Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1945)
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 29, 1945 INTRAMURALS By H. A. Pate B Company Wins League B. Intramura Football With Five Straight Victories Return of Karow and Lettermen i Point to Improved Cage Team FOOTBALL League A E Company defeated D Troop, 7-6 in the first League A game of the week, and A Battery won over B Company on penetrations after the two teams played to a scoreless League B Inf. Band 0 3 .000 A sudden epidemic of ties seems to have hit the League B teams. The Artillery Band won a game off D Battery on penetrations, with the score standing at 6-6, and D Company got by B Troop on the same account after the two teams had piled up 19 points each. B Company copped the cham pionship in the Loop B race by winning a 6-0 victory over B Troop. The B Company team play ed five games with no defeats, and that is really quite a record for any company to boast about. League C F Company climbed to the top of the winner’s column in the League C race, defeating C Troop 7-0 in the only Loop C game of the week. BASKETBALL League A D Battery handed H Company a neat pasting, to the tune of IS IS. McAlester and Cannon did some fancy shooting for the D Battery team. Still on the victory Air-Conditioned Opens 1:00 P.M. — Ph. 4-1181 Tuesday - Wednesday Bing - Bob - Dottie “ROADTO MOROCCO” Also Cartoon — Com. Sin£ Thursday and Friday (CLOSED DURING GAME) Box Office Opens 5.:30 SMgl / CtHUOM f '“’"HUH uim tuui 'I/i]}(] Saturday Only Double Feature No. 1 TOM CONWAY BARBARA HALE_» JEAN BROOKS V No. 2 Lee Tracy TLL TELL THE n Also Merrie Melodies - Cartoon Sunday and Monday Double Feature First Feature I Colm ia's In TECHNICOLOR! ) liioufm an!> one timis EVelyn Keyes • Phi! Silvers • Aiiele lergens] and CORNEL WILDE Second Feature 4 BROOKLYN” — and — BUGS BUNNY in HIAWATHA’S RABBIT HUNT” string, D Battery chalked up its second victory of the week by de feating G Company 19-12. Metcalf was the high scorer for D Battery. A Battery scraped by a hustling G Company team, 17-16, in one of the most exciting games of the season. League B A Company smashed the Infan try Band under the weight of a 31-9 tally. Luker chalked up a large portion of the A Company tallies. C Battery was defeated by E Company, 17-10, and A Com pany, with Bell and Fergus do ing the shooting, won a 28-8 vic tory over A troop. League C C Troop plowed over F Company, 20-12 in the only League C game of the week. FOOTBALL Team Won Lost Pet. League A A Co 2 0 1.000 E Co. 3 1 .750 A Battery 2 1 .667 D Troop 1 2 .333 H Co 1 8 .250 Inf. Band 0 3 .000 League B B Co 5 0 1.000 B Batt 2 1 .667 Art. Band 2 2 .500 D Co 2 2 .500 D Batt 0 3 .000 B Troop 0 4 .000 League C A Troop 3 0 1.000 F Co 3 0 1.000 C Co ;. 1 2 .833 G Co ....1 2 .333 C Troop 1 2 .333 C Batt 0 3 .000 Spanish Club Gets First Newspaper The Spanish Club held its fourth meeting of the year, Monday night in the C. E. lectui’e room with thirty-five members present. The first issue of the semi monthly club paper “El Glarin’’, published in Spanish, was distri buted and a movie was shown on the differences in family life be tween ourselves and Latin-Amer- icans. Spanish songs were sung, and a Dr. I. Q. program was con ducted. Dick Reed was installed as Secre tary and Treasurer. Mrs. J. W. Trapp of Brownwood, president of Daniel Baker College, is the only woman college presi dent in Texas. STUDENT CO-OP Bicycle and Radio Repair PHONE 4-4114 Continuous Show Starting at 1:00 p.m. LAST TIME TODAY “GYPSY WILDCAT” in Technicolor * GUION HALL THEATRE * * CLOSED SATURDAY & * * SUNDAY, OPEN TUBS- * * DAY, NOVEMBER 4th. * TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY November 4-5 Aggie Basketball Prospects Are Better . Basketball hopes at Texas A&M are decidedly better than they were in the past two years when the Aggies had two of the poorest seasons in their long record. Not only has Coach Marty Ka row returned from more than three years of U. S. Navy duty but there also are three lettermen back from the wars, as well as four lettermen from the 1944-46 squad. In addition Coach Karow will have an assistant coach this year in the person of Johnnie Frankie, who took his Milby high school of Houston to the state semi finals last season. Top performer back from the army is lanky, six, seven, Jamie Dawson, Crockett, who won his two letters in 1942 and 1943 and received mention for All-Confer ence honors. Also released from the Army Air Corps is Bill Under wood, Houston hero, and letterman in 1942. Along with that duo is Homer Adams, Dallas, who lettered in 1943. From last year the Cadets will have Hub Elis, Kilgore; Dick Goad, Muskogee, Okla.; Oscar White, Rising Star; and Bill Mc Cormick, Dallas. Outstanding first year men will include: Jim Kirkland, Dallas; Don Mace, Beaumont; George Town send, Coushatta, La.; “Peck” Vasst, Houston; and Hugo Webber, Dallas. All are very capable ball handlers and are giving those seven letter- men a tussel for starting assign ments. Ellis and White still are busy with football but all others (oa jffarti^^arow of the 20-man squad are working out every night after supper under Karow and Frankie. The Aggies will open their sea son on December 8 against Camp Bowie at College Station and their Southwest Conference season against Southern Methodist on January 4 at home. TEXAS AGGIE BASKETBALL SCHEDULE December 8, Camp Bowie, at Col lege Station. December 11, S. L. I., at La fayette, La. December 12, L. S. U., at Baton Rouge, La. December 15, Bergstrom Field, at College Station December 19, Sam Houston State Teachers, at College Station December 26, Army Air Pilot School, at SanAntonio December 27, Army Air Force Personnel Dist. Comd., at San An tonio December 28, Kelly Field, at San Antonio December 29, Corpus Christi Naval Air Station, at Corpus Chris ti *January 4, S. M. U., at College Station *January 5, T. C. U., at College Station * January 12, Texas U., ail v Austin * January 16, Rice, at College Station January 19, Corpus Christi Nav al Air Station, at College Station *January 25, T. C. U., at Fort Worth ’■“January 26, S. M. U., at Dallas February 2, Sam Houston State Teachers, at Huntsville *February 6, Texas U., at Col lege Station *February 9, Rice, at Houston *February 14, Baylor, at Waco *February 19, Baylor, at College Station February 23, Bergstrom Field, at Austin ’■“March 1, Arkansas U., at Col lege Station ‘•■“March 2, Arkansas U., at Col lege Station *—Indicates Southwest Confer ence game. Methodist Ladies Plan Bazaar and Supper for Dec. 3 Plans have been completed for the annual Bazaar and Supper sponsored by the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the A. & M. Methodist Churcr, which will be held at the church on Monday, December 3, 1945. The Bazaar will be open from 5:00 until 6:30 p. m. and supper will be served at 6:30. Fifteen committees are making arrangements for the event. The committees and 1 their chairmen are: General Chairman, Mrs. W. M. Turner; Aprons, Mrs. I. W. Rupel; Handwork, Mrs. L. R. Hickman; Household articles, Mrs. R. M. Pinkerton; Novelties, Mrs. W. R. Horsley; Wooden toys, Frances Mooneyham and Esther Dilsaver; Tables, Mrs. Carl Files; Decora tions, Mrs. E. D. Parnell; Stuffed toys, Mrs. Paul Andrews; Peanut and Pecan Booth, Mrs. Ray Oden; Fish Pond, Mrs. R. C. Terry and Mrs. Michael Throckmorton; White Elephant Booth, Mrs. Sam Cleland; Foods Booth, Mrs. Lamar Fly; Supper, Mrs. H. W. Barlow; Pub licity, Mrs. R. W. Steen. OFFICIAL NOTICES FOR SALE—-Cushman Auto-GHde motor Iain in scooter. Contact Sfrt. R Ross Hall or call 4-1191. R. G. McCla FOR SALE—1 pr. Senior Roots, size «-C ; pr. Wool Serge Slacks, size 30x32 : Cam paign hat, size 7% ; Spurs, Drawing In struments, Sam Brown Belt. Refund guar anteed if not satisfaction. J. O. Toole, Jr., ’36, Hemphill, Texas. WANTED—Ride from Bry; iration Building. Hours 8 rough Friday, 8-12 Satu istratio throu 2-716 to Admin- to 6, Monday Saturday. Phone WANTED—Passengers to St. Petersburg, Florida or vicinity. Lea January 2. Mail card tc call at Rm. C-4, Hart Hall after 10 p.m. ave Dec. 22, return . Box 1032 or There were 74 Texans aboard the U.S.S. Minneapolis when she unfurled the Lone Star flag, a gift from Governor Coke Stevenson. First Lt. Audie Murphy of Far- mersville, Texas, the nation’s most decorated infantryman, ha? been awarded the French Croix de Guerre. WASH and GREASE BOTH ONLY $1.50 75* This is a real bargain in a double feature because both are as good as money can buy. Drive in today, or let us call for and deliver your car. Aggieland Service Station “At the East Gate” Your Friendly MAGNOLIA DEALER LOST—Leather bound check book. Stock rowers National Bank, Cheyenne, Wyom ing. $2 reward. Return to Hart Hall, Rm. C-l’4. lighter lost JjUbT—Old silver Konson lighter Wednesday. J. B. Kearby, Box 1002 Dorm 6—201. •esid be christ will speak. There will be a que tion session and light refreshments after the talk. There will also be a business meeting of the Association Wednesday in room 319. Animal Industries, at five p.m. Sergeant Gorzycki Receives Citation Technical Sergeant Raymond C. Gorzycki, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gorzycki of College Sta tion, has been highly commended by the commanding officer of the 58th Quartermaster Base Depot for superior work with that organi zation overseas. The citation, issued by Colonel Mortlock S. Pettit, read in part “You have done a fine job with this depot and I am sincerely grateful for the cooperation, inter est and efficiency which you have reflected in all your work. At times some of your tasks seemed impossible but you have in every instance come through with an excellent piece of work.” The letter commended Sergeant Gorzycki for his work in keeping the war room of the organization at Liege and stated that Generals Lee, Littlejohn and Plank had com mitted favorably upon the excellent work in this section. Church Notices FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH R. L. Brown. Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School 10:50 a. m. Morning Worship 6:I.j p. m. Training Union. 7 :15 p. m. Evening Worship. COLLEGE AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH 203 N. College Ave. J. H. Landes, Pastor 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship Service 6:15 Training Union 7:30 Evening Worship Service THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Corner Twenty-Seventh and S. College F. J. Smythe, Pastor 10:00—Sunday School 11:00—Communion and Worship 6:00—Recreation Hour 7:00—Christian Youth Fellowship 8:00—Communion and Sermon CHURCH OF CHRIST R. B. Sweet, Pastor Sunday, 9:45 Bible Classes; 10:45 the Morning Worship: 7 p. m. the Evening —*-ip. hesday 7:15 p. m. the Prayer Meet- Worship. Wed: CATHOLIC STUDENTS Sunday Mass 10:00 a.m. Confessions, Sunday before Mass. ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHAPEL Sunday Services union 9: ;ommunion 9:00 a.m. Coffee Club 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer or Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Room on second floor. Divine Service at 7 p.m. in the Y.M.C.A. Assembly Room on second floor. A cordial welcome to worship with us is extended to all. Lutheran Student Pastor’s Office in V.M.C.A., 1st floor, with office hours ev ery Wednesday. Jewish Religious Services every Friday evening at 7:15 p.m. in the Y. M. C. A. Chapel. A. & M. METHODIST CHURCH AND WESLEY FOUNDATION Rev. R. C. Terry Sunday: Church School—9:46 a. t Morning Worship—10:60 a. m. Wesley Foundation—7 p. m. Wesley Wednesday Choir Practice—6:46 md Midweek and M. Methodist Church is one block east of the Post Office at the North Gate. # ir Practice—6:46 p. m. Wesley Fellowship and Midweek Devo- >nal—7 p. m. The A. and M. Methodist Church is om A. & M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Norman Anderson, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 in the Y.M.C.A. Morning Worship 11:00 in the Y.M.C.A. chapel. Student League 6:30 on the lawn east of Guion Hall. Summer Vespers 7:30 on the lawn east of Guion Hall. NEW CARS It will be a long time be fore new car production catches up with the de mand. Until that happy time comes it will pay you to let us keep your present car in good run ning condition. Whatever automobile service you need we can do it well. Bring your car in and let Walter Eldred, our service manager give you an honest diagnosis of your automobile troubles. BRINT MORRIS MOTORS DE SOTO — PLYMOUTH DEALER 223 SOUTH MAIN — PHONE 2-1311 Satisfactory Service is Our Specialty PENNY’S SERENADE By W. L. Penberthy In the early part of the season I officiated in a Southwest Con ference game with a referee who officiates in at least two other conferences. After the game the referee speaking of our conference said, “We have the best confer ence said, “We have the best conference in the * country.” He then | elaborated that we had fine men ^ as coaches, bet ter coached teams and better offi cials than other |f||§ conferences. Since ... I that time I have Sti heard similar s t a t e m ents so Penberthy that I feel that most everyone who is familiar with our setup here in the southwest Aggie Musicians Appear in Bryan Victory Bond Show Featuring vocals by Boyd Rogers and the Aggieland Quartet, the Aggieland Orchestra presented a Victory War Bond premiere last night at the Palace Theatre in Bryan. Mark Halleck, a student at A. & M., acted as master of cere monies. Admission to the stage show and moving picture program was by purchase of war bonds of any denomination, and final figures on total bond sales at the show amounted to $70,625.00. Also appearing on the program was Miss Virginia Estill who sang several popular numbers. The American 36th Division, composed largely of Texans, cap tured the German Division. feels that we do have a mighty fine conference. I have worked in several con ference ball games this fall and have found that the coaches, play ers, officials, and all persons con nected with the teams were fine gentlemen and it was a real pleas ure and a privilege to work with them. I feel that much thought and effort has been put out to develop our program. I also feel that it is the responsibility of every one of us who has a connection with a member school to do everything in his power to promote the things that sports stand for by both words and actions. If we do not know how to do this we have only to take our cue from the men who represent our schools out on the field. They are out there to represent us in a wholesome sport, and are trying to win within the letter and the spirit of the rules of the game. They are not mad at the fellow they play against, and so don’t resort to a lot of petty tactics. If we follow their example we will do everything possible to keep the sport and our conference One of which we- can be justly proud. DR. N. B. McNUTT DENTIST Office in Parker Building Over Canady’s Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas L0IIP0T5 WHERE YOU ALWAYS GET A FAIR TRADE ARE YOU EXPECTING COMPANY FOR CHRISTMAS? If you are. take stock of your living-room furniture. There is no need of being embarrassed by worn-out or inadequate furnishings. We have a beautiful line of modern suites, with good spring construction and colorful tapestry upholstering, priced from $98.95 up. Easy Payment Terms No Carrying Charges Free Delivery CLAYTON FURNITURE COMPANY 203 N. Main Street Bryan, Texas WE’LL SEE YOU AT THE GAME BE AT TEXAS r Qaldropgfl “TWO CONVENIENT STORES” COLLEGE STATION BRYAN