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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1946)
Page 2 THE BATTALION THURSDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 10, 1946 Pag' With The Corps By ALLEN SELF The SENC and if 17. upon A sti tenda necesi confli (2) the that makii dent, autho final sole j dent ppor a tor: port senca and studei for Make Yourself at Home. . . . We’ve always felt that Aggies would make themselves at home anywhere they went, even in an other state. But the latest tale tops all. It seems that Ronny Reger, Charley Thomas, and Kirby King arrived at Norman rather late af ter hitch-hiking most of the night. After searching all the local inns for a place to stay, they asked of 1C th their taxi driver if he knew any ■ ■ place where they could sack down. “Well,” he said, “there’s a place artn ou t here they call Aggie Head- consis quarters where you should be able (3) : to spend the night.” After pay- of at' the cabby, the three ° •* ■ clomped up to the door of the house, rang the doorbell a few times, and received no answer. Thinking that they overe expected factor to just go on in, they did, and fell vfaabl as l ee P> boots still on, in the easy throu chairs in the living room, dean Next morning they awoke to or (4 c ^. find the lady of the house giving drop them the “what’s the meaning of mend; this” business. Too late they dis- the I covere< I that there was no such to e dr. place as Aggie Headquarters—it sent : was just a clever ruse of the cabby the S 'a his fare, missa Company Punishment (5) Perhaps the greatest step taken mnes^ * n rna hing the “punishment fit the bytt crime” among the Corps is the specti new set of max-min punishment infon ru i es now i n the process of for- in °p: mation. It has always been the to mi particular gripe of Aggies that respo: some g 0 t off too light for offens- instrv es while others were really crack- on si ed down upon — and inevitably, some got off scot-free. | The wide divergence of recom mended punishment turned in on the charge sheets by the CD’s for the first month led Col. Meloy and Dean Rollins to propose this move, which was carried out by the Corps Council in session last night. The list of punitive measures will be in the hands of the cadet officers this week, and should be publish ed in next week’s Batt. Meeting the Team Our apologies to the football team for not l?eing at the station when the train came in. From all the dope we’ve been able to gather (we were in Denton at the time), there were numerous excuses, but th plea of ignorance predominated above all. Nobody knew when the team was supposed to arrive. First notice was that they would come in on the 12:10, but connections were missed. Then too, the yell leaders were not here on the cam pus. However, it was not a question of wanting to go. It was a ques tion of disappointment. It was just a plain case of no proper leader ship. So, we’re sorry, ole Army. It won’t happen again. Corps Chaff .... Low quarter oxfords cannot be issued to advanced students, ac- j cording to the latest regulations published by the War Department . . . Wools, now being issued to j advanced students, will be donned = on Oct. 24, unless special dispen sation is permitted for the TCU game on Oct. 19 . . . TCU students will probably not come here for their football trip, but will go to Rice in Houston instead. . . Ar rangements are going forward to ward having Corps Balls on the Friday nights preceding football games. . . . ■ Whatfs Cooking Thursday, October 10 7:30 p.m. San Angelo and West Texas area A. & M. Club, Room 203 Agriculture Bdlg. j 7:30 p.m. Harlingen A. & M. ( Club, Assembly Room, YMCA. i 7:30 p.m. Wharton County A. & - M. Club, Room 129, Acad. Bldg. 7:30 p.m. Corpus Christi A. & M. Club, Room 227, Acad. Bldg. 7:30 p.m. Wilbarger County A. & M. Club, Room 105, Acad. Bldg. 7:30 p.m. Houston A. & M. Club, Room 125, Acad. Bldg. Friday, October 11 I 3:00 p.m. A. & M. Garden Club, j YMCA. 7:30 p.m. Petroleum Engineer- I Club, Petroleum Lecture Room. S Speaker, John T. Pangtay, Gulf x Oil Company, Houston. * Saturday, October 12 I 9:00 p.m. Dance, VFW, Sbisa Hall. Sunday, October 13 | 9:15 a.m. Lutheran Student’s ? Bible Class, Assembly Room, Y. M. I C. A. I Monday, October 14 7:30 p.m. German Club. I 7:30 p.m. Aggie Wives Circle j of Methodist Church, home of Mrs. I J. F. Minter, 218 N. Munnerlyn. ! 7:00 p.m. Camera Club, Base ment of Guion Hall. Tuesday, October 15 7:30 p.m. ASME, ME lecture | room, ME Bldg. Speaker, W. R. | Horsley on functions of Placement i office. I 7:30 p.m. ASCE, Petroleum Eng. I lecture room. Speaker, Major | Wood, City Planning Engineer of J Dallas. Topic, “City Planning and I Zoning.” I 7:30 p.m. Architecture Society, ! Physics lecture room, Physics | Bldg. Color movies from Houston | Power arid Light Co. ’ 7:30 p.m. Spanish Club, Room I 123, Acad. Bldg. | Wednesday, October 16 " 6:00 p.m. Landscape Arts Club Picnic, Hensel Park. Thursday, October 17 7:30 p.m. Brazoria County A. & M. Club, Room 126 Acad. Bldg. All Freshman and Sophomores invited to attend. Friday, October 18 7:30 p.m. Society for Advance ment of Management Party at home of V. M. Faires, 516 Wal- on Drive, College Hills. Congratulations, Sid Smith . . . Sid Smith is receiving congratulations this week on begin elected president of the Veterans Student Associa tion. He is also receiving from some of the old hands, ad vice about like this: “Sid, the organization you are taking over has a chance to be the best thing that A. & M. has ever known, outside the corps. But it isn’t that now. Only one in a score of veterans was interested enough to bother to vote in the elections. The old club managed to acquire a reputation that kept people away from meetings. The old club is now gone, phutt, caput. A new one is being born, and its your baby. Here’s luck. There are many appointive offices yet to be filled; rep resentatives to the various councils, committee heads and members. Good men are needed in those posts, too, if the club is to fulfill its responsibilities toward the 7,000 veter ans on the campus. So don’t hide your light under the old bushel; you’re out of the Army now and its safe to volun teer. If the veterans rally behind Sid Smith and the other new officers; if many of them willingly shoulder the work of preparing social events for the benefit of the group as a whole; in short, if veterans show the same spirit toward the Veterans Association now that they used to show to ward their organizations when they were cadets, then the Veterans Students Club of A. & M. will be a group of which the entire school can be proud. Win, Lose, or Draw PENNY’S SERENADE By W. L. Penberthy “Win, lose, or draw, do your best.” Every group of men have heard these words at some time or other as a member of an athletic team, a rifle squad, or even a bus iness enterprise. They always knew that come the final whistle, the last shot, or the last conference with the boss they had done their best—though maybe not enough for victory—there was complete satisfaction because they had endeavored with all their ability to do what had confronted them. You can’t put your finger on this quality of character. But thru the years it has come to be known as a vital part of that which we call the Aggie Spirit. No matter what the outcome was—win, lose or draw—there was something which was never lost, and that was the Fighting Aggie Spirit. It made no difference what the engagement was, that Aggie or that Aggie team had done its best. Winning Aggies had it, losing Aggies had it, as well as those who came out with a tie; for it was something which couldn’t be taken away; and under no circumstances or any condi tions would it be given up. That Spirit was valued above the sweetest victory on the gridiron. It was there among A. &, M. men, prized above any of their possessions, for only Aggies knew what it was. It would be impossible to account for all incidents of that Spirit, but time—since 1876—has seen it developed until now in 1946, seventy years after its doors were open ed, the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas is known around the world by the men it produced and the Aggie Spirit they displayed. There never was any suspicion that the Spirit would die—whoever thought of such a thing? For it was a never dying flame in the heart of every man who came to Aggie- land and classed himself in the 98%. It was composed of little, big, and even ordinary things, but they wei*e the Aggie way; and a true Aggie loved and respected those characteristics of his spirit. Don’t know whose fault it was, but there was a mighty slim crowd at the station Sunday evening when those Fighting Aggies rolled in from Oklahoma. They had been given a send-off in Aggie fashion, but the welcome they received was different—some few friends but no Corps to show the team that a united Twelfth Man was behind them. The team had lost a game in the last few minutes, but still they were Texas Aggies—win, lose, or draw—and retained all the Aggie Spirit with which they had entered that game. Imagine what they lost when returned to Aggieland and there was no Wildcat to greet them! no Fish to carry that bag to the dorm. Ole Army, don’t let that flame die. When you’re down is the time to add more wood. Win, lose, or draw, let it be known that the Fighting Aggie Spirit lives always—no matter what may be the outcome of the game or how dark the picture may be. L. S. U. is next. Let’s do our Aggie best and have no regrets. Brooks Gofer, ’43. Lay Off, Vets... They’re Just Learning After all, A. & M. is still a military college. The War Department rates it among only eight in the nation, along with such famous names as V.M.I., Clemson, and The Cita del. It is only because of the war and the G. I. Bill of Rights that such a great preponderance of non-military stu dents are now in attendance. Otherwise, according to col lege regulations, every student would go through two years basic training, and wear the uniform during his entire four years here. The Cadet Corps is largely made up of 16, 17, and 18 year-olds who were too young to go to the service while the war was going on. Now, with the advantages of an ex panded ROTC program, they are receiving some of the mil itary training that veterans got during the war. They are proud of their uniform. They are proud of their organizations. They are justly proud of their herit ages as Aggies and Cadets. It’s true that during the war members of the various fighting branches had fun heckling each other about uni forms, drilling, and traditions. The heckling worked both ways. The gyrenes sniped at the doggies just as much as army men ribbed the swabbies. And all the way around. But when a civilian razzed a group of servicemen, they banded together and flattened him out. This was an ac cepted fact. And the flatteners were usually retrieved from the MB’s for any such fighting by their CD’s. On the A. & M. College campus, things are different. There is a group of quasi-military men, and a majority group of civilians, former servicemen. Some veterans, hav ing been razzed themselves when they were in the service, now feel like razzing the Cadet Corps when it is in forma tion for Retreat, drill, or for mess. Every evening this oc curs, and the boys are beginning to resent it bitterly. They can’t fight back against a fellow Aggie. All they can do is cuss under their breath. The cadet officers, along with the military and the office of the dean of men, are striving to build at A. & M. a military organization which will rival the pre-war unit which produced the fightingest officers and men in the U. S. Army. They’d all appreciate it if you laid off. They have a job to do in winning back the Blue Star, and it won’t be easy. This year all of the college foot ball squads are large, and the quality of the material is better due to the return to the colleges of many veterans who were stars before the war. This makes it very difficult for any coach t o !?i work out the right combina tion. In many cases the veter ans have return ed and stepped right back into their pre-war po sition in the line up and are play ing a fine game. In other cases many fine players are having to be content with a position on the second team or the “B” squad, because their position is being played by another veteran, or a youngster whose educations was not interrupted by military serv ice for different reasons. This results in just lots of competition, not only between the college teams, but between the individuals on the respective teams. I am sure the outlook is very discouraging to a lot of these lads, but the training is very fine be cause competition is the zest of Penny life, and we will have it always regardless of our field of endeavor. It is this competition that makes some rise above the crowd, and this fact is a constant challenge to us. I have heal’d it said that “No matter where you put the milk, the cream will rise to the top.” The other day I read another ver sion which I think describes the situation pretty well. I refer to a statement that said “The same process which shakes out the little rocks brings the big ones to the top.” A&M METHODISTS READY TO BUILD Contract has been let by the A&M Methodist Church for erec tion of an educational building and student center on the church property near North Gate, ac cording to the pastor, Rev. R. C. Terry, ’27. The new building to be con structed of brick or stone, will ad join the present wooden taberna cle, which was erected in 1923 as a temporary building. The taber nacle is now scheduled to be re placed by a new church building within the next few years. Weathermen's Secrets Are Told In New Book By Forecasters Bq Wilnora Barton Reader’s Advisor From the lines of an old poem we are asked this question: “What is it moulds the life of man?” The answer is “the weather.” Although a constant subject of speculation, few of us really know much about what makes weather, actually. The Penguin Books, Inc. have recently published a book, THE WEATHER, by George Kim ble and Raymond Bush. This little book not only shows how the professional weather fore caster works, but it also gives you, the layman, a handy guide for set ting up your own weather calcula tions. Solidly based on scientific fact, ,the authors have contrived in an informal way to make their sub ject matter positively intriguing. Those of you who have a scientific bent will be especially interested in studying the diagrams and charts which are included to sub stantiate the explanations of the text. The methods and the instru ments which the “weatherman” By FERD ENGLISH Maestro Larry Clinton has whip ped out and come up with a very fine new orchestra of distinctive styling. Judging from his first new records, he is going to stick to the old, sweet ones. Clinton took the old evergreen “STORMY WEA THER” and did a very good cut ting job on it with the Clinton Quartet doing the vocal honors. On the back is “SOLITUDE” fea turing a smooth trombone solo and some very good trumpet back ing. The platter is tops in slow instrumental music. Also released were “WHERE OR WHEN” and “STARDUST”. Both records were released under Exclusive labels. Victor has turned loose a couple by the Sentimental Gentleman, Tommy Dorsey. “THAT’S MY HOME” is a cowboy song that has been dressed up in city clothes and is destined to *be on the top of many individual hit parades in short order. “GOTTA GET ME SOMEBODY TO LOVE” from the David O. Selznick production “DUEL IN THE SUN” backs the “home” song up very nicely, mak ing this record a must for the lov ers of sentimentally sweet music. The groaning is ably done by Stu art Foster. Under the Columbia Red Label we find taat Prof. Kay Kyser has knocked out two slides that make for good dancing and listen ing. “OLE BUTTERMILK SKY” from the flicker “Canyon Passage” was written by Hoagy Carmichl^. The song is typical of the Carmi- chle novelty tune with a jumpy rhythm that gives the whole ork a chance to strut its stuff. Mi chael Douglas and the Campus Kids put the catchy lyrics over in grand style. Upsidedown it’s “ON THE WRONG SIDE OF YOU”, with pert Lucyann Polk getting' more votes for her singing abil ity. Teachers Wanted Engineering (all branches) — N umerous Instructorships—Fel lowships open for Bachelors. Also heavy demand for those qualified for Professorships, Associateships and Assistant- ships. Fine Arts & Sciences—Scores of vacancies in College and Universities in all sections. Secondary - Elementary — All kinds of positions in locations paying the highest salary sched ules. Numerous Pacific coast calls. For quick placement give phone no., photograph and qualifications in first letter. CLINE TEACHERS AGENCY East Lansing, Michigan Air Conditioned — Opens 1 p.m. — 4-1181 THURSDAY Last Day plus “Andy Ponda ,, - News "Monsieur _% Veauai&A PARAMOUNT PICTURE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY IMG * JOAN CROSBY BL0NDELL £ M1SCHA AUER »» X UHJYfKMJMCTURE. Saturday Prevue (11:00 p.m.) Sunday AND Monday BARBARA STANWYCK VAN HEFLIN Uzobeth scon WAIUS’ PfodwHon Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday OCTOBER 15-16-17 PALACE BRYAN WED - THURS. - FRI. - SAT. October 9-12 Walter Pidgeon — in — “HOLIDAY IN MEXICO” Preview Saturday Night Sunday - Monday - Tuesday October 12-15 Gail Russell — in — “Our Hearts Were Growing Up” WED. - THURS. - FRI. - SAT. October 16-19 Burt Lancaster — in — “THE KILLERS” The Fightin’est Story AlC«Yi 0 * 0#r R#arin 9 Ipw Frontier! JULES LEVEY presents ‘ABILENE TOWN starring RANDOLPH SCOTT and ANN DVORAK with EDGAR BUCHANAN and RHONDA FLEMING A JULES LEVEY PRODUCTION Directed by EDWIN L. MARIN . l>e«».,eWing « « . «_ J all Town/ 1 by Associate Producer HERBERT J. BIBERMAN Raleased thru United Artists Battalion Office, Room 5, Administration Building, Telephone 4-5444, Texas A. & M. College. The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published weekly and circulated on Thursday. Member PYssoaoted Gplle&iaie Press Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Subscription rate $4.00 per school year. Advertising rates on request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. Jimmie Demopolus Art Editor Wallace J. Bennett - Annex Editor Wendell McClure, Peyton McKnight Advertising Managers Gerald Monson Circulation Manager Ferd English, L. R. Shalit, Arthur Matula, Claude Buntyn, ., A- R- Hengst, Babe Swartz Reporters A1 Hudeck, Jack Herrington Photogivohers Allen Self : Corps Editor Xn ^ nd ii, ey Veteran Editor S h v. SiSsrifr* • - — — “jr p “' M,r,ln — - fca Id'^; uses to take the temperature and humidity, and to plot the move ments of the winds are so thor oughly explained that the amateur will find himself casting a “weath er-eye” about and forecasting changes for hiiriself. Real progress in meteorology has been the result of recent press ing need in air navigation. One of the most interesting sections of the book, in my opinion is the brief history of Man’s struggles with the weather and how know ledge has been accumulated from earliest times. The ancient Chinese, the Babylonians, and the Chal deans had worked out quite a plausible system of predicting the weather by the movements of the stars. The Greeks petitioned their Gods for favorable weather condi tions berore a battle or a journey. Through the ages some of the most amazing guesses about the weather have resulted in the gath ering of a voluminous lore of fact and superstition. The author, George T. Kimble, is now chairman of the depart ment of geography at McGill Uni versity in Montreal, Canada, and the director of the meteorological service at McGill. Professor Kim ble is also the author of GEO GRAPHY IN THE MIDDLE AGES, and THE WORLD’S OPEN SPACES. The collaborator, Ray mond Bush, is an authority on the meteorological aspects of fruit growing. THE WEATHER is a Penguin Books Original and was given to the Library as a review copy. RivoliTheater A. & M. College Annex THURSDAY and FRIDAY SARATOGA TRUNK — with — Ingrid Bergman Gary Cooper SATURDAY ONLY “FROM THIS DAY FORWARD” — with — Joan Fontaine SUNDAY and MONDAY Two Features “THREE SINGERS” — with — Peter Lorre — and — “FIRST YANK INTO TOKYO” TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY “DANGER SIGNAL” THEATER THURSDAY ONLY Jowl FONTAINE fwwfA* FRIDAY and SATURDAY Two Features “Three Strangers” — with — Sydney Greenstreet Geraldine Fitzgerald plus ATOM BOMB STRIKES JAPAN! • EARBAM HAU • MMC CMMa IBCHAEL ST. ANGA • LEONARD STRONG RICHARD 100 • KEYE LURE fnlmito j. aoun MIN • to 0<MOO«J>OUOUS SUNDAY and MONDAY A. J. Cronin’s “The Green Years” — with — Charles Coburn Tom Drake Hume Cronin TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY “Her Kind of Man” — with — Dane Clark Zachary Scott Janis Paige