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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1946)
_fc»U7i 2 H 2 ( i p PAGE 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 18, 1946 Texans Alerted for Rabid Animals by State Health Dept With a sharp increase in the number of persons being bitten by rabid animals in East Texas, and similar occurrences reported in other sections of the state, Dr. Geo. W. Cox, State Health Offi cer, recently warned all Texans to be on the alert for symptoms of this disease when around do mestic or wild animals. The 2,166 animal heads received for examination by the State Health Department during the past year have shown 687 posi tives, including incidence among cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, rats, squirrels, skunks, guinea pigs, coyotes, gophers, raccoons, hogs, sheep, and prairie dogs. Rabies is transmitted to man through a bite or having a cut ex posed to the saliva of a ribid ani mal. Bites through clothing are not as dangerous as bites on ex posed surfaces, because the sali va is wiped off as the tooth passes through the cloth. If a person is bitten, the of fending animal should be penned, if possible, for a period of ten days observation. If the animal is normal at the end of that time, the case can be dismissed. If it is necessary to kill the animal, this should be done in such a manner that the brain is not de stroyed, otherwise, an examina tion to determine whether or not the animal had rabies will be im possible. DRIVER! You are only as SAFE as your brakes are EFFICIENT. Aggieland Service Station & Garage East Gate rfr STYLED IN CALIFORNIA =sFloturing Built-in Comfort LOOK FOR THE FLYING FISH ^ You’ll enjoy the comfort and freedom of Catalina Swim Trunks — they are styled to fit in a manner that you will like. $2.50 to $5.00 [j0aldrop6(o “Two Convenient Stores” College Station — Bryan 3,019 Register For Second Term Of Summer College Dairy Herd Passes 15th Annual Tuberculosis Tests The dairy herd of the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station has just passed another negative test for bovine tuberculosis, ac cording to O. C. Copeland, chief of the Division of Dairy Husband ry. This clean test marks the 15th consecutive year the Station’s dairy herd has been awarded the Accredited Herd Certificate. The entire Station milking herd also again showed negative to Bang’s disease at the last offi cial test for evidence of this dis- Lee Scholarships For Biologists Now Available Scholarship Is Given in Memory Of O. D. Brown, ’46 A memorial, award in memory of Ormiston D. Brown of Tucum- cari, New Mexico, class of ’46, was made at the high school graduating exercises in Tucumcari on the evening of May 23. Brown was a member of the 15th Air Force. He has been reported missing in ac tion since June, 1944 when his plane failed to return to its Ital ian base after a mission over Mun ich, Germany. The recipient of the award re- cived tuition and other incidental expenses at New Mexico A&M Col lege for one year. The award was made by Mrs. Dillion Suthers, mother of the missing Aggie. A04 GRILL SPKIAt IZIHG IN STEAKS COOKED FOODS MfiS.SAUJE 8. UARK, OWNER NORTH OrAT-E- , usually oer u\mir\ed for .ife- UFt - THE BRIDE. SHbulD SHOW SOME ^ A t, M ADvEft’iSlNC CO OCSUOtfS S/ULIE B. Cl ARK Heard on WTAW s KNOW VOUHIl^CTUHE Regular Schedule WTAW Four hundred and seventy brand new students went from building to building Monday registering for the present semester. At the end of the day the registrar’s office re ported that 3,019 students were en rolled whereas for the first term of summer school only 2,522 regis tered. It was estimated that 90% of those entering were under the G. I. Bill of Rights. Monday Through Friday A. M. 6:00 6:15 6:25 6:30 7:00 7:15 Texas Farm and Home Program Front Page News and Markets (Wed. and Fri.) Kazmeier Reporter Sun Up Martyn Agronsk; Lt. Reeves Named In Regular Air Corps Club sky (Mon., Tues., Wed.) Morning Melo- 7:15 7:15 7:30 7:55 8:00 9:00 9:25 9:30 9:30 9:45 10 :00 10:30 10:45 dies. (Thu: rs.) Rotary Club (Fri.) Something to Read Tik Tok Time Thoi (§®©Q,0C]© aib rnuniTinNiw/i tnn .. Gems for Thought Breakfast Club My True Story News and Betty Crocker (Except Tues.) Between the Lines (Tues.) Songs of Geo. Byron (Mon.) The March of Faith Breakfast in Hollywood Kellogg Home Edition 10:45 11 :00 11:30 11:45 12:00 P. M. 12:15 12:30 12:35 12:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 2:00 2:30 3 :00 3:00 3:15 3:30 4:00 (Tues., Wed., Fri.) The Woman’s ““ rid Worl (Mon., Thurs.) Ted Malone Glamour Manor It’s Pleasing to the Ear George Barnes Octet Baukage Talking AIR. CONDITIONING FOR SMALL HOMES IS ECONOMICALLY UNFFASIbLfc -NOW- &UT YOUR HOMt CAN bfc COOLED bY USING NATURAL AIDS TO AN ADVANTAGE:. First Lt. Robert H. Reeves, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom M. Reeves, 830 W. Crawford St., Denison, Texas, received a permanent com mission in the Regular Army it was announced at the AAF Milf- tary Training Center, San Antonio, Texas, where he serves as assist ant club officer for the Officers’ Club. SET AUGUST 8 AND 9 AS DATES FOR PINAFORE HMS Pinafore, a campus musical production, will be presented on Thursday and Friday, the 8th and 9th of August at the old Assembly 4- Q Hall at 8 o’clock. VA Names Mims, Aggie Ex, Chief Of Training News Rhythr lythm Round Up Farm Fair At Your Request John B. Kennedy Ethel and Albert Bride and Groom A1 Pearce and His Gang Ladies, Be Seated Excursions in Science Ladies eated (Wed.) Folk Music Try ‘n’ Find Me P'arade Applications are now being re ceived for the Julia Ball Lee Fel lowship. Blanks may be obtained in the biology office and will be accepted until August 10. The Julia Ball Lee Fellowships were created in honor of Julia Ball Lee, daughter of O. M. Ball, 34 years head of the Department of Biology. Students of ability with proven aptitude in biological fields and with a need for finan cial aid are eligible to apply. Funds are given with no obliga tion other than that the recipient maintain good behavier and make continued progress at' a high scholastic level. 4:00 4:15 4:15 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45 6:00 6:00 6:15 6:30 (Mon.) Home of Melody Merchants Brazos Valley ant: Far and (Thurs.) Rev. Van Sickles Ball! (Mon.) Play (Thurs.) Career Call (Mon.) Jig Saw News (Tues.) Keys of Faith (Fri.) Hollywood Script (Wed.) Church of Christ (Thurs.) Church Women Hop Harrigan Terry and the Pirates Sports Round Up Jack Armstrong Although air-conditioning equip ment is far too expensive for the average low-cost home, there is a natural way to cool your home. By proper orientation, wide over hangs and large open areas you can provide your home with “built-in” cooling. In summer the mid-day sun is high; in winter, low. This posi tion of the sun in winter and summer lends itself to the natur al air-conditioning of your home. With wide overhangs acting as eyebrows in the summer months, the hot sun can be excluded, leav ing your house in cool shade at OAi JUct. all times. Large open areas on the south side of your home will allow the prevailing breezes to help cool your house. Large glass areas on the south side of your home will allow mosl of the low . winter sun to come in to your house during the cold win ter months. A relatively small amount of open area on the north wall will exclude most of the cold north winds in the winter. By proper planning, your architect can give you this natural air-con ditioning in that home you’re go ing to build.. Selected for highest scores from the thousands of applicants, the new Regular Army officers will bolster the small Regular Offi cer Corps and bi’ing the total for the Army up to authorized strength of 25,000. Lt. Reeves attended Texas A & M for three years from 1939 to 1942, majoring in mechanical engineering. Prior to entering the service he was employed as a mechanical designer for the Ra dar Labs, at Belmar, N. J. A veteran of 16 months over seas duty in the Asiatic Pacific, Lt. Reeves flew 23 missions in a C-47. He was awarded the Air Percy J. Mims, Texas A&M graduate of 1932 and captain of the Aggie track team his senior year, has been promoted to chief of training facilities in the Veter ans Administration’s three-state Dallas branch vocational rehabili tation and education service. Mr. Mims has been assistant chief of training facilities since he joined the VA at its Dallas branch office on March 18th of this year. He has been living in Fort Worth. Medal, Unit Citation, the Asiatic Pacific Ribbon with six battle stars and the Philippine Libera tion Ribbon with two battle stars. Lt. Reeves’ wife and three-year old daughter, Posey Diana Reeves are from Rule, Texas. Folk Rythms Headline Edit: (Sat.) Dark Venture lition Raymond Swing (Mon., Wed., Fri.) The Lone Ran- 6:30 (Tues.) So You Want To Lead a Band 6:30 7:00 A. M. 6:00 6:15 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 9:00 9:15 9:30 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11 :30 P. M. 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:30 2:00 3:00 4:00 4:05 4:15 4:30 4:45 6:15 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 (Thurs.) How Do You Pronounce It? Melodies at Eventide SATURDAY Texas Farm and Home Program Sun Up Club Martyn Agronsky ARTHUR F. KASCH MARRIES Arthur Fred Kasch and Miss Maudine Majors, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Majors of Bryan were married this morning at eleven o’clock by Reverend R. W. Willis in the First Methodist church in Bryan. Immediately fol lowing the wedding the couple left for a short honeymoon in Galves ton. Kasch, a Landscape Arts major and house “mom” of Milner Hall is from Big Springs, Texas, where the couple plan to make their home following graduation next February. WATCH REPAIRS 1 to 4 Day Service Stems - Crowns - Main Springs - Cleaning Staffs and Crystals T. C. HINMAN Lauterstein Bldg. - N. Gate DR. N. B. McNUTT Dentist Office in Parker Building Over Canady’s Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 - Bryan, Tex. VOTE FOR JESS H. WADE Candidate for COMMISSIONER Precinct No. 1 Honest and Capable Gassed Veteran World War I (Political Adv. Paid for by Veterans of World War I) Mario Janaro Musical Novelty Group Paul Harvey—News Wake Up and Smile Excursions in Science Buddy Weed Trio Junior Junction Chester Bowles Earle Wilde Johnny Thompson—Song Salesman Bible Messages In College Station and on the Campus TRY OUR FAST — To Live in Peace The American Far Hill Toppers Melodies to Remember Piano Playhouse Musical Showcase Duke Ellington Saturday Concert News Summary Good News Jimmy Blair Harry Wismer Parade of Stars Correspondence Around the World Dry Cleaning SERVICE •espo Green Hornet •a ns Gang Busters Uree: Dick Trac; acy Famous Jury Trials Campus Cleaners A: M. 9:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 9:00 8:00 9:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 P. M. 12:30 • 12 :55 1:00 2:00 2 :30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:15 5:30 6:00 7:00 7:15 SUNDAY Over the Exchange Store Near George’s This Week—News Sermons in Song Shiloh Gospel Singers Coast to Coast on a Bus Lutheran Hour Organ Melodies Familiar Melodies Music by Master Composers - - - ELECT - - - W. T. (Bill) MOORE ^— — p- V An Ex-Aggie as Your REPRESENTATIVE Texas Legislature 26th District Composed of— Brazos and Grimes Counties. Graduate Class ’40. Former Teacher Business Law and Eco nomics, A. & M. College. World War II Veteran. For eign Service. Fully Qualified to Serve You. |§ij (Paid Pol. Adv. By Friends of W. T. “Bill” Moore) College Avenue Baptist Church Warriors of Peace Sammy Kaye’s Serenade Your Sunday News Ext: Old Fashioned Revival Hour Your Sunday News Extra Board of Missing Heirs Right Down Your Alley Darts for Dough Counterspy Orchestra Concert Eugenie Baird Drew Pearson Monday Morning Headlines Quiz Kids Ford Sunday Evening Hour Walter Winchell Louella Parsons Books may be checked out from the A. & M. Library at the loan desk on the second floor. PAINT your CAR $35.00 Bryan Motor Co. N. Main St. - Phone 2-1333 VETERANS and FACULTY vote for J. W. HAMILTON for SHERIFF of BRAZOS COUNTY Veteran World War II (Paid Political Advertisement) SERVICE Our service to you begins when we stock to supply the needs of every student of Agriculture, Engineering, Veterinary Medicine or Arts and Sciences. A service of course means more than merely stocking and supply ing. The Exchange Store buys only the highest quality merchandise which lasts longer. This is economy too. The Exchange Store will pay $1.75 per used copy of “State and Local Government” by Patterson, Hester & McAlister. There is a short- * i ’ age of this book. The Exchange Store “Serving Texas Aggies’ I F F se & on Li pa du in ve de le< $7: cla Co frc pn ric me dif hei to oul Hh I wo W. tra pai c< A i of ban mai Arr Cor US. poli Ger C For thei tion Con cer Eon P Deei ble ton. Qu Fo 3 hav vot but to Bra qua V a c resi yea date in mor chai mor a p<