The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 18, 1943, Image 4

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    Page 4
Two soldiers wives desire apartment
(furnished) for 1
■ in or near College Station,
work, don’t smoke or drink. No children
vacancies or
future vacancies. Blease notify Mrs. Fox,
P. 0. Box 4217, College Station (South
Station) Texas.
or pets. Are interested
future vacancies. Please notify
LOST—A Log-Log Decitrig
between Hotard Hall and Mil:
Identification: Name inside of
Decitrig Slide rule
case. Floyd R. McClain. Finder contact
Floyd R. McClain, Room 116 Hotard Hall,
or Battalion Office. Reward.
Will the person who removed the books
and slide rule from Room 310, Academic
building, between ten and eleven o’clock
Friday morning, Nov. 12,'' please return
them to the Commandant’s Office. No
questions will be asked.
Executive Offices
All etudents registered from foreign
countries must report to the Registrar’s
Office as soon as possible. The Government
has requested us to secure certain infor
mation from you.
H, L. HEATON, Registrar.
The Library is trying to locate its copy
of the Special laws of Texas passed by
the 46th Legislature, Regular session, 1939.
Please communicate with Miss McFrancis.
Three Candidates
At Camp Hood OCS
Get Lts. Ranks
Newbury, Frank, and
Marison Are Baseball
Stars; 48th Class Out
Three candiates who helped lead
the OCS Regiment baseball team
to the Class B League champion
ship of Camp Hood and to the
runner-up spot in the camp champ
ionship play-off last season, grad
uated with the 48th Class today,
when they received their commis
sions as second lieutenants.
James Newberry, Jr., Charles
Frank, and David Madison are the
three stars who have played their
last games as enlisted men at the
Tank Destroyer School.
Lt. Newberry attended Texas A.
& M. for three and a half years,
where he played football and base
ball. He played shortstop for OCS,
and was one of the most consistent
bitters on the club.
Lt. Frank attended Illinois Col
lege at Jacksonville, Illinois, be
fore entering the Army. There he
won letters in football, basketball
and baseball, and in 1939 had a
try-out with the Cleveland Indians.
He played first base for the OCS
Trimming: Tabs
Squadron I
Well, Gentlemen, here we are
again getting ready to bring you
another column with all the news
and dirt about our squadron-
This newly formed flight 18 is
really getting in to the swing of
things. They have Medical Aid in
the Science building. Enter Room
23 and behold, hanging from the
ceiling was a human skeleton. Well,
the boys played around with it for
a while, until someone got the
bright idea to light a cigarette and
put it in the mouth of the skeleton.
It was left there for the instructor
to view, but when he came in, he
didn’t notice it. The men were very
disappointed. Don’t worry, gentle
men, you will get something that
will work eventually.
Sitting here typing this thing,
we are getting some very good
laughs. About five men have tried
walking out of headquarters, and
have been coming right back with
faces as white as ghosts. We final
ly were able to calm one of the
men where he was in a position
to talk. The reason these men were
so terrified was only due to the
fact that Squadron I is on the ball.
Mr. Bellinfante is on guard out
side of headquarters, and has been
halting anyone as far away as he
can possibly see with his 20/20
vision. Then he makes his victim
approach, put his credentials on
the ground, do an about face, and
walk away so that he may look at
them. That’s the spirit, Mr. Bellin
fante, but we are praying that you
don’t stop us when we are ready
to leave.
Well, we have had our first
forced landing and casualty due to
flying, and both are credited to
Mr. Lorenzetti. Monday afternoon,
the aforementioned gentleman was
flying peacefully through the air;
cough, choke, sputter, and the
plane developed motor trouble. But
as with all story book heroes, the
plane landed safely, and our hero
emerged without a scratch. Then
Tuesday afternoon, Mr. Lorenzetti
was turning the prop, but forgot
to take his hand away, and when
the prop came around, his hand
came out the worse for the meet
ing, but it was nothing more than
a slight cut.
How did this title of “Little Zab”
get attached to your name, Mr.
Don Powers?
Lt. Madison attended Louisiana
State University for four years,
where he was one of the greatest
pitchers, ever developed at that
school. He hurled brilliant ball for
the OCS nine here, too.
Watch Dog of the
Mr. Berardinelli was enjoying
his taxiing along the ground, but
for a minute thought he was play
ing golf. He had a thousand-acre
area to ride on, and his instructor
had to complain to him that he
had to find the only hole in that
large space to taxi the plane into.
Well, due to this guard duty
that is being handed out to our
squadron, the newspaper staff is
short handed tonight, and there
fore a little short of material for
the column. We will close, with a
Army Exchange Service
Army Exchange Service Uniform $44.50
Army Exchange Service Pink Slacks $12.00
Army Exchange Service Short Overcoat $29.75
Officers Regulation Dress Caps $5.00 to $16.50
Dark Green Gabardine Shirts $5.00 to $17.50
f X )aldrop ft (5.
“Two Convenient Stores”
College Bryan
James L. Anderson
A1 Lorenaetti
Jack Per»ky._
Ed Callahan
Paul McGinniss
M. Soto...
.Manacinc Editor
Associate Editor’
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
F. W. Hennessee Staff Artist
Woddrow W. Harris Squadron I Editor
F. W. Yeutter Squadron II Editor
Winsor Mo wry Squd. Ill Editor
R. E. Wolf Squd. IV Editor
Paine A. Carson Squadron V Editor
Reporters: Anthony Castellurcio, Earl
Turner, Theodore Wilson. Joseph Canter,
Ted Levine, William R. Fitzgerald, Leroy
Mueller, Robert Brien, P. H. Dillard, R. E.
The ACTD is written and edited by
Aviation students of the 308th College
Training Detachment, College Station.
Spotlight on Sports
The Squadron I quintet defeat
ed Squadron IV Monday by a
score of 48 to 36- Squadron I start
ed their reserves who played till
the half time. The score at the
half was 20 to 19 in favor of
Squadron IV. At the beginning of
the half, Squadron I started the
first string who gained a safe
lead. The reserves went in again
this time to hold their own.
Squadron II will begin to tumble
shortly. The art of doing rolls and
flips will aid you in flying; ask
Squadron I.
What’s this? Instruction in Vol
leyball. Squadron I’s “Hot Pilots”
have been learning the tricks of
this game, the tricky serve, the
spike, and the pass, not as easy as
it looks, is it?
In perhaps the roughest game
yet Squadron II “Five” defeated
the “Blue Quintet” of Squadron V
by a score of 56 to 30. The offi
cials had a field day calling fouls.
They did a good job of calling the
game under the circumstances.
Players eliminated through fouls
were Rau of V and Norris of III.
T’he outstanding players were Orr
of V, Norris, Kueck, and Caupal
for III. The game was fast and
it wasn’t uncommon to see a kick
or a block. The climax of this ter
rific game was when a Squadron
V man executed a beautiful body
block to stop a Squadron III score.
The game of games will be
played Saturday between undefeat
ed Notre Dame and the Iowa Pre-
Flight. Both of these ball clubs
have won eight straight games.
Our choice is Notre Dame. What
do you think?
reminder: Relax, Mister, relax!
Miss Lana Turner, or should I
say Mr. Land, Love, and Calvert,
what’s this I hear about your
changing colors of your hair over
night? You don’t have to go to all
that trouble to get red-hair, just
worry a lot like Misters Callahan
and Crane.
Mr. Vacci was told by his in
structor to go into a spin-
After completing 7 spins, Mr. Vacci
looked around for moral support.
A little dizzy, mister?
I think Sgt. Hutcheson’s speech
came at the most opportune time.
It seems the fellows took it to
heart and won the review; also
cleaned up their barracks like new.
Thanks a lot for getting us on the
ball, Sgt. Also regards to Sgts.
Damsky, Bates and Otto.
Squadron II
It’s about time for a little humor
around here. Everybody and every
thing has been on the serious side
for the past ten days. Don’t get
me wrong, there is a time and
place for being serious, but I’m not
in the mood.
Did you hear about Mr. Van
Weren who saved all the money he
would have spent on beer, and then
spent it on beer?
How about mechanic Mascaro
who thought he could tell the
horsepower of a jeep by lifting
the hood and counting the plugs.
And then there’s Mr. Esty who
took the streetcar home, but his
^mother made him take it back.
And now we have our Book
Condensed from
by William Soybean
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Condensed by
“Why didn’t you press my pants,
“I didn't know how, sir!”
Condensed from
A dozen pairs of trousers
dangled from the clothesline and
their shadows swished in the
And now our special depart
ment • . .
Girls who were raised on cod
liver oil have legs like this ! 1
Girls who ride horses in the park
Wing 1 News
Hurry! hurry! only two days be
fore the Wing Ball. Yes, get your
date, shine up your dancing feet
and start squirming. Come on, jit
terbugs, take out your reat-pleat
and zoot-suit and let’s dance.
Flash! Flash! Detachment Sweet
heart will arrive Friday noon, and
what a sweetheart. This will be a
night that will linger long in the
memory of all the Beavers who
are present, so all of you Eager
Beavers, make a little note in your
network of brains to make this
the most enjoyable time you have
ever had.
What a band, boy oh boy, this
Blackland Field band cooks with
helium. It’s strictly steam on the
beam, fellas- What an aggregation,
what a crew of musicians, what
an outfit. No kidding, Beavers, this
band will make Uncle Joe do a
loop in his grave. *
Gentlemen! Let us prepare for
the coming Wing Ball. As far as
we know, the last one was not up
to Beaver tradition. Most of the
girls said they didn’t have enough
dances. What say you swingeroos,
let’s dance them right off the dance
floor. If you don’t know how to
dance, get one of your bunk-mates
to teach you how in your spare
time. As an old philosopher once
said, “I’d rather make seven mis
takes than not do it at all.” On
this coming Saturday we must
make a good impression on the
gals attending. If we do this we
shall have many bigger and better
Wing Balls in the future.
Plans have been set up to give
our Sweetheart a grand welcome
both at the Station and at the
dance. She will be awarded a $100
bond and will be the queen of them
all come Wing Ball night. All you
men who think you have witnessed
the seven wonders of the world
will without any doubt at all see
the eighth wonder Saturday night.
The lights are on, the Beavers’ set
and then ? ? ? In walks the wonder
ful, glamorous, charming Miss of
them all. Miss Patricia Travis of
Indiana is her name. Maybe she
will bring some old “Fighting
Irish” spirit with her. I guess the
Air Corps and Miss Travis should
get along just fine when it comes
to spirit and sociability.
have legs like this ( )
Girls at night club bars who
keep saying “Here’s How”, have
legs like this ) (
And we might add: Girls who
have good judgment, have legs
like this X.
Our shy Mr- Grimstead was too
modest to go near a car when he
heard the gears were stripped.
These College Station busses
have a new motto—“The Public Be
And then we have Mr. Vanover
who came out on the drill field
with a bathing suit on. He finally
ran into a certain C.S. student of
ficer who asked, “Why the bathing
suit, Mr?”
“I am going to take a swim in
the ocean,” he said.
“Swim in the ocean? Why the
ocean is 500 miles from here.”
Mr. Vanover whistled in amaze
ment, “500 miles? Boy, is this a
Mr. Miller’s book is just about
finished, so we’ll borrow a little
phrase from Mr. Woodfint: Quote,
Krangefllapenmurmer griffolplan-
krnderfur—Which translated from
double talk means. So long sports,
we’ll be seeing you . . .
Second oldest college publication
in the country is The Round Table
of Beloit College, Beloit, Wiscon
sin. It was founded in 1853.
A student at seventy-five at In
diana University! That’s Manfred
W. Deputy of Vernon, Indiana, who
enrolled this fall to work for the
Ph. D. degree in philosophy. He
entered the University for the first
time m 1894 when, said Mr. Depu
ty, ‘There were 450 students and
three mam buildings.” He received
• 13 in P hilos °Phy in 1904 and
m 19 . 05 he got his master’s de
gree in education.
Squadron V
While snooping around trying to
dig up dirt for our column, we
overheard Mr. Anderson talking to
the Wing Ball Committees. From
all I could hear it is going to be
the biggest event that has ever
been held on the campus. The Air
Corps sweetheart is to arrive on the
train Friday at 12:16. She will ar
rive with her escort, and be met by
who? That is the question. In
fact that is the $64’ question. We
understand that Mr. Anderson has
been trying to buy some OLD
SPICE. It couldn’t be that he will
be at the train. Some of the boys
have been shining sabers, and
looking for white gloves. Wonder
whether there will be any brass?
The Wolves or the Beavers are
after the Women again, so if you
haven’t signed on the door to meet
the train or the busses to get the
girls that come in from Houston
or Dallas you had better hurry.
There are to be (60) girls for each
After about three months of
tiresome study we have found out
why some of the beys have been
turning in clean towels each week
at linen exchange. While walking
through some of the ramps we saw
some of the boys coming out of the
showers and shaking themselves
like dogs to get dry. It also ex
plains where all the noise comes
from. It is the Beavers barking
like wolves to see who is going to
use the shower first. Isn’t that
right, Mr. Cummings?
We were all glad to turn over to
Squadron I the guard duties we
received while flying| They are,
more than on the ball. They
start yelling for lights out at
tattoo. You have our sympathy
boys; we had it for a month.
That’s all for this time. The O.
D. is running his hands through
his hair; if we don’t stop, the poor
fellow won’t have any hair.
Hangar Flying
Squadron III
War-time pressure finds Dr.
Wilson T. Lawson, oldest living
graduate of Wabash College en
joying good health and maintain
ing office hours in his home town,
Danville, Ind. Dr. Lawson is carry
ing on as Hendricks County Health
Commissioner. Lr. Lawson was a
member of the graduating class of
Let Us Do Your Altering
Trade Wtih Lou —
He’s Right With You!
Dry those tears of anguish, fans,
and stifle those heart-rending
sobs. After a short absence we’re
back at the same old stand ready
and rarin’ to go; so stick with old
66 and we’ll dissect somebody’s self
confidence . . . And while we are
speaking of things being official,
we bring to your attention the sad
case of one Mr. Regal, the Hound
of the Giggervilles, who came out
with the sad lament yesterday: “I
only got ten men this morning for
being late. I’ll have to get on the
ball.” Let’s give him a hand, gen
tlemen, and lay in bed for an extra
ten minutes and make his little
heart glad. Incidentally, if the
above-mentioned character wishes
to doubt our claims, we can prove
it by witnesses, can’t we, Mr. Peter
son? . . . What is the story on
Mister H. Martin’s disappearing
bed ? Ask Mr. Shambolin, he might
know. He and Mr. Leroy Muller
were also in on that deal about
the missing bedclothes, in case Mr-
Tommie Roberts would like to
know. And while we are on the
distasteful subject of Mr. S., in
case he offers you some chewing
gum, don’t take it. You know what
we mean, Len ... By the way, the
basketball club evened up an old
score with Squadron V the other
night, and from what we hear the
proceedings were right rough. The
score, incidentally, was 56-30. Way
to go, gang . . . This item has al
ready been printed in this column,
but the paper in which it was print
ed was destroyed in the fumiga
tion of Foster Hall. We think this
particular article is really rich, so
we are printing it again- It goes
like this—the Connecticut Yankee,
Mr. Milton Smith, of the Hart
ford Smythes, was breezing along
fine with the little lady back home
when out of a clear sky she came
through with this morale buster—
“Dearest darling Milton: I find
this a little hard to express, but I
hope you won’t hold it against me.
I met a boy a little while ago who
was crazy about me. He has been
sent to North Africa but before he
went he sort of made an under
standing with me. So unless I get
a ring for Christmas you are get
ting the well known brush-off.”
(Incidentally, all this news is con
tributed by Mr. Scoop Merzbacher,
who is supposed to be a friend of
Milton C’s.) We got in touch with
the elder Mr. Smith, Wayne A, and
attempted to sound him out on the
subject. He looked at his half
crazed brother madly sending out
letters to mail order houses re-
Thumbs Up
Squadron IV
Three cheers for Squadron IV!
It looks as if we have a lot more
on the ball than we have been
given credit for. And from all in
dications, we are really striving to
obtain a ribbon for our guidon.
Our Squadron Commander, Mr.
Murphy, has put to use a word he
has learned in physics—in rear
ranging each of our flights so a
perfect acceleration of heighth can
be seen by the reviewing officers.
Really fellows, our mess forma
tion are steadily improving. I guess
we’re becoming aware of all the
dips on the Military walk.
The price for language not be
fitting an Aviation Student is
high in Room F-6 of Hart Hall.
Mesrs. Wehrhan, Swenson and Ull-
man have agreed to assess each
offender of our native tongue —
five cents. The dollar and a half
contributed thus far has been used
to buy candy bars. Even higher
stakes are set for anyone violating
a pledge not to smoke. It's one
dollar! Note: No one has smoked
since pledging. Ill we can say is,
“It can’t last boys, for you have
to pay.”
Have you heard how Mr. Hudkins
stays awake in his afternoon
classes—Answer: he eats burnt
matches and acorns. What a snack!
It was really great seeing Mis
ters James Hamilton, Gene Harte
and Rex Hall varnishing the furni
ture of their room. They’re still
trying to find an algebraic equa
tion to determine the value of x,
y, and z since the cost of the brush,
sandpaper and varnish was seven
ty cents.
It has come to our attention that
Mr. Charles Franklin has been lead
ing a hard life since he purchased
an eight dollar shaving brush to
use and lose in the army. Perhaps,
signing the payroll last Tuesday,
helped to relieve some of this ten
Well, I hate to leave ya, but I
can hear the follows sining, “Lay
That Whistle Down, Sarg,” as
they fall-out. So I know it’s time
to go—guess we’ll play some more
speedball today.
questing free samples of gen-yoo-
wine imitation diamond rings, and
sighed “He’s so young, so very
young.” For further details see Mr.
Stab-in-the-back “Merzbacher.” He
is doing all this informing on his
roommate. As far as Mr. Milton C.
is concerned, we can just give out
with a loud and long—“SUCKER”
• . . And that about winds us up,
because here comes our keeper to
lock us up for the night, so we’ll
see you later.
m A HUMAN TORNADO ”—n,y.Her. Mh.
S. HUROK presents
The World's Greatest Flamenco Dancol
8-00 pm Guion Hall
Tickets Now on Sale at Student Activities Office
General Admission 50<f Reserved Seat $1.00
Where Quality is the Keynote
We invite you to trade at the Exchange store — operated by your
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The Exchange Store
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