Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1942)
* m X; V ■ . r r> y r i .il • \ 6 W ' J ■! 1 . J •/ ADMINISTRATION l\ COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SATURDAY; DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION H' 1942 2276 NUMBER 9 •1 F- etanf of /^riculture / V \ DelfraisseDies In Automobile Accident \T| ~1f Ij Lamar and Saltan Receive Minor Cuts Injuries in Tmcl^-Car Collision Thursday Harold Delfraiww, B ^attery Field Artillery senior from Laredo, was (tilled in an automobile accident Thursday at about 11:30 fl.m. on highway 6. H£nry Lamar. Rosebud, Wil fred W. Walton. Corsicana, and Oelfraisse, all of B Battery - were picked Up by Charlies Richardson as they were high- waying from Br> an after seeing a show. Richardson was driv ing a club co^pe. Traveling at high speed. Richardson met a slow moving car Just before a bridge pn highway 6. Richardson tried to mannver his ^ar around it when be saw a trailer truck com- Model Airplane Ccntest Staged . . If you smell barmnH, oil ami ace tone hi the room neat to, ylours; don’t itbiflV thaj a bunch of them queers have moved In. It’s prob ably Just a rohple of model air plane enthusiasts preparing .their models for the jcommic mo<lel| con- teat. Sponsored; by the aeronauti cal eapmeerinf departments the conteaSa get udder way Fruity at 9 o’clock. Thei contests continue through Saturday, June 27. The contests i are a part of the obaermnee of Texas Aviation Week,*, and it'll expected that the contest will draw contestants fiom a wide «rea of the state. Approxi mately $600 it) prizes will be ^all- i able. Included in the events are'con tests for scale models, indoor and oatderar rubber models. 1 and' gas models. On Wednesday and Thurs day, June 24 land 25, there; will be instruction in model building, according to Hpward Barlow,; pro fessor and b«pd of, the debart- ^ ment Cf aeronautical engineering The contests; will get untietway Friday morning at 9 o'clock |with a Scafe Mo<let contest in jifiinr, senior -a n d op4n events. FridAy afteiyioon at one thirty the indtmr rubber contests w^l b'* run off. Saturday morning tAere will be conteata for gas mddel*. ^ • 1 Saturday afternoon ^t one there will be a contest for 6 Line Inod- eis. i r -ing jfrom the opposite direction. Th*v truck tried to avoid a collision be pwerving to the rijght. It scrap ed against the aide of the bridge an<^ went off into the soft should er $rhere the wheels bucklwi caus ing {the trailer to swerve out into thei highway. Richardson then swerved to the right and l^tmar jopeted the door and jumped out clearing the highway thus causing Jitt^ physical injury to himself othgr than a sarere shock. I>el- fraipse was thrown out of the car,’ as g swerved to the left, and land ed <pi the pavement when the trail er tlimed over and fell on him kill- instantly. two boys are now in the College Hospital physicians who say there is a p- no serious injury but that ill have to be under observa- 10 days or two weeks. T$e body was sent to Laredo last night at 12:06 a.m. Dglfraiaae was a distinguished Aggieland Plays Tonight For First Of Corps Dances Main Dining Room To Be Used In Effort to Evade Excess Heat in Annex Featuring the rhythm of the latest edition of the Aggieland or chestra, the summer dance season wilf get underway tonight at 9 o’clock at Sbiaa Hall. Norma Joan Jahn will supply the vocals. Uni form will be number two and it ‘a not necessary that dates dress formal. Featuring the arrangements of Jimmy Lunceford, the Aggieland orchestra, under the direction of their new leader. Russell R. “Cur ly” Brient, will offer music that is sweet and smooth. As an added attraction, the orchestra will few ture the songs of pretty Norma Jean Jahn. The dance will be held in the main hall of Sbisa Hall. This is n break with the practice of the past designed to provide a comfortable place to dance. The main hall of the mess hall is exposed on three sides and it is hoped that it will be cool. In the past the dances have been held in the annex. Script is $1.10 and everyone is invited to bring a date and have a good time. The festivities start at 9 p. ra.. and continue until 12. ice j \ Juniors Indicate Lack of Interest At First Meeting X Small Additional Chi Of $1.60 For * $3 Semester to be ’aid her Prwent Cauaea Election of New Officer* to he Postponed Juniora showed *a lack of inter est in electin- gdasa officers ai only 150 attended their first im portant session. Those present (comprised mainly ef the Cavalry who lives next door I brought up several matters to Cadet Colonel Walter Cardwell that were discuss ed briefly; however very little w clarified. Cardwell cut the discus sion short because be felt that it would be of little value to bring ^ anything up before such a small manager's office gtated yes! prday group, and the purpose of the In order to cofer the oat in meeting was primarily to elect handling the additional shift and J officers. There neither being enough there to discuss important matters or to elect officers, the The laundry allfw a nee increased from a total of 23 per week to a total of 25 per week, with a maximum 4f five shirts and three pair of padts, an * announcement from the bi siness *tu<£»t four times, his major was Leonorak-s although he already Had ; a degree in Diesel Engineer ing, He was a cadet technical ser geant on the first Battalion staff last year and was facing consid ered for a Captaincy lor the first Rat{alion this year lafcording to Lt. pul. J. K. Boles. ' ' Hx is survived by hia parents and;two sisters. t I Knurineer Magazine Will Be Distributed • Tie Engineer Magazine is due to <i>me out some time next week. The^ date is not certain as yet but it a^jll probably be around the first of tfiy week. i F -—t Enrollment in the Enlisted Resen e Corps Reaches 700 Enrollment in the Enlisted) Re serve Corps topped the 700 mark today according to an announce ment made by Major L. W. Mar- shall. Infantry, recruiting officer for the Enlisted Reserve. Because there are at least 100 men who have contracts and have not yet signed up for the enlisted reserve, a skeleton force is being kept on hand to assist with the rest of the enrollment. Those men with contracts who have not al ready enlisted will have to go to the temporary office on the third flrair of Ross Hall, and see Ser geant Brady L. Isaacs, recruiting sergeant, for application blanks. At that time a date will be set for Major Marshall to administer the oath to the enlistees. pair of pants an- increase of 15 cents per week i|as been idded. Ap students who. have pa d fees for the full semester must < all by the fiscal office a$d pay th< tional $1.60 laundry fee befc re the effective bate of .the chang July 6. The change wa$ made up in the “urgent request jof the Cadet Corps.” the announcement si id. All stude t* receiving cheAs for the exact amount? of the i istall- ment fees, and all’ students whose | fees are paid in sinstallmei ts by checks direct to thir college, ihould inform the sender of the fol owing changes. The installment p tyable July 1 to 6 will tjt. $29.66 i istead of $29.00 The instilment P lyable Aug, at 1 to 6 wjll be $42. 10 in stead of $41.15 » V * mV'A&M’.l. X JLXt T ILHUVFll -F- J- To Address Mass Meeting! Ceremony Accorded Cabinet Members Will Be Obser\ ed With Corps Review Excepted Secretary of Agriculture Claude Wickard will be a guest at A AM from noon Friday, July 3 until noon Saturday, July 4, it waa announced today by Dean C. F. Bolton. Secretary Wickard accepted the invitation of President T. O. Walton and agreed to address a mass meeting of Texans in Kyle Field stadium on the evening of Friday, July 3, it was announced. The present secretary'will be the third holding his'of fice to appear on, the A.AM. campus in its 67 year history. Others have been SecretaA- Wilson and Secretary Wallace, father of the present vice-preskwnt+- d|| meeting closed without having ac^ licized enough: The failure'of the meeting was addi- j attributed by e to the fact that the meeting had not been pub licized enough^ Pei haps the preval ent feeling was expressed by on* junior when asked if he was go ing to the meeting. He said “What for? It doesn't mean anything any more anyway/’ Protection School Gives Night Class Demonstration Former Aggie Added To Construction ST LOUIS. Mo.- M H ' 21, son of Mr. T JA. Steve Devereux Streep Jack Texas, has accepted a with the Engineering Depa of the Curtis*-Wright Co and has been aasfarned to Louis Plant. He 'was grai uated from A. & M w4i ere he was a member of the banfl In his m w po sition he will aid'in the develop ment of military girpla'nes f »r the United States Arjpy and N ivy. Brient Presents Aggieland Orchestra In Second of Summer Dance Performdnees By Jack Keith Tie hand will also be helped Witti * the predicta>n thatlthis Kreqtly by the fecial airange- seafton'ft orchf^tra will be bitter rnrti» by Hick Alston and Charles than etrer, Cprly Brient, n^wly ' F' v< ‘ 'V 1 * band its own .elected ‘ leader! of the Aggi^ar.rt | stjrle addefi to the special Orchestra, will present his frpupe j »rrxfigemeats of iiany of the name in their second appearance tonight i han^s. at th* first summer Corps D$nce. To back up'his prediction, !Bri- ent has not only 4n orcheatri-firl of talented mufifians. but also.'Ag- gielaad’s favorite vAalist, Miss KormaruJean Jaibn of Houstorf. As all the- 'old stJidenU will renjem- ber an4 as the new student^ on the canqms w$l soon find out' for themseltes. Miss Jahn (pronotijiced Yonl baa “what it takes” in \y>caj talent atid ip looks, too. Acobrjing t$ Curly, this yiar’s orchestra will be better than prer before for two reasons. In j the firat plate thei two men that were Ipat have be<ti replaced by |two fine Bfiuik-ian.^. The total linl-up la foartaen rmgi and a girl, ready, willing and able to bring the c$det corps whit it jpants in the wa|- of music, s The second reason is tbit i the band will cater strictly to ^ the wishes of the fancers. In the past the podicy of jhe band leader Jhas been to play with the orcheftra throughout most of the prngihift. thus malting if impossible for )»iin to receive all the requests of,the dancefs Curly plans to be ‘out front mokt of the time to seq to ft that *Very request is given hia attention. Tlis summer the organizatM>n willtstick almost entirely to music that* is “swept” in preference to fastj perspiratian-producing num bers* From poll* that were taken during the last social season, sweet tnus|c was acclaimed the prefer ence of the largest part of the cqrm. Curly urges those who pre fer poth kinds of music to make it hkhit to tell hiio, so he may plsy^ accordingly. Last spring it was^Jound that regardless of the fatt, that slow, sweet music was preferred, most of the requests at t$e bandstand came in for swing Mfcftwn. Cirly Brient. who ia replacing Don| Hackney a« leader ia a senior in "^A” Field and kails'from Port Art$or. He plays has* fiddle w .h the* band and plays to keep the tkyfim section right on the beat from up front. * > NPraia Jean Jahn sang with the orchestra last fall and U retarn- % now to her former position. She'has sung with Phil Spitalny, Peck Kelly. Eddie Fitapatrick. Jim|ny Livingston, Terry Shand and. Frankie Littlefield. In Hous ton {she sings on the radio and with local orchestras. Recently she was voted the official sweetheart of the army camp at Ellington Freddie Nelson,. manrst, playing Field, where she has sung several for his third year,formerly ilayed times. j with Joe Burze atg) hia Orel rstra The remaining personnel of the He “hm fumiahes^the pianc play- orchestra is made up entirely of m* ten" the “Kadei Kapers.’ students, although most of them Roland Mallet is the guita man have played professionally before in the outfit and ii beginnii g his entering A. & M. and in the aum- accord year with tike band. 1 oland mcr months. has a fine style al$i plays s milar Jack “Bandy" Mctiregor le*«ls , to the late Charliqf Chriatiai The off the brass section in the posi- drums are r.andled ky Buck \ einis tion of first trombonist. Jack has of San Antonio. B^ck is the mort playc<l with the Aggieland for the knocked-out drumikei the J ggie- past two years. I^st April he sat land has had for -ijne time ind is in and played with Ted Fk> Rita going strong in Ifs second year Wardens and members of civilian protection patrols are not only in vited but urged to attend the night demonstration and field class of the Ninth War Department Civil-- isn Protection School at Texas A. ; & M College, Monday night, Jane 22. at 8:30, according to an an nouncement made by Lt. Col. H. ’ 0,1 i R. Brayton, CVW.S., director of the ville. sf hool. sition ^ ri*gular course ent j offered the trainees at the college ation there is one i^ight field demonstra- j tion. The o$e for the current school is scheduled for 8:30 Mon day evening $nd will be staged in the Field Artillery drill field in the area adjoining the Radio Sta tion WTAW lower just off High- 1 ! way 6 beyond ^he Bryan City lim it sign. The field may be reached by turning off the highway just be yond the city .limits at the open white pasture gate, or by turning right on Sulphur Springs Road entering the iarea set aside near the demonstration field. MilitvV police will be in charge of the parking of kll cars out of the danger zone. $ A complete 'two-hour lecture ac companies tie. field will • consist ( of a of the United Slatof. ’ The mass meeting will begin- 8 p.m. in order to qllow time for visitors to arrive at College Sta tion from Dallas and north Texas by rail. Arrangements are being made to have the through pasarn- ger trains leaving Dallas $nd Houston dyring the]afternoon ) to stop at several poipta along kho lines to pick up thi>*e who Wish to hear the cabinet ^ member's fed- dress. 1 1 L Secretary WickanJ will tour lh*> campus and inspect; the co BAre. eating in'the dining-halls with ^h. A A M. cadets and-halding in$orJ mal conference with'.various fa|m-i ing and livestock groups as wel as with representatives) of all of $he v governmental agenc|es‘ operating under directien of ^ie U. S. )e partment of Agriculture. Since Secretary Wickard’* v ait will be of an official nature jhe usual military cereffeoniet acafed- ed a cabinet member will be ob served' in his honor, A mounted troop of eavalry will meet b at the main entrance to the cam pus and a salute will be fired,:by the R.O.T.C. Artillery unit. TTIr will be no review at this UbmI I the corps is unpreppred to stpgc a review this early ‘in the senfes A L .[ There is no holiday scheduled for the morning of the fourth Bol ton’s office states. 1 + Vanity Fair-Senior Favorite Pictures Must Be in Sept 15 All Vanity Fair and Senior Fa- , vorite pictures for the 1943 Long horn must be turried in to the ‘ Student Activities office by Sep- 1 tembir 16, 1942, announces Editor! Johrf Ixmgley. This y*-ar Vanity Fair entrants • must submit three glossy finish) pictures; an 8 by 10 inch full; lepgth picture taken in an ev«- j nfhg g<rwn, a 6 by 7 inch full/ j length taken in a street or sport • dress, and a 5 by 7 inch close-up. | t A light plain background for all pictures is requested. For Senior Favorites any close-up wiR be satisfactory. i il As in past years the charge this year for Vanity lair Will be $3 00 and will inrluda h free picture in the Senior Favoiite section. The charge for Senior Favorites is $1.50 for each picture submitted. The editor states that at thia- time only 20 seniors have had thrir pictures made for the class section. Because of limited time no deadlines will be extended this year as they have been in past year*. All men who wish to have, their pictures in the annual must : have them in within the stated ^ ; deadlines i and his orchestra when they vis ited the campus. Dick Alston, junior from Little Rock. Arkansas, plays first trum pet with the outfit. He’s another old timer with the organisation, having begun his trumpet-playing for the Aggies In his fish year. Third trumpet man is Wally “Scotty” Scott, also beginning his third season with the orchestra “Scotty” is a senior and has had several years of band experience with other bands In and around his home town. Port Arthur. . Tom Ingli* and Bully McGreg with them. First sax is aljy handl'd by Charles Bickley ^ of Ho iston Charles has played with tl e or chestra since he f^st came 4 kL. and hia hot gnd sweet ing are wcft^knowif to dance Bill Murphy hold* down th sax position. Murphy led hi band back in hia hametown. Now he’s a sophomore and ing hi* second year h ith the c idet*. , The two new mej$ in the o the* tra’s line-up are Dickie Webl , who just came over from Sagl H< uston State Teachers Colege and or fill out the brgss section. Inglis. Anderson from beginning hL* second; year with the Aggieland. comet from Sulphur Springs. McGregor plays second trumpet, hails from Ballinger and has played with the band at San Marco* Stale Teachers College. The rhythm section is the tame aa last year, with the added prac tice of a whole season behind them. Billy in. Wet i has Ed Get ach’s * $ > ; m 'ih,H ■ j- , been playing wi orchestra all over S^uth Te is good on the 2nd ‘tenor a demon plays 4th U|ior, ia a omore and has j^st begu work with the Afirirland boys are fittiag in ^ just fine the section and wg expect things from them, Brient 1 •" r. I ! Morwood Training hi Navigators* Air Clasfi American Axis-blasting bomtfers will one day follow victory CouAws charted by Houston; Aviation Ca dets who are training today to Ve- come “fingermCn 'of .the compass” in the current Arrtjy Air F«gco class for navigator* here at the World’s largest multi-motor flying School. » Two pf the battling sextet kre graduates of Sam Houston High School. They are Roger Morw<a>d. 21. son of Mr and Mf*. R E. l4>r- ^rood. 6509 Sewonee St., and VlL|. work which | |, r B 2*. *»»!> of Mr. and simulated air f» r .*cr, 44 J7 Bristol y>t. raid vtifh seferal typ«'s of bombs j Morwotal studied $t Ribe Injti- fired and the action of each ex- ! tute one year and Tfxas A. t ;M. plained. Proper means of pre-raid ' three years. Before Signing up(to protection will be demonstrated I “bofnb-blast” the Axis, Greer ^as and several $mall structures sim- a YMCA director. » (Bha WARDEN SCHOOL. Paga I) From Ellington Ffeld they will ^ • * J go on to more advanced schools for navigators. Their ^ttwinin|r eebn- Bleted. they will be commissioned aecond lieutenants in Die Army Air Force Reserve and orderad to no feiediate active duty^ Then tlfe*y Will become cogs irt the word’s finest combat precision team—the Pictures Sought In Washington DC Photographs taken outside the United State* are bhing sought by the Office of Coordinator of In formation. If you have photo graphed outside this country yen are requested to answer the ques tions on a qijestionaire which’may be secured ai The Battalion office or 'write dlrecf to the Visual Presentation Branch, Coordinator of Informatitgi. 25th and E Streets, N. W., Washington. D. C. This request ia being made in order to facilitate the operation of our armed forces. The agency ia engaged in locating photographs and transcregencies of areas out side the Unifed States. It ia desirgble and necessary to broaden the base of this activity by building tp an index of photo graphs and transcrepenries in the hands of pegaons who have trav eled sad ph<4o>r'*t'he<l while trav eling. I ft I air crew. - Pre-Med Club Elects Officers; Formulates Blood Bank System At its tegular semi-monthly; meeting last Thursday night, the! Pre-Med ; club completed its alec-i ti6n of officers for the next two! semesters Those .elected are:| president, Fred Colle; vice presi-1 dent, George Willeford; secretary-! treasurer, John Ed Green; repent- 1 er, W H, Andrew. The main topic of their diacua-l sion was i»f the club’s assisting iq-j the creation of a blood bank forj College Station. The proposed. blood bank will consist of enough ’ blood to serve any em«-gency that j may arise in this area. The blood • is to be kept in a powdered form,.! permitting it to be administered to injured persons where a direct transfusion is »—p-tftHe The idea is in keeping with many other projects that are being or ganized on a nation-wide scale. The blood will be donated by citizens of this community and by students. As yet plans for the financing sad actual executiun of] the project are 1 Incomplete, but moat of the work will be carried on under the dL 1 rectlon of the Pre-Med club. Kadet Kapers, Presents Local UyBandatSeven Tonight A hillbilly band 1$ the new^t ction to grace the Kadet tys ra'xstage according to Dirk J«n- Along with lesion kA^wa. Courtship of Ljvr king .'tAJ and several unijuc contests the C>f which will iraceive more of those super $e- Ittxe prises. Jankinp announce* tfcat the policy that was so s^c ektaful last week will be contimyd That policy was the'awardingiof ■ aAgar* to the first. 100th and person to enter Hall for the ahesf. Fi of the quality of those “Ask the man who owns cation cigar*. one.” A type of hillbilly bend never before heard in this country will be presented. The Sand waa re cently im (ferried from Argentina and goes under the title of The Gaucho Sophisticates. Although ! their type of mask Is a bit diffi- 1 cult to undervand. H is h'>pe 1 that ! * ^nre gathering will Burn out for their firat performance. ' Kadet Kapers wiD be presented tonight at seven m the Assembly H*H. The price 2,500 yen. i