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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1946)
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 19, 1946 OFFICIAL NOTICES OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN Memorandum No. 4 Subject: Dance Accommodations for Lad ies. To: All Students. 1. In compliance with the request of the Committee in charge, P. G. Hall will be used to provide accommodations for visit ing girls attending the dance on SAT URDAY night 21 September 1946. 2. Students having guests will be as sessed a charge of $1.00 per night per guest to cover cost of matron, maid serv ice, and other incidental expenses, Refunds cannot be made. 3. Guests staying in the dormitory must be in not later than 1:00 A.M. SATURDAY night. Guests must check in with the ma tron upon their return to the dormitory after the dance. When reservations have been made for the guests, they will not be permitted to check out until departure for their homes. This will be done with the matron. Escorts will be held strictly ac countable for compliance with these in structions. 4. Linen, towels, lights, etc. will be furnished by the college. Students will be i held accountable for this equipment. 6. Guests will be admitted to their rooms at 10:00 A.M. SATURDAY, 21 , September, and must be vacated by 11:30 I A.M. Sunday. The college cannot be re sponsible for personal property of any guest or student. 6. Room assignments may be made by ■ students beginning at 8:00 A.M. THURS DAY, 19 September, in the PLACEMENT OFFICE, Room 126, Administration Build ing. J. W. ROLLINS, Dean of Men. By BENNIE A. ZINN, Ass’t Dean of Men. The following revision covering AB SENCES has been approved by the Faculty and is in effect: 17. (1) Prompt and regular attendance ■ upon classes is required of all students. A student is expected to give class at tendance first consideration and to arrange necessary absences to cause the minimum conflict with college duties. (2) Absence from class, regardless of the cause, results in a part of the work in that class being missed. Responsibility for making up work missed rests on the stu dent. The instructor of a class is the sole authority as to a student’s proficiency and final grade in that course. He is also the sole judge as to whether the circumstances of the absence and the work of the stu dent warrant his cooperation in providing opportunity to make up quizzes and labo ratory work missed. The head of each de partment is responsible for maintaining a consistent policy within the department. (3) Each instructor in charge of a class or section shall keep an accurate record of attendance of its members. He shall re port the total number of accumulated ab sences of each student on his mid-semester and semester grade reports. Whenever a student is absent from class for one week for reasons unknown or deemed unsatis factory to the instructor, and in such other cases as the instructor deems ad visable, he shall report such absences through the head of his department to the dean of the student’s school. (4) For persistent absence from a class or classes a student may be required to drop the course or courses upon recom mendation of the instructor. Students ceas ing to attend a class prior to filing with the Registrar the approval of their dean to drop the course, will be considered ab sent from class and subject to penalty for persistent absence. Flagrant violation of the absence rules may result in the dis missal of the student from the college. (5) The Dean of Men shall publish, reg ularly, a list of students absent due to illness and those absent on trips authorized by the Executive Committee such as in spection trips and official trips represent ing the College. This list shall be for the information and guidance of the instructor in providing opportunity for a student to make up work missed. It shall be the responsibility of the student asking such opportunity, to call the attention of the instructor to the presence of his name on such list promptly upon his return to class. (6) Students allowed to register on pro bation, as provided in Paragraphs 29 and 30 of the Regulations, are expected to at tend all classes except where the absence is absolutely unavoidable. A list of such students will be issued from the Registrar’s office as soon as possible. Instructors are expected to enforce the "no cut” provision of the probation and to report unnecessary absences of these students promptly. F. C. BOLTON, Dean. SCHEDULE CHANGES 1. Any students desiring to add a course must present a written statement from the department concerned, that there is ai place ip the class for him. This state ment must be presented to the Dean of his School. With the Dean’s approval, the Registrar will be authorized to make the change. 2. Transfers from one section to another in the same subject will be made by the department involved. 3. September 23 will be the last day that courses can be dropped without a grade. H. L. HEATON Registrar. CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES: Any stiident who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a degree by the end of the current semester should call by the Registrar’s Office NOW and make formal application for a degree. This in cludes both graduate and under-graduate students. H. L. HEATON Registrar. GENERAL DELIVERY—All students who receive mail via General Delivery must call regularly at the General Delivery windows to prevent mail piling up. BENNIE A. ZINN, Asst. Dean of Men. more than a year. Apply to the Librarian, College Library. CLASSIFIEDS For sale—Size 36 junior blouse, size 714 Campaign hat, Garrisons caps, over seas caps. Phone 4-7404. FOR SALE —Complete Hollywood bed. Will guarantee delivery. Apt. C-I3-3 Bryan Field Village. SPECIAL RATES for charter subscribers to TEXAS WEEK, I year $4.00, 2 years $7.00. READER’S DIGEST, New Subscrib ers, 7 months $1.00, Johnson’s Magazine Agency, Box 284 at College Book Store. Phone 4-8814. FOUND—Wallet containing social secur ity card Mable Virginia Moon. Please con tact Room 100, Goodwin Hall. LOST—Cameo Brooch in or near Campus theater. Please phone 2-8914. FOR SALE—Practically new four mantle Coleman gasoline heater. Reasonable. Trail er space. J-6. FOR SALE—Senior Blouse, 36L, serge shirt, pink trousers 30x33, green trousers. Excellent condition. Mendl & Hornak. See Coolidge, Room 310, Dorm 15. FOR SALE—Practically new Junior- Senior blouse, 38-L, slacks to match, 30-33. All for $30.00. Several wool O. D. slacks, 30-30 and shirts, 15-14. In good condition. $4.50 each. See Mrs. Warner, A. & M. Photo Shop. FOR SALE—Practically new baby buggy and electric iron. Reasonable prices. See George Rogas, Room 220, Dorm 14, Phone 4-5524. FORT SALE—Full line of poultry and livestock feeds. Deliveries. Egady Feed and Seed Co. 618 N. Main, Bryan. Phone 2-1493. Edgar Anderson, Student. WANTED—Woman, library trained to FOR SALE—New Stetson campaign hat. do serials work in library. Veteran’s wife Never been worn. Size 7. Cost $9.00. Will will be accepted if she is to be here sell reasonably. Phone 2-1272. ■*»*"'* THEY SATISFY! m AIL OVER AMERICA-CHESTERFIELD IS TOPS l Vet Wives Sponsor Sbisa Open House All wives of students are invited to an open house to be given by the Ex-Servicemen’s Wives Club on Wednesday, September 25, from 7 to 9 p. m. in Sbisa Hall. New cam pus wives will get acquainted with the club and have the opportunity to meet other wives living on and off the campus. A busy year is anticipated by Margaret Kelso, president of the club. “There should be an inter est group to suit the needs of every wife on the campus”, Mrs. Kelso says.. Some of these groups include: bridge, every Thursday night; a style and fashion group, foods group, handicraft and art group, sewing, child care, and lit erary groups. Others will be added as the demand increases. PENAL CODE MISSING FROM LIBRARY SHELF The library’s three volume set of Vernon’s Annotated Penal code of the State of Texas has disappeared from the library reading room. This set of three volumes cannot be purchased separately and the library is now without the Penal code of the State of Texas. If the per son or persons who have taken this set will please return it to the shelves, no questions will be asked. FOR SALE—One pair senior boots, size eleven. Practically new. Call 2-1466. For sale—Newly built duplex, % mile beyond North Gate on College Main St. Each Apt. has living room, bedroom, kit chen and bath. Contact Louderback at Student Activities Office, 4-5324. THE SCRIBE SHOP. Typing, mimeo graphing, drawing. Phone 2-6705, 1007 E. 23rd, Bryan. ATTENTION ENGINEERS. Get your engineer’s math chart at the Exchange Store. FOR SALE—Nice two bedroom house in College Park. On bus line. Occupation im mediately. Apply at 306 Highland St., Col lege Station. FOR SALE—Complete Junior Uniform. Blouse, shirt, cap, 2 trousers. Worn only 2 months. Call 4-8764. FOR SALE—1 pair senior boots. Size 914 D. Large calf. Practically new. Room 324, No. 15. FOR SALE—1 very fine Autin automo bile. Excellent for local economical trans portation. Charles Tigner, Campus Theater. FOR SALE—Two portable radios in ex cellent condition Room 328. Lacy Hall No. 6. FOR SALE—Senior boots, 11B, Blouse 38R, Boot pants, pinks, cap. Good deal. Walton H-16. FOR SALE—New piano accordian, Hoh- ner. Veterans Village, 34 A, Campus. Please return an athletic coupon book. No. 337, to Room 421, Hall 8, or Athletic office. Reward for the recovery of book. FOR SALE—1941 Emerson Combination radio and automatic record player. Phone 2-6655. FOR SALE—One serge blouse, size 36-37. Price $15.00. Scott Haggard No. 16, Room 222. FOR SALE—1 pair senior boots, size 10C with chains, 2 pr. spurs, 1 pr. Ice Cream breeches waist 31, 1 pr. summer breeches, 1 pr. Ice Cream slacks size 31-33, 1 ice cream shirt size 15-33. See Schuchart, Proj. House 1-Apt. D. FOR RENT—Bedroom private entrance ; new house, 2 miles east gate. Single man preferred. See W. R. Edwards. Lot 65 Gar den Acres Addition. Bryan. FOR SALE—Two saddle horses and two English saddles. B. H. Hartzog, Hart Hall J-13 and 14. Livestock Judging Team is Revived Texas A. & M. will be represent ed at the International Collegiate Judging Contest this Fall, the first time since 1941. William M. Warren, Michigan State ’40 who is now working on his masters degree here, is to be team coach. From a group of 23 young men, who are spending their afternoons judging livestock, he will select a six man team. Morty Mertz Heads Saddle and Sirloin Morty Mertz of San Angelo, ’45, was elected president of the Saddle & Sirloin club in a meeting held Tuesday night in the Animal In dustries building lecture room. Other officers elected were Jack Grafa, Sari Angelo, ’45, vice-presi dent; Joe Mertz, San Angelo, ’45, secretary and treasury; and Lloyd Adams, Tyler, ’45, reporter. The club discussed plans for a rodeo, initiation of new members, and dates for future meetings. A special meeting will be held in the Animal Industries lecture room Tuesday, September 24, at 7:30 for the purpose of completing unfin ished business. Following the electon of officers a rodeo committee was appointed including Jay Pointer, chairman, William Berry, L. W. Macha, and Jack Moore. KEY CASE FOUND Key and leather container found by W. B. Davis of Fish and Game Department. Owner can obtain same by calling at his office. Children Clothing Exchange to Open A children’s Clothing Exchange, in Project House 1A, operated by Wilma Parker, will open officially Monday, September 23. The purpose of this Exchange is to make the outgrown clothing of one child available to another who can still wear it. The mothers set the price they wish to receive for each garment, bringing them to Exchange, where they will be sold. By making the price reasonable, both the mother who sells and the mother who buys will profit. The Exchange will be open Mon day through Friday in the morn ing from 9-12. Also Wednesday af ternoons from 2-5. Clothing may be brought any morning before the . official date for opening. A system of tagging the garments will be used to avoid mixups. Any clothing not sold will be returned to the owner. PHYSICS DEPT. PLEADS FOR OLD ROBESON BOOKS In view of the critical book shortage, the Physics depart ment has 1 asked all students possessing old copies of Robe son’s “Physics,” and not now using them, to bring the books in to the Exchange Store or North Gate stores for sale. The same request applies to copies of the McCorkle & Vezey laboratory manual for Physics 203-4. HEADQUARTERS! CALLING ALL SPORTSMEN— MAKE YOUR VACATION a REAL PLEASURE with the PROPER EQUIPMENT A New and Complete Line of Sporting Goods is Available Now. at Jones Tire & Sporting Goods Co. 803 South Main Bryan, Texas Dial 2-2832 V-2 ENGINEER II The Story of DICK PORTER TT is typical of Dick Porter’s experience that his latest assignment, that of experimenting with such “guided missiles” as the V-2 rocket, is almost a complete engineering departure from his earlier fields of concentration. As a senior at the U. of Kansas in 1934, his in terest was in radio. His doctor’s thesis at Yale in 1937 was on frequency doublers. But at General Electric Dick found opportunity to learn other phases of engineering. In G-E engi neering courses and “on Test” he worked out prob lems in transformers, induction motors, oil circuit breakers. His first major assignment with G.E. was in a field not only new to him but to the electrical in dustry—he contributed to the pioneer research in amplidyne control. As the war progressed, flight engineers began to dream of the Superfortress, whose gun turrets would be turned electrically, whose heavy guns would be aimed electronically. Development of this gunnery system called for a supervisor whose en gineering knowledge ranged through many fields. It was Dick Porter, less than ten hard-working years out of Kansas U., who drew the assignment. This year he was presented with the Yale Engi neering Association’s award for the advancement of science. Next to schools and the U.S. Government, General Electric 1$ the foremost employer of college engineering graduates. For his campus radio station, Dick built studio and transmitter equipment. Today he is project engineer in the study of captured V-2 rockets. GENERAL H ELECTRIC