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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1944)
Page 2 THE BATTALION FRIDAY AFTERNOON, OCTOBER 20, 1944 * » The Battalion STUUDENT BI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Texas A. & M. College The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College Texas and the City of College Station is published twice weekly, and circulated Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, ,uder the Act of Congress of March 8, 1870. Subscription rate $3 per school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, ago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Chicago, Member Pis so dated Cbtleftiate Press Office, Room 6, Administration Building. Telephone 4-t444. Something to Read Edna B. Woods The Trees. ^ By Conrad Richter The Trees, by Conrad Richter, a stoxy of post-Revolutionary Ohio, is historical fiction, since it tells the story of a family in a time far- removed from the present. Yet, ardent readers of historical fiction in its usual atmosphere of fabu lous plantations, lordly statesmen, and grand dames will not find a parallel in The Trees. For life in Ohio toward the end of the Eigh teenth century was almost primi tive. The pioneei's of that section (and of every other section in a similarly undeveloped state) were able to exist only because they held to life with animal-like intensity. The itching feet and yearning heai’t of Worth Luckett, a “wood sy” ti'apper, led him and his fam ily away from the partial civiliza tion of Pennsylvania, away from x'elatives, to the backwoods of Ohio, where the trees were so thick that the sky, itself, couldn’t be seen from the ground. Worth wasn’t seeking riches or even an oppor tunity to provide satisfactorily for his family; he was seeking a world of forest and game—^fulfill ment to him. The lure of the trail was greater than any other urge, and Worth was a slave to it. Battling against nature with only self-made protection, the Luckette nevertheless had their own full measure of essential human dig nity; they had the power to endure. Sayward Luckett, the oldest daughter, unlike her father in evei’y trait except stamina and tenacity, felt that the woods were a continual menace and power. She took comfort in her neighbors and loved a clearing which indicated that human life was near. Say- ward’s first proposal of marriage, which didn’t inspire an affirmative reply, was none the less humor ous. Mathias, an undersized set tler, approached Sayward’s father with this conversation: “Yesterday, I says to myself, Mathias, do you need a yoke of oxen back here? I says, no, I got a ox. I says, do ye need yer mare and v cart ? I says, no, they ain’t no roads back here for a mare and cart to go on. I says, Mathias, do ye need a woman back here? I says, by Jeem’s cou sin, that’s what I need! I kain’t cut dowm all these yere trees by my self.” The Trees is a vivid reproduction of frontier life told in the words and the idioms of the characters Two Officer Exes Moved To BAAF Lieut. Nash E. Lorino, son of Mrs. Ann Lorino, 611 W. 16th St., Houston, and husband of the for mer Cecila Wilk, 814 Omar St., Houston, has been assigned to duty as a flying instructor at Bryan Field, site of the AAF Instrument Instructor’s School. His previous du£y was at Frederick, Oklahoma, as an instrument flying instructor. Lt. Lorino attended John Reagan high school and was graduated with a B. S. degree from Texas A. & M. College in lp42. Following a year of duty as an infantry officer at Camp Wolters he entered flying training. In 1935 Lt. Lorino was intermediate diving champion in Houston. The Lorino’s have a son, Nash E. Lorino, III, age three months. Capt. Elmer I. Freeborn, ’41, son of Mrs. Nellie May Freeborn, 103 East Huisache Ave., San Antonio, has been assigned to duty with the Post Engineers office at Bryan Field. Capt. Freeborn was formerly stationed at the San Antonio Avia tion Cadet Center, as Ass’t. Post Engineer. Mrs. Freeborn is the former Dorothy James Williams, daughter of Mrs. T. S. Williams, Jr., of Dallas. At this Central Flying Training Command installations where these officers are now stationed, army air force pilots are taught the latest techniques in the guiding of military gircraft by the full-panel instrument control system. Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence.”^—Webster. By Renyard W. Canis S. L. Inzer Sports Editor Renyard W. Canis Backwash Editor Dick Osterholm Amusements Editor Henry Holguin Intramural Reporter D. V. Hudson, B. J. Blankenship, Teddy Calvin Brumley Editor Dick Goad Managing Editor Alfred Jefferson Managing Editor Reporters: Eli Barker, Robert Gold, Bernstein. Student Reporters: Henry Ash, Ernest Berry, Louie Clarke, W. M. Cornelius, James Dilworth, Edwin Mayer, John Mizell, Harold Phillips, Bobby Rosenthal, Damon Tassos. Spirited Sportsmanship . . . Tomorrow the first conference game of the season will be played on Kyle Field when the Aggies meet the T. C. U. Horned Frogs. Over a period of years the Aggies hold the edge in games won. Most notable thing about tomorrow’s game is the fact that the two teams meet with no historic incidents to mar the record. Always the relations between the two schools have been of the best, in fact, there are no other schools in the Southwest Conference with a record of friendly rivalry to compare with that of A. & M. and T, C. U. Aggies will be hosts to a visiting college team tomorrow for the first time this season. T. C. U. is an honored guest. The welcome sign is out and all doors are open in the fine spirit of hospitality for which preceding classes at Aggie- land have been famous. There are many new men at A. & M. that have never gone through a football season with the Aggies and are not acquainted fully with the code of conduct of the Aggies. There is no way to specifically set down the mores of Aggie hospitality but it is unique. No other school in the Southwest can boast of a finer record of sportsmanship nor has any other school been able to catch, the spirit of friendliness for which A. & M. is famous the world around. A. & M. has no plush-chair hospitality but a manly variety which makes guests feel at ease and pro vides the atmosphere for wholehearted, fighting competi tion. When the two teams meet on the field there will be a cracking of leather and thq churning of defats. There will be hard fast play but the Aggies will play clean football. Not only on the gridiron will the Aggies be the prime examples of sportsmanship but also at every other place during the weekend. There is nothing incompatible about the Aggie Spirit and sportsmanship. Those isolated flare-ups which occa sionally bring storms of protest are the actions of a minor ity of the crops which the Aggies refer to as “two-percent ers”. When the Aggies are hosts they display an amazing amount of spirit but along with that spirit is an attempt to create the best of feelings between the two opposing col leges. ONIGHT is the time for all good juniors, and seniors to come to the aid of themselves by mak ing that dance tonight. Knees will be knocking and toes will be rock ing when the Aggieland Orchestra swings it hot and sweet in Sbisa. Red Haired Yodeler Natalie Lane will make her debut tonight as the vocalist with the Aggieland. She is a vivacious, curvacious lass with a liting, boogie woogie spec ialty. She has been singing with the Cadets for more than two weeks and according to the com ments of those who have attended rehearsals and heard her sing im promptu in the YMCA she will give (Ed. Note—And we do mean give) out with the kind of music that carries that torch right across the dance floor. Mrs. Lane is a charming lass who just bai’ely reaches five four. She is the wife of an Aggie-ex, Lt. Bruce W. Lane, ’45. Speaking Signs S: IGN LANGUAGE may b4 the exclusive property of deaf-mutes but the Aggies aren’t convinced of that. There seems to be only one thing lacking from the signs that the organizations are putting up before each ball game and that is the lack of expression. The signs lack spontaneity, originality, and the space between the lines is blank. Subtlety has been thrown to the winds. Bird Dogging Juniors 0, NCE A YEAR comes the jun ior prom. For one night the junior is king and dines fit for a king at the junior banquet. Empty indeed is the throne without a queen. As per usual the seniors are in vited to the dance but a sad situa tion exists. Seniors have quite a prolific crop of dates but there ex ists a dirth of junior dates, Woe be unto the junior bird dog. Unhumorous Humor When he has the money To have some fun, he Hasn’t the time; When he has the leisure For plenty of pleasure, He hasn’t a dime. Gilbert Defines /iNATOMY: The study of heav enly bodies. . . Honeymoon: The morning after the knot before . . . Army Barx-ack: A room with beds separated by crap games. . . . Flirt: A hit and run lover. . . . Love: The only thing that will stop falling hair. . . . Pipe dream: A plumbers nightmare. . . . Woman: Generally speaking, is generally speaking. Fm Sorry Too ABNEY MYATT, poor Bar ney, was walking on air until the postman yanked him by the shoe string and brought him down. Bar ney had a date for the ball and game, this weekend with one of the 12 TSCW beauty nominees. Well, Barney had a date. But then there are Frank Wright axxd Harold Daily who do have dates with two of the beauties. Harold has a date, the lucky lad, with Vicki Moran, the Sweetheart. Well, well. The Lowdown On Qampus distractions By Dick Osterholm Man, Your Manners By 1. Sherwood themselves. Mr. Richter combines these expressions in an usual nar rative so that the stoi’y moves easily and quickly. Mr. Richter’s effective style at times is almost poetic. Without th props of histor ical background, the author rec reates a period of hardships and adventure and creates chax*acters who are more than puppets in early American costumes. The Trees is a hardy story, not always pleasant, but honest, and the way in which the author combines the ways of the fx’ontier, the temperament of the pioneer, description of houses, food, clothing, rude attempts at doctoring, and marriage customs is entirely successful. The Trees, not orthodox historical fiction, is one of the best of its type which I have read. Circumstances often require a person to speak to a total strang er. When it becomes necessaxy to do so, the greeting should be brief and no attempt to conversation should be made. Whdn you cause another person any annoyance, such as bumping into him or her, or asking him or her to let you pass, the best thing to say is, “Excuse me” or “I beg youi' pardon.” The rule is old-fashioned that you may not speak to a lady, you have met before, until she has given a sign of x-ecoghition. It is proper for you to greet each other simul taneously. If you px*eviously have been introduced to a woman and she has forgotten you, you may say “Miss James, you don’t re member me, do you? We met at the Final Ball last year”. Miss James should reply, whether she recognizes you or not, “How do you do ? Of coux’se, I remember you”. When a man greets a lady in public, he raises his hat, bows, and says a few words of greeting, and accepts her hand if she offers it. If they stop to talk, he continues to hold his hat regardless of the weather; she will not stop long uxx- der any circumstance. Gx-acious living requix-es that all greetings tendered in good faith should be responded to pleasaxxtly. Still showing in Bi’yan at the Palace theater is the technicolor hit, “Bathing Beauty”, with Red Skelton and Esther Williams. It’s really a MGM hit, full of music by Harry James and Xaviar Cu- gat, pretty girls fx’om all over' the nation and enough laughs to keep you chuckling for weeks. If you haven’t taken the opportunity to see this picture, better take time off to enjoy an evening. You’ll like it. Starting at the Saturday night prevue and playing through Tues day is another Warner Bros, hit, “Mark Twain”, starring Frederick March and Alexis Smith plus an all star-supporting cast. This pic ture is the life of Samuel Cle ments, better known as Mark Twain. It portrays his life from his early boyhood days, through his life as a prospector, and on to his rise in the literary world and to world fame. Frederick March turns in a splendid pex’formance as does Alexis Smith who plays the part of his wife. The Lowdown: Here is a first- rate production. It has been ac claimed as one of the best pictures of the year. Splendid acting plus a plot full of humor and real life experiences. Better take time out to see this one. You won’t want to miss it. Playing at the Campus tonight is “Hello, Frisco, Hello”. The musi cal hit starring Alice Faye, John Payne, Jack Oakie and an all star musical cast. It’s full of the songs of yesterday and brings back the I memories of vaudeville days. It’s not too new a picture but you will like it. The plot furnishes a score of musical hits and many laughs. The Lowdown: A pretty good pic ture. See it and see if you enjoy it. But if you do see, it, don’t ex pect a dramatic picture, it’s strict ly a musical feature. Two features are on the bill for Saturday. First playing is “Petti coat Larceny”, stari’ing Ruth War rick and Joan Carroll. It’s a modi fied gangster picture, playing up the romance angle too little. Gang sters raid the radio, to the tune of hox-rified girls, who trick the mystery xnen and slap them in the clink. The Lowdown: Its an ordinary picture but better than average. It will make a full evening if you see both pictures. Also playing on the same bill is “Arizona” wil^h an all star cast in cluding Jean Arthur and William Holden. This is a picture of ac tion in the raw. You will sit on, the edge of your seat. Not too old a picture, and brought up to date with the bevy of stars in the cast. The Lowdown: Not a bad bill for Saturday. Try and see these two pictures if you have nothing else to do. It will make a pretty full weekend. Sunday and Monday brings one of the best pictures of the year to the Campus. Not too old yet, it is excellent in acting, starring Ginger Rogers and Robert Ryan who play in “Tender Comrade”. This is the story of a happy couple who get married before the war starts, and whose happy life is separated when the war does break out. The husband goes across and the wife starts into war work. The lives of five women who all have loved ones in the service is enacted in excellent fashion. It brings you close to the heart rend ering experiences these girls go through and may remind you of yourself. The Lowdown: Some people may call this a flag waving picture, but whatever you wnt to call it, it’s still an excellent show. It’s sad and happy at the same time, it’s full of good acting and heart warm ing romance. You will miss a good picture if you don’t see “Ten der Comrade”. Be sure to bring a handkerchief. Showing at Guion Saturday night prevue and Sunday is “Slightly Dangerous”, starring lovely Lana Turner and Robert Young. Here is the story of a supposedly trusted PALACE M P HO W E 2 -r&b 7 <5>:- : Friday and Saturday Red Skelton in ‘BATHING BEAUTY’ with Esther Williams Prevue Sat. Nite 11 p.m. also Sun. - Mon. - Tues. “THE ADVENTURES OF MARK TWAIN” starring Frederic March Alexis Smith Cartoon and News LOUPOT’S A Little Place - - - - - - A Big Saving! PENNY’S SERENADE i ~iii7^-i~iiiBy W. L. Penberthy Saturday afternoon we are to meet T. C. U. in a football game on Kyle Field. T. C. U. is an old rival and from about 1924 until 1936 dealt us a great deal of misery. About the best we could do was a tie. Since then we have had things more our way. I have officia ls ted in games this ; fall in which both A. & M. and T. I C. U. have played a and both teams A ai’e made up of fine who youngsters are fine . sportmen as well and I doubt that any penalties will !?§tll be assessed against either Penberthy team for flagrant fouls. The T. C. U. team and followers will be our guests for the day and we will want to give them a warm welcome. As our guests the team should be given the same con sideration as our own during the game. This means it should be gx-anted the courtesy of the same silence as our team is given from the time the players huddle until the ball has been snapped. It should embarrass us that the referee, whose duties are in connection with the players, should be forced to stop play several times during the gaxxxe to ask us, who consider ourselves spox’tsmen, to be con siderate enough of the guest team to permit it to run its plays with out interference from our corps. We all want to support our team to the utmost but in my opinion we can still support our team wholeheartedly without be ing inconsidei'ate of the visiting team. I know there is nothing malicious in the minds and hearts o fany of us but, men, we need to thin kthis over. Continuation of the present practice will in my opinion hurt our institution, our team and we as individuals. Southwest Texas Club Elects Ware New President Gayland Ware, president of the Southwest Texas Club, will lead the ox-ganization in planning its activities during the meetings ev ery other Wednesday evening at 7:00 in the lounge of the Y. M. C. A. Other officers elected during the meeting are Morris Lipscome, vice-president; Ed Gray, secretary- treasui - er; and Sammy Brice, ser geant-at-arms. Plans were made for the club to have its picture made in the near future. As one of its big functions of the semester, the club is making plans to sponsor a dance duxdng the Christmas holidays which will be open to the public. Piedras Ne- gras will be the location of a big party to be held across the border on New Year’s Eve to fill out the social calendar for the club. Products from the great natural resources of our forests will help pay off matured War Bonds. Pre vention of forest fires is a protec tion of the stake in America re presented by the country’s wood lands. See Us For ICE CREAM SLACKS Lauterstein’s SUBSCRIBE FOR THE BATTALION Keep Informed on College and College Station Affairs Subscribe to the Battalion for that Ex-Aggie in the armed service. As members of the “Greatest Fraternity on Earth” they want to know what is hap pening at A. & M. in the way of classes, administra tion and sports. The Battalion offers the best means of keeping the army of exes informed on the progress of A. & M. Get that subscription immediately so that it will be on the mailing list for the first issue in October. ---RATES--- Semester $1.50 Per Year $3.00 Send your subscription to the Student Activities, Room 5, Administration Building, College Station, Texas. Get your Batt card at Student Activities racketeer who is out on parole, who meets a sweet society girl, out for the wild life of the night spots. Lana falls for Young and sparks fly because Lana’s father, played by Walter Brennan, is the D. A. It’s an actioxx filled picture with the romance angle played up fine. Lana is lovely and exciting— when isn’t she—and turns in a good performance. The Lowdown: An old picture, but still good. If you like Lana Turner, and you will, see this picture. It’s good. Playing Monday and Tuesday is ^See DISTRACTIONS, Page 4) Dial 4-1181 — Opens 1 p.m. We Will Be Closed During the Game Box Office Opens 6:00 P. M. BIG DOUBLE FEATURE MAMMOTH DRAMA! U'e/frt/ to/s/s/U/ ■ WILLIA/tt HOLDEN SUNDAY and MONDAY Prevue Temporarily Discontinued ,9c & 20c Phone 4-1166 ADMISSION IS STILL Tax Included Box Office Opens at 1 P.M. Closes at 8:30 FRIDAY and SATURDAY Double Feature and — Ann MIllEfe $ Betty RHODES « Jerry C010NNA Johnnie JOHNSTOM Vern VAGUE PREVUE SATURDAY 9:45 Also SUNDAY I«*TURMER _ are riotously romantic together d | •m S£/ffl7ZY |Walter BRENNAN ■ ■■ ■ M an > MONDAY and TUESDAY [onEY ISUMD t. % * t f . • • ■ < <•.