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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1944)
PAGE 2 THE BATTALION TUESDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 21, 1944 The Battalion STUUDENT BI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Texas A. & M. College The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station is published twice weekly, and circulated on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Kntered as second class juder the Act of Congress of matter at the Post bffice at March R. IHTU Station. Texas •Subscription rate $3 per school year Advertising rates npon request. Represented nationally by "hicago, Boston, I,os Angeles, National Aavertising: Service, and San Francisco. Inc . At New York City. ;■ Member Plssociotod r p!!e6iciie Press Office, Room 5, Admlnictraliou Building. Telephone 4-6444. Calvin Bramley Editor Dick Goad Managing Editor Alfred Jefferson Managing Editor S. L. Inzer Sports Editor Renyard W. Can is Backwash Editor Dick Osterholm Amusements Editor Henry Holguin Intramural Reporter Reporters: Eli Barker, Robert Gold, D. V. Hudson, B. J. Blankenship, Teddy Bernstein, S. K. Adler. Student Reporters: Henry Ash. Ernest Berry, Louie Clarke, W. M. Cornelius, James Dilworth, Edwin Mayer, John Mizell, Harold Phillips. Bobby Rosenthal, Damon Tassos, R. L. Bynes, L. H. Calla han. Assumption of Responsibility . . . It is a natural trait of the character of human beings to seek to hold on to what they like and cheerish. It is also another characteristic of human beings to seek what they believe what is rightfully theirs. And it is the natural trend of nature, that when two such inherited forces are put into action as the same time, there is an intervening conflict of which only one can emerge triumphant. It stands to reason that one group or body of people can assume certain re sponsibilities and possessions and handle them with suf ficient care, bu there comes a time when these responsibil ities and possessions must be transferred to another group, no matter how much they wish to sustain them. And when it is legal and properly right for another group to receive these obligations, what argument and right has the group in power to say whether or not the minor group shall re ceive their just duties? Responsibility is a great thing, and one characteristic of life that should be treated with great care and thought. However, it is not something that should be intrusted to one body forever when it embodies the principle of being transferred from one group to another. Certain responsibil ities involve rights and privileges that should be passed on from one assembly to another when the time for such action is plausable. When a group is reluctant to hand over such responsibility to another group, then they must have sufficient reason not be do so and they must satisfy the minds of the group that they are justified in their actions. If they can present no such argument, then what right be sides personal ambition would such a group have for main taining such responsibilities? It is true, that in some areas, where representation in the government of an assembly by the people is not prac ticed, only the word of a certain group is the governing power. In such a place as this, individual enthusiasm is kill ed when in its beginning stage. But in a populance where representation by the mass is present and the right to ex press opinion is practiced, then such individual government can be done away with. This embodies the principle of fight ing for the right of representation. If this principle is worth fighting for, the right to assume power and responsibility to the laws of natural ambition, is worth fighting for too. Power is a wonderful and great thing, but when it becomes an instrument by which to supress ideas of a democratic form of representation, then it is time such power were reduced. Argument may be given by a controlling group that the powers and responsibilities of its assembly are too great to be passed on to another minor group. Such ideas are sound and worthwhile if that were true of the minor group, but when judgement is in favor of the minor group and the as sumption is that they are able to handle the affairs of con trol, then is the group in power still liable. A plan is never proved, no matter how theoretically perfect until it has been put to the test of practibility.—D. 0. War Student Service Fund Aids Education In War Torn Countries By S. K. Adler In December the World Student Service Fund will start a drive for donations at A. & M. The fund has art excellent record in the past as is demonstrated by a look at its record. The World Student Service Fund was organized in 1939 by the students of America to help stu dents in war torn countries throughout the world. Unsettled conditions at that time in China and Spain had rendered education almost impossible. The first country to benefit from the generosity of this or ganization was China. Her univer sities and colleges were being an nihilated by the Japanese in an attempt to wipe out the backbone of Chinese culture. This culture being kept alive in the colleges was doing much to hold the Chinese people together in the face of the ruthless invaders. In order to stave off destruction of education in China, whole universities including faculty and students moved to the western parts of the country. Naturally this migration caused endless difficulties for the students. Starvation, lack of living space, lack of adequate clothing and heat took their toll in suffering. The World Student Service Fund pitched in to help these students. The fund furnished food, medical attention, books, lamps, clothing, warm bedding and many other items that have probably saved many a student’s life. The students were also encouraged to help themselves by raising their own food in contradiction to the age old custom of scholars never doing manual labor. Student Service Centers were built. These con sisted of reading rooms, a meeting room, barber shops and bathing facilities. In 1939 the Revolution was raging in Spain. Her universities had almost without exception been destroyed. The World Student Service Fund helped Spanish stu dents to flee their country and con tinue their education in France. Much the same things were done for these students as was done in China. With the coming of this war the Student Service Fund really came into its own. Great expansion took place and students all over the nation wholeheartedly supported the effort. The first ones to benefit fi’om this generosity were the refugees. As each country fell, one by one at the hands of the ag gressor, students flooded southern France and Switzerland. Thousands of young refugees entered these two countries during the early war years. They were placed in internment camps. However, as soon as funds could reach them, many of them were transferred to universities. In this the World Student Service Fund played a large part. At the present the fund has reached its peak of effort. War needs have made it one of the most vital of our charitable or ganizations. The goal in the drive to start next month at A. & M. is high, but let’s donate even more, ole Army, and make this drive the best yet. By Renyard W. Canis Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”—Webster. P UBLIC OPINION surveys were a fad for a time but now they seem to have taken a hold on American people that is nothing short of a habit similar to the morning cup of coffee. When someone begins wondering about how a certain group feels about a question someon always pops up with a public opinion poll. TSCW is no exception. A representative group of Tes- sies were asked questions regard ing post war marriages and sur prisingly enough their answers showed that home is still foremost in young womanhood’s mind. Despite tendencies to the contra ry when asked, “In view of the fact, that there will be more women than men after the war, would you consider along with your love for a man, his economic, social, and fam ily background?” Two hundred and seventeen answered yes, 22 said no, and 3 had no opinion. It seems that Aggies still have a chance in Denton because of the girls interviewed only 42 were en gaged while 203 weren’t. Of these 5 were married. That makes the percentage in favor slightly less. Also at TSCW T HE GIRLS AT TSCW get a pat on the back for their participa tion in the Colleges At War stamp and bond campaign. They are fly ing the flag in November for their work in October. When is A. & M. going to hoist the College At War flag ? Time for It Now It ISN’T LONG before that last conference football game of the season with Texas university. It is an even shorter period until bon fire time. Every year A. & M. has the biggest bon fire any where in Texas. Let’s not make this year an exception. While gathering wood for the fire there is one thing that the foragers should remember. A few isolated instances keep pushing themselves obtrusively forward at wood gathering time. It is true that Aggies have destroyed proper ty in their zealous search for tim ber. Care must be exercised this year. Gang Fight Strategy ReGRETABLE INDEED was the incident between A. & M. and Rice at half-time last Saturday. Both sides were at fault but A. & M. wants to apologize for their part in the fracas. Spirit is won derful but not when it frictionizes and sparks like it did in the rain on Rice field. A. & M. has forgot ten it. Overheard Somewhere An ARMY OFFICER once said that never was it good to get into a gang fight but if there was one he wanted it to be a good one and he was going to be the hardest hitting man there. If ever the Aggies do get into another situation, and it is hoped that they don’t, they should use a little battle strategy. The British found the folly of attacking with a straight front in New Orleans. Surround the enemy ask him if he wants to give up, then act from there. Drifting Around Best comment on the game was by Morris Frank in the Houston Post Monday. He said something about both teams running from a T formation but who wants “T” on a day like, last Saturday. :: As The World Turns :: By Dr. A1 B. Nelson One thousand and eighty-nine country newspapers have gone out of business since January, 1942, in spite of the increased demand for accurate news coverage. This mor tality has been due to government regulation, newsprint rationing, and manpower shortage among other causes. Most other small businesses have been affected to the same or greater extent until today, big business is growing big ger and the small business men The Allied Ar mies seem to be on the verge of a major break through in Ger many, ten mile advances having been scored in several places in the last day or two, Metz, the great French fortress city near the German bor der has been entered by American troops, and it seems that only a short time may elapse until all German armies will be forced back beyond the Rhine River. Two recent incidents seem to show an “unofficial” determina tion to persecute those who op posed a fourth term for the pres ent administration. One Dallas pa per reported that Frank Sinatra threatened to cancel his engage ment at a New York Hotel unless that hotel made Westbrook Pegler move out of his apartment. Anoth er report is that important inter ests backing the administration have forced the sponsors of Upton Close, the newscaster, to cancel his contract for the Sunday after noon broadcast because of his pre election broadcast against the com munistic influence in the United States. Washington observers are pre dicting not only that the new con gress, under firmer control by the Democratic Party, will abolish the Dies Committee on Unamerican Activities, but that a probably suc cessful attempt will be made to destroy completely the immensely valuable record of communist ac tivity and infiltration into govern ment offices within the last few years. Organized Labor, having voted F.D.R. into office for a fourth term, is now to be rewarded by a wage increase, according to Wash ington observers. State Health Head Appeals to Citizens For Safety Measures The first Thanksgiving Day in this country was proclaimed for the purpose of expressing thanks not only for the bountiful harvest which the colonists had reaped but for the sturdy health and endurance that had permitted them to sur vive the hardships and exposure, that first rigorous year in Amer ica. On the occasion of this Thanks giving Day the State Health Of ficer, Dr. Geo. W. Cox, is appeal ing to every citizen of Texas to give serious thought to the pre servation of his own health and that of his community as a con tribution to the world war effort, “We have much to be thankful for in that our national health level has remained high despite the nervous tension, the sacrifices, the deprivations of war, ” Dr. Cox stated. “Our people have main tained a remarkably high health level and even under existing war conditions, Texas has shown a con tinued decline in maternal and in fant deaths. “The people of Texas have rea son to be thankful for the stead ily increasing interest and coopera tion being shown in matters per taining to general sanitation and the control of communicable dis eases,” Dr. Cox asserted. “Respon- Air Corps Men Study In Preparation For Post-War Adjustment Officers and enlisted men at this Liberator air base in England, one of the strategic air depots in Brig adier General Donald R. Goodrich’s Eighth Air Force Service Com mand, are preparing now for a successful readjustment to the post-war world. Technicians and mechanics, whose duties are servicing and maintaining Liberator bombers, are eagerly attending classes, dur- sibility for the success and ad vancement of the public health program lies not with the State Health Department primarily but with the people who support and encourage the local community ef forts exerted arid who apply in their own individual lives the health rules with which they have become acquainted through public health education.” Dr. Cox pointed out that one direct result of public health ef forts in this nation has been the lengthening of the normal life span by more than 15 years. “Certainly this is something to be thankful for and it should lend incentive for further efforts to promote and maintain community as well as statewide public health programs.” FEATURED ON WTAW Leah Ray, who is the “Listening Lady” of the Morton Downey pro gram, represents lady listeners throughout the country. Downey can be heard Mondays through Fridays over the BLUE Network. Books Received By College Library General Reading: The Man in the Street and the New Psychology, by Richard Ama ral Howden.' Unlocking Adventure, by Charles Courtney. A Comprehensive Small Arms Manual, by Charles T. Haven. The Thrill of Tradition, by James Moffatt. The Road to Anywhere; Oppor tunities in Secretarial Work, by Francis Maule. Working With Words; oppor tunities in writing, by Lorine Pruette. Walt Whitman and the Springs of Coui'age, by Haniel Long. An Arab-Syrian Gentleman and Warrior in the Period of the Cru sades. Memoirs of Usamah ibn- Munqidh (Kitab al-I’Tibar). Tr. in full by Philip K. Hitti. Paths of Life, by Charles Morris. The Highway of God, by Ralpli W. Sockman. Social Sciences: Philosophy o f Organization; fundamental principles and con cepts in business organization, by Norman B. Schreiber. The Idea of Nationalism; a study in its origins and background, by Hans Kohn. The Two Cities, by Otto. Bishop of Freising. Translated in full with introduction and notes by Charles Christopher Mierow. The Chinese, Their History and Culture, by Kenneth Scott Latou- rette. Second Edition Revised. Two Volumes in One. The Development of China, by Kenneth Scott Latourette. New Revised Edition. Handbook of Accounting Methods, by J. K. Lasser, editor. Financing Accounting; a distilla- ing their off-duty hours, in almost every phase of education. This schooling is now made pos sible by the Armed Forces Insti tute, which supplies new, up-to- date, attractive textbooks. Classes are organized by the base Special Service Officer, who arranges classroom facilities, and engages instructors among qualified per sonnel. There is no cost whatever attached to the courses. Interest is so keen in the Educa tional Program that all allotted evening time is filled. Subjects taught range from Psychology to Meteorology, from Business Man agement to World History. The astonishing fact to emerge from this program is the enthusi asm with which the men are seiz ing the opportunity to study. For the classes are not mandatory; it is simply an opportunity, and the studies must be pursued in off- duty hours. The war comes first; the maintenance of aircraft and the supplying of planes must be accomplished before study or classes begin. Even though the soldier has his duty to perform first, he is using his treasured, leisure hours for study. Thus, he is doing a job now, and at the same time he is getting ready for another—when he comes home. Patronize Battalion Advertisers. .VICTORY BUY UNITED STATES WAR BONDS AND STAMPS The Lowdown On Campus ‘Distractions By Dick Osterholm Playing for the last time at the Guion Hall theater today is the lovable “Claudia” with Dorothy McGuire and Robert Young. This is a human interest story filled with romance and laughter of a young married couple who are starting on their own. It has the home life plot but amply filled with good acting to make it a pic ture that you will enjoy. Claudia, played by the new star, Dorothy McGuire, will grow on you and take you right into the thought of the picture. The Lowdown: A good picture and one you will enjoy. Starting Wednesday and play ing through Thursday is the com edy team, Monty Wooley and Gracie Fields, in “Holy Matri mony.” For the people who like good acting and fine humor all in one picture, then they will like this picture. It has it. Monty plays the part of a very old bachelor who marries Gracie and does it under an assumed name to hide from the public. It’s hilarious as to the things that can happen to one man, and this picture shows them. The Lowdown: This show is good for what ails you. Funny. On at the Campus tonight and Wednesday is the romantical west ern, “The Woman of the Town” with Claire Trevor and Albert Dekker. Claire plays the part of a respectable dance hall belle who tion of experience, by George 0. May. Price Control in the War Econo my, by Julius Hirsch. American Mirror, by Halford E. Luccock. Japan’s Emergence as a Modern State, by E. Herbert Norman. Agriculture And Its Sciences The Draining of the Fens, by H. C. Darby. Soybean Chemistry and Tech nology, by Klare S. Markley and Warren H. Goss. Weather and the Ocean of Air, by William H. Wenstrom. Taxidermy, by Leon L. Pray. Illustrated by the author. The Profession of Forestry, by Arthur D. Real. Food, War and the Future, by E. Parmalee Prentice. The Rubber Industry, by Joseph ine Perry. Illustrated with Photo graphs. Beekeeping as a Hobby, by Kyle Onstott. Modern Poultry Farming, by L. M. Hurd. Engineering And Its Sciences Glenn Curtiss; Pioneer of Naval Aviation, by Alden Hatch. The Amazing Petroleum Indus try, by V. A. Kalichevsky. Air Transportation in the United States, by Hugh Knowlton. This Fascinating Rail Road Business, by Robert Selph Henry. Second Edition, Revised. The Steam Locomotive; its theory, operation and economics, by Ralph P. Johnson. Second Edition. Mathematical Recreations, by Maurice Kraitchik. Science Looks Ahead, by Pro fessor A. M. Low. The First Century of Flight in America, by Jeremiah Milbank, Jr. Encyclopedia of Knots and Fancy Rope Work, by Raoul Graumont and John Hensel. Third Edition. American Ship Models and How to Build Them, by V. R. Grimwood. Forewood by Howard I. Chapelle. Opens 1 P.M. — 4-1181 TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY — Plus — Cartoon — Community Sing THURSDAY^and ~ FRIDAY C/NEMA GUILD presents RAY PAULETTE MILLAND * GODDARD THE — also — Fox News — Merrie Melody isn’t so thought of by the towns people until she makes the town believe it. Dekker takes over the job of town marshal who is to clean out the town and clean it out he does. There’s an interesting plot woven into the story and one that is good. The Lowdown: For this run of pictures, this one is pretty good. Thursday and Friday, the Cam pus presents ‘The Crystal Ball,” with Paulette Goddard and Ray Milland. Another comedy that is filled with laughs and romantical messes. Paulette plays the part of a woman who keeps the men guess ing and succeeds until Milland comes along. It has quite a bit of slap stick comedy in it, furnished by William Bendix. The Lowdown: It’s a good com edy, with a good team of actors that you will like. Showing at the Palace in Bryan now is the musical comedy, “Show Business,” with George Murphy, Eddie Cantor, Joan Davis, and a fine supporting cast. Take this one in if you have time because it’s a musical swing hit. Starting Wednesday and playing through Saturday is the dramatic picture, “Mr. Skeffington” with Bette Da vis and Claude Rains. Here is a great dramatic picture with a stirring plot. A selfish woman al ways straining for admiration and vanishing youth, honestly faces herself when her broken husband returns from Germany blind but filled with memories of her past beauty and their love. It’s a great picture because of its acting and plot. The Lowdown: A good picture and one worth seeing. LOUPOT’S A Little Place - - - - - - A Big Saving! Phone 4-1166 fs D S M TI S LL 0N . 9C & 20C Tax Included Box Office Opens at 1 P.M. Closes at 8:30 LAST DAY “CLAUDIA” — with — Dorothy McGuire Robert Young WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY Double Feature “THANKS A MILLION” — with — William Tracy Elyse Knox Joe Sawyer James Gleason