Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1943)
Page 4 THE BATTALION SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 20, 1943 OFFICIAL NOTICES Classified Student Personnel office is holding a good brand wrist watch which was found on the athletic playing field Friday morn ing, Nov. 19. Owner may establish claim in Room 101 Academic Building. LOST—Gold watch chain with small Id knife attached. Please return to Fish ng, Dorm 15, Room 115. Very liberal reward. Trimming Tabs Sqvadrm I Well, gents now that we are veteran pilots the news may be told. Misters Iffrig, Summers, Ben son, and Estelle would like to have a large thick, juicy steak before they take off every day. Did you get very sick, Beavers? LOST—Black billfold, contents $25.00, North American Identification card. Re ward. F. M. Herring, Hotard Hall, Room 103. LOST—A Log-Log Decitrig Slide rule between Hotard Hall and Milner Hall. Identification: Name inside of flap on case. Floyd R. McClain. Finder contact Floyd R. McClain, Room 116 Hotard Hall, or Battalion Office. Reward. Will the person who removed the books and slide rule from Room 310, Academic building, between ten and eleven o’clock Friday morning, Nov. 12, please return them to the Commandant’s Office. No Questions will be asked. Executive Offices All students registered from foreign countries must report to the Registrar's Office as soon as possible. The Government has requested us to secure certain infor mation from you. H. L. HEATON, Registrar. Church Notices THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, College R. L. Brown, Pastor C Roger Bell, Rel. Ed and Music 9:35 a.m.—Morning Devotion 9:45 a.m.—Sunday School 10 :50 a.m.—Morning Worship 1:30 p.m.—B. S. U. Council 4 :00 p.m.—Choir Rehearsal p.m.—“WARM-UP” 6 :00 p.m.- 6 :05 p.m.—Training Union 7:15 p.m.—Evening Worship The Pastor will speak Sunday morning, bringing a special Thanksgiving message. Roger Bell will have charge of the musical program. There will be special Thanksgiv ing music. Tuesday morning at 10:00 o’clocl Creath-Brazos Association Workers Con ference will meet in our church. ig n Tuesday morning at 10:00 o’clock the Creath-Brazos Association Workers erence will meet in our church. W ednesday evening at 7:00 o’clock- Regular Mid-Week Prayer Service. ST. THOMAS’ EPISCOPAL Chapel Rev. J. H. R. Farrell, Priest-in-Charge. Holy Communion 9:00 a.m. Coffee Club 9:30 a.m. Church School 9:45 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Pi Alpha and Vestry at 6:30 p.m. There will be Holy Communion, Thanks giving Day, at 10:00 a.m. This will also be a memorial service for all of those who have entered the Larger Life since last year in the service of their country. AMERICAN LUTHERAN CONGREGATION Y.M.C.A. Chapel, Campus Kurt Hartman, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Divine Service at 11:00 am. Student meeting this Sunday night. Thanksgiving Day Service at 8:30 a.m. in the Y Chapel. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST R. B. Sweet, Minister Sunday : 9 :45 a.m. Bible Classes ; 10 :45 a.m. The Morning Worship; 6:15 p.m. the After-Supper Discussion; 7:00 p.m. the evening worship. Wednesday: 7 p.m. The Prayer Meeting. James Johnson, Minister of the Bryan Church of Christ will speak at both morn ing and evening services. All are invited to attend these services. You will be more than welcome. ARMY MEN Let Us Do Yonr Altering LAUTERSTEIN’S LOUPOT’S Watch Dog of the Aggies Department of Hangar-Flying heard amongst the sofa flies: so I says, “Well, instructor there are two kinds of cake, chocolate cake and stomach-ache, and I ain’t got not chocolate cake. Please, take me down.” Definition of crabbing into the wind—You have to make it look like you is when you ain’t. In other words your flying one way and going another. I wonder what Bob Herndon thinks about when he is flying. No sooner is he told to do a 45 degree turn he does a spin. Are the instructors too fast for you, Bob? Oh! my, all you red-headed boy3 please bring back your natural hair. Heard the other night: You have that hair restored in 24 hours or I’ll give you a tour. By the way Misters Stantart and Powers, what color hair have you really? “Lady” Love is fixing to wash it out at the swimming pool. Richiliano wants a refund for the sandwich he had at the North Gate before he went flying Thursday. He was sorry that he didn’t bring it back in front of the restaurant, instead of at the field. This flight 18 is really getting into print. Are you trying to make up for the time when you didn’t exist? If anybody on the campus hears a bunch of “Ughs”, don’t mis take it for a lot of Indians sound ing off. It is only 18 counting Indian cadence. You have finally succeeded in obtaining attention for yourselves. When that gentleman drives you to and from the airport, don’t tell him contact, kick that right rudder, and use that stick. He is only driving a bus and not one of these big, heavy Interstate Kadets that you handle. Well Gentlemen, tonight is the night of the “Wing Ball”, and it is also tonight that we will formal ly present the Sv/eetheart of the £08th CTD. Remember that you are a member of Squadron I, when you try to get a dance with her. Don’t let her refuse you, but most of i'll, don’t let any of the other gen tlemen (wolves) of the other squadrons beat you to her. Come early to the Ball, because a gala ceremony has been planned for the presentation. If we are to have more news, the reporters will have to find a car some place (with gas), and follow you free-time gentlemen around. Not being abel to type out i ny more stuff, we will close. Army Exchange Service Uniforms Army Exchange Service Uniform $44.50 Army Exchange Service Pink Slacks $12.00 Army Exchange Service Short Overcoat $29.75 Officers Regulation Dress Caps $5.00 to $1-6.50 Dark Green Gabardine Shirts $5.00 to $17.50 f jpaTidrop & (6. “Two Convenient Stores” College Bryan James L. Anderson A] Lorsnastti Jask Persky- Ed Callahan Paul McGinnisa M. Soto ..Bdttor-in-Chief I P. W. Hena ..Staff Artist Reporters: Anthony Caatelluccio, Earl I Turner, Theodore Wilson. Joseph Canter, Ted Levine, William R. Fitzgerald, Leroy in* Editor Woddrow W. Harris Squadron I Editor its Editor F. W. Yeuttor Squadron II Editor | Mueller, Robert Brien, P. H. Dillard, R. E. Associate Editor Winsor Mowry Squd. HI Editor Associate Editor | R. E. Wolf —Sports Editor I Fains A. Carson.. Otto. The ACTD is written and edited by Squd. IV Editor | Aviation students of the S08th College ...Squadron V Editor I Training Detachment, College Station. Wing News As Editor-In-Chief of the ACTD News and in behalf of the entire Detachment I welcome you to the campus of Texas A. & M. Since the day the results were out the students have all been anxious to see the girl who was picked as Sweetheart of the 308th College Training Detachment out of 135 entries. Now that you are here the excitement still runs rampant- We understand that you prefer to be called “Pat”. So it will be Pat with us from here on out. Pat we are very glad to have you with us and honored that you accepted our in vitation. We sincerely hope that you thoroughly enjoy your stay. At all times feel free to call upon any member or any detachment organi- zatioh, honor board, contest com mittee, wing ball committee, or any of the officers for anything which you may need- For the benefit of any of our readers who may not have heard of our contest before, the aviation students of this detachment orga nized and conducted a contest to determine by photographs who would be elefcted the Sweetheart of the Detachment. There were 135 pictures submitted for judg ment covering nearly every state in the union. Out of this group the Contest Committee picked the top ten and turned them over to our Wing Honor Board. This student group then selected the winning five. Miss Travis was selected as first place winner and the con test committee awarded her a trip down here to reign over our Wing Ball tonight. At the Wing Ball to night she will be presented as our detachment sweetheart and award ed a $100.00 War Bond. Pat has traveled all the way from South Bend, Indiana, where she is attending St. Mary’s College, to be with us tonight. Her home town is Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. A brief description of her might be; 5’6’’ tall, weighs 120 pounds, black hair, brown eyes, catching smile, and amiable personality. At St. Mary’s College she has a straight “A” scholastic record. Twice (in 1942 and 1941 ( she has been selected Queen at the Senior Dances at Notre Dame Universi ty. Pat’s brother, Thomas Travis, who is taking pre-aviation cadet training here submitted the picture for the contest. Pat’s parents, whom she hasn’t seen since Sep tember, are making the trip to Col lege Station to be with Pat and Tom over the week end. In a later issue of the Battalion and local papers watch for a pic ture of Pat. This morning at 11:30 Pat will be interviewed over radio station WTAW on the program “Listen Ladies-” Pat, her brother, chaperone, and Mr. Scolari of the committee will enter the dance hall twenty minutes after the dance begins, im mediately following the honor guard. The presentation will take place right after this. —DISTRACTIONS— (Continued From Pace 2) numbers, but in this film she looks and acts like a glamorous screen star as well. Robert Paige in the juvenile role and Leon Errol and Walter Catlett in the comic parts give usual good performances. Al together, it’s a pleasing effort — with several tinkling tunes, eye- filling sets, and a plot that does not require too much concentra tion. Catlet, a Broadway producer, sells the idea to a group of hotel- men to back the show. Paige, a song writer, buys out the entire house. Frances finds out about the deception and leaves the show- flat on the opening night With the aid of Paige she is found and returns to the theater in time. The Lone Star state plays a prominent part in the film. The Lowdown: La Langford is as good as always. LOUPOT’S Trade Wtih Lon — He’s Right With You! FOR WINGS WE EARN By R. T- Minohr Within our midst we have some men On whom our future plans depend They try to help each single one But get no thanks for all they’ve done. First let’s disband with silly pranks And do good work to show our thanks So on your toes and let’s be eager And earn that name of “Eager Beaver.” This is no place where you can loaf Unless you want to be an Oaf. And if that’s all that you desire Then from this school you should retire. So let’s not be misled by some Who all their life will just be bums But let’s dig in and try to learn The things it takes, our wings to Hangar Flying Squadron III This is old 66 with the usual trash about the unusual trash, (We apoligize, but we couldn’t get anything to rhyme with trash) . The book of the month for November is “Who Done It” or “Lay That Whistle Down”. It con cerns a quaint character who lives in solitude in a haunted house call ed “Giggem Manor”. This character is robbed of his most priceless pos- ession, a G. I. Whistle. He. in turn steals one from his landlord, and there you have the plot. Don’t miss this one; it’s really a puzzler. All kidding aside Sgt. Reagle, what did happen to your whistle .... What was that package that was sent through the mail to Mister Mrunner. They say it really gave him an “up-lift”. From what we have seen of Mister Brunner’s choice in the female line the size of that thing gives us the idea that someone is using the mails to defraud . . . Who is the party that hollers “George Washington” ev ery time the Squadron Commander passes in that new bonnet. He may look a little odd in that thing but don’t rub it in fellows he may lose it—we hope. . . . What are these mad carrying on that occur nightly in Ramp 2. We presume that since Mister Shambolin has been released from exile in Okla homa and has begun to associate with civilized folk he just can’t contain himself. Incidentally Len- nie is quite an authority on New York City. He doesn’t think much of the big town because he spent three hours there and so he thinks he knows it inside and out .... It seems our friend Mister Kueck has gotten himself a blind date for the ball. A word of advice Mister Kueck. We had a blind date once, and she was six feet tall and had green hair, so watch yourself. Then again after looking at you we figure she is getting the better end end of the deal. We wish she could see you in thos orange gym shorts . . The basket ball team came through again, lead by Norris and Koupal, and really laid in on Squad ron II to the score of 58 to 21. Con gratulations boys let’s keep it up . . In about eight hours from now you gentlemen are going to get the eye full of your life. The Detachment Queen will be present ed at the Ball, and the presentation will be made by Mister Scolari. Let’s get there early, because its going to be worth seeing ... I guess that about winds it up for this time except we are all looking forward to Mister Kueck’s date. What do you say we all cut in on her. She’ll probably be grateful . . See you 66. Contact Squadron II Just a bunch of young fellows trying to get along in the world, that’s us. Gentlemen, we’re sorry, we really should have known bet ter than to try and pull the wool over your eyes with those “Thous and for a dime jokes” we used in the last issue. We’ll never do it again. Now that all of the niteries along the Great White Way are off limits Mr. May is indeed an unhappy lad. When the sad news appeared on the Bulletin board he clutched his head and wailed in despair, No, No, a thousand times no, this cannot happen to me,” P.S., T.S. If any of you should hear a weird voice coming out of the gloaming you may rest assured that is none other than A/S “The Voice” Sauers. He is rapidly becom ing one of the outstanding char acters around Squadron II with his version of Squadron II’s First Sergeant. Cpl. Bowers has added another duty to his already over-crowded schedule, what with gigs, cokes, gigs, drillings, gigs and gigs. He is now a Girl Scout D. I. You ought to hear him, “Little girl, this piece of flesh hanging out from un der your skirt is commonly called a leg, now the one on this side is sometimes termed ‘Left’ and the ether one ‘Right’. Now when I count Hut, you merely place that left on the ground and as soon as I say ‘Toop’ place the Right on the ground. Ready, FI—I mean P’toon —Tee-hut! Fo’wad, Hutch-Hut, Toop, Threep, F’op—’Toon .... Halt! What the H—I mean, What are you stopping for? The cute lit tle thing smiles and says, “But Mis ter Corporal You didn’t say any thing about “Threep!” Cpl. Bow ers will not doubt be greyheaded (And not from H202) very soon. Gentlemen, tonight is the gala occasion. That’ good old Wing Ball time has come again. A lot of time, money and last but not least, work has been done by all members of this detachment to really make this one a whang-dilly. The main thing is to get into the spirit of the thing. Old Demon Rum is definite ly out so some other means will have to be used. For instance, roll up your sleeve, take out the hypo and use about ten CC’s—No, not one. Here’s a good one. On the eve of the dance. Take a good cold show er, stand up in front of the mir ror. Then think how fortunate some poor lil gal is to be dancing with a great big man like you. You can feel her in your arms, she’s so soft against your hard body, she’s so delicate. You are her protector and you will be gay and care-free, Hot-Pilot like, so she will simply wilt before your charms—then you take her home. Period. Or else, as a last resort, use the substitution method, like Mr. King. Enfold her in your arms and think about Mary, Bobby or Lou and whisper the sweet nothings in her ear that were meant for your O. A. O., of course this method is somewhat deceitful, and one should be very careful in using this means. If you should call Betty something like Penelope, she may become a wee bit perturbed. Then us No. 6, Say, “Pet, I was thinking, M8 of a lovely girl I once saw on the stage. She was exquisite, and your ac tions remind me so much of that lovely flower I could not help call ing you Penelope.” Then duck. Honestly, let’s make an effort to keep the gals amused. And come on chillun, let’s dance. Pertinent question of the week. What are all of these people doing around here? First, Peroxide, then the Aggies crop out with lip-rouge. -4 s Fats Waller would say, “What’s the motto weeth heem?” NAVY MEN Let Us Do Tour Altering LAUTERSTEIN’S “EXHAUST” Squadron T Pardon me buddy have you got a match? Thanks. Got a moment to spare—fine I’ll tell you a little story about a cute knife in a man’s back. It was my back and the knife was put there by Mr. Turner who wrote this column last week. Who am I? Sorry—forgot to tell you— my name is Andy, short for Jimmy Anderson. You see it all began by A/S Turner making a wise crack about my buying Old Spice to meet Miss Travis coming in on the train tomorrow. The answer to that $64.00 question is that Mr. Mc Ginnis of Squadron III is meeting her. Of course, I’ll be in the vicin ity. (And OLD SPICE isn’t my brand either). Now if I just told all I know about Mr. Turner’s grandmother’s in Dallas and his aunt’s in Houston there would be a riot of shot-gun totin’ farmers down to C. S. looking for one each well worn aviation student. Cooperation is an appreciated virtue. Certainly no one could say Squadron V hasn’t given plen ty of cooperation in helping to put the Wing Ball across. Carpenters, electricians, artists, and others are taking their own time to do work in getting the docrations across. Others are taking care of the bus iness end of it. All the squadrons have put extra zeal into this Wing Ball to make it go across bigger and better than ever before. Mr. Collins, we have all heard of mental telepathy, bdl what is this physical telepathy we are hear ing rumors about? There is another feud going on in these parts now-a-adays. Bor- sani versus Stanton, Battle of the Combs, no holds barred. Commando tactics approved. It seems that A/S Rau, Maz- man, Javedas, and two unidentified Sq. V students executed an obli que movement actoss the street to salute a very pretty WAC lieutenant the other day. How about that. She said she was fram ed. (The wolves howl) Squadron V extends a cordial welcome to Miss Travis, the win ner of our Detachment Sweetheart Contest. Perhaps the honor guard had best sharpen up their sabers to keep all the wolves at bay. Cer tainly this is the only detachment ever to have a hybrid between an Eager Beaver and Wolves. So with a parting thought, “Just think — Good day.” Spotlight on Sports Spuadron V quintet defeated Squadron IV, Thursday night af ter being defeated by Squadron III on Tuesday night. It was a close game. Squadron IV leading up to the last quarter. Squadron V came back in the last quarter to win by 51 to 40. Scott of Squadron V made 25 points to take high scoring honors. Sqaudron TV set a fast pace, but tired toward the end of the game. A few more times on that 1:6/10 mile will get them in top condition. Saturday will be a nice day for a little football—To all Squadrons: don’t forget to schedule a game. A game of football ought to set you right for the Wing Ball that night. Thursday night the sharpshoot ers from Squadron III ran over the Squadron II quintet by a score of 58 to 21. Squadron II had the gsme under control all the way. Koupal and Norris hit the loop for 14 points for high point honors; following closely behind was Kueck who scored 10. From Thursday paper we gather the Texas University and A. & M. rivalry has come to a keen edge. A great deal of admiration is due to the young Aggie players, who have won their games through bard fighting and plenty of spirit. We’re sure the Aggies will hold their own. THOUGHT for the day: “It is not the individual or the Army as a whole, but the everlasting teamwork of every Blooming soul.” —Kipling. LOST one gold ear ring around campus in vicinity of YMCA. If found contact Mrs. T. Evans, Hotel Charles in Bryan. Baylor University will operate a campus radio station this year. The station will be powered to reach only the dormitories, room ing houses and other buildings on the campus itself. Now that the field is clear per haps a reporter who has before re mained in the background just of fering suggestions can add some thing to this article. What promi nent Squadron V man has been seen in town with a lovely lady whose nickname is Marjorie Harrison. Thanks for the tip H. P. r I 1HIS Signal Corps lineman and his comrades are JL building and keeping open the telephone lines that help to coordinate attack and defense in every battle zone. Not only on land, but also at sea and in the air, telephone and radio equipment made by Western Electric is helping to bring Victory closer. This Company—for 61 years the manufacturer for the Bell Telephone System — is today a vast arsenal of military communications equipment. College gradu ates — men and women of varied training — are help ing to speed this vital war production. Buy War Bonds regularly—from now till Victory! CSf M&tert/ Electric IN PEACE...SOURCE OF SUPPLY FOR THE BELL SYSTEM.\ IN WAR-..arsenal of communications equipment.