Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1943)
Page 2 THE BATTALION TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1943 STUDENT TRI-WEEKLT NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Meahanieal College ol Texas and the City of College Station, is published three tiaaes weekly, mod isxuec Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. # Entered as second class matter at the Post Jffice at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1870. Subscription rate $3 per school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City. Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 5. Administration Building. Telephone 4-6444. 1942 Member 1943 Associated Go!!e6iate Press H. Sylvester Boone - Editor-in-Chief Andy Matula - Associate Editor Sports Staff Tuesday’s Staff Harold Borofsky Sports Editor Charlie Murray Managing Editor William Baker Sports Reporter Ed Katten Reporter Robert Orrick ... Sports Reporter Charles West Reporter Claude Stone Sports Photographer Charley L. Dobbs Reporter Thursday’s Staff Saturday’s Staff David Seligman Managing Editor Andy Matula Managing Editor Max Mohnke Reporter Fred Manget, Jr. Reporter R. L. Weatherly Reporter John T. Scurlock Reporter J. W. (Tiny) Standifer Reporter James C. Grant Reporter Special Columnists Miscellaneous Arabic Broodo (Aggie) For Lass-o David Seligman Columnist SnSu Beard (T.S.C.W.) For Battalion J. W. Standifer Staff Photographer Advertising Staff Circulation Staff John Kelly Business Manager Steele H. Nixon Circulation Mgr. Sharles R. West Asa’t. Business Mgr. George Puls Asa’t. Circulation Mgr. Dedication to General Reveille . . . As mascot of the Texas Aggies, Reveille has spent 12 years, and with these years, she has brought with her some thing extra to add to the Spirit of Aggieland. Rev has been that median by which Aggies were kept in closer touch with each other. Marching during the halves at football games, making Corps' trips with the rest of the Aggies, and in gen eral keeping alive that Spirit which has seemed*to subside alive—that was Reveille. She has been a part of Aggieland and the Aggie Spirit since she was brought here in 1931. Reveille will remain as she does now, in the hearts of all Aggies. Reveille’s picture that was given by the Corps and a few ex-students last semester will be unveiled tomorrow night. It is befitting that this issue be dedicated to her for all that she has done in keeping the Spirit what it remains today. Had it not been for Reveille, Aggieland might not be what it still is during this time of war. Her extra something, has kept the Aggies in a brotherhood which Aggies are always members of, while in school and after they get out. It is be cause of this, that this issue of the Battalion be dedicated to General Reveille and her 12 years of mascot of the Texas Aggies. DR. N. B. McNUTT DENTIST Office in Parker Building Over Canady's Pharmacy Phone 2-1457 Bryan. Texas LOUPOT’S An Aggie Institution MARINES Let Us Do Your Altering LAUTERSTEIN’S STUDENT CO-OP Bicycle and Radio Repair Phone 4-4114 “BE THANKFUL UNTO HIT ! 1 . ! /I f! I. II >! I 'll ^1 i Thanksgiving Day Services 8:30 A. M. in Y. M. C. A. CHAPEL * American Lutheran Congregation Kurt Hartmann, Pastor SAW VARSITY’S HORNS OFF! We’re right behind you Aggies and wish you the best of luck in the Turkey Day classic. Fight ’Em to a Standstill and Let’s Beat Texas! ZUBIK & SONS ---UNIFORMS--- North Gate Thanksgiving Day and turkey are practically synonymous. So much so that many seem to have forgotten the historic idea back of rhe day. Ever since that early Thanksgiving, turkey has been the festival meat. Better than any other one dish, it expresses the spirit of American hospitality. Food lovers regret that turkey can be had for such a short season. But with conditions as they are, we can be thankful that we are Amer icans, and be glad to say a bles sing over no more than roast beef, if necessary (it’s said to be Eng land’s favorite dish). Gracious hospitality doesn’t de pend on turkey to express itself; it is the ability to make people feel welcome. Table service known as Ameri can—carving or serving done by the host and hostess—has long been in use but in late years it has been modified to fit the particular needs of the home. In many homes, hosts still pride themselves on iheir ability to carve a fowl; they carve the turkey, chicken or a roast at the table a nice custom. Now that most of us are without servants this form of service is very convenient. The plates are set in front of “Dad”, and he serves, along with the meat, its accom panying foods, gravy, dressing and such. “Mom” serves the salad and vegetables. Every young man should acquaint himself with the details of proper table service, for he in turn will become a host. Man, Your Manners By l. Sherwood 3801st Sparkles By Julius Bloom Speaking of odd things, the odd ity of many a day was the old horse “Pat” we rode down at the stables Saturday afternoon. Pat is long past the age of usefulness, and is now blind. Whatever the failings of his age, Pat is a gentleman to the core, and still capable of the gaits and poses to which he has been educat ed. It was a pleasure to watch him go through his paces. Our boys have a struggle every meal to seat themselves at the tables served by one Fish Harris. The Fish, it would seem, is the most efficient waiter the lads have found, never allowing the food sup ply to run low until everybody has at least eaten his fill. Added to his other favorable pro pensities, Fish Harris has taken to the wearing of lipstick, along with the other Fish, and his glam or is such that one must fight to restrain that urge to whistle. S/Sgt. George Reed finally broke away from it all. Over the past weekend, George took a pass for Houston, much to the amaze ment of the company, and especial ly to his roomie, who has confided that although he likes George, it is maddening to come home night after night to find Reed blandly reading a novel. No report from our Houston agency on the doings of the ser geant has been submitted, al though we trust that his roomie will lie awake for the next few nights to discover if George will subconsciously incriminate himself. The boys are growing interested, as more and more reports return, in the delightful young thing re cently added to the staff of the A. & M. Grill. Annie and A1 do a good job for themselves of building up goodwill, but the addition of Mary has made the set-up complete. Strange, but there is nothing new on S/Sgt. Bernard Kirsch- Another long-distance romance has come to light. S/Sgt. Walter Taylor, that sly old dog, is literal ly heating up the airmail compart ments between here and New York. The light of love lives down in Greenwich Village, where we went to school at N.Y.U. We wish we had the courage to tell Wally that our heart was once singed under similar circumstances, but he looks like the kind of man who would commit murder if aroused; if ever. Ditto on Pvt. Paul Fitzwater, except that she lives in Toledo (No Springs), Ohio. What with the Big Weekend coming up, and everything, this may be the last column we will be in condition to write until next week some time, maybe, if you get the point. In our neck of the woods, dis cussion and feelings are running high, both ways. We are certain that the opinions of the game’s outcome are based on close figur ing from both points of view. In any event, so far as this column is concerned, even the rec ords do not frighten us, because we have seen many and many a fighting team whip its statistical superior. A fighting heart is the greatest attribute of any athlete, and we are sure that there are fighting hearts on the Aggie team. From our unbiased position, we wish you luck, and hope that what ever the score at the end of the game, you will have given a good account of yourselves. LOUPOT’S A Little Place . . . ... A Big Saving Football Figurin'.. By R. L. Weatherly The two coaches, Homer H. Norton of the Aggies and Dana X. Bible of Texas, will send two powerful teams on Kyle Field for the Turkey Day game. A. & M. will have speed and spirit, while Texas boasts experience and a smooth running football machine. This game is one that sports writers dread. To pick the out come is like picking the end of the war. For years these two teams have pulled some most unexpected upsets. The Aggies, young as they may be, have more spirit than any team in the nation. The game is really a toss-up and any team could cash in on a break and easily take home the victory. We have fol lowed the Aggies on many of their games this season and we are go ing to bank our predictions on their play, spirit, and fight that they have shown on the field. We say Aggies 7-Texas 0. The following is a story of a hunting trip that the Texas and A. & M. mentors took this sea son: The story opens in Dana Bible’s home and the two boys are in a room where Bible keeps his hunt ing weapons. Norton: Well, I brought along the same old gun that I have been using in the past seasons. I see that you have a new gun. Bible: Yes, I do. It is one of those Navy V-12 models. The next part of the story finds the two boys out in the wilderness looking for their prey. They split up and one went one way and the other another way. They have now met again with their game. Bible: Look at this Owl I got. Why, I tore him all too pieces. Norton: I have an Owl too, but I must admit that you slaughtered yours more than I did mine. But look at the Mustang that I have. It is shot up more than yours. Look at all the holes I put in him. Bible: Yes, your Mustang is shot up more than mine, but I put quite a few holes in mine myself. Bible: Did you get a Razorback? I did. As a matter of fact I blew his head off. Norton: Yes, I got a Hog, but I didn’t kill mine as roughly as you did yours. I felt sorry for the poor thing. Bible: Look at the Horned Frog that I got. I must have had a pow erful shell in the gun because he is literally tom to pieces. Norton: Did you get a Homed Frog too ? Mine looks bigger than yours, but I conserved amunition and giged the little felow. Bible: By the way, I saw a Pi- rae while I was out hunting. He was a powerful rascal and he wounded me. But the wound was not enough to spoil my hunting trip. • Norton: Well Dana, it has been a successful hunting trip has it not ? Bible: Yes, it has: I must go now and prepare for another hunt ing trip. Norton: Is that so? What are you going to hunt? Bible: I am out to get some tough farmers. Norton: Well, because of the meat shortage I am going hunt ing for some Longhorns. Bible: Perhaps we will meet each other in our next hunting trip. Norton: Perhaps. So long. And so ends our story of the hunting trip. The following is the comparative scores of the Texas and A. & M. teams of teams that both have played: Texas 58-Rice 0 Texas 34-Arkansas 0 Texas 46-TCU 7 Texas 20-SMU 0 Qampus distractions By David Seligman “Aerial Gunner”, starring Ches ter Morris and Richard Arlen, stars a three-day run at the Cam pus Theater Tuesday. This is a not-so-hot story of the gunners in training in Harlingen, Texas. Morris has nursed a grudge against Arlen since the two were kids, the former having been the neighbor hood problem. Arlen grows up to be the assistant attorney, and must convict Chester’s father. The father commits suicide. Later the two are in the service at the Areial Gunners School together. Chester is Arlen’s instructor and tries to “wash him out” every way possible. However Arlen saves Morris’ life and later Chester re turns the favor, and is killed by the Japs in doing the deed. The Lowdown: Not-so-hot. Guion Hall’s show for Tuesday and Wednesday will be the belated “Knute Rockne, All American.” Scheduled to appear a while back, a mix-up i the film schedule made it impossible to be here on time. Total Texas 158-Opponent 7 A. & M. 20-Rice 0 A. & M. 13-Arkansas A. & M. 13-TCU 0 A. & M. 22-SMU 0 A. & M. 68-Opponents 0 i ❖ Starting Wednesday “Sweet Rosie O’Grady” — with — Betty Grable - Robert Young also Showing Thursday, Friday and Saturday Prevue Sat. Nite 11 p.m. “Stormy Weather” — starring — Lena Horne - Bill Robinson Phone 4-1168 ADMISSION IS ALWAYS 9c & 20c Tax Included Box Office Opens at 1:00 P.M. Closes 8:30 Today and Wednesday the grandest football picture ever made! “KNUTE ROCKNE— ALL AMERICAN” — starring — Pat 0‘Brien Ronald Reagan Gale Page also on the same program the funniest cartoon of the year, brought back by re quest : “RED HOT RIDING HOOD” if you haven’t seen it, don’t miss it, if you have, see it again because it is still a scream! BEAT T. U BEAT T. U. BEAT T. U BEAT T. U.! This is one of the best college pic tures ever made. It stars Pat O’Brien, Ronald Reagan, and Gale Page. The Lowdown: Old but still good. LOUPOT’S Trade Wtih Lou — He’s Right With You! NAVY MEN Let Us Do Your Altering LAUTERSTEIN’S Dial 4-1181 OPENS 1:00 P. M. TODAY, WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY — also — BUGS BUNNY CARTOON “FALLING HAIRE’ Yea! Aggies Fight! Fight! Fight! - - - and come Thanksgiving Day let’s Beat the U-NO-WHAT Out of Texas Incidently, fellows, that’s a swell bonfire you’ve built out on the drill field—More power to you. LOU POT’S “Trade With Lou — He’s Right With You”