’t injured. He has been troubled with a bad knee all year. To add insult to injury, he suffered a broken hand in the Baylor game and has been playing with his hand in a cast. In spite of injuries that would have dis couraged the average college play er, Zapalac has carried on in a manner befitting a true champion. No player on the Aggie squad has Texas A«M The B alion VOLUME 46 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1946 Number 16 consistently exhibited more hus tle, more spirit and more fight than has Zapalac. The big gun of the Aggie ground attack, there is no question in the minds of Aggie supporters that many games might have turned out differently had the Maroon & White been able to utilize Zapalac’s running ability. Although a terror on the of- ense, Zapalac has no peer in the Southwest Conference in backing up a line. He tackles and blocks cleanly but viciously. For. the first time since the opening game of the season, he will be in top shape, barring pos sible last minute injuries. His presence could be a deciding factor in Thursday’s game. Leo Daniels, quarterback from Bryan, who will also make his last gridiron appearance as a member of the Aggie team, has two letters to his credit. This year’s letter will be his third. In 1942 he made the All-Conference dream team and shortly after the season he entered the Army and served 47 months. He was dis charged with the rank of captain. Monte Moncrief, the backbone of the Aggie line, will be playing his last game for the Maroon and White also. He has three letters to his credit, making the All-Con ference eleven for three successive years. He also received honorable mention for the All America elev en in ’43 and ’44. Moncrief made the second string All America eleven in ’45. Moncrief, who holds down the tackle slot, also calls defensive signal for the Aggies. Monte has held down his position so well that few teams have been foolish enough to attempt running over him. He is steady and de pendable and keeps that Aggie line on its toes. Leonard Dickey, the other mem ber of the pair of Aggie tackles, has two letters from A&M and is out for his third season. He missed being picked on the All-Conference tackle in 1945 by only one vote. Dickey played on the West Army team, coached by Wallace Wade, in 1942. He served 43 months in the Army Air Forces. Dickey is one of the roughest tackles in the country. He is often too rough for his own physi cal well being. A fighter at heart, he has been plagued with injuries all season and in some games has played very little. Dickey is 29 years of age. To watch him play tackle, you would think him much younger. Dickey is once more rounding into top flight physical condition and can be expected to give a good account of himself in Thursday’s game. Although every member of the Aggie squad has been pointing to this game as the one, Zapalac, Daniels, Moncrief and Dickey have probably been pointing for it just a little stronger, if such is pos sible. They know that this is the last chance and they are out to avail themselves of this golden op portunity. Coach Norton and the Aggies have nothing but bitter memories from the past six year’s engage ments. The first blow came in 1940 when the Aggies were still undefeated. The second, and prob ably the most humiliating of all, was the 1941 defeat when the Ag gies were slaughtered in their own backyard by a top heavy score. The war years told the same story with the Aggies team being continually depleted by player los ses to the army, navy and marines. For the first time since 1941, the Aggies have something of a break in material and are once more battling on even terms. Aggies Begin Trek to Austin for Turkey Day Game Let’s Be Good Sports ... It looks as though our Aggie team will beat the Long horns in their own pasture Thursday, and the prospect has the good people of Austin dreadfully upset. Not just §bout losing the game; but because of the reputation of “poor sportsmen” that has been pasted on us lately. Bluntly, the people of Austin believe that we will be coming over in the mood of shanty laborers out for a Saturday night brawl. The Daily Texan has been warning its readers this week that the Aggies are “spoiling for a fight,” that we will deliberately start a riot Thursday. The incident last week, when Littlefield Fountain was painted up immediately after a “peace-pact” had been signed between the two schools, gave us a black-eye all over the state. If the game Thursday results in a riot, the monkey will be on our back. It has been predicted that way suffi ciently often that even if T. U. students struck the first blow, the blame would fall on A. & M., which means that we will have to be unusually careful. A serious disturbance in Austin Thursday would pro bably result in a severance of relations between the two schools. Either it would break up the Southwest Conference or put A. & M. outside the pale. Newspaper stories would be sent all over the country to the effect that the present generation of A. & M. students is composed of juvenile de linquents who ought to be in reform school. Would you want that to happen? By the way we behave Thursday, we’ve got to prove that the people of Austin are wrong—absolutely wrong—that Aggies are still the best sports in the state, not the worst; that we can take either defeat or victory in our stride (vic tory being the more difficult). Four-Day Vacation Plans Include Football Victory Parade Down Congress Avenue Thursday Morning; Bands to Perform at Halftime Overcrowded Aggieland will look strangely deserted to morrow afternoon when the Corps, veterans, and people of the College Station-Bryan area begin the trek to Austin for what promises to be the “Battle of the Century.” The Tur key Day tangle is a sell-out according to returns from the ticket sales booths in the YMCA. Banker Addresses Economics Club on Money and Banking Col. Maroney Denies Country Is Heading For Big Depression “We are headed for a Recession, but not a Depression in the very near future, “declared Col. T. J. Moroney of the Republic National Bank of Dallas. Col. Moroney, speaking before 170 members of the Economics Club and their guests, Tuesday night, went on to say, “We, as citizens, have a fear psychology and consequently un certainty is the mode of today; however, I believe that the people as a whole will take the necessary action with the stabilization for ces at their disposal to control this so-called Recession period at hand. The time calls for caution.” Representing the money and bank ing field, he spoke on the “Trust Function of Banking.” Col. Moroney was the first in a series of outstanding speakers in the various fields of economics to be presented by the Economics Club. Bill Murphy, president of the organization, presented the speaker and presided at the busi ness meeting which followed the talk by Moroney. Murphy prom ised a nationally known speaker representing the field of Govern mental Economy will be presented at the club’s next meeting De cember 17. Words of “Lizzie” Personified This Week by Freshman “—Is my hat on straight, Lend me your powder puff, Sweet cherry phosphate—” The words of the Aggie yell “Lizzie” are quite in evidence this week about the campus as the freshmen break out the lipstick and powder so common to T.u. in mockery of the Aggies’ traditional rivals. Along with the warpaint, all the fish go about their busi ness in the little schoolgirl “skip- step.” This rather colorful and inter esting tradition will continue the rest of the week until the Corps departs for the forty acres, there to observe the correct wearing of such feminine makeup. This traditional action gives the student body and football team a chance to see their rivals in a lighter vein. With this induce ment in mind, the Aggies should really get on their mule and plow up the forty acres. AIAeS NOT TO MEET TILL DECEMBER 3RD The Institute of Aeronautical Sciences will not hold their regu larly scheduled meeting tonight as planned because of the bonfire and yell practice. The group, however, plans to meet with the all of the engineering societies on Decem ber 3rd to hear W. W. Finlay speak on “National Preparedness.” Saddle and Sirloin Club Arranges For Barbecue & Dance Committee Appointed To Choose Orchestra, Refreshments, Decors A barbecue picnic will be held by the Saddle and Sirloin Club Wednesday December 11 at Hen- sel Park and a committee has been appointed to begin plans for the Cattlemen’s Ball which is March 14, 1947 These are results of a meeting last Tuesday night in the Animal Industries Building. Morty Mertz, president of the club, will be in charge of the pic nic and will appoint members to assist him. This barbecue is an annual affair the last one being held in the spring of this year. The committee selected to ar range the Cattlemen’s Ball this spring includes Louie Hardy, Cor ky Eckert, James Kunkel and Hap Conning. They will choose the orchestra, decorations and re freshments. A “Western Band” consisting of two guitars and one fiddle furnish- (See BARBECUE on Page4) No 'Official' Extra Holdiay Monday Sorry, boys—no holiday Mon day if we beat Texas, according to r, decision by Dean Bolton. Ac cording to him, we have already reached the limit of holidays al lowed by the different accrediting institutions of the nation. Dunn Awards Bucy Borden Scholarship « The Junior AVMA held a meet ing last Tuesday night at the Vet erinary Hospital at which Dr. R. C. Dunn, acting dean of the Veterinary Medicine School, pre sented the Borden Award to Char lie B. Bucy, who has the highest scholastic standing in the present senior veterinary class. After the presentation, the so ciety heard a panel discussion be tween Dr. E. A. Griest, ’37, Ex tension Service Veterinarian, I. W. Ruppell, Dairy Husbandry Head, Mrs. F. I. Dahlberg, acting Head of the Animal Husbandry dept. Results of Slide Rule Contest Show EE’s Are the Best Myre and Behrens Win Top Two Spots To Receive Plaques Two electrical engineering stu dents, W. C. Myre of El Paso and Hugh Behrens of East Bernard, were top scorers in the annual freshman slide rule contest at Texas A&M College, and as a re sult were awarded new Dietzgen slide rules and special plaques at a ceremony held this morning at Guion Hall. Myre was high among the regu lar freshmen beginning engineer ing work, while Behrens led in a special contest for those with pre vious college work although they are engineering freshmen. Each received, in addition to a slide rule, a bronze plaque bearing the A&M seal. Second-place scorers in each contest were awarded vest-pocket slide-rules and large aluminum plaques bearing the seal, while (See CONTEST on Page 4) The holiday festivities will begin with the serving'of turkey in the mess halls this evening. Then the bonfire will go up in smoke at 7:30 amidst the cheers of all Aggies. That Aggie spirit will be aimed very accurately at the “forty ac res” that the Maroon and White are going to plow up. The Missouri Pacific Railroad found it impossible to run a spe cial train to Austin, so better warm up the old thumb and hurry out the the hiway, if you want to get to the midnight yell practice to be held Wednesday night in front of the S. F. Austin Hotel. Thanksgiving morning at 10:00 the Corps will parade down Con gress Avenue starting at» the bridge and ending at the capitol. The presidents of both schools, state officials and A&M staff of ficers will be in the reviewing stand in front of the Stephen F. Austin Hotel. The students of A&M and Tex as who lost their lives in the war will be honored in a pregame cer- Mess Hall Might Feature Singing Waiters in Future Something new has been added recently to relieve the monotony of evening meals among the stu dent waiters, according to the men who work there. Each night at mess, cowboy tunes can be heard, played and sung by Robert Wil liams, more commonly known as “Fish” Williams, who hails from Waco. The favorite song of the waiters is, “Swing Blues Number Two”. WTien Bob puts his foot on the chair and puts the guitar on his knee, he gets the undivided attention of all present. This is by no means Bob’s first public appearance. In the past he has sung and played over station W-A-C-0 in Waco. Bob sang for a band and also had a radio program of his own. Bob has made several appearances here on the campus, one of which was at the Saddle and Sirloin Club’s Western dance, and at one of Bill Turner’s Jamborees. The general opinion of the waiters seems to be that “Fish” Williams is on the beam and that they would like to hear him sing at some more dances and jamborees. emony featuring the bands of both schools. Kickoff time is set at 2:00 p. m. It is important that all Aggies take their coupon books to Tealand with them, because they will be re quired to show them when they go in the gate. Don’t get' sore — the Teahounds have to do the same thing. The half time ceremony will consist of that big Aggie band covering the field with intricate maneuvers. The Tu. band will also partici pate in the half time activities. Finney Leaves To Do Private Work C. J. Finney, professor of ar chitecture at A&M will leave the college on December 1 to become chief architectural designer for Addis Noonan Associates of S a n Antonio. The announcement came from Ernest Langford, head of the ar chitecture department. Finney has been "with the college staff since 1925, except for occasional work in New York, Dallas, and San Antonio during his summer leave. He also served on the staff of the University of Florida as an instructor during the year 1926-27. Finney graduated from A&M in 1922 and has studied at the University of Mexico and in Fon- tainelbeau, France. He also taught at the American University at Biarritz, France teaching army personel during 1944-45. JANUARY 1ST LAST DATE TO REENLIST IN USMC Former officers and NCO’s of the United States Marine Corps who wish to reenlist, have until January 1, 1947 to do so and keep their rank at the time of their dis charge. This only applies to Marines honorably separated from service. After the first of the year, persons enlisting in the regular Marine Corps, who have been in active duty before and discharged for more than thirty days, will be allowed to reenlist at the rate of private, first class. Complete in- firmation may be obtained from the Marine Corps recruiting sta tion in Bryan. A Second 'Williamson' In Our Midst! Associate Editor Charles Murray presents two tickets to the T. u. game to A. G. Odom. Odom pick ed the largest number of football winners for thi’ee consecutive weeks in the “Pick the Winner” contest sponsored by the Battalion. Only two games stumped prognosticator Odom. He was completely baffled by the Rice-Arkansas contest and T.C.U.’s upset of Texas. He hit the Aggie games on the head every time. He hasn’t been consulted concerning the T.u. game.