The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 27, 1942, Image 2

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The Battalion
The Battalion, official newspaper of the Arricultural and
Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station,
is published three times weekly, and issued Tuesday, Thursday
and Saturday mornings.
Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at College
Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March S, 1870.
Subscription rates $3 a school year. Advertising rates
upon request.
Represented nationally by National Advertising Service,
Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angelea, and
San Francisco.
Office. Room 12Z, Administration Building. Telephone
1941 Member 1942
Pissocided Golle&ide Press
Brooks Gofer JSditor-in-Chief
Ken Breanen.. Associate Editor
Phil Crown Staff Photographer
Sports Staff
Mike Haikin Sports Editor
Mike Mann Assistant Sports Editor
Chick Hurst..... Senior Sports Assistant
N. Libson Junior Sports Editor
Advertising Staff
Reggie Smith Advertising Manager
Jack E. Carter Tuesday Asst. Advertising Manager
Louis A. Bridges Thursday Asst. Advertising Manager
.Jay Pumphrey Saturday Asst. Advertising Manager
Circulation Staff
V. D. Asbury, Jr. Circulation Manager
Bill Huber Senior Assistant
H. R. Tampke. Senior Assistant
Carlton Power Senior Assistant
Jo* Staleup — Junior Assistant
Thursday's Staff
Ken Bresnen .—....Managing Editor
John Holman Junior, Editor
Nelson Karbach Junior Editor
lack Keith Junior Editor
Tom Joumeay Herrj Cordua, Bob Garrett, Ramon McKin-
»ey. John Baldridge, Charles Kaplan. Gerald Fahrentold, Bert
Kurts, Bill Jarnagin, Bob Meredith. Bill Japhet, Jack Hood,
Jack Chilcoat. Bill Murphy. John Sparger, and Henry Holguin.
World Student
Service Fund Campaign
Every Aggie is at the present time prepar
ing himself for the part he will play in the
defense of the country, but each does not
know where he will find himself should he
ever be assigned to an organization and
>come into actual contact with the enemy. It’s
■all left up to fate, and the future for an
Aggie is hard to predict, except that he is
sooner or later, if physically fit, to see serv
ice with the armed forces.
The men in the prison camps today nev
er thought that they would find themselves
where they are. Some of these prisoners
are Aggies, some are British subjects, some
are black in color, and others may be from
far off corners of the globe, but they are
prisoners of war and have to undergo the
treatment that all conquered men have to do.
The World Student Service Fund Cam
paign is being conducted at this time to
help these men who are prisoners of war.
A branch of the Y. M. C. A., the World’s
Student Service, is distributing books among
these men who were former college students
and some who were teachers. The welfare
of these men is the main purpose of the fund,
and not only books but other equipment is
being sent to prison camps to help these
prisoners occupy themselves during their in
The local committee has set as the goal
for A. & M. the sum of $500. The faculty
has already contributed to the quota by do
nating $200 thru the Community Chest. The
rest of the sum is left up to the students
to meet. The national goal is $100,000 and
the state of Texas’ part is $6,000.
Organization commanders have been in
formed about the drive and campaign. They
should explain to their respective organiza
tions the purpose of the fund, and contri
butions to the drive should be voluntary.
Each member of the company should feel
that he has given something should his out
fit vote to contribute part of its company
fund to the campaign.
The faculty has led the way, and now
it is up to the student body to respond in
the same way. If each Aggie puts himself
in the place of a prisoner, we are sure he
would appreciate anything which would make
it easi r for him. Remember many former
students of Aggieland will be reached, and
maybe present students will benefit by the
use of the contributions which Aggies may
turn in now.
Great is Bankruptcy: the great bottom
less gulf into which all falsehoods, public
<and private, do sink, disappearing.-—Carlyle.
This Collegiate World
Too often young people know less about their
prospective spouses than they do about a
new pair of shoes,” the Rev. Benjamin R.
Fulkerson, S. J., declared in a recent mar-
xiage lecture at St. Louis university.
Father Fudkerson said: “Just as shoes
must wear well to be practical, so also must
;a partner in matrimony wear well to make
.a successful marriage.” “Marriage,” Father
Fulkerson said, “is not a perpetual honey
moon nor a heart-throbbing frolic; it is an
important stey and an important state that
is binding upon the contracting parties until
“Bad” choices in marriage partners are
made because of infatuation or concupi-
isence, hasty entrance into matrimony be
cause of a fear of fleeting years, or a false
value ©f charm placed upon a person of the
opposite sex, Father Fulkerson said.
“Infatuation causes a person to see good
looks, a fine physique and sterling qualities
in another when actually there are present
only bad morale, laziness and a shirveled
and selfish soul,” Father Fulkerson said.
“Too many unmarried people get frantic af
ter 21 and rush into marriage. Others place
a false premium on appearance, kid ideas
about sophistication, wise cracking and jit-
terbugging ability.”
Open Forum
PRIVATE BUCK .-. By Clyde Lewis
The nation’s steel production is lagging be
cause there is a shortage of scrap iron. The
cannons that have beautified the courthouse
lawns—even our state capital lawn — are
being melted down and made into new arma
ments. They have a historic and aesthetic
value but are being sacrificed.
On our campus we have scrap iron and
iron that could be scrapped that has neither
of these values. For example, the iron fence
at the back entrance to the college is not
particularly attractive. It would make sev
eral attractive rifles. The pipes around the
parking lots could be sent to war and re
placed with wooden posts put closer togeth
er. There is a railroad rail about a hundred
feet long concealed under a hedge on the
narking lot at the academic building. There
is a heavy iron pipe across the path in back
of Leggett Hall—a short pipe but probably
a hundred pounds of scrap iron.
The auxiliary farm units of the college
could add a great deal to the collection. We
think the campus should be canvassed by
someone with authority to find and send to
war all the scrap iron. How about it?
Sam Ferguson, ’43
J. E. Mudd, ’43
C. E. Outterside, ’43
Claude Gunn, ’43
* Ik *
Walking about the campus, one hears from
every freshman the tradition that has been
formed in the last two years of “Beat the
Hell out of L.S.U.” •
This may be a great way of working up
spirit for the game and making everyone
realize that we are going to beat L. S. U., but
I feel that in this persistent “slogan” we
are hurting more than bettering ourselves.
In the first place, there are a number
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is no drawback to the quality of
the movie, either.
The lowdown:— a whirl of gags,
George Saunders and Wendy Bar
rie are co-starred in another of
the ‘Falcon’ series entitled “A Date
With the Falcon”, showing today gals and gobs,
only at the Campus. This time the A murder mystery that takes
crime is about a crooked scientist you from San Francisco, to Hono-
who has discovered how to make lulu, Singapore, Bombay, Shanghai
artificial diamonds that fool even and points of interest, “TRADE
the best experts. WINDS”, now showing at Guion
The underworld steps in, snatches Hall is old but entertaining. Fred-
the scientist, and murders his eric March as a San Fran detective
twin brother to throw the police and Joan Bennett as the girl want-
off the trail. The Falcon, super- ed for murder play the leading
Copr. 1942. King Features Syndicate. Inc., V/nrld rights reserve J.
“Mv nose gets coM
lack Hood
"Backwash: An a citation raoultinr from tome action or ocenrrenM "—W ebstor
sleuth played by George Saunders,
is on the verge of getting married,
but he postpones his wedding to
chase just one more crime. Na
turally, with all his cunningness, he
outsmarts the mobsters, the police
and the audience and solves the
baffling mystery.
Attempts to inject a comedy
angle in a standard plot of debon
air dective vs. the underworld fail
entirely in “The Falcon Takes a
Holiday”. Doubtless the story
could have been more convincing
if such inanities had been omitted
from the script. As a whole its
pretty fair as a dective story.
— 11 • — The Lowdown:— gansters be-
Bcinds body. . . Notice: the same maga- ware, the Falcon’s loose again.
zine for which some are paying It’s a toss-up in “Sweetheart of
Only one band is definitely on bootleg prices will he ready for the Fleet” as to whether Joan Da-
xii me inot place, Lucre are a numoer ^ dotted line for the regimental general distribution soon. . . I wuz vis or the team of Brenda and Co-
Of women who work on the campus and must a bombardier, And I would bomb bina provide the most laughs. Miss
pass through it m order to get to their work. “ ls s0 far - • • “f 1 ' Ka » f ° r ole Hitler's ear. And when he turn. Davis, who is little known but is
I am sure that they do not appreciate hear- the week-end of the Cavalry Ball. t0 see what got , em _ Then j would rapldly gai „ illg in popularityi ha3
mg i eyeryw ere they turn. On the week- The Field Artillery has a very bomb ole Hitler’s—other ear. . . improved greatly as a comedienne
en s W en our parents are down here we good chance for A1 Donohue. . . Jinxed: Alan Edmonson, A Cav- since her last picture. Brenda and
certainly don t want them to be insulted as Herman Waldman and George Me- alryt really got disgusted with Cobina, the well-known radio team
most Of them are. If this continues, I am Cullough are under consideration things in general at the Twilight of pug-uglies, look exactly like
SU fB TB We T- a a y e ciea ^ ec ^ an enem y :for other dates. . . League playoff Tuesday night. . . they sound over the air—homly as
rather than a friend of these people. . While sitt ? g along th y e s f delines all get out .
Certainly we are in favor of building up OWGGping'S . . . watching the game a fast ball Jinx Falkenburg and Joan Wood-
a spirit for the game and we realize that a gjjj Davies ] as t year’s Engine- w hi zze 4 over an d smashed his bury play the parts of girl singers
proper spirit is necessary on the part of the . ’ . glasses. Thinking some of the whom Joan Davis ropes in to sing
corps m order to win it but I do not feel er 1 or ’ 13 now v ■ avies a • gi ass might have gotten in his at a navy rally. She had promised
that this is the proper way to do it. Leonard Wood, Missouri. . . he e y eS) he went to the hospital and the navy boys that Brenda and
It will be lip to the seniors of each or- writes there are four Aggies with let the doctor inspect them. But, Cobina would sing for them, but
gamzation to judge the worthiness of this Idbl • • The Ramblin Wrecks from luckily, no glass. . .so he returned since they had been locked up be-
slogan and let it be prevented or continued. Georgia Tech are still pushing hard {- 0 wa tch the rest of the game, cause they were so ugly, the sub-
■ phone 2-8879
Thursday - Friday - Saturday
Preview 11 P. M. Saturday
Also Shown Sunday-Monday
Charles Barnes, ’44
all the Very soon—too soon, in fact—an- stitutes were made—for the good
weight of their other fast ball came looking for of the navy’s morale, no doubt,
paper, The Tech- h™- . .he was ready this time, and Few chances for good laughs
nique, and a very dodged it. “Well, boys he said, get- were overlooked when “Sweetheart
large student or- ting up, “I’m going home and lock of the Fleet” was made, and the
ganization, The myself in!”. . . music mixed in with the comedy
Student Political L. M. Gale and his father re- is £ ood als0 - The e y e appeal of the
^League, against cently picked up a soldier while Misses Falkenburg and Woodbury
|the re-election of on a motor trip. During the ride,
*the present Geor- the soldier continuously made su-
Ho*d gian governor. An spicious mistakes in his talk. . .
ironic note crept into the bitter like referring to a “company” of
fight last week when the paper Field Artillery, etc. The more Gale
In the field of sports whenever a coach pro- was ^ orced carr y a full page listened to him, the shadier he
As fathers commonly go, it is seldom a
misfortune to be fatherless; and consider
ing the general run of sons, as seldom a
misfortune to be childless.—Lord Chester
Penny's Serenade
Box Office Open* »t 1:00 P. M.
. Newest of New Series /
duces a fine team, especially a football team, P aic l adver tl sem ent of the very man sounded, so he turned him in at the
it is fighting in order to have a next toll bridge. The authorities
__ _ six-page paper. To top it all, the took the soldier, and Gale went on.
publicity but if that same coach has a par- editor wrote this week a very stir- Later, they notified him that the
ticularly bad season he is jokingly referred ring a P 0 l°gy f°r carrying the ad soldier was suffering from mind
he is the subject of much praise and his
ability as a coach receives a great deal of
to as a “character builder.
Surely the lessons learned thru partici
pation in wholesome sports strengthen the
characters of the participants and contribute
to a fuller and better life.
Of the lessons which sports teach I feel
that the one of self control is one of the
most important. To most of us self control is
the ability to keep from losing our tempers
when we get mad, having the forgiveness
to be able to turn the other cheek, biting
and addressed it to the student trouble.
Musical Meanderings
At Guion Hall
Thursday, Friday—“Trade
Winds” with Frederic March,
Joan Bennett, and Ralph Bel
At The Campus
Thursday—“A Date with
the Falcon”, with George
Sanders, Wendy Barrie and
Allen Jenkins.
Friday, Saturday—“Sweet
heart of the Fleet”, with Joan
Davis, and Brenda and Co
James Gleason • Allen Jenkins • Mona Marls
Bated upon the character created by MICHAEL ARLEM
Comedy — Sport
Stranger Than Fiction
News — Musical
Woody Pecker
Lou’s Uniform Deal
Frances Beasley and her orches- booked for an engagement in the
tra has ben signed for the Soph- near future. This week I’m told
OUr lips to keep from making remarks that omore Ball the fourth of Septem- that he has been booked for the
we will be sorry for when folks make spite- ber - Miss Beasley is rated as one of Cavalry Ball, however, as yet this
ful remarks that hurt US, etc. This is truly the finest girl vocalists in the has not been confirmed by the
self control and is a very admirable trait and South, among her former jobs with Student Activities Office. If it is
many times I wish that it were more deeply bands was the handling of ballads true, the Cavalry is to be congrat-
imbedded in me but I am thinking of the f° T Leighton Noble and his ork. Be- ulated. Kay is currently playing
self control necessary for one to practice sides tbe leader the band boasts 4 (See MEANDERINGS, page 4)
in order to become proficient in sports. saxes, four brass, and three rhy-
A very small percentage of individuals *bm, which should make for fine
are what we call natural athletes and learn listening as well as dancing. The
games with no apparent effort but the great following night the Corps will
majority of individuals have very little or dance to the music of the Aggie-
no natural ability and their only hope to land Ork. at the annual Barnyard
learn to play a game well is to master the Frolic. All in all, the first week
fundamentals Of the game through conscien- in September promises to be a gay
tious and untiring effort. These fundamen- one.
tals have been developed through study and For the benefit of those who
experience as the best means of becoming aren’t quite sure about the details:
proficient in a sport and if one is to learn 1. Where? Sbisa Hall
the fundamentals one must have sufficient 2. When? .... Friday night Sept. 4
self control to force himself to execute the 3. For whom? Sophomores,
skill in the correct way regardless of how Seniors, and guests of Soph Class
unnatural it may seem. Unless one is willing 4. Time? 9:00 ’til?
to master the fundamentals in this way he 5 Official dress ? Formal, with
has very littlg hope of success against an Summer Tuxes or Number Two
adversary. All of us have seen players with uniforms
practically no ability develop into very con- 6. Orchestra? Frances Beasley
sistent and valuable members of a team be- and her Orchestra
cause they mastered the fundamentals thru 7. Admission? $
hard conscientious work. Last week in this column I warn-
It is surely not natural for a right hand- ed you not to be surprised if Her-
ed person, in learning to play golf, to con- bie Kay and his famous band were
trol and execute the greatest and most im
portant parts of the swing, with the left
hand and arm. Nor is it natural for a person
to hit a handball with his left hand when it
bounces to that side of his body when it
comes from the front wall, but if he is to
be a good player he must first make himself
learn to do these things correctly so that
he will be equipped to defeat one not equally
well grounded in the fundamentals.
In sports as in life it has been my ob
servation that we must pay the price to be
good and one way to pay it is to whip our
selves first and then we will be ready for
the other fellow.
Is It Time For You
To Have Your
Drop By and See Us
YMCA & Varsity
Barber Shops
Guion Hall
Thursday and Friday
3:30 — 7:00 P. M.
by the law...especially
by the best chaser on
the force. Will she out
smart the detective who
uses love as a trap?
Get That One and Only
On the Line
By Writing to Her on Aggie Stationery by Gorn-Eau
30^ and 35^
North Gate
tftup mm
A TAY GARNETT Production • Released thru United Artist*
News Cartoon
Bugs Bunny in “Wabbit Trouble”