Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1946)
L i Veterans and Cadets Will Ballot May 28 \ 1 i T«xm A. M. College / I 46 •mmm+rnmmi Hoy 17, 1646 Number 61 Sununer Syphony Organized for Students, Wives To Take Pfcrt ; Invited f nmmmmr rvnin*, mt A AM will Mt W d«ll. bat fUWl wMi w—ie. 7 Activitiee Office •pm »• all cnlMpe staff offtesrs. TVs orehea tra wtt bs rfirssts.l bjr W. M. Tur asr, director of tbs Sirv«in K < .cU-u. saass major o»»-r. sir k—wls win bs WM ssraMy Ball, and tk tbs first mlisersal wil bs aoawes n •. EUttahon far Class of 1948 Consolidates A tbs J He | V. Wood. E- Kswsl Nasb. C. P. Pel- rsesi. H. A. Patrick, Ifcoutrl** l^of fsr, E. G. B«>b- and Newton Cola, •t last Monday aiabt to straicbt- i set tbs jaaiar daaaca. Tbs rscoaiia >artstisns wbicb met ipprsesl of tbs ass last aMrbt, are as. order to baas a larps and as Sf ’4B iboald csnsslidats aad da away with al tWM rtoa Hianhaa, S. yg M h , i rapard to wbicb formerly belonged iboald bs tbs boat amn for tbs bs sbsica far tbsas yosi- is ta tbs bawds of the 4e- of Stixb-nt Affairs Slone M-mor for two I I of tbs set of tbs aU af *«• win stay Iw I of aa r sf tbs Haas of ’«• Is ra ta stay ia tbs aarps, bs will taka ao part in claao affair* ia kWMT ^ dii upan m+r cl am ( forjfottAf^ Attd tlM come one unitad, straap / estiior <-laiie t om promise must bs wade by all, aad all sbowld spree to work together far the pad af AAM. puttinp all pareanal prejudices aaida. Co-Editorslips/ ! Town Hall Sand Yell Posts Open ( amHdaiaa MMM l4p v / /' NMM by Nawb MaV tSt { { VdU Iw Arddepix Hld| v , by a raipaa srida election aa TsW»- IMsMT'IK *H,th «s- ^ rriU •siast raw Offlesa ta bs fil|ad ia«(bf tbs Battalion. aalirdai 1 be selected i » . - , .. t . Rules Given for Vets Not Taking School ; r tbrso »bo Kara tbotfaPfl •ted la brine them cares. suHaMa ta Upht • by lbs iiubeetrw. wM to beaak tboir aim Reffidter Now to Hold Vour Room During Summer Tbs offtss af tbs llsaa af Men ^ issued a mamnrandom •tatinp I all etudenla who wish la ra« (iMP and ppf Aoir rant In roam IWi of Oondwtn Hall before none. . wIMOyb, pay it- Apartments Apt aside fay mar * Vfad seupdea tnelmle tbass at Bryan PwU. tbs prsjaal battasa. and llsri and Waitssi Kails la addition, sta- pW roams In Darmnarlsa Na. 14 , nave been assigned. Alt of these • units hare already bean taken. Tbs following dormitories base ' bsaa set aside far snmarried stu- denu numbers I. S. 7, f. it, lL 1«. Milner. MifeheO. Riaaell. and Law. Murnm«.ry if |a reserr^i f.. r aaaaarrtad grad—lb' students. Cattlemen’s Ball At Sbisa Tonipht TVe annual cattlemen's hall sponsored by the SaddV aad Mr lota Club, will bs held at Sbtai Hal- thte evenlnp from 9 to 1. Onmnally scheduled for The Grove, the event was mooed Part VIII veterans (not dlaahlsd) who do not enroll far tbs first summer tana mM bp fsWavkad b> tbs Waco regional office by the college registrar aa havmg inter rupted training After lbs end af tbs earn neater, but net before, tits veteran abpp|i«wtwa toitbe Veterans Ad- aMpmisMlaw at Waaa. rugusating a supylsnimtal sortlfisata of alig* ibillty add entitle men I In thin IHs Aggie’s Fiancee From Paris. France, Due Here Tomorrow Saturday will ka n happy day far Thomas Welch, veteran stu dent. For tomorrow motnmp hi- French fianeae la <iue ta ngrivs in tisIv^wUKi aboard dm-UL B. 6. Cheater Valley. Mias Joeatyn Bi mwunnd oomaa from Faria, Pram Ska will bs asst at tbs alar by k future matkar-in-law. Mrs. T Welch af Dplbnvt. Tba twa want will than came immediately ia jCpBowa' Station. wbbA • mBIN Watch and Ms father will be wait- Penny Expresses Thanks to Seniors For ’47 Class Gift Iwtnuwwrwl Notice Koari To FU In \k«»ve of Dwbcww ^ ■— his thanks In wkala at tba San- t, Mr. W. L. Corps, men. Co editor* of tbs one from tba m ana pur, ta be all far- f^s oaly. Ex kould be af 'AS bo- ! Ballatinn wM (tk . Academic building. AU for a place an tba filed by 12:00 noon Map ta. in the Office QMwBtaa. \ b TVs Lanpbom editor -TP- Will rhosen at of the ciaaa af Nuftro* Xr tzzzj? Sr; loader will ka elected ky of ’49 from a list of« didates. Applications flees must t« alas Student Activities noon May ZX. The following act up by tk* committee, which ta para a mmmf r www tloaa gift. Ml bosr.t, woa earn If a veteran hwe a coming to his college addra wants it aeat ta nia hams ad- dress, be should writ# e letter dV* inti) to finance diviettkjTjMMM AdminlatratliW, Waco, -K \DUATtNG | letor lbs veteran ■baoM Olgfp tbfH data mmH Iw NfBVti jkl. Irplwt at AAM (June 11 and the date “ inteuda to re aniaf AAM other aebsal All It had basw thought earlier that she abli> might arrwb-M Nap Or* hut the Hraaoe shapiar af aa# by •Mlaaa Oarraai plaea and ti Dill -^PPPeuMa the Rad Ct Mttb.wiMpy ,Wan Singing Cgd«ta wr <•© to Hgmumont 't^ruturnteA jsreur^i pM- conwt « «ke nW. mwe » ^ a, Ut»d win give a concert in S t Saturday night at till m<«nt Aha CTip ■ad tbs nub I9tt^Many way* bav# boon triad ta iioWAWM Aa JBMpMrpI aan- taat notias altpa, hat the bulletin Qdw M6 amm to aolv* tba probiam, Fanny Ms tad. He ohm praised thw wort af tba atbla- Itlf iflHUa m ImBmt mi Mm* •mBI ipiMbMRtki vha padh af lit* taroat aad paKkripaiiah it new sn- |W4» 1 .MN! WMbh! fbMalar uf Intro- raafal athlatles* thdwad hath tha first ■ ketch *mi tba final idans (he rtnm for aypmvat Spike • .h*. .11 said (• Editor. Battalion bam. Cadot Gar pa 1 a ‘ Mgmbar rlaaa mi "49 (with afEV leas than five aiayfia akaMMW cation. Gruda paint $rmam aa9j than UUk At lanat arm i caper (area aa tba Bat lyongohrn or agulenient experience. Fans tag threw ( his work tbia aanWgtdt. f km“‘^XeJwl l ll2* Lm *' fk harHajMaai |j>4a raga af ».*•; pasalhf tWM flflha of prnuat waffc, ^gMWfNMM Mt juunaalUm or ralatad field, Tana Ball Member alaat al aenmaurd alaaaifteal wakll average af I ti. Tap* Hall atoff fifth, present win tell leader, ltd-net Kh m AAM Mather* tha Cadets will farm.h tba special music for the clrv.n Oil.irk Ml VI. a* of the Fir -t Methodist Church. I ThhWMfUp iaMMkoaaf uf tbs cadet, will make the journey tnr cheitcretl bu* and will leave l ol ring the A MMl ®. PtddaAkai^I that checks, until fa tare notice < be mailed ta kta boom aldrosa. Bath old! Mflfl 196*61 gfiHrwfHMPb bdV given, and the letter should spec ify "Ihi not transfer my files I am returning to AAM OaHags.** Part VU veterans (Public InA 16) who do not enroll for the first summer teem will also be report- w.». — v*** | * --w « «*. od to Waco aa interrupt lag train- lege Station at twelve noon from A» The Vetarmn Been it . « Ing. Aay one who does not-eorull I GeorgeV | " 1 ’ ‘ ■? for tba firm summer tana ha| - approval _ anaumta „ _ war* cooperating to gat th# gift I" aa Hue a shaps aa ppaailde. Tha Omrpmi Flakiihg Qmmmm Mfl, m trssi.TwSrtror «s5! mm «• a-i. Punran Mall, an a Une with tba watnr fountain It la to bs twenty two feet long and eight ami on* half feat high, Pith place* for allp* to be placed, and plat f. will A phAMra be prin than thtsa aamaatsr^a al Grade point average of (it. The ftdlaPing •ImieN named as sa. Bob Ring, miymandi Par mat ■ aaaMdaat BMmL Ger. H sward of the bulletin board ; GieUn Bell, Hilton IlaUi - — “•H^.vsSrrSLVwu rn- ^ -a t MrTvWI I 1 plana ta cuntinuo training at AA or any other piers af training un der Public Bill It should r- poit ta Training division. Ramp B. Hurt (Bee BUI.ES Page 4) * YMC A fur tba r a the start tar loan af tba at 7: SENIOR INVITATIONS Senior invitation* have been received by the Student Activ- tiee office and thoee gradu ates who pieced orders art re quested to cell for them at the Veterans Will Register Saturday At Sbisa Hall Tba official 4. Va tba Amt day mi rontly sn Mammy, What’* Cooking PB1UAY 519 Mora Housing Units May , 9:00 pan.: Cattlemens Ball, Sad dle and Sirloin Club. Sbisa Hall BA TURDAY (nJ-SnSt : Preliminaries for in most. and Ciaaa B • 00 Mr u. ▼, ■ L. Aaguil, assistant ta the aneoneoad. today that tbs PPBA had allocated an addi tional 919 boosing units to A A M. Tha esBsgs hasn't received aay liefiaho' word aa to wh*pYthese ■6M|wM ha delivered, bet it will ba in tiam for some af them to be ready for occupancy ky the fall asomsksr- Tkuaa uuita will be set up on the old cheatry drill grounds and will be assigned on the same basis aa the present hoi.*!- * f*. mmi * ~ ‘- / Whan tkaedenHa art com pie tad It Will hr .ng tba total ta aipproxi aaataly 990 unto, including the and project partment Problem £ houses. This will taka cafe of proximalcly 70 par 6eni of married veterans acrordtdg to present fstimate*. but nd dafiaRd estimate can ba mad figures that bra availably at til* tuna. At muscat there active application* on the file* fur apartments, but this can tithsr tap- ertaaa or dmunaif .qMh[ tba faB enrollment. The priority system ipr anurb- ments gives tap pnonty to'stu dents with tbs lmm| mMm W 'N *** mester* ta ftelab. which at pee* sent practically exclude* tveryoaa but senior*. The aituati«m sbowld be relieved to aemg Mrtarfr by tbld now allotnwut mi 'bouses kM9*ae 1 . • (Boa MOUMNG Fag i 4>