Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1944)
PAGE 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 12, 1944 A. & M.’s BOARD OF DIRECTORS posing just after their latest meeting in Austin on November 29. It was at this meeting that G. R. White was elected chairman and it was also the first meeting for E. W. Harrison who was appointed to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of F. M. Law. Left to right first row: Gibb Gilchrist, President of A. & M.; R. W. Briggs, newly elected vice-president of the board; G. R. White, Chairman; Neth L. Leachman. Second row: E. W. Harrison; H. L. Kokernot; H. J. Bress, and A. H, Dempke. Not present at the meeting were J. C. Burns and D. S. Buchanan. W T A W Bait Chat The compelling dramatization of David G. Wittel’s Saturday Evening Post article—“Are the Chaplains Doing a Job?”—will be aired over WTAW’s Listening Post on Tuesday, December 12, at 9:45 a. m., CWT. “My Uncle Omore,” by Lenora Mattingly Weber, will be broadcast on Wednesday, Decem ber 13, and “Weekend,” by Stuart Cloate, on Thursday, December 14. A song that gives real West erners a laugh at the geographical misconceptions of Easterners, “Way Out West in Kansas,” will be included on the Jack Berch Show over WTAW Wednesday, 'dr. n. b. mcnutt DENTIST Office in Parker Building Over Canady’s Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan, Texas December 13, at 10:45 a.m., CWT. Jack also will sing “Sweet Jen ny Lee,” “You’ll Never Know”, and “There’s Ghes That Song Again”. For the instrumental tune on Wednesday’s broadcast on WTAW’s Monday-through-Friday musical, the Three Suns will play the rumba, “Siboney.” The Jerome Kern Jubilee Week gets a salute from Baritone Curley Bradley and the Home Towners, under the direction of Harry Kogen, on the Wednesday, Decem ber 13 broadcast of WTAW’s Farm and Home Makers program, 11:30 a.m., CWT. Choosing one of the most re cent melodic compositions to come from the Kern pen, Bradley will sing “Any Moment Now” from the new Deanna Durbin musical pic ture, “Can’t Help Singing.” The Harmonizers, instrumental sextet, the singin’ Four Cadets, Kay Baxter, ace homemaker, and Mi- randy, the Persimmon Holler philo sopher, will round out the mid day variety show. An opportunity for opera lovers HANG YOURSELF ON HER CHRISTMAS TREE to receive free an album of Victor recordings by Metropolitan Opera stars is being provided by the Texas Company, sponsors of the weekly WTAW broadcasts of the Opera matinees on Saturdays. As part of each broadcast, Olin Downes and other experts answer questions on opera sent in by list eners. This has proved to be one of the most popular features of the weekly presentation. In accordance with the Texas Company’s offer, every listener whose question or questions are selected to be answered by the ex perts will receive an album. Questions should be sent to the Texas Company, 135 East Forty- Second St., New York, 17, New York. The offer is indefinite dur ing the season. Baritone Curley Bradley will sing that current top-of-the-list melody, “Don’t Fence Me In,” on WTAW’s Farm and Home Makers program, Thursday, December 14, at 11:30 a.m., CWT. The Home Makers, under the direction of Harry Gogen, will play ‘Sky Anchors,” ‘Tom Thumb” and ‘The White Tops.” Mirandy, the lady with the Persimmon Hol ler flavor, and Kay Baxter, ace homemaker, will also be on hand. Farm and Home Makers is pro duced by Robert B. White. Yours will be the gayest gift of all if it’s a photograph from our studio. SHOP INEXPENSIVELY SHOP QUICKLY SHOP WISELY We can still finish your portraits in time for Xmas IF YOU HURRY! ' Complete Selection of Frames, Attractively Priced. Amateur Supplies Commercial Groups qA. & M. PHOTO SHOP “The House of Satisfaction” Waldrop Bldg. North Gate Dial 4-8844 When You Start to Shop for CHRISTMAS CARDS Stop here before going any farther. We have a large selection of exceptionally beautiful cards. COLLEGE BOOK STORE B. W. Bobbitt, ’40 We Have a Large Stock of PIPES and Will Have Plenty of CHRISTMAS CIGARS KINGS BOX CANDY — Galore EATS - - - DRINKS - - - SMOKES CASEY’S CONFECTIONERY Glamour Manor becomes a min or gambling center when guests at the battered hostelry take up the punch craze during the broad cast on Wednesday, December 13. The Friday, December 15, broad cast of Glamour Manor finds Cliff in possession of a race horse, given him for back rent by a guest at the hotel. Arquette enters the nag at Hollywood Park, with disastrous results. Music on Glamour Manor is supplied by Charles Dant’s or chestra and Hal Stevens, vocalist. Supporting Arquette in the series are Lurene Tuttle, Francis X. Bushman and Tyler McVey. Instead of an ordinary birthday celebration, Jerome Kern’s 60th anniversary will be glor- ified as a jubilee when Fred War ing and His Pennsylvanians pre sent a medley of a few of the out standing compositions of the dean of American songwriters during their WTAW broadcast, Thursday, December 14, at 6:00 p.m., CWT. Among the Kern selections to be heard by the Waring Glee Club, orchestra and vochestra are “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes,” “All the Things You Are” and “Long Ago and Far Away.” Featured on the big half-hour musical will be Honey and the Bees, guitar-playing crooner Jim my Atkins, tenor Gordon Goodman, lark-voiced Jane Wilson, the piano team of Morley and Gearhart and a distinctive arrangement by Roy Ringwald. “Louisiana Hayride” and ‘Ken tucky Babe” will be sung by the melodic choristers on the Wednes day, December 13 broadcast of WTAW’s Anut Jemima Show, at 9:25 a.m., CWT. On Thursday, December 14, the eleven star singers, under the direction of Harry S. Walsh, will intone “Tuck Me to Sleep” and “Little Old Lady”. On Friday, December 15, they will sing “Hand Me Down My Walking Cane” and “Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland.” Harriet Widmer, as Aunt Jem ima, will have more of her home- spun stories for listeners. Don Dowd is the announcer. In the “Y” Billy Cheak, il, of Albany, Ore gon, will be commended for his superb record as a war bond OFFICIAL NOTICES Classified Snapshots enlarged for Christm; large picture made from your favoril Bring your work to Frazier, I-! rge negative. 1 Hart Hall. Have ite 9. also Miln. uip- iook 40 er. Reward. Announcements Students whose absence from class is classed as authorized are reminded that authorized absence cards for each subject missed must be submitted in duplicate within 48 hours after the return from the absence and that arrangements for making up the work missed must be made with the instructor within live days. Alter this week these limi be strictly enforced. F. C. Dean itations will Bolton of the College CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES: Decem ber 15, is the deadline for filing applica tions for degrees to be conferred at the end of the current semester. This deadline applies to both graduate and undergraduate students. Those students who have not ready done so should make formal ap- ication in the Registrar’s Office immed- aln Pi lately. H. L. Heaton Registrar The new bulletin that gives the chan; ai prmg Semester Table at the Registrar’s Office. icpei vail he new bulletin that gives the College Calendar and enses for the Spring nges is ges in H. L. Heaton Registrar NOTICE—The Library is tryi; te i kes gar about such cate Coki Sui ng shipment of nine books from the try B reff if you have ook Store. f you a shit pmcnt. 'lease any notify Mrs. information Commandants Office OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT Circular No. 26: he following schedule for early and tables in the mess hall will be strick- :ompiled with: The late ly comp: EARLY TABLE—Breakfast 6:30; Din ner 11:30; Supper 6:00. LATE TABLE—Supper 7 :15. e COMMANDANT: JOE E. DAVIS, Major, Infantry Assistant Commandant. Outstanding Palimino Donated to College • Golden Boy Rex, a coming six- year-old Palomino stallion, winner in numerous shows of West Texas and sire of a number of winners in Palomino show, soon is to go to college—the Texas A. & M. College at College Station. His owner, Howard B. Cox, San Angelo ranchman, horse breeder and president of the Palomino Horse Breeders of America, has donated the fine stallion to the college and a truck is expected some time this week to take Golden Boy to the greatest agricultural college in the world. Mr. Cox purchased Golden Boy as a yearling from Lee Underwood at Wichita Falls. In shows at Mid land, Abilene, San Angelo and Sweetwater, Golden Boy has al ways been a winner. He was first in the yearling class at Mineral Wells; grand champion as a two- year-old in the San Angelo show; grand champion and winner of the Scharbauer Trophy in the Mid land show; first in the two-year- old class at Abilene, and first as a two-year-old Quarter Horse at Abi lene. After that he was retired as a show animal and has been stand ing at the Old Nasworthy Place southwest of San Angelo. Mr. Cox at one time declined an offer of more than $5,000 for the animal. Outside of being a winner him self, every colt sired by Golden Boy Rex who has been shown in competition has been a winner this year. One of his colts, Sunset Sere nade, was grand champion of the Ft. Worth show this year; another was a reserve champion at the San Angelo show; another was a first place winner in the Mineral Wells show ;f our fillies placed in the show at San Angelo and another was a winner at the Mineral Wells show. Golden Boy Rex’s breeding goes back to Joe Bailey on both sides. His sire was Bay Boy, a Quarter Horse, by Chubby, and his mother, was Vernon Weekly, a yellow Quarter mare, by Yellow Wolf. salesman, via WTAW of Captain Midnight, Thursday, December 14, at 5:45 p.m., CWT. In the Fifth War Loan Drive little Billy sold the astonishing total of $34,575 worth of Series “E” bonds. During the current drive he is determined to surpass his previous record. Children who excel in the Schools-at-War Bond Drive are saluted regularly on the Captain Midnight series, which is heard over WTAW, Mondays through Fridays at 5:45-6:00 p.m., CWT. Dan comes back fom service a changed man and his marriage with Lucy is almost wrecked as dramatized during WTAW’s My True Story, “The Way to Para dise,” Tuesday, December 12, at 9:00 a.m., CWT. “I Couldn’t Forget You” is the title for Wednesday, December 13. A hospital romance, “The Kind of Men That Women Fall For” holds the spotlight on Thurs., Dec. 14, while the Friday drama is “Promise on the Wedding Day.” HELP BRING VICTORY BUY MORE WAR BONDS East Texas Aggies to Meet In ‘Y’ Lounge J. T. Rollins, president of the East Texas A. & M. Club, announced today that the club will hold a meeting Wednesday night at 7:00 in the Ex-Students Lounge of the Y. M. C. A. He asked that all members be present. Houston Aggies to Meet Wednesday Nite A meeting of all Aggies from Houston is to be held in the As sembly Room of the Y. M. C. A. at 7:15 Wednesday night. Tommy Penn, president of the Houston A. & M. Club, announced that it is very important that all Houston Aggies be present as plans will be made for the Christmas dance which is to be sponsored by the Houston A. & M. Mothers Club. West Texas Club to Meet In Acad. Bldg. A meeting of the West Texas A. & M. Club was held Wednesday night, December 6, in Room 202 of the Academic Building, and plans for the Christmas festivities were formulated. It was decided that the party would be held on December 27 at the Dixie Club in San Angelo. The club cordially invites everyone from West Tex as to attend the party. WTAW 1160 kc.—(Blue Network) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1944 A. M. 6:00 Sign On 6:02 Texas Farn & Home Prog. WTAW 6 :15 Sunup Club ._.WTAW 7:00 Martin Agronsky— Daily War Journal BN 7:15 Let’s Learn Spanish WTAW 7 :30 Blue Correspondents BN 7:45 Morning Melodies WTAW 7:55 Hollywood Headliners WTAW 8:00 The Breakfast Club BN 9:00 My True Story BN 9 :25 Aunt Jemima BN 9:30 Between The Lines WTAW 9:45 The Listening Post BN 10:00 Breakfast At Sardi’s BN 10:30 Gil Martyn BN 10:45 Jack Berch And His Boys.... BN 11:00 Glamour Manor BN 11:15 Meet Your Neighbor BN 11:30 Farm and Home Makers BN P. M. 12:00 Baukhage Talking BN 12:15 WTAW Noonday News WTAW 12 :30 Farm Fair WTAW 12:45 Piano Playhouse. BN 1:00 Kiernan’s Corner BN 1:15 Mystery Chef BN 1:30 Ladies Be Seated Bn 2:00 Songs by Morton Downey.... BN 2:15 Appointment With Life BN 2:45 Sincerely Yours BN 3 :00 ' Time Views The News BN 3 :15 Music for Moderns WTAW 3:30 To Be Announced 3:45 Our Neighbor Mexico— Dr. A. B. Nfelson WTAW 4:00 Rev. Hartman (Lutheran).-WTAW 4:15 Dick Tracy BN 4:30 To Be Announced 4:45 Hop Harrigan BN 6 :00 Terry and the Pirates BN 6:15 Treasury Salute ..WTAW 5:30 Jack Armstrong BN 5:45 Captain Midnight BN 6:00 Excursions In Science. WTAW 6:15 Rotary Club Program WTAW 6:30 Sign Off THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1944 A. M. 6:00 Sign On 6:02 Texas Farm & Home Prog. WTAW 6:15 Sunup Club WTAW 7:00 Martin Agronsky— Daily War Journal BN 7:15 Toast and Coffee WTAW 7:30 Blue Correspondents BN 7:46 Rosa Rio at the Organ BN 8:00 The Breakfast Club BN 9:00 My True Story BN 9:25 Aunt Jemima BN 9:30 Between the Lines,, WTAW 9:45 The Listening Post BN 10:00 Breakfast at Sardi’s Bn 10:80 Gil Martyn BN 10:45 Jack Berch And His Boys.... BN 11:00 Glamour Manor BN 11:15 Meet Your Neighbor BN 11:80 Farm and Home Makers BN P. M. 12:00 Baukhage Talking BN 12:15 WTAW Noonday News WTAW 12:30 Farm Fair WTAW 12 :40 Texo Roundup WTAW 12 :45 Los Andrinis BN 1:00 Kiernan’s Corner BN 1:15 Mystery Chef BN 1:30 Ladies Be Seated BN 2 :00 Songs by Morton Downy BN 2:15 Appointment With Life BN 2:46 Sincerely Yours BN 3:00 Time Views The News BN 3:30 To Be Announced 3:15 Music For Moderns .WTAW 3:30 To Be Announced BN 3:45 Something To Read WTAW 4:00 Student Personnel WTAW 4 :16 Dick Tracy BN 4:30 To Be Announced 4:45 Hop Harrigan BN 5:00 Terry And The Pirates BN 6:15 Let’s Look At the News WTAW 6:30 Jack Armstrong BN 5:45 Captain Midnight.: BN 6:00 Fred Waring BN 6:30 Sign Off FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1944 A. M. 6:00 6:02 6:15 7:00 7:15 7:30 7:46 7:55 8:00 9:00 9:25 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 P. M. 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 2:00 2:15 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 5:45 6:00 6:30 Sign On Texas Farm & Home Prog. WTAW Sunup Club —WTAW Martin Agronsky— Daily War Journal BN Let’s Learn Spanish .WTAW Blue Correspondents BN Morning Melodies. WTAW Hollywood Headliners WTAW The Breakfast Club BN My True Story ». ... BN Aunt Jemima BN Between the Lines WTAW The Listening Post. BN Breakfast at Sardi’s BN Gil Martyn BN Jack Berch And His Boys.. BN Glamour Manor BN Meet Your Neighbor BN Farm and Home Makers BN Baukhage Talking BN WTAW Noonday News...WTAW Farm Fair WTAW Johnny Thompson WTAW Kiernan’s Corner BN Mystery Chef BN Ladies Be Seated BN Songs by Morton Downey.™ BN Appointment With Life BN Sincerely Yours BN Time Views The News BN Music for Modems WTAW To Be Announced Treasury Star Salute WTAW Something to Read WTAW Dick Tracy BN To Be Announced Hop Harrigan BN Terry and the Pirates BN Treasury Salute WTAW Jack Armstrong BN Captain Midnight BN Notes From Yesterday BN Sign Off Sanitation Meet To Be Held In Austin The third annual State Sani tation Institute will meet in Austin, Texas, December 14, 15, and 16 with health officials from state and county agencies particiupating and county agencies participating in the program. Mr. V. M. Ehlers, Chief Technical Supervisor of the Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, State Health Department, will be in charge of the first day’s meet ing. In the afternoon of December 14, Dr. Lewis C. Robbins, Director, San Antonio City Health Depart ment, will discuss the responsibility of the director in the sanitation program. Mr. C. H. Billings and Dr. T. E. Dodd will discuss proposed public health legislation which is to be presented at the next session of the Legislature. Saturday morning Dr. Geo. W. Cox, State Health Officer, will ad dress the assembly on the respon sibilities of the sanitation in public health work. These annual meetings are con sidered to be of great importance in the advancement of public health since they bring together public health officials and sanitation ex perts from every section of the State for a discussion of state wide as well as local problems and the formulation of plans and methods of procedure of benefit to the public health program as a whole. All sanitation problems that have arisen throughout the year are presented for discussion and possible solution by the local sani tarians where such problems exist. Dr. Cox has announced that he ex pects at least 200 sanitarians and other health officials to be present. DO YOUR PART—BUY BONDS —AGGIE— Continued from Page 1 a member of E Battery F. A. At this time E Battery was known as the Intramural Battery, hav ing won the freshman and Senior Intramural flags for eight conse cutive years. Ace Hudson was commander of E Battery at that time. As a vet student Bill lived with his outfit one year but in his Sophomore year moved to dormitory fourteen with the re mainder of the veterinary majors. Reminiscing of his freshman year, Bill still remembers this per iod as his most enjoyable on the campus. The company parties, final review, and the sophomore and freshmen “discussions” are times never to be forgotten said Bill. He also added that of the many traditions none can instill more feeling or spirit into an Ag gie than the annual Thanksgiving yell practice and Bonfire ritual held e^ch year prior to the game with Texas u. Bill was appointed B Battery commander last June, retaining his position this semester also. Al though planning to practice Vet Medicine upon graduation in Sep tember, 1945, he doesn’t know as yet where he will hang out his shingle. West Texas is awfully nice country though, mused Bill. HELP BRING VICTORY BUY MORE WAR BONDS Hillel Club to Hold Party Sunday Night Chanukah, the Feast of Lights,, commemorating the ousting of the Romans from Palistine by the Jews under Judas Maccabbee will be celebrated by the Hillel Club with a party and musical program Sun day night at 7:00 p. m., in Sbisa Lounge. Cantor Isaac M. Wall from Adath Yeshurum Synagogue in Houston will conduct the Chanu kah musical program. Also Rabbi Tofield will deliver a message on the meaning of Chanukah. All Jew ish Aggies and Service men are invited to attend this annual party. Refreshments will be served. The man who burns his woods to get rid of boll weevils might just as well burn his barn to get rid of rats. Californian LEATHER COATS Californian leather coats are designed to give the maximum in wear . . . good-looks and comfort. They are tailored by Leather Experts in mod els and Leathers that you’ll like. $15 to $25 QJaldroptfg “Two Convenient Stores” College Station—Bryan There are just thirteen days left until Christmas. With an early start we can be sure to wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS AGGIELAND STUDIO Joe Sosolik, Proprietor “25 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE” “Tv DYT&3- FUft 3TO RAOC MATT CPS rtLonca-n. 214 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN, TEXAS SPANISH LESSONS OVER WTAW at 7:15 a. m., MON., WED., FRI.