Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 8, 1942)
Page 4- THE BATTALION Official Notices Classified to board Boston bull terrier for pel who travels frequently. Call Miss L; 4-6264 or 4-8219. rson arie. LOST—A light khaki army style jacket. An Aggie bench in Wacc aircorps aco Sunday, the 27th of September. If found please notify James M. Simmonds, Box 876. WANTED—Ride to Bryan-College. Nine to six call Mrs. Johnson, 4-5614. Announcements In accordance with a ruling of the Executive Committee, calisthenics forma tion will be discontinued on Lnturday mornings until further notice. By order of Colonel Welty. Joe E. Davis, Captain, Infantry, Assistant Com mandant. SATURDAY, October 10, day for adding new subjects an< ping subjects without a grad Subjects dropped afte FOR SALE—1929 Chevrolet, 4-door condit to go '•Reggie Smith, 4-6 Hart Hall. se dan, good running condition. Tires good. Ian, goi Uso 4 other tires to with safe. See WANTED—Student pressers. Any stu dent with tailor shop experience. May work during off hours or at night. Apply to Mr. Eden at Campus Cleaners over Exchange Store. LOST—A lightweight khaki zipper jack et. Was left hanging on a tree next to drill field across from Law and Puryear Halls Thursday morning. Reward if re turned to 405 No. 16. Although business and finance are not generally regarded as wom an’s province, courses in banking and in corporation finance are popular at Vassar. f,o/bwooJ* SPORTSWEAR Sleeveless Sweaters by Catalina We offer a wide var iety of smartly styled sleeveless sweaters . . . cable stitch . . . British Ribs or plain weaves .. . all wool sweaters that will be certain to please. There’s a host of colors to choose from. $2 to $4 flTaldropflfo College Station Bryan “Two Convenient Stores” is the v last .nd for drop- _ _ this se- ;er. Subjects dropped after 1 p. m. Saturday will carry a grade of “F”. F. C. Bolton Dean ' ALL CLASSES will be suspended at 2:40 P. M. today (Thursday) to permit students ot attend the meeting with the joint Army, Navy, Marine Corps Pres entation Board. All Freshmen will meet in Guion Hall, Sophomores ^nd Juniors in the Assembly Hall at 3 P. M. Seniors and Juniors with advanced course con tracts are not required ot attend. A roll will be taken. F. G. Bolton $ Dean of the College Meetings ALL i g ■et 6:15 today. CIVIL Engineering students who S. G. E. picnic will oing to the A. meet the truck at the C. E. building at Freshmen are especially wel- A.S.C.E.—There will be a meeting of all Ag. Engineers Thursday night im mediately after yell practice in the lec ture room of the Ag. Engineering build ing. All new students taking Ag. Engi neering are urged to attend. THE LUTHERAN WALTHER CLUB will meet immediately after yell prac tice in the Y.M.C.A. Lounge, Friday night, October 9. All Missouri Synod Lutheran Students and anyone else interested is invited to attend. HEART OF TEXAS CLUB—The will be a Heart of Texas and Mountaineers Club meeting tonight, Oct. 8, immediately after yell practice in front of the Aca demic Building. ARCHITECHURAL SOCIETY — The Architectural Society will meet at 7:80 tonight in the Physics lecture room. A col ored film “The Home Place” will be shown. Members are reminded that dueS for the present semester are now payable. All new and old architectural students are urged to attend. AGRICULTURE EDUCATION MA JORS—There will be a meeting of all ijoring in Ag. Education T ndry lecture boys majoring in Ag. Education Thursday night in the Animal Husba boys majo: ht in room after yell practice. Freshmei sophomores are especially invited. Executive Offices commanders nd 5 of Law ! Friday and In comm approved by the org: concerned, Ramps 1, 2, 3, 4, ai Hall will be vacated by cadets Friday Saturday nights, October 9 and 10, 1942, in order to prov' J " ^ J ~' L! ^— visiting and Corps Dance on Cadets having guests charge of 50«f order to provide accommodations for iting girls attending the Cavalry Ball i those nights. :sts will be assessed irge of 50(f per guest to cover cost of matrons, maid service, and other, in- Wayne Law Finishing Glider Pilot Courses Glider student Wayne Law, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Law of Alvin, Texas, has reported at the South Plains Army Flying School, Lub bock, Texas, for the final lap of training which is preparing him for the silver wings of an Air Corps glider pilot. The new South Plains school is commanded by Col. Norman B. Ol sen, and according to a recent War Department announcement is to be come probably one of the largest glider training schools in the na tion, if not in the world. While there Staff Sgt. Low will complete the training he began at Aberdeen, So. Dak. Upon graduation he will hold the grade of staff sergeant, and will be assigned to active duty with an Air Corps unit. He atended A. & M. and was a member of the Aggie band for two years. cidental exp< The Organization Commander is charg ed with the responsibility of seeing that •e 1 for the •spon 3ms and corridor derly condition sts. rooms and orderly con gues Cadets concerned will vacate thi: seei left in a neat, reception of Cadets concerned will vacate this area by 2:00 P. M., October 9, guests will be admitted at 4 :00 P. M. Cadets will be the hall which tin out of the dormitory. Guests staying in the dormitory must be in not later than 3:00 A. M., Friday and Saturday nights. Guests must check in with the matron upon their return to the dormitory after the dance. When reser vations have been made for guests they will not be permitted to check out until departure for their homes. This will be done with the matron. Escorts will be for compliance readmitted to the hall at 1 :00 P. M., October 11, by which time guests must be done with the matron, held strictly accountable with these instructions. Guests will not be permitted to occupy rooms that are not equipped with shades. Cadets making reservation should check with *he occupants of the room to as certain whether or not the room is equipped with shades and if not provide shades. Reservations may be made by cadets concerned beginning at 9:00 A. M., Thurs day, October 8, 1942. Batteries G, H, and I, of the Coast Artillery will be excused from Reveille Saturday, October 10, 1942. The following change in schedule of calls owing change in schedule of calls ced for Friday at retreat—only— October 9, 1942: is announc< obe 1st call, retreat 6:10 P.M. Assembly 6:13 P.M. Retreat 6:15 P.M. Mess Call Immediately after Retreat By order of Colonel Welty ►avis. Captain, Infantry, Assisi landant. Joe E. stant Com- GET YOUR TICKETS for the American Legion Free Fair Rodeo at the AGGIELAND BARBER SHOP MAKE IT A HABIT TO VISIT OUR FOUNTAIN FOR QUICK PEP AND ENERGY MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE AGGIELAND PHARMACY Keep to the Right at the North Gate and You Can’t Go Wrong —DISTRACTIONS— (Continued From Page 2) of the others. Charles Grapewin as the old cod ger who never quite gets to “Cali- forney”, John Litel as General Phil Sheridan and the villians, Ar thur Kennedy and Walter Hamp den all lend splendid support to the picture. The Lowndown:—an easy way to take your history. Here’s another musicomedy with a war background. Lovers of sweet swing and hot jive are sure to appreciate it, but we doubt if those movie-goers who want something they can “bite their teeth in” will enjoy it. Title of the movie is “Private Buckeroo”, and its showing today through Satur day at the Campus Theatre. Musical Scores are furnished by Henry James, his trumpet and his Music Makers. The Andrews Sis ters do the vocalizing. We like them but this time there’s a little too much of ’em for comfort. Be tween the music, Jennifer Holt, Dick Foran and Joe E. Lewis try to squeeze a word in edgewise. The Lowdown:—say it with mus ic. WE NEED THEM RIGHT NOW! 85^ a Hundred for your COAT HANGERS THIS WEEK ONLY! HOUCK’S LISTEN TO WTAW 1150 KG Thursday, Oct. 8, 1942 11:25 a. m.—Music 11:30 a. m.—Neighborhood Call (Office of War Information) 11:45 a. m.—Brazos Valley Farm and Home Program—N. N. New man, FSA 11:50 a. m.—A. & M. Sports Re view 11:55 a. m.—The Town Crier 12:00 noon—Sign-Off Friday, Oct. 9, 1942 11:25 a. m.—Music 11:30 a. m.—You Can’t Do Busi ness With Hitler (Office for Emergency Management) 11:45 a. m.—Brazos Valley Farm and Home Program—Triple-A 11:55 a. m.—The Town Crier 12:00 noon—Sign-Off 4:30 - 5:30 p. m.—The Aggie Clam bake A machine that picks clover tops as fast as 2,400 hand pickers has been developed by two Illinois pro fessors. Standard Oil company has an nounced two scholarships open to Venezuelan students for study of medicine at Tulane university. —MEANDERINGS— (Continued on page 2) clapped and applauded as they did for no other number when the boys finished. Believe it or not, they liked it. Incidentally, there were more Aggies there than just the orchestra. It looked like a Junor Corps Trip: If enough Aggies want it, the Aggieland might play there the night before the A. & M.—Texas game. It’s up to you. —KYLE FIELD— (Continued From Page 3) White. . .’Tis true that the school is run on such a basis but it just isn’t the policy of the Battalion to follow that rule in the paper. . . Imagine reporting a freshman football game thusly: the ball goes to Fish Smith who hands it off to Frog Jones on a reverse, who aided by some fine blocking by Frog Brown makes 10 yards be fore he is tackled by Fish O’Gold- flop. . .Oh well, you just can’t please everybody!. . .Incidentally, while on the subject of freshmen, Roland Phillips, who is one of the star linemen on the Fish team, is a tackle and not a guard as re ported by this column Tuesday. . . In looking over statistics compiled by Roy Gates and Ed Elmendrof of the Publicity Department, I see where Leo Daniels and Bill Hen- FROGS COME ON OVER AND GET YOUR MILITARY . SCIENCE BOOKS COLLEGE BOOK STORE North Gate AGGIES KEEP THAT WELL-GROOMED HAIR MAKE OUR SHOP YOUR BARBER HEADQUARTERS Y.M.C.A. and Varsity Barber Shops Old and New Y—Campus derson didn’t waste any time in hitting the top spot in the passing department. . .Leo leads the pas sers with 16 completions out of 33 -THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8, 1942 attempts for 198 yards. . .Jitter bug has 7 receptions to his credit, having caught the aerials for 63 yards. . . For a Real Mexican Dinner Try Our Enchiladas and Other Mexican Foods C=33E 31=5=0 FRANKLIN'S On Air Port Highway LAUTERSTEIN’S For PATCHES and ALTERATIONS UNIFORMS New and Used Junior - Senior BLOUSES SLACKS SHIRTS BOOTS AND BOOT PANTS SAM BROWNE BELTS CAPS HATS Fish and Sophomore SLACKS SHIRTS CAPS SAM BROWNE BELTS HATS TRENCH COATS The Student Co-op Ex-Student Owned and Operated Phone 4-4114 1 BLOCK EAST OF MAIN POST OFFICE Jnttt MR roRCt they say ~ *VOVO" for the new flying recruit * KITE* for airplane *mTTHE SILK* for taking to parachute *CAWI6I? for their favorite cigarette St With men. in the Army, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard, the favorite cigarette is Camel. (Based on actual sales records in Post Ex changes and Canteens.) *^1 III Swiss m lilff III m aces f DOM't T IRe V\y and thpT l THe SP 0T W ( TH^g ITS The J2F* m we » rvice The "T-ZONE"—Taste and Throat — is the proving ground for cigarettes. Only your taste and throat can decide which cigarette tastes best to you... and how it affects your throat. For your taste and throat are abso lutely individual to you. Based on the expe rience of millions of smokers, we believe Camels will suit your "T-ZONE" to a "T.* Prove it for yourself! R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem. North Carolina