Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1946)
PA( PAGE 2 THE BATTALION THURSDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 1, 1946 Th Stud tion luck’ 30 c 000 20 E of C agri< H< Edw roy Mar winr petil Seni Socii pose, were duct agrii dete: TU at ]V bami Sout Stat: Unft and Stat: Of impc teres ern of 1 estin S. I Belt^ cose Roax of ^ and A : sorei t Agr< expe dern Cott Ball sock susp war, sines I have tries port tour It Mustn’t Happen Here . .. Is there something in the nature of a state-supported college that either puts the institution toward the top of the heap, or toward the bottom—some sort of “all or nothing quality ? The current blacklist of the AAUP puts the finger of censure on four major institutions, of which three are state universities. Texas, Missouri and Tennessee. The only major non-state institution is Pittsburg. Among the “small-fry” listed as censured are quite a number of state teachers col leges. Lack of academic freedom and dismissal of teachers without cause are the charges behind most of the black-list ing. On the other extreme, we find some state universities ranked among the best in the country. California is consider ed one of the three top universities in the country; with Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin near toward the top. Also rated well up on the list are North Carolina, Penn State, Ohio State, Purdue (the land-grant college of Indiana.) All of which has little to do with A. & M., except for this thought: This college stands high among the specialized schools to which it is properly compared. But let us never forget that a good school can toboggan from the top to the bottom in a blazing hurry. It mustn’t happen here! fr" An Overhaul Needed . . . It is time that the student-government system in use at A. & M. be overhauled. That is a blunt statement, and needs substantial back ing. But the student council itself, meeting this week for the first time during the summer session, went on record as feeling that the present system of student government does not fulfill its responsibilities for several reasons. 1. Recommendations by the student council are sel dom acted upon, either positively or negatively. Sugges tions made after long conference and much thought usual ly die quietly as they are being processed “through chan nels”. To veterans that expression “through channels” has a very dismal sound. In the army and navy, many a good idea was quietly lost in that well-known process. An idea that is good should be approved, an idea that is bad should be openly rejected; an idea that is middling should be re turned for further consideration. 2. Elections to the student council should be made directly. At present cadets are elected indirectly—that is to say, they are elected to offices in the various outfits or classes and as such sit on the council. At least some of the cadets on the council should be elected directly. Veterans are appointed to the council by officers of the Ex-Servicemen’s Club. This is also a remote way to be rep resented. If the members of the council themselves feel that more directly representation is needed, it hardly seems likely that the student body will disagree. It is hoped that when the council is reactivated Sept. 11 that it will be able to present a plan for future direct elections to the body, which is and should be the top rank ing policy-group of A. & M. students. Look to Look ... Following hot on the heels of the first primaries in Texas, next week “Look” magazine will include an article titled “Revolt in Texas”. The article in no way endorses Dr. Homer P. Rainey; however, it does tell in a brief and concise way how the movement to limit and restrict the teaching of certain subjects came about in Texas and how it was primarily directed at Texas University. The article points out to the people of the United States how a group of business men, attorneys and the governor (with no educators included) met and planned the seizure of Texas education. Not aimed directly at Texas, Look points out that “un less schools are protected from the control of special groups with axes to grind, regimentation can spread throughout the school systems of America.” The fault rests not only with those who carry out such moves but with those of us who permit such moves to be carried out by the public interest boards. This has been one of the main issues of the student body at the university. One of a series of articles on education in America, the article is not proposed to be a political one but another in attempt to awaken the people of the United States. Profit The Batt recently learned and witnessed a very profit able deal of one of the college activities. It isn’t big in the sum of dollars and cents but applied to a number of students could increase the trial balance quite a sum. A veteran student of civil engineering purchased a book from the Exchange store. The purchase was an out right one and not undr the G. I. Bill, as he was not a student of the course requiring this text. Delving into the technical pages of the book he decided that he could better digest this advanced work by signing as a visitor in one of the classes. He registered through the dean and the reg istrar, and the Veteran’s Advisor supplied him with a req uisition for the same text. Returning to the Exchange Store he was required to sell the original book back to the store at 80 per cent of the original cost and was then given the identical book back as a new copy on the G. I. Bill book slip. The original cost of the book was $5.50. He received $4.00 on the resale. The exchange store made a profit on the sale of the book first to the student and then to the govern ment, plus the $1.10 difference. This one sale should have paid one salesgirl’s salary for a day at least—maybe more. Welcome back veteran! Lord Rutherford’s Career Told in Fine Biography Tribute is paid today to all present and former mem bers of the AAF on this Army Air Force Day. Tjie Battalion Office, Room 5, Administration Building, Telephone 4-5444, Texas A. & M. College. By Wilnora Barton Readers’ Adviser Among- the books recently re ceived by the library is a biog raphy of a famous scientist, Lord Rutherford of the Cavendish Lab oratory at Cambridge. The bi ography was written by his long time friend, A. S. Eve, formerly Macdonald Professor of physics at McGill University. Long known to the world as a pioneer in nuclear physics, his work was not fully appreciated until the light of recent events had shown the extreme daring and value of his untiring labor. Eves has given us a warm and human picture of Rutherford, the man, as well as a true accounting of his work. “He was no remote inaccessible being: the students were his familiars, they were his friends. He encouraged them in their difficulties, he was quick to praise.” The book carries the reader through all the phases of his life from the days in New Zealand through his student days at Cambridge, his teaching at Mc Gill, the triumph and recognition when he received the Nobel Lau reate; his work with the nucleus and the atom. Then he was given the Order of Merit and was elected the President of the Royal Society, and he was finally made Lord Rutherford of Nelson. No student of physics will want to miss this story of the life of a very great man, a man whose boundless faith and constant la bor helped to open the doors of physics “to further and more abundant knowledge.” The title of this biography typifies the simplicity of style throughout the book. It is called simply “Ruther ford.” Ag-g-ies Give Icy Shoulder to Gals On College Campus At least three attractive and unattached young ladies upon reading “even co-ed schools are short of girls these days” in the July 25 “Batt” declared that be ing in the minority doesn’t help when the men are either too bash ful or too busy to ask for dates. Could it be that the Aggies shed their wolf instinct along with their uniforms or are the single men so accustomed to seeing the cute li’l tomatoes convoyed by two hundred pounds of husband that they are resigned to the fact that the situation is hopeless? Arturo E. Lujan, holder of a fellowship in sanitary engineer ing from the Institute on Inter- American Affairs, Caracas, Vene zuela, has arrived at Texas A. & M. College to begin a year of graduate work in sanitary engin eering. PENNY’S SERENADE By W. L. Recently I read a nice bit of philosophy in a statement that said: “Today’s egg is better than tomorrow’s chicken.” It reminds us of the many times we miss a lot of fine little | things in life be- | cause we have | our eyes on 1 something much 1 bigger. .^v. This fall we will read of H many promising ; f| football teams ; being tripped up by an inferior -4j team because &'j they were point- ll| ing for a bigger m game and failed to give the in- Penny ferior team much consideration in preparing for their game. We all know of folks who Letters ALL FISH PADDLEFET” IDEA DRAWS FIRE In regard to your editorial of July 25, 1946 we have a few things to say. We grant you that A&M has grown to such an extent that it is quite difficult to retain the “personal touch,” One reason that most of the students attend this institution is that it is distinctive as to its form of life and its traditions, which we are slowly losing. You speak in your letter of JTAC and NTAC, and unless we are mistaken, you will find quite a bit of difference between the life of a freshman on this campus, and of one of any other school, although the scholastic classifi cation is the same. We have been told from the time we hit this campus that our fish year would decide whether or not we would be an Aggie or a so-called two- percenter. You suggest that for the first year freshmen would all be in the Infantry division. We gather from this that the freshmen would be in outfits with no upperclass men. Certainly, this Ross College idea could be carried out without the freshmen moving to all freshmen outfits. As you know, all the traditions and customs that A&M is built around could never be carried out under this plan. According to statistics from a preceding Battalion, the Corps was granted room for only 1728. Do you think this is any larger than the Corps of preceding years ? From what we have heard, they did o.k. However, we are fairly sure that this plan could never be adopted. (Signed) Robert M. White, ’49; Joe B. Reuss, ’49; Robert T. Tay lor, ’49; Albert G. Metcalf, ’49; R. E. Tipton, ’48; W. H. Rilat, ’47; Sam A. Nixon, Jr., ’47; J. H. Shelander, ’46; Gordon W. Law- son, ’49; Joe W. Ayesek, ’41. (Readers White, et al., are un der a misapprehension. The idea, as given in the Battalion editorial last week, was that all freshmen would go into infantry outfits WHICH WOULD BE OFFI CERED BY UPPER-CLASSMEN. A more valid objection, which has been made orally, is that such technical outfits as Chem Warfare, Signal Corps, etc., would suffer from lack of freshmen. Ed.) Texas The Battalion, official newsp ,nd the City of College St August, as and the l^ity of College btatioi Monday, Wednesday and Friday, rust, when it is published weekly and circulated on Thursday. Member Plssoaoted GpUebicrte Press Entered as second-class matter at Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Subscription rate $3.00 per school year. Advertising rates on request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. H. O. “Hub” JOHNSON, JR. Co-Editor VICK LINDLEY Managing Editor U. V. JOHNSTON ....Sports Editor WENDELL McCLURE — Advertising Manager PAUL MARTIN, WALLACE H. BENNETT, FERD ENGLISH, KATHY WILSON, L. R. SCHALIT Reporters •ALLEN SELF Co-Editor •On summer leave. PARKING AREAS NEEDED IN PROJECT HOUSE AREA Editor of the Battalion: In the past several weeks there has been an increasing inclination for students living in the Project House Area to park and drive their cars on the lawns in front of their homes. It has begun to cause con siderable comment on the part of other students living in the same area and college officials who have declared that the practice must stop or the lawns will be ruined beyond repair. Yet, it should be understood that parking and driv ing on the lawns has been moti vated by the fact that the streets of this area are narrow and rather heavily traveled for a residential section. It seems that one must either park his car in the street and leave it to the mercy of speeding motorists, or, park on the lawns, the latter course being chosen by those who value their cars. If the college would provide garage space or designate parking areas easily accessible to the homes, I am sure that the practice of park ing on the lawns would be stopped, You will find that the people in this area are eager to preserve the lawns, if only adequate parking areas would be provided. Veteran of ’40. T-Shirts Will Be Fashionable At HMSPinaforePerformances Shirt sleeves and “T” shirts will be the height of fashion at the performances “H.M.S. Pina fore” Thursday and Friday of next week. In order to carry out the advertisement of 20% cooler inside, special cooling equipment will be used in the old assembly hall for the two-night run of the Gilbert and Sullivan comic oper etta. Principals in the production are Miriam Forman, who will sing the role of Josephine, Captain Cor coran’s daughter; Ruth Echols, Buttercup; Bernyce Jensen, Hebe; Lloyd Bailey, Sir Joseph Porter; Harry Doran, Captain Corcoran; Watson Keeney, Ralph Rackstraw; Tom Terrell, Dick Deadeye; and Helmuth Quirem, Boatswain’s Mate. Mrs. Forman received her voice training at the Julliard School of Music and Mrs. Echols at Columbia University. Bailey, Doran, Keeney, and Quiriam are members of the Singing Cadets. The stylized set that will be used for the operetta at A & M departs considerably from the us ual arrangement seen for this play. The stage will represent the bow of an early nineteenth cen tury English ship, complete with forecastle, mast, railing, and sails. Authentic period costumes will add much to the colorful scene aboard ship. Today’s audience will find the music in H.M.S. Pinafore as charming and brilliant as did the first nighters in London who S. E. Post Praises A. & ,M. Help for Harvest Hands Improved treatment of migra tory harvest hands is putting ex tra dollars into the pockets of Texas farmers and is helping to dispel the distrust that has long exisited between Texas and U. S. citizens of Mexican ancestry, according to Lewis Nordyke, au thor of “Texas Cleans Up a Mess,” in last week’s (July 27th) Satur day Evening Post. From 60,000 to 100,000 persons who live in the Rio Grande Val ley of Texas, annually follow the harvest from one end of Texas to the other, or into the" sugar-beet and vegetable fields in Colorado, Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Minnesota and North Dakota. Without the migration of these workers, agriculture in this coun try couldn’t continue at its present production level, Mr. Nordyke says. Yet until war demands for capacity performance in all lines forced a change, the conditions un der which these seasional workers constituted a particularly ugly blot on the record of Texas. “In 1944, the Extension Service of Texas A. & M. College, as a part of the $7,000,000-a-year, war time, national farm-labor pro gram, set out to improve working conditions and farmer-worker re lations,” Mr. Nordyke writes. “Forty-two shelters, or reception centers, as they are called, were located at strategic spots on the labor routes in Texas. Extension service field men guided the work ers to places where they were needed most. Meanwhile, local county agricultural agents did missionary work among farmers, villagers and migrants. The pro gram, wholly voluntary on the part of farmers and workers, was based mainly on the simple idea of maximum profits for all con cerned. It has been remarkably successful.” If your mind wanders, figure out why—A. & M. Handbook. . In College Station and on the Campus TRY OUR FAST Dry Cleaning SERVICE Campus Cleaners Over the Exchange Store Near George’s cheered Gilbert and Sullivan’s new operetta many, many years ago. The popularity of such songs as “When I was a Lad,” “Refrain, Audacious Tar,” “Bell Trio,” and “Carefully on Tip-Toe Stealing” attest to the universality of Gil bert and Sullivan’s musical com positions. Modern audiences will find the puns somewhat broad; but the “patter,” the satire, and the humor are still amusing. Tickets for the operetta may be purchased at the English of fice in the Academic Building or from members of the cast. Re served seats are 60 cents and gen eral admission, 35 cents. Produc tion dates are August 8-9 at 8:00 p. m. in the Assembly Hall on the A. & M. campus. Peniston Plans To Feed 5,200 Next Autumn J. G. Peniston, superintendent of the dining halls, announces that he is expecting to feed some 5200 students during the regular school semester starting this September. Approximately 1200 cadets and 4000 veterans will make up the stu dent body that will eat in the col lege mess halls, Sbisa and Duncan. Mr. Peniston said that his staff of cooks and bakers as well as the table waiters, most of whom will be aggies, will be kept busy trying to serve the best of foods to the Aggies even in these times of hard to get supplies. Dairy and meat products will be served as often as possible until it becomes imprac ticable to buy them at a price with in the reach of the students pock- etbook. OFFICIAL NOTICES Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a de gree by the end of the 1946 Summer Session of school should call by the the 1946 Summer Registrar’s Office NOW and make form al application for a degree. H. L. Heaton, Registrar VETERANS CHANGING COURSES— Veterans desiring to change courses must contact the Veterans Advisor, Administra tion Building, at least four (4) weeks prior to the effective date of the change. Vete rans change of courses. Bennie A. Zinn, Veterans Advisor. Those students who have completed the requirements for admission to the School lary to the School of of Veterinary Medicine should apply fo admission to the School of Veterinary Medicine on forms to be obtained in the Registrar’s Office. H. L. HEATON, Registrar. Classified FOR SALE—1941, 18 foot, steel-bodied. Vagabond House Trailer. Call 4-5691, or at 227 Foster, College Hills. FOR SALE—3 Watterson radios $31.10 and 3 record players $29.35. Jack Mc Kenzie, F-2 Walton., phing, drawing. Phone 2-6705, 1007 E. 1, Bryan. FOR SALE—Lot 22 in Block 3 in Col- house pi Size of lot is 60 ft. x 132 ft. Facing south. Box 2338, College Station. FOR SALE OR TRADE—1942 Dodge, Tudor Sedan, good condition, good tires. Call 2-7273. See at 300 South Houston, Bryan. ENGINEERS get your math chart at the Exchange Store. Notebook size 35^. Concession owned by W. O. Reese, ’46. FOR SALE—One Hollywood bed, com plete. Will furnish delivery. Apply Apt. C-13-3, Bryan Field Village. FOR RENT—Bedroom. Single gentle men preferred. 208 Cooner St., College Station. House trailer for Trailer Camp. sale. Number C-2 LOST—Round Gold Hamilton Wrist Watch. No wrist band. Reward. Notify Student Actibities Office. Will trade Apartment in Dallas for Apartment in Bryan or College Station. Carpenter, Walton D-13, Box 3005. FOR SALE—Sofa bed available August 24 one-half price. Jones 1-12 Hart. FOR SALE—Two saddle horses and two English saddles. See B. H. Hartzog, Hart Hall, Ramp J, Rooms 13-14. Typewriter for sale $25.00. May be seen after 7:00 p.m. at Dorm 14, Room 222. SHOES and BOOTS Last Longer With Factory Method Repairs Our experienced repairmen make possible our GUARANTEED SERVICE College Station Shoe Repair North Gate Luke Court, Mgr. GUION HALL THEATER »!M*iiiiiimm|ii»iiii*i| BOX OFFICE OPEN 1 P.M.; CLOSE 8:30 P.M.—PH. 4-1168 THIJRSDAY — ONE DAY ONLY — BARGAIN DAY “THAT NIGHT WITH ¥0^ — with — FRANCHOT TONE and LOUISE ALLBRITTON FRIDAY and SATURDAY — DOUBLE FEATURE An Inner Sanction Mystery* LON CHANEY — in — Zane Grey’s “WANDERER OF THE WASTELAND ,, “STRANGE CONFESSIONS ,, SUNDAY and MONDAY 3£ SELZNICK INTERNATIONAL presents Tube SeeingYoo TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY “TWO SISTERS FROM BOSTON” June Allyson - Katherine Grayson Lauritz Melchior - Jimmy Durante THURSDAY “NO TIME FOR COMEDY” — with — James Stewart Rosalind Russell Penberthy worked hard, deprived themselves of many of the simplest pleasures and saved so that they could have something for that “rainy day,” but the rainy day never came and in the meantime they had not learned how to enjoy the simple pleasures of life so found them selves very lonely. My friend Professor W. L. Hughes contends that we should all take a little vacation each and every day, and then we would never get into a condition where a long vacation would be neces sary—I think he has something. Balance is one of the most im portant things in life. Surely we should prepare for the future, but we can still do that and yet live well today. Some of the things we will get a big kick out of to day will fall flat in a few years. Yes we can have the egg today and the chicken tomorrow—if we learn to keep our life in balance. On Other Campuses TEXAS U. The universities’ faculty coun cil has announced inauguration of new regulations governing stu dents on probation. The regula tions, approved by the Board of Regents, state in effect that any student displaying continued lack of progress or effort will be forced to withdraw for a period of not less than three semesters. It was recommended by the council that any student may be placed on probation only once be fore being required to withdraw. First year students will be re quired to make at least one C and second year students must make at least two C’s. A new method of scoring will also be put into effect whereby grades of D and F will give the student no grade-points, and A will give three grade-points, a B will give two and a C will give one. SEEK CAMPUS WIFE TO TEACH MUSIC Is there a campus wife with a musical education who might be interested in teaching piano les sons twice a week to children in Madisonyille ? Mrs. J. B. Heath of Madisonville is seeking such a teacher. The position pays a good salary and will begin in September with the opening of the school term. Air-Conditioned Opens 1:00 p.m.—4-1181 THURSDAY — LAST DAY Plus Merrie Melodies Cartoon — Short FRIDAY and SATURDAY Two Big Features No. 1 V- Paramount's ^ — starring — Veronica Lake Sonny Tufts No. 2 Wk Extra! Woody Woodpecker Cartoon SUNDAY and MONDAY CHAIILES BOKEII • JEKIIIFEII JOKES In ElBT UltllSCn 0, CENTURY-rOX Plus! Plus! Bugs Bunny Cartoon TUBS. - WED. - THURS. k\ and! Daffy Duck — Short