Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1942)
i Page 4 -THE BATTALION- A JL Official Notices Classified FOR RENT—5 room house, modern con veniences, completely furnished. One kit chen sink for sale. Call 4-8514. J. W. FOUND—At football game, tan sport r may claim same at 49 Law by paying for this ad. coat. Owner LOST—A Waltham Prumer watch with blue crystal after the Arkansas game. Please bring to Dorm No. 15, room 331 WANT TO BUY a car. Prefer Chevro let ar^' got? B cai nnd ’34 model. What have you 1859. WANTED football by Room night.) Finder please return to Hall, Room 4. er pocket book Fish Hedrick, P.G LOST — Sometime Saturday after 1 o’clock, rose gold Bulova wrist watch with expansion band. Return to Frog Stewart, 416 Dorm No 7. Reward. LOST—U.SuN.A. pin on the week end of the TCU game. Zierman engraved on the back. Please return to 102 Legett Hall. Need Corps Trip Money? Lost one Men- three gold hip Need Corps Trip Money.' dl-Hornak, Jr. blouse, two service stripes on arm, right hip blouse contains considerable amount podding, right pocket flap button is broken in half. Anyone giving informa tion as to the whereabouts of this blouse will be generously rewarded. Contact Henry King, 37 Puryear, immediately. Announcements NOTICE TO ALL CLUB PRESIDENTS —Because of certain deadlines that must be kept so that the Longhorn may be out on time, please have your club pic ture made by November 15. It is im perative that this deadline be met. I can not be any extension of time. There BRAZORIA COUNTY CLUB—The Bra zoria County Club will have its annual Longhorn picture made in front of Guion Hall on Thursday, Nov. 5, at 1:40 p.m. All boys from Brazoria county who wish ..-J Regulation Shirts Here you’ll find a wide variety of Reg. Shirts ... all styled to fit . . . in fine fabrics that will give the maximum in wear. “At Ease” Broadcloth Van Heusen Broadcloth $2.00 $2.50 Shirtcraft Airman $2.95 Pools’ Poplin $3.25 REGULATION SOCKS Wilson Bros. 35^ N’uWeave ‘Crew Sox’ 450 Holeproof Rge Sox in fine lisles 6x3 Ribs or fine Rayons— 450 to 600 f l7aIdrop6(8 Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan to be in the picture are urged to be there on time. The president is also urged to be there on time. The uniform is serge for tbe juniors and seniors, and serge pants with khaki and sophomores. shirts for the freshmen Meetings I. E. CLUB—The Industrial Club will meet tonight at 8:30 in the M. E. Shop building. The guest speaker for the even ing will be Mr. W. R. Horsley, director of the Placement Office. All members are urged to be present. THE FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON will resume meeting at 1 p.m. on the Ter race of the Aggieland Inn Thursday, Nov. 5. You are welcome. A.S.A.E.—There will be a meeting of the student branch of the American So ciety of Agricultural Engineers in the Lecture Room immediately af- Agricultural Engineering Thursday night, Nov. 5, immediately af ter yell practice. Everyone taking Ag ricultural Engineering is urged to be ATTENTION AGRICULTURAL EDU CATION MAJORS—The Agricultural Ed ucation Society will meet with the Agron- Socie Koom, Thursday at 8:30 p.m. Dean Kyle will be the speaker for the night. om; Roc Society in the A. and I. Lecture BIOLOGY CLUB—There wil ular meeting of the* Biology Cl’ night, There will be a reg- ub Thursday group c afterward. The club picture will also be discussed. All members and prospective members are urged to be present. —KYLE FIELD— (Continued From Page 3) . . . Don’t forget, now, SMU tick ets will not be on sale in Dallas, so be sure to get them at the YMCA desk, where they will be available until 5 pm. Friday. ....A few notes on conference stat istics as compiled by Roy P. Gates and Ed. Elmendorf of the Public ity Department....Leo Daniels still tops the passers with 50 comple tions out of 112 attempts for 564 yards....Roy Dale McKay of Texas is a notch behind, having connected for 31 aerials out of 76 attempted for 416 yards.... Barney Welch, the brilliant Aggie sophomore ace, is now listed among the leading punt ers of the conference.... his average is 41.4 yards.... he has kicked 6 boots for a total of 247 yards.... Also appearing for the first time in the scoring department is Cullen against Arkansas last week, boosted his scoring punch to 24 points....Daniels too, is the leading punt returner of the conference, having run back 10 punts for 167 yards, which is an average of 16.7 yards per carry.... Louis K. Manley, formerly dean of the University of Pittsburgh school of business administration, has been named dean of the grad uate school at the University of The “Old Oaken Buckett” for which Dickenson and Gettysburg colleges vie on the football field is in reality a mahogany bucket, and only a few years old. NOTICE AGGIES I LOUPOT HAS | RESERVED TWO j ROOMS IN THE j BAKER HOTEL ! ALL FOR YOU j Let’s All Go and Beat S.M.U. I Compliments of LOUPOT W-A-N-T-E-D Your Old Brown Technical Drawing Books (E.D. Ill) Also Slide Rules, Drawing Sets, Radios and Bicycles The Student Co-op Phone 4-4114 Eagle Squadron Diana Barrymore and Robert Stack have leading romantic and dramatic roles in Walter Wanger’s Universal production of “Eagle Squadron,” story of U. S. fighter pilots in the RAF. The picture will be shown at the Campus Theatre today, Friday, and Saturday. Horticulturists Study In California Dehydration Plans Benito Canales, special student from Mexico, and Professor R. F. Cain of the Department of Horti culture left for California on Tues day, November 3, where they will study the dehydration industry. As representatives of this school, they will bo permitted to study the new processes of food preservation. Their chief interest will be cen tered around vegetable dehydra tion and its possibilities in Texas. They plan to spend most of their time around Los Angeles and the San Francisco Bay area. On their return, November 24, they will con tinue the work begun here on the dehydration of vegetables. The de hydration industry, because of the army’s lack of containers and need for concentrated food, is of unlim ited importance to the national welfare. —CONTRACTS— k (Continued From Page 1) contract.” Those in either the Army Air Force, Naval, Marine or Coast Guard Reserves need not apply for a contract, because only those in the Enlisted Reserve Corps of the army will be considered. Students should also know all of their former military science grades (freshman and sophomore years) in order to properly fill out the application. All students now taking advan ced military science must enlist in the Enlisted Reserve Corps im mediately or they will definitely be dropped from the rolls of the military science course they are taking, added Col. Bennett. It is imperative that they not only take out their papers signifying that they intend to join the ERC, but they must actually complete their enlistment, the adjutant concluded. —DISTRACTIONS— (Continued From Page 2) for good acting. Walter Pidgeon is Mr. Miniver, architect and father of three chil dren. As such, his performance is ideal. Teresa Wright, the girl who becomes the wife of the older Min iver son, is heart-stirringly real and lovely and Richard Ney as the son is about the most important thing that’s happened to MGM since Robert Taylor. Helmut Dantine gives the best interpretation of a Nazi we have ever seen on the screen. Dame May Whitty, Reginald Owen and Henry Travers complete the cast. The Lowdown — entertainment extraordinary. Another among the top few of the current war pictures is “Eagle Squadron,” showing now at the Campus Theater. This picture is a tribute to those American boys who didn’t wait for the U. S. to de clare war, but, instead, joined the R. A. F. and fought with England against the common enemy. Through the use of official shots of the squadron in action, filmed by RAF cameramen, the picture has realism and a note of authen ticity which are interest-captivat ing. Robert Stack is the American who joins the Eagle Squadron %nd grows bitter at the seeming indif ference of his English friends to his pal’s death. But somehow he learns that the English have buried all selfish and personal sorrows to cope with the one great united sorrow at hand. Diana Barrymore plays the Eng lish girl in service; John Loder as the officer who loses her! and Leif Erikson is cast as Robert Stack’s pal. The story is begun with a foreword by Quentin Reynolds. The Lowdown — worth cutting that afternoon lab to see. Camouflage is being taught at Queens college and Columbia uni versity in New York. Refrigerator Used To Carry Blood To Red Cross Centers A refrigerated container, orig inally developed for transporting small quantities of perishable foods that require temperature protec tion in transit, is now being used to carry blood from Red Cross col lecting centers to laboratories where it is processed for shipment to America’s armed forces over seas. Designed by Major Elihu Church, built by refrigeration experts of the General Electric Company and transported by the Railway Ex press Agency, the Church Contain ers service the nation’s 17 blood centers where 50,000 contributions a week are being made by blood donors. To handle the increasing donations of blood, the War Pro duction Board has granted priori ties for 200 more containers, which are now being built by General Electric. -THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 5, 1942 War has put a crimp in housing at Northwestern university. Girls crowded into sorority dormitories have been moved into two Evan ston hotels. — WILLIAMSON PICKS— (Continued From Page 3) Home Town Visiting: Team Arkansas U Wr Wr. .84.3 Manhattan 86.8 Northwestern 88.2 ILLINOIS 94.0 RICE 89.8 Nebraska 88.5 ARIZONA U 88.2 MISSOURI 89.3 New Mexico 77.0 Oregon U 85.4 Auburn 91.1 UCLA 93.6 GEORGIA PREFLIGHT 94.2 OREGON STATE 88.2 Army 90.9 Montana 74.4 NOTRE DAME 95.9 OKLAHOMA 88.0 ALABAMA 96.8 Kansas State 75.2 South Carolina 85.2 Princeton 88.5 Brig-Young 75.3 DARTMOUTH 88.5 DENVER 85.3 Purdue 90.4 BROWN 88.4 GREAT LAKES 92.8 Holy Cross 88.4 PENNSYLVANIA 92.0 BOSTON COLLEGE 97.8 Navy 89.0 t'emple , 88.5 Pittsburg 89.9 Columbia 86.9 OHIO STATE 93.0 COLGATE 89.9 Penn State 90.2 CLEMSON 87.0 SYRACUSE 91.4 George Washington 81.0 RUTGERS 86.5 Cornell 86.6 Lafayette - ..........85.0 YALE 88.7 Richmond ?4.2 Dayton 80.8 V F I 86.0 CHATTANOOGA 84.3 Stanford 86.7 Davidson 80.8 WASHINGTON CST ’ 89.0 NORTH CAROLINA : 88.0 Southern California 84.7 DUKE 91.2 CALIFORNIA 89.8 Maryland 87.0 Trinity 63.5 Florida 85.2 AMHERST 79.1 GEORGIA 99.4 Texas Tech 85.2 Fordham 91.7 TCU 93.7 LOUISIANA STATE 94.6 TENNESSEE 95.0 GEORGIA TECH 98.1 Cincinnati 83.2 Kentucky 90.4 Texas A.&M. 87.0 Iowa U 91.2 SMU 89.2 WISCONSIN 97.8 Tulane 91.0 Kansas 79.0 MISSISSIPPI STATE 92.0 WASHINGTON STATE 80.2 TULSA 96.1 MICHIGAN 94.4 Oklahoma A.&M 87.0 Harvard 88.2 TEXAS MINES 78.8 MINNESOTA 93,8 Temple 73.0 Indiana 90.9 Texas U 93.1 Mississippi 83.3 BAYLOR 93.1 VANDERBILT 90.8 V M I 88.4 MARQUETTE 93.9 Wake Forest 87.9 WTAW Thursday, Nov. 5 11:25 a.m.—Music 11:30 a.m.— Neighborhood Call (Office of War Information) 11:45 a.m.—Brazos Valley Farm and Home Program—N. N. Newman, FSA 11:55 a.m.—The Town Crier—R. E. Gottlieb 12:00 noon—Sign-off Friday, Nov. 6 11:25 a.m.—Music 11:30 a.m.—You Can’t Do Busi ness With Hitler (Office for Emergency Management) 11:45 a.m.—The Town Crier—C. —FLIGHT— (Continued From Page 1) tinue. Refueling in Atlanta, Geo rgia, was a pleasant interlude be cause Kraras contacted many former Aggies of the Field Art illery. v “In short Old Army, Aggies are found wherever one goes and are rated as tops and posses a prest ige of which everyone is proud” so says Jack. Bering 11:45 a.m.—Brazos Valley Farm and Home Program—Triple- A 12:00 noon—Sign-off 4:30-5:30 p.m.—THE AGGIE CLAMBAKE GOOD LUCK, AGGIES LET’S BEAT S.M.U. HRDLICKA’S Old Navasota Road PALACE NT phom e ^ - a.B79 You Bet They’re Back Together Again CLARK LANA GABLE TURNER “Somewhere lil Find You” The “HONKY TONK” STARS with Robert Sterling Patricia Dane Lee Patrick Reginald Owen FOUR BIG DAYS STARTS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11th Also Showing Thursday, Friday and Saturday ;1K ■ ■ 5 >: ' * ~. U. * - - ; mm ’ "M s* —1m| , H-• 'MmM - . .. „ We Are Backing You To Take Those Mustangs, Aggies Aggieland Pharmacy Zubik& Sons, Tailors College Book Store Holick Cleaners Y.M.C.A. Barber Shop Campus Cleaners Aggieland Studio Student Co-Op Uniform Tailors Madeley’s Pharmacy Standard Tailors White Way Cafe Aggieland Barber and Beauty Shop i