Page 2- -THE BATTALION -THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, 1942 The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Arricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published three times weekly, and issued Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March S, 1870. Subscription rates $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angelea, and San Francisco. Office. Room 12Z, Administration Building. Telephone »-6«44. 1941 Member 1942 Pissocided Golle&ide Press Brooks Gofer JSditor-in-Chief Ken Breanen.. Associate Editor Phil Crown Staff Photographer Sports Staff Mike Haikin Sports Editor Mike Mann Assistant Sports Editor Chick Hurst..... Senior Sports Assistant N. Libson Junior Sports Editor Advertising Staff Reggie Smith Advertising Manager Jack E. Carter Tuesday Asst. Advertising Manager Louis A. Bridges Thursday Asst. Advertising Manager .Jay Pumphrey Saturday Asst. Advertising Manager Circulation Staff V. D. Asbury, Jr. Circulation Manager Bill Huber Senior Assistant H. R. Tampke. Senior Assistant Carlton Power Senior Assistant Jo* Staleup — Junior Assistant Thursday's Staff Ken Bresnen .—....Managing Editor John Holman Junior, Editor Nelson Karbach Junior Editor lack Keith Junior Editor Reporters Tom Joumeay Herrj Cordua, Bob Garrett, Ramon McKin- »ey. John Baldridge, Charles Kaplan. Gerald Fahrentold, Bert Kurts, Bill Jarnagin, Bob Meredith. Bill Japhet, Jack Hood, Jack Chilcoat. Bill Murphy. John Sparger, and Henry Holguin. World Student Service Fund Campaign Every Aggie is at the present time prepar ing himself for the part he will play in the defense of the country, but each does not know where he will find himself should he ever be assigned to an organization and >come into actual contact with the enemy. It’s ■all left up to fate, and the future for an Aggie is hard to predict, except that he is sooner or later, if physically fit, to see serv ice with the armed forces. The men in the prison camps today nev er thought that they would find themselves where they are. Some of these prisoners are Aggies, some are British subjects, some are black in color, and others may be from far off corners of the globe, but they are prisoners of war and have to undergo the treatment that all conquered men have to do. The World Student Service Fund Cam paign is being conducted at this time to help these men who are prisoners of war. A branch of the Y. M. C. A., the World’s Student Service, is distributing books among these men who were former college students and some who were teachers. The welfare of these men is the main purpose of the fund, and not only books but other equipment is being sent to prison camps to help these prisoners occupy themselves during their in ternment. The local committee has set as the goal for A. & M. the sum of $500. The faculty has already contributed to the quota by do nating $200 thru the Community Chest. The rest of the sum is left up to the students to meet. The national goal is $100,000 and the state of Texas’ part is $6,000. Organization commanders have been in formed about the drive and campaign. They should explain to their respective organiza tions the purpose of the fund, and contri butions to the drive should be voluntary. Each member of the company should feel that he has given something should his out fit vote to contribute part of its company fund to the campaign. The faculty has led the way, and now it is up to the student body to respond in the same way. If each Aggie puts himself in the place of a prisoner, we are sure he would appreciate anything which would make it easi r for him. Remember many former students of Aggieland will be reached, and maybe present students will benefit by the use of the contributions which Aggies may turn in now. Great is Bankruptcy: the great bottom less gulf into which all falsehoods, public