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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1943)
Page 2 THE BATTALION TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 16, 1943 STUDENT TK1-WEKKXT NKWSPAPBR TEXAS A. A ML COLLEGE TSe Battalion, official newspaper of tke Airricultnral aad Fsaaa and the City of Collesre Station, U publisked three tin Foasday, Thursday and Saturday morninea. Maahaaia^ (MMsa W Entered as tecond class matter at the Post Office at under the Act of Congress of March S, 1870. Subscription rate 13 per school year. Adrartismy rates Represented nationally by National Advertising Service. Inc., at Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room t. Administration Building. 1942 Member 1943 Associated Colle6iate Press H. Sylvester Boone Editor-in-Chief Andy Matula Associate Editor Sports Staff Tuesday's Staff Harold Borofsky Sports Editor Charlie Murray Managing Editor William Baker Sports Reporter Ed Katten Reporter Robert Orrick Sports Reporter Charles West Reporter Oi&ude Stone Sports Photographer Charley L. Dobbs Reporter Thursday's Staff Saturday's Staff David Seligman Managing Editor Andy Matula Managing Editor Max Mohnke Reporter Fred Manget, Jr. Reporter R. L. Weatherly Reporter John T. Scurlock ________ Reporter S. W. (Tiny) Standifer Reporter James C. Grant Reporter Special Columnists Archie Broodo (Aggie) For Lass-o David Seligman SaSu Beard (T.S.C.W.) For Battalion J. W. Standifer Miscellaneous Columnist Staff Photographer Advertising Staff Circulation Staff John Kelly Business Manager Steele H. Nixon Circulation Mgr. Sharia* R. West Ass't. Business Mgr. George Puls Ass't. Cirontatien Mgr. Silver Taps . . . Once again, the still night was awakened by the impres sive ceremony of Silver Taps. Not since last year was Taps played at Aggieland by a number of buglers because an Aggie had died. This ceremony takes place at mid-night when these buglers stand at attention on the balcopy of the Academic dome to play for the deceased Aggie. If was the last Corps trip for John R. Carlson because he was on his way to Houston for the Aggie-Rice game. Fish Carlson, as he was known on the campus, didn’t even get to the game; he got as far as Navasota when death caught up with him. For one to die so young was unfortunate, and the Battalion extends sympathy to the parents of this Aggie, class of ’47. He was an Aggie although he had been one for such a short time. His last goal was that of attending the game, but he died without ever reaching that game. In this sense, he can be called an Aggie as Aggies are called. Aggies Smash to Victory Over Rice Saturday, 20-0 Team Prepares for Thanksgiving Game; Both Teams Undefeated in Conference Play Homer Norton’s Aggies hugged the sod last Saturday beat the feahtres off the Rice Owls. A&M's ground game looked smooth as the Aggies defeated a much improved Rice team 20-0. Rice was expecting A. & M. to fill Rice Stadium with' passes, but Norton’s boys kept the ball on the ground. Although the Owls were outdone by the Aggie offense, they showed Rice fans that they still had fight in them. Rice used tricky plays to gain yardage through the Aggie forward wall. A. & M.\s first touchdown came early in the first quarter. Bucky Sheffield booted from his 8 yard stripe to pull Rice out of a hole. The ball was retrieved by Marion Flanagan on the Rice 45 and he stepped off 7 yards to the Rice 38 before being bounced to the ground. On the first play of the series Babe Hallmark made two yards through the line. The Aggies were given a penalty for a player illegally in motion to move the ball back to the Aggie 48 yard line. Bing Turner made up the lost yardage by circling his left end to go all the way to the Rice 30. Tur-, ner spelled a first down on the Rice 26. On the next play Marion Flanagan shed tacklers like a duck dees water to give the Aggies a first down on the Rice 12. Hall mark knifed through the line for five. Hallmark repeated the play by making 5 more yards. Turner crashed the line for a first down on the Rice six inch line. An A&M lad was offside on the next play and the ball was moved back five yards. Hallmark put the ball back on the six inch line by going over right tackle. Turner climaxed the 38 yard drive by riding his inter ference over the goal to score. Tur ner kicked good from placement to make the score Aggies 7-Rice 0. About mid-second quarter it looked as though the Aggies were on their way to another Aggie chalker. Marion Settegast blocked one of Sheffield's punts and Dick Wright recovered on the Rice 44. Red Burditt made three yards on the first play. Beesley made two more on a line play. Beesley pass ed to Bob Butchofsky for a first down on the Rice 34. From there Hallmark and George McAllister eolaborated on ball carrying chores to put the ball on the Rice 13 yard line. It was there that the Rice line held and the ball went over to them on downs. In the third quarter the Aggie machine began to purr. One of Sheffield’s punts was partly block ed and fell in Turner’s arms. He stepped two yards before was part ly blocked and fell in Turner’s arms. He stepped two yards before being downed on the Rice 47 yard line. On the first play Hallmai’k made it a first down on the Rice 36. Hallmark was stopped for a yard on the next play. Turner car ried through center to make it a first down on the Rice 23. Turner gained two yards at center. Hall mark put the ball on the Rice 16. Flanagan took the ball on the next play and ended up on the Rice 2 yard line to make it a first down for the Aggies. Hallmark made a yard on the next play. The Aggies were caught delaying the game and were penalized five yards. Hall mark gained a yard through the line. On an off tackle play Hall mark carried to the three. On the last play Hallmark followed Butch ofsky around left end to score un touched. Turaer booted good and the Aggies led 14-0. The long inarch for the last tal ly came in the last quarter when big Monte Moncrief apeared in flat to intercept Sheffield’s pass on the A&M 22 and he trotted to the Rice 45 before being pulled down frorti behind. Hallmark went to the Rice 36 on the next play. Hallmark swept end in attempt to make a first down but was stopp ed for no gain. Flanagan was hand ed the ball and ran to the Rice 18 for a first down. Flanagan, on three downs, put the ball on the Rice 6 for an Aggie first down. Hallmark crashed to the Rice three. Flanagan finished things by scor ing on the next play. He rammed off tackle and scored. Turner’s try for the extra point failed. The Owls did not look too weak in going down to the Aggies. Bill Scruggs, a 145 pound fullback, was good for yardage any time they called on him. And that was plenty. If someone else carried the ball it wnuld be because Scruggs was not in the game. Bucky Sheffield looked too slow as a ball carrier, but he pitched some beatuiful passes for the Owls. H. D. Ttate and Orville Crutchfield stood out in the Rice line. Marion Settegast and Damon Tassos'turned in a whale of a game for the Aggies on the defense. Hall mark showed that he could do something besides passing by mak ing Rice tacklers look silly with their misses. Turner, whose special ly is kicking, looked good as a ball toter. Flanagan played his consis- tant game as a scat back, and the team as a whole showed up well. OPEN FORUM If you doubt that women are wearing fewer clothes, just take a look at the figures. To whom it may concern: In last Tuesday’s “Batt”, Novem ber 9th, there appeared the follow ing article: Students at the University of Utah started off their new se mester with “Hello Week,’* a unique orientation period. Hello tags were distributed for each student to wear his name during the week. A sidewalk running from the rostrum to the union building was designated a«s “hello walk,” taking its name from the tradition that all persons passing one another on the walk give out with a lusty greeting. Pretty good sentiment, don’t you think, old Army! They’re going to actually speak to their fellow class- men—when they pass each other on a certain day on a certain few yards of sidewalk. That, Old Army, Is typical of the majority of other schools. Will it. happen here ? There are still a lot of men here who re member when there wasn’t any such think as walking fifty feet on this old campus without hearing almost as many “hellos.” They made you feel mighty good, and there just isn’t anything that can take their place. When the men whose names are below, and a lot of others, were freshmen, black tie,, fish stripe, and a lot of other things that went with it then, they had to say “hello.” For them, “Hello Week” had fifty-two repeat performances per year. They got to like the idea a good bit, and still do. We don’t know what the freshmen now think about it—or those who have been freshmen for two or so semesters back. There are very few things expected of the present freshmen, and if a freshman is ever “on the line” now, it will be through his own initiative- Saying “Hello” or “How dy” or Something to EVERYONE you meet on the campus is a good way to show you are something of an Aggie. Another old Aggie way is to stick out your hand and meet every man you associate with or talk to. The more people you know and who know you, the better you’ll get along. And that doesn’t apply only to freshmen. The sophomores are in cluded, too. Most of them think— especially the first semester dew- drops—that just because the up perclassmen call them by their last name they aren’t supposed to speak to anyone, anywhere—and they have forgotten they have a right hand. The juniors could revive a little of that old Spirit, too. It’s pretty easy to forget during the grind that you were once fresh men, too, and the things you were taught then, still go. Well, Old Army, there are a couple of points—just little insig nificant things, they might seem. But, Army, those two little things are right at the base of that old Aggie Spirit. Without them that Spirit could never have meant what it does to thousands of Ag gies out on the battle fronts of the world, and without them it cannot stand. This is not a bleed, a threat, or condemnation, Old Army. The time for that has passed. It comes from the same place as those old butterflies, from a feeling within us that we’ll al ways be glad we didn’t go to T.U. —or any other place—and an earnest hope that future Aggies will feel the same way. These things are not all, not in the least, but they make a good part, a part which we here must not allow to become lost- If, from the traditions that used to be, at least these two things—speaking and meeting people—can be pre- served, they will provide the spark from which that old real Aggie Spirit can be kindled in the future. W. O. Fuhrmann, ’45 M. T. Meese, ’46 Bill Shuffler, ’46 Ralph, W. Morgan, '46 Lewis F. Engle, ’46 John Cornish, ’46 C. Sumner Hunter, ’46 Harry L. Roberts, '46 Bill Cowser, ’46 Charles Wendlandt, ’46 J. M. Knox, ’46 Carl Grabenman, ’46 Charles R. Overly, ’46 Reed Stewart., ’46 Burl Ervin, ’46 W. O. Adams, ’46 A. G. Acker, ’46 Harold Borofsky, ’46 If all the cures for the common cold that people have offered to us in the last four days were laid end to end, we would not be amaz ed in the least. Most properly named of man’s ills, the cold is not only common, it is cheap, low, vul gar, demi-mondaine and nerve wrecking. The other qualities do not disturb us mightily, but con sidering that we have only one good nerve, it is understood how much wrecking we can take. True to form, our annual fall cold has set up shop. Whatever climate we pursue, the blessed lit tle parasite follows with gusto. Science claims that the cold is an irritation caused by a filterable virus, and we commence to wonder whether internal application of an alcoholic antiseptic might not be the solution. This could be the ex cuse for an annual twister along with the cold, but knowing our capacity, we also wonder which would be worse, the clogged nose or the peripatetic hangover. On excellent authority, it is re ported that T/4 Stephen Dolen still doesn’t believe what his mam my done told him. Stood up by a Miss in Austin last weekend, Steve bit on the bait again this week, despite the paternal counsels of his housemates. More power to the boy, and all that sort of thing, but we still think that mammy knows best. Complaints are being registered daily with the local O. P. A. au thorities against Pvt. William Rol lins, who upped the price of his laundering service to a half a rock for a bundle. All bill does with the kale is play Madeley’s pin-ball ma chines, anyway, and out of the spir it of camaraderie which pervades the campus, we think it only prop er on his part that he lower the fee to the original level. After all, we don’t work our fin gers to the bone over a hot wash- tub, and we can afford to criticise. Cpl. Isadore Stabler is another man who cannot be satisfied with one beating. Again, he took out for Houston, probably with the same designs of finding a nice, complacent sucker to set him up to food. The last time, he was stuck for the check, but for his sake, we hope that the hunting is better this week, although we do not condone his actions. Happiest note in a week of colds, gripes and grimness was the post card Pfs. Howard Garey sent back from the U. of Illinois where he was sent three weeks ago. The food is good, and the fraternity house he lives in provides maid service, in addition to other sheer, solid comforts. We’re glad for Howie, because he deserved a good break. On the other hand (besides there being five fingers) Sgt. Walter Heide communicates that it is chil ly up in Michigan, and that the lads there are hoping that they will soon be issued snowshoes, so that they may go into town of a, Sat urday night for the weekly dance at the community igloo. Hero of heroes these days, is S/Sgt. Erwin Schwartz, the gentle man in charge of making up our payroll. We wish to negate the rumor making the rounds that Schwai’tzie is deliberately holding up the payroll in order that he may continue to bask in his new found glory. The fact is that he must divide his attentions between the payroll and a delightful portion of femininity who flirts in and about the office where he works, ARMY MEN Let Us Do Yotur Altering LAUTERSTEIN’S LOUPOT’S Where You Always Get a Fair Trade OfU A owdown on Campus ^Distractions By David Selignua On the Monday-Tuesday-Wednes- day run at the Campus is the comedy hit “Let’s Face It.” The film stars the nation's top laugh- man, Bob Hope, Betty Hutton, and ZaSu Pitts. Among the best of the year’s pictures of this type, it has laughs and gags spaced to keep building up to an uproarious finish when Hope and his buddies capture a submarine with the help of a mirror. He starts the laughs when he stops his jeep behind a hedge and delivers sweets to the fat girls reducing at a milk farm where his fiance, Betty Hutton, is the physical instructor. He crashes through a camp canteen wall and is sent to the guardhouse. Three these rigors of war. Opinions being what they are, much talk of wagering is circu lated around these parts in respect to the Thanksgiving Day fracas with Texas U.. Hot and heavy as the arguments are, cash on the line is still to be seen. However, the personal differences afford the matter at hand for many a ses sion of the Society for the Preven tion of Disparaking Remarks About Southwest Conference Foot ball. Personally, we wil remain the perfect guest, and take no issue. LOUPOT’S An Aggie Institution 9c & 20c Phone 4-1168 ADMISSION IS ALWAYS Tax Included Box Office Opens at 1:00 P. M. Closes 8:30 Tuesday and Wednesday fw w wwM MdsmwwnriJCQ also Pete Smith Specialty News women (ZaSu Pitts, Phyllis Povah, and Grace Hale) get Hope, Frankie Bums, and Dave Willock to help trap their philandering husbands. This introduces a Southampton estate and night club sequences and sets the audience to chuckling, with some songs and a riotous dance act. The Lowdown: It’s tops! “Hitler’s Madman” comes to Guion Hall Tuesday and Wednes day as the feature attraction. Wan ton cruelty and sheer terror make up the content of this story of the mu rder of Heinrich Himmler by (See DISTRACTIONS, Page 4) Dial 4-1181 OPENS 1:00 P. M. TODAY and WEDNESDAY ALSO CARTOON and SHORT - - - COMING - - “ Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. INSPIRED by the fighting MM OF TEXAS/L & M. WARD* qu/ne AN** GWYNNE *OAH BEERY, JR. MJMMM O’DRISCOLL ‘Hf NARRr DAVENPORT WILLIAM FRAWLCY mmw barrier wml bob mjtcnum stern it W 0 ','/" as '""“'"C "V HOV, Screen Play, Nonnen BeiUy tWn*' ^ GMa Original Story, Norman Mb <C A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Coprrfght iMJ, Liggett & Mms Tobacco Co.I You Can’t Beat Their MILDER BETTER TASTE There’s no busier place than Washington, D. C. It’s the control room of America’s mighty war machine. And Chesterfield is the busiest cigarette in town. It’s on the job every minute giving smokers what they want. Its Milder, Cooler, Better Taste makes it the capital smoke. l^ou can’t beat Chesterfield’s Right Combination of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos for real smoking pleasure. Make your next pack Chesterfield .. .You can't buy a better cigarette. f