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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1945)
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 19, 1945 Mrs. Ward Heads New Ladies Auxiliary to Ex-Servicemen’s Club Officers of the Ladies Auxiliary to the A. & M. Fx-Service Men’s Club were installed Monday night, July 2nd at Recreation Hall. They were: pres., Mrs. aVnita Ward; viee-pres., Mrs. Billie Blair; sec., Mrs. Beverly Flescher; treas urer, Mrs. Dorothy Campbell; re porter, Mrs. Estelle Redd; parlia mentarian, tylrs. Jodie Parker. After the business hour refresh ments were served by Mrs. Vanita Ward and Mrs. Billie Blair. There will be a regular meeting Monday night, August 6, at the Recreation Hall at )7:15. All wives of the students going to school un der the G.I. Bill of Rights who be long to the A. & M. ExService Men’s Club are urged to attend the next meeting. Mrs. Shearin Resigns As President of Newcomers Club Mrs. A. R. Orr was hostess to the Newcomers’ Club Wednesday afternoon at her home at 234 Pur- year Drive. Mrs. A. E. Shearin tendered her resignation as president of the club during the business meeting, and Mrs. W. M. Turner was elected to the presidency. Mrs. Shearin was in turn named vice president to fill Mrs. Turner’s place. Two tables of bridge were en joyed during the social hour, Mrs. Turner winning the high score prize. Delicious refreshments of lime sherbert and pineapple cake were served. The home was ra diantly decorated with red roses and yellow marigolds. Next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. George O. Phelps, on Walton Drive. If you are having trouble with your khakis, send them to Holick Cleaners We charge more DR. N. B. McNUTT DENTIST Office in Parker Building Over Canady’s Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas BAPTIST STUDENTS The Baptist Student Union of the First Baptist Church, Col lege Station, invites all Bap tist students and all others who desire to attend to join them in a social on the church lawn, Sat urday evening, July 21, at 8:00 o’clock. The Sunbeam meeting of the First Baptist Church, College Station, has been postponed until July 28th, at 9:30 A. M. West Texas Aggies Elect New Officers Assembling for the first time of the semester, on June 20, the Aggies of West Texas met and organized the West Texas Club of A. & M. An immediate election of officers was held, and the follow ing were named officers of the club: Jay Poynor of Mason, pres ident; Russell Benson of San An gelo, vice-president; Jimmy Hen derson of Coleman, secretary; Pale Lane of San Angelo, treasurer; Harold Broom of San Angelo, tail- twister; and Tucker Pemberton of Stephenville and El Paso, report er. The purpose of the club is to bring all the West Texas Aggies into closer contact with one another; and it is Poynor’s belief that such can be achieved, since the club has a large membership. A club party was planned at the July 11 meeting of the club. Committees for the arrangements were appointed, and the date was set for July 21. An invitation is extended to all West Texas Aggies to join the club in an endeavor to make West Texas better known on the A. & M. campus. * :i< H< >l< :!< He ^ $ * $ $ * NOTICE * * The A. & M. Presbyterian * * Student League will hold their * * regular program and a water- * *melon feast at the home of\Rev. * * and Mrs. Norman Anderson, * * Timber Street, in South Oak- * * wood on Sunday evening, July * * 22, at 6:30 p.m. All students * * from other countnies are es- * * pecially invited and urged to * * come as honored guests. To * * reach the Anderson home, cross * * the new drill field diagonally * * from Dorm 12. Go to the left * * on the paved street at the far * * side of the field (Jersey St.) * * and go one block past Lee St. * * and turn right on the gravel * * road there. Follow this street * * (Timber St.) until you come * * to the only house on the right, * * which is the Anderson home. * * Everyone is cordially invited. * A 10-Minute Washday! That’s all it takes to gather soiled laundry and put it in our hands, to be returned spick and span, ready for use. We feature quick service and gentle care, at low cost. COLLEGE HILLS LAUNDRY LILLY’S SHERBERT will provide a cooling-, satisfying taste treat on the hottest summer day. Ice Cream Company BRYAN, TEXAS PERSONALS Lt. David W. Spence is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Spence. Lt. Spence has been sta tioned on Iwo Jima as radar of ficer in the Army Airways Com munication System until recently, when he received a back injury. C. A. Price, of the Extension Service publicity department, spoke Tuesday at the Bryan Lions’ Club on the recent trip of Texas 4-H club boys to Mexico. Sgt. Hennessey and his mother, Mrs. May Hennessey are visiting A. & M. College. Sgt. Hennessey was formerly employed at Cush ing Library before entering the service. Mrs. Grace Bowman from Okla homa City, Oklahoma, has been a guest of her son, Cadet Bowman, here for the past week. Billie Ruth King and Wanda Brown are guests of Cadets De Hass and Grimes, all of Ft. Worth. Mrs. R. L. Taylor visited her son, Bob Ed Taylor, here last week. Other guests of Cadet Tay lor were his brothers, Gary and Don; his grandmother, Mrs. Sad ler; and Miss Alva Shirley; all of Stanford, Texas. Rev. R. L. Brown, pastor of the First Baptist Church, spoke Mon day on the Million for Christ cam paign at the monthly workers' con ference of the Creath Brazos As sociation. Miss Laura Lane, editor for the College Extension Service, left Tuesday for Washington, D. C., where she will devote a month to preparing the annual report for the Extension Service of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. She has obtained leave from the college to complete the assignment. Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Steen have returned from San Marcos’ where Dr. Steen has been teaching his tory for the past six weeks in the Southwest Texas State Teachers College. Mrs. John Hanna of Galveston is visiting her son, Parker D. Han na, and family. Mrs. J. J. Taubenhaus left Fri day for Gulfport, Miss., where she will spend the summer. Lt. (jg) Ward O. Matthews, USNR, is spending a leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. L. Matthews. Lt. Matthews partici pated in the campaigns of Iwo Jima and Okinawa with the Car rier Task Force. Mrs. H. G. McCullar is a sur gical patient at Bryan Hospital. Brazos A&M Club Meets Monday Eve The Brazos County A. & M. Club held its regular monthly- meeting at the Country Club last Monday night, with President J. E. “Jocko” Roberts presiding. The forty attendees held a general bull session, and decided to change the regular meetings to the last Tues day night in each month. Bill Sparks was the lucky man who won the attendance prize for this month. The next meeting will con sist of a real “watermelon-cutting” and all Brazos county Aggies are urged to be there. Kiwanis Club Sees “B-29’s Over Dixie” A short motion picture “B-29’s Over Dixie” produced by the Bell Aircraft Corporation was shown at the x’egular Tuesday luncheon meeting of the College Station Ki wanis Club. Showing of the picture was pre faced by a short talk by R. M. Pinkerton, who called attention to the significance of the picture as a challenge to peace-time develop ment of industry and described the capacities of the B-29 as a war weapon. The meeting was opened with group singing of “America”, and a resume of the late news by Byron Winstead. The invocation was pronounced by Rev. J. I. Mc Cord of Austin. Visitors present were Lt. H. G. Law, Lt. J. D. Bihl- ing, Lt. John F. Campbell, Lt. Clinton Medbery, Sgt. R. C. Ham- OFFICIAL NOTICES | Ex-Student Board Names Winters As New President Classified STUDENTS—ice-cold watermelons. Plen ty on hand at all times. Southside Food FOR SALE—Two Junior Blouses. Ex cellent condition. Room 317, No. 6. FOR SALE—One piano and one 5-tube radio, both in good condition. Phone 2-1244. Announcements CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES: Any student who normally expects to complete all the requirements for a degree by the end of the current semester should call by the Registrar’s Office NOW and make formal application for a degree. By action of the City Council on May 17, 1945, the penalty for speeding within the city limits of College Station and on the campus of A. & M. College is fixed at $5.00, effective with date of action. Ernest Langford, Mayor. DISTINGUISHED STUDENTS: Cita tions from President Gilchrist are now available in the Registrar’s Office for those students who were distinguished during the Spring Semester.—H. L. HEA TON, Registrar. Commandants Office 1. With the General Order No. 28 approval of the PRESI- DOLI — 1 — eant L., JULY 1945: CORPS STAFF Major, Harper, W. C., Adjutant. NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS Master Sergeant, Stone, J. L., Serg Major; Master Sergeant, Maxwell, B. Supply Sergeant. FIRST BATTALION STAFF Major, Jones, A. R., Battalion Com mander; Captain, Muchison, J. W., Execu tive Officer; Captain, Poynor, W. J., Adjutant; Captain, Mijalis, A. S., Plans and Training; First Lieutenant, Libson, M., Supply Officer. SECOND BATTALION STAFF Major, Murnane, T. G., Battalion Com mander ; First Lieutenant, Harris, B. D., Adjutant. THIRD BATTALION STAFF Major, Benson, W. R., Battalion Com mander ; Captain, Wilson, R. G., Adju- J. B., Execu- r on, D., Plans nant, Cox, J. and training T. M., Supply Officer. COMPANY “A” Captain, Yeargain, C. W., Company Com mander; First Lieutenant, Label, S. J., Second-in-Cmommand; First Sergeant, Vick, R. M., First Sergeant; Technical Ser geant, Nixon, S. A., Technical Sergeant; Technical Sergeant, Patterson, J. E., Tech nical Sergeant; Technical Sergeant, Parke, M. L., Technical Sergeant. COMPANY “B” rgeant; Technical Sergeant, Dom ing, D. D., Technical Sergeant; Technical Sergeant, Tom, G. E., Technical Sergeant; Technical Sergeant, Bell, G. L., Technical Sergeant. COMPANY “L” Captain, Kearby, J. B., Company Com mander ; First Lieutenant, Spragins, J. F., Second-in-Command; First Sergeant, An derson, T. G., First Sergeant; Technical Sergeant, Rasch, E. M., Technical Ser geant ; Technical Sergeant, Wardlow, L. B., Technical Sergeant. By order of COLONEL WELTY: JOE E. DAVIS, Major, Infantry, Assistant Commandant. Senior Council of YMCA Elects New Officers for Summer The Senior Council of the Y. M. C. A. Cabinet met Monday even ing, July 16, and elected officers. Those elected were: Guillermo Mon- cada from Lalima, Honduras, pres ident; J. W. Murchison from Gal veston, Texas, vice-president; Fred Buenrostro from Dallas, Texas, secretary-treasurer. At the meeting of July 16, Dr. Doak, head of the Biology Depart ment addressed the group on “Ob solescence of Religion.” The next meeting of the Senior Cabinet is scheduled for Monday evening, July 23, and plans include the installation of new officers and a banqpet. mack, Donald O. Phelps, H. W. Barlow, Paul Jones, E. E. Ames, Billy Mogford, and McCord. WASH and GREASE BOTH ^ $1.50 only V 750 This is a real bargain in a double feature because both are as good as money can buy. Drive in today, or let us call for and deliver your car. Aggieland Service Station “At the East Gate” Your Friendly MAGNOLIA DEALER The Board of Directors of the Association of Former Students of A. & M. College elected H. Dick Winters of Brady new president of the Association at its meeting held on the campus last Saturday and Sunday. He succeeds Rufus Peeples of Tehuacana. Carroll Gaines of San Antonio was named vice president and E. E. McQuillen of College Station was re-elected secretary-treasurer. Allin F. Mitchell of Corsicana was re-elected student loan fund Trustee, Stanley J. Baker of Ft. Worth was named Athletic Coun cil Representative, and Peeples, Tyree L. Bell of Dallas, and J. P. Hamblen of Houston were elected members of the Executive Commit tee. During the session, the Board made a full check of the Associa tion’s program, approved the bud get, and discussed revision of the organization’s Bylaws. President of the College Gibb Gilchrist was the Board’s guest at dinner Saturday evening where he discussed various phases of the College program. Fifty directors from various parts of the state were present. Church Notices FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH R. L. Brown, Pastor 9:45 a. m. Sunday School 10:50 a. m. Morning Worship 6:15 p. m. Training Union. 7:15 p. m. Evening Worship. All are Invited to attend all these serv ices. You will be most welcome. COLLEGE AYE. BAPTIST CHURCH 203 N. College Ave. J. H. Landes, Pastor 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Morning Worship Service 6:15 Training Union 7:30 Evening Worship Service A cordial welcome awaits all who attend this church. THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Corner Twenty-Seventh and S. College F. J. Smythe, Pastor 10:00—Sunday School 11:00—Communion and Worship 6:00—Recreation Hour 7:00—Christian Youth Fellowship 8:00—Communion and Sermon A cordial invitation is extended to all who desire to worship with us. CHURCH OF CHRIST ' R. B. Sweet, Pastor Sunday, 9:45 Bible Classes; 10:45 the Mprning Worship; 7 p. m. the Evening Worship. Wednesday 7:16 p. m. the Prayer Meet- CATHOLIC STUDENTS Sunday Mass 10:00 a.m. Confessions, Sunday before Mass. ST. THOMAS’ EPISCOPAL CHAPEL Rev. Hugh Farrell, Chaplain Sunday Services Holy Communion—9 :00 a.m. Coffee Club—9:30 a.m. Church School—9:45 a.m. Morning Prayer or Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. JEWISH RELIGIOUS SERVICES (Y. M. C. A. Chapel) Every Friday evening, 7:00 p. m. AMERICAN LUTHERAN CONGREGATION Y.M.C.A. Assembly Room, Campus (2nd Floor of Y. Bldg.) Rev. Fred Mgebroff, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Divine Service at 7:16 p.m. 2nd and 4th Sundays. Office hours in Lutheran Student Serv- ..r r: — . v .... W7.. ice. Pastor’s office nesdi ay. Radio broadcast: Wednesday, 4:00 p.m. over WTAW, 1150 Kc. the Y. every Wed- to A. & M. METHODIST CHURCH AND WESLEY FOUNDATION Rev. R. C. Terry Sundayi Church School—9:45 a. m. Morning Worship—10:50 a. m. Wesley Foundation—7 p. m. Wednesday: Choir Practice—6:45 p. m. Wesley Fellowship and Midweek Devo tional—7 p. m. The A. and M. Methodist Church is one block east of the Post Office at the North Gate. A. & M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Norman Anderson, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 in the Y.M.C.A. chapel. Morning Worship 11:00 in the Y.M.C.A. chapel. Student League 6:30 on the lawn east of Guion Hall. Summer Vespers 7:30 on the lawn east of Guion Hall. Man, Your Manners By I. Sherwood m .Knowing how to make introduc tions is absolutely necessary if you would save yourself any em barrassment. The most formal introduction is “May I present?” When these words are used you are actually asking the honored person if you may introduce another to him or her. Therefore, since a man is presented to a lady, you say, “Miss Jones, may I present Mr. Smith”? “May I introduce?” is a little less stiff than “May I present” and equally as proper. A younger person is presented to an older one of the same sex by saying, “Mrs. Beach may I present Miss Young?” or “Mr. Old may I introduce Mr. Young?” The most popular form for in troductions is to use the words, “this is,” saying “Miss Hart, this is Mr. Jones”. Of course, young folks are perfectly proper, when in informal groups all the same age, they say, “Mary Jones, this is James Lee.” The proper response to any form of introduction is “How do you do?” You may add the name if you wish saying “How do you do. Miss Jones.” The only exceptions to present ing the man to the lady are the President of the United States and high church officials. Visiting Educators Inspect Texas A&M Veterinary School A committee composed of Dr. W. L. Boyd of the University of Minnesota and Dean W. A. Hagan of the Cornell Veterinary school, was on the campus of Texas A. & M. College last week on a bien nial inspection of the School of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Boyd is in charge of veteri nary research and teaching at Min nesota University, and is chairman of the committee on education of the American Veterinary Medical Association. Dean Hagan is a mem ber of this committee. The visitors arrived on Thurs day and spent their time here in specting and visiting with heads of all departments in the Veteri nary school of Texas A. & M. Col lege. Dr. R. P. Marsteller, dean, acted as their host and guided them about the campus. On Saturday morning they com pleted their visiting and inspection by visits with President Gibb Gil christ and with Vice President and Dean of the College F. C. Bolton. Aggies & A.S.T.R.P. for - - - • Delicious home-made pies • Creamy milkshakes and malts • Sunday chicken dinners —COME TO THE— A. & M. GRILL At the North Gate J ' - f. -...a^ v: uL m Aggie Novelties We carry a complete stock of Aggie Novelties . . . Stop in and see our fine assortment. Aggie Pennants Aggie Spots Aggie Tee Shirts Aggie Jewelry Hickok Key Chains Gifts for Ladies QJaldropSg “Two Convenient Stores” College Station—Bryan “7\jn 214 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN, TEXAS BATTALION SUBSCRIPTIONS Open to the public. Keep up with College Station and A. & M. College news. Rates for Mail Subscriptions For remainder of summer semester For one full year $1.00 . 3.00 Clip and Mail Student Publications (in care of) A. & M. College of Texas College Station, Texas Enclosed is $ in cash, money order, or check, for which please mail me THE BATTALION for (1) re mainder of summer semester, (2) one full year (cross out one). My correct mailing address is: