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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1944)
PHURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1944 THE BATTALION PAGE 3 New Books To Be Found At Library Agriculture and Its Sciences * The Art of Japanese Gardens, .Joy Loraine E. Ruck. Roots in the Earth; the small farmer looks ahead, by P. Alston •Waring and Walter Magnes Tel ler. Flower Garden Primer, by Julia rl. Cummins. Home Vegetable Gardening, by Charles H. Nissley. Comparative Vertebrate Ana tomy, by Libbie Henrietta Hyman. Vertebrate Photoreceptors, by Samuel R. Detwiler (Experimental Biology Monographs). ^ Chimpanzees; a laboratory col- _ony, by Robert M. Yerkes. Field Book of American Wild Flowers, by F. Schuyler Mathews. Spring Fowers of Missouri, by Julian A. Steyermark. Essays in Bilogy: In Honor of Herbert M. Evans; Forty-Eight papers on the physiology of re production, the physiology of nu trition, endocrinology, the history <Sf science and of medicine. Organic Chemistry Simplified, 'by Rudolph Macy. Biological Chemistry and Physics *of Sea Water; by H. W. Harvey (Cambridge Comparative Physiol ogy). Handbuh der Milchwirtschaft, *Band III, Milchwirtschaftliche Bet- riebslehre, Teil 2, Organisationen . der Milchwirtschaft Handel und Verkehr-Geschichte. Handbuch der Milhwirtschaft, Band III, Milchwirtschaftliche Bet- ♦ riebslehre, Teil 1, Milchwirtschafts „ —und Molkereibetrieb. Handbuch der Milchwirtschaft, Band II, Teil 2, Butter, Rase Milch- 'praparate und Nebenprodukte. Engineering and Its Sciences An Elementary Treatise on Sta tically Indeterminate Stresses. .Second Revised Edition, by John I. Parcel and George A. Maney. Theory of Simple Structures. Second Edition, by Thomas Clark Shedd and Jamison Vawter. Structural Design, by Hale Suth erland and H. L. Bowman. Modern Timber Design; the principles of timber design and timber mechanics—includes for mulas for use in design and design examples—stresses timber connec tors and glued laminated construc tion—chapters on preservatives and plywood, by Howard J. Han sen. Theoretical Soil Mechanics: This volume discusses thoroughly those '‘theories which have stood the test "of experience and which are appli cable under ertain conditions and restrictions to the approximate 'solution or practical problems, by Rarl Terzaghi. Soil Mechanics and Foundations, by Fred L. Plummer, and Stanley M. Dore. Structural Theory. Third Edi tion, by Hale Sutherland and H. L. Bowman. Art Criticism from a Labora tory, by Alan Burroughs. The Art of Handgun Shooting, by Captain Charles Askins, Jr. Orthohydrogen, Parahydrogen J LOUPOT’S - Trade With Lou — He’s Right With You! and Heavy Hydrogen, by Adalbert Farkas (The Cambridge Series of Physical Chemistry). Signals from the Stars, by Geo. Ellery Hale. Planning, Shaping and Slotting, by Fred H. Colvin. Essentials of Percision Inspec tion, by Wesley Mollard. Fundamentals of Mechanical In spection for Trainees and Junior Inspectors, by Rolland Jenkins. Robert Mils: Architect of the Washington Monument, 1781-1855, by H. M. Pierce Gallagher. General Reading Wallenstein — Soldier Under Saturn, by Francis Watson. From Another World; The Anto- biolgraphy by Louis Untermeyer. Go Down, Moses and other Stor ies, by William Faulkner. Shakespeare’s Last Plays, by E. M. W. Tillyard. Alfred De Vigny, by Arnold Whitridge. Report on North Africa, by Renneth Crawford. 1680 Health Questions Answer ed, by W. W. Bauer. Astrophel or the Life and Death of the Renowned. Sir Philip Sid ney, by Alfred H. Bill. Drills and Fundamentals, by Clair Bee (The Barnes Dollar Sports Library). Man-to-Man Defense and Attack, by Clair Bee (The Barnes Dollar Sports Library). Zone Defense and Attack, by Clair Bee (The Barnes Dollar Sports Library). The Golden Serpent, by Giro Alegria. Gibbon, by D. M. Low. The Dictionary of Dates, Volume II, by Helen Rex Reller. I Can Get It For You Wholesale, A novel by Jerome Weidman. Social Sciences Bernadotte and the Fall of Na poleon, by Franklin D. Scott. The Emperor Claudius, by M. Scramuzza (Harvard Historical Studies 44). Great Britain and the Cyprus Convention Policy of 1878, by Dwight E. Lee. A Wavering Friendship: Russia and Austria, 1876-1878, by George Hoover Rupp (Harvard Historical Studies 49) Boston’s Immigrants, 1790-1865; A Study in Acculturation, by Os car Handlin (Harvard Historical Studies 50) The Imperial Privy Council in the Seventeenth Century, by Henry Frederick Schwarz with a supple ment The Social Structure of the Imperial Privy Council, 1600-1674, by Henry F. Schwarz and John I. Coddington- (Harvard Historical Studies 53) The Revolutionary Committees in the Departments of France, by John Black Sirich (Harvard His torical Studies 52) British Policy and the Turkish Reform Movement; A Study in Anglo-Turkish Relations, 1826- 1853, by Frank Edgar Bailey (Harvard Historical Studies 51). The Hidden Enemy: The Ger man Threat to Post-War Peace, a startling answer to the question “What must be done with Germany •after the War,” by Heinz Pol. The Negro’s Share; A Study of Income, Consumption, Housing and Public Assistance, by Richard Sterner. I Government and Business To- rrforrow: A Public Relations Pro gram; How much government con trol and how much freedom of ini tiative will best serve the public (See BOORS, Page 6) The most disastrous flood in recorded history occurred in 1887 when China’s Hwang river burst through its levees, flooded an area of 50,000 square miles and drowned 1,000,000 people. mmm ri ?>■ E.w’- - *■ ,•••• jgggj Si mmm * There’s a character who’s got a heart like his name. To him a Nip in the trees is a notch in his gun. Me, IVe got the hottest pin-up collection in the Pacific but does it get me anywhere with Trig? No! Even when I try to mooch one of his Chesterfields I have to find him a whole nest of Nips to pick off. But then ... the Colonel says we make a swe51 Combination... • Remember Chesterfield’s RIGHT COMBINATION WORLD’S BEST TOBACCOS 5 Key-words For Mildness, Better Taste . and Cooler Smoking 1 1 Ik kb /.'.V.'.V.v. Say trigger , ro. trade you TWO SWEATER SALS AND A BROADWAY CUTIE PER. A Chesterfield Bom T5EAL' 1 v >: ERFI FID Jerrifi' vt FRED WARING’S VICTORY TUNES Five Nights a Week all NBC Stations Sen*t fonal Copyright 1944, Liggett & Myqls Tobacco CO. JOHN NESBITT’S PASSING FARADS Tues.Wed.Thurs. Nights all CBS Stations