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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1942)
Page 4- THE BATTALION -TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 12, 1942 Official Notices Announcements TO DEPARTMENT HEADS AND SU PERVISORS OF STUDENT LABOR— We have been advised that NY A funds will be available to a limited extent through June 30th. In order to take ad vantage of this fact, it is urgently re- Quested that each department to which NYA students are now assigned advise me immediately of the number of NYA stu dents now assigned that can be usefully employed for the period of June 1st to June 30th, inclusive. May we also remind those departments which have not yet returned assignment cards and estimates epai student labor needed for the coming term that time is short and your cooperation will be appreciated ? Wendell R. Horsley Chairman, Student Labor Committee ignment rtmental this bulle- ad- BIOLOGY 102—Students in Biology 102, Taxonomy, Section 95, please call at Room 26 or 23 Science hall for mimeographed tr >» r 7 or outline of Sperry. ‘Units of Vegetation.”—J. J. PLEASE noted the following Library schedule: Sunday, May 17 th—-closed all day. Monday-Friday, May 18-22—open 9 :00 a.m.-l :00 p.m. Saturday, May 23—open .-12:00 noon. Sunday, May 24th 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon. Sunday, May —closed all day. Monday-Friday, May 25th- open 9:00 a.m.-l :00 p.m. Saturday, 30th—open 9 :00 a.m.-12 :00 noon. Thomas GRADUATING SENIORS—On Wednes day, May 13, there will be posted on a bulletin board in the Administration build- _ i;_x ^1 ci — •— h ave com- a degree. lletin ing a pleted all the requirements for t of those GIFTS FOR GRADUATES Here you’ll find Gradua tion Gifts that will be certain to please every Graduate, AGGIE JEWELRY AGGIE PENNANTS HICKOK JEWELRY SWANK JEWELRY MANHATTAN SHIRTS SPORT SHIRTS SLACK SUITS VAL-A-PAK LUGGAGE TWO SUITER CASES TOILET KITS • HICKOK SPORT BELTS PARIS SPORT BELTS MANHATTAN PAJAMAS RABHOR ROBES EVANS SLIPPERS MILITARY EQUIPMENT Stop in and allow us to assist you in selecting the proper gift. f iTaldropflfo “Two. Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan 29 th—o May 30th—open 9 :00 a.m.-12 :00 Sunday, May 31st—closed all day.—' F. Mayo, Librarian. A.A.U.P. MEETING—The last meeting of the Chapter for this school year will be held Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. in the M.E. Lecture Room. Dr. Quisenberry’s Commit tee will report and there will be an elec tion of officers. ALL APPLICANTS for enlistment in the Air Force Enlisted Reserves will'meet in the Assembly Hall at 9 o’clock, Wed nesday morning, May 13, to take a mental examination of two to three hours dura tion. All applicants must bring three letters of recommendation with them in addition to a birth certificate when they appear for the examination. MAJOR L. W. MARSHALL, Infantry. PROCESSIONAL PLANS ARE ANNOUNCED FOR FRIDAY, MAY 15 BACCALAUREATE SERMON The Processional to Guion Hall for Baccalaureate sermon, Friday, May will form as follows: President Walton, the speaker of BOOTS, size 9%, bombay ice cream breeches, 29 waist, and accessories for sale. These have been worn very little and are in excellent condition. See Toppy Pearce in 201 Hall 11, or phone 4-4534. FOR RENT—Furnished house for S' longer. 3 bedrooms. Re: oms. iteasc Bryan. Be lum- abh tween rate. 708 East 30th St., Bryan. High School and Junior High. Phone 2-6684. WANTED—Ride for two to Kansas City, Mo., or vicinity after Final Review, May 16. See J. B. Stewart, 1-8 Hart, or phone 4-8344. LOST—Log-Log Decitrig Duplex Slide Rule. Name printed in black ink on case. Return to Arthur LeBlanc, Room 315 No. 8. Reward. FOR RENT—Furnished house in Col lege Park. Available May 16. Call 4-8269 before May 16. LOST—Brown leather bill fold. Will finder please return to M. B. Martin for liberal reward. Box 1278. H-3 Walton Hall. LOST—1 brass plumb bob behind the Exchange Store Friday. Will the finder please return to John Thorpe, J-8 Walton, or call 2-4024. FOR RENT—Furnished apartment, Mid way addition near College. Large south east bedroom, living room, kitchen and bath, or whole house if desired.—Mrs. J. L. Broach, phone 2-7934. lay p. 56 Miln Neb., hurs- ynolds. FOR RENT—216 Foster Ave., Collei Hills, 5 room furnished apartment ava ge li able the 20th; also one 5 room unfur nished apartment, walking distance. See Mrs. Farquhan, back of Gulf Filling Sta tion. NER HALL who wish to keep their present rooms should report to the COMMANDANT’S OFFICE before 5:00 P.M., MONDAY, MAY 11. . STORAGE facilities will be made available for the Student Labor Com mittee in the ANIMAL HUSBANDRY PAVILION. Equipment may be checked in at the pavilion MAY 16, 1942. By order of Colonel WELTY: JOE E. DAVIS, Captain, Infantry Assistant Commandant CIRCULAR NO. 39: Those cadets whose names appear on the tentative promotion list for the next semester, GENERAL ORDER NO. 8, HEADQUARTERS RESERVE OF FICERS TRAINING CORPS, wi sume command of their respectiv ganizations during the absence of the i he r make a complete inspection of their respective dormitory areas that the; are now living in with their Tactica Officer immediately following the Final Review. All damaged equipment and present cadet officers. . All present organization commanders and the newly appointed organization commanders for the next semester will ney ical damage to the building will be reported to the Office of the Commandant im mediately following the inspection with the names of those individuals respoi that found in halhvays, corridors, and va cant rooms will be charged to the new- es c sible for the damage. Damage hallway: jaid for out of the corridors, and va- harged to the new ly appointed organization commander, this damage to be paid for out of the organization fund that will be turned over to the newly appointed command ers by the present organization com manders. By order of Colonel WELTY: JOE E. DAVIS, Captain, Infantry Assistant Commandant CIRCULAR NO. 40: Cadet Officers and Housemasters are directed to return to the Office of the Commandant not later than 5:00 P.M., SATURDAY, MAY 16, pass keys issued SATURDAY, MAY 16, pass keys to them at the beginning of school. Organization Commanders and day students will return to the Office of the Commandant copies of the College Regulations, issued at the beginning of the first term, not later than 1:00 P.M., SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1942. Cadet Officers who were issued sabers Patronize Our Agent In Your Outfit. —* DYEFUR STORAGE HATTERS nci/Oir’ XYmmmxYYYKms r 2-1585 CASH & CARRY NORTH GATE D. M. DANSBY, ^7 da; iy. Minister. Commandant. Members of the Board of Directors. Deans and Directors. Line will form in the lobby of thi demic Building. The formation w in column of twos. on the ng and alpha- ccording to courses, those re ceiving advanced degrees first in line. l!he 15, WANTED—Ride for one to Lubbock or vicinity, after the review. See Keith Kirk, the | Hoorn 224, No. 7. at the beginning of the first semester will return them to the Office of the Commandant not later than 5:00 P.M., SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1942. By order of Colonel WELTY: JOE E. DAVIS, Captain, Infantry Assistant Commandant Dr. Robert Franklin Poole, presi dent of Clemson college, was grad uated from Clemson in 1915. He is an internationally known plant pathologist. SAVE WHY PAY FULL PRICE? Save Up To 50% On Books Trade your books with Loupot before you leave. You must be able to use the book you get or Lou will make it satis factory with you. LOUPOT’S Trading Post J. E. Loupot Class of ’32 the 7 will Aca- be The graduating class will form lawn west of the Academic Buildi south of the walk, being arranged betically ing Registrar, for assignment to position. o’cloi "the just east head mg advanced degn Students will report to Acti H. L. Heaton : The line will form at 9:55 o’clock and the procession will move at 10:15. Every one is urged to be on hand at least by 9:55 o’clock on Friday morning. Doors open at 9:40. Academic regalia will not be used. Number one uniform will be worn except by students who have per mission to wear civilian clothes for the semester. All candidates for graduation are expect ed to attend the Baccalaureate program. COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES The Processional to the Stadium for Commencement Exercises will form of the Athletic Office. The of the Column will be toward the south, the procession entering the field through the opening in thg east bank of seats. The same order will be observed as for the Baccalaureate Sermon, except for the addition of Staff members who will follow the Deans and Directors in the following order: Heads of Departments Full Professors Assistant Professors Instructors Experiment Station Staff Forest Service Staff Extension Service Staff The line will form at 5:45 and the procession will move at 6:00. Orders as to dress same as for Baccalaureate Ser- except that caps will be omitted, case of bad weather the Commence ment Exercises will be held in Guion Hal] with procession from the Academic Building, and the processional as regards staffs members will be the same as for the Baccalaureate Sermon. Also in case of bad weather, the over-flow crowd will be provided for in the Assembly Hall, the public address system being used. If the Commencement Exercises are held in Guion Hall, admission except for those in the processional, will be by ticket only. Bv order of President Walton. E. P. HUMBERT, Chairman Commencement Committee. mon In Classified WAN’fED—One girl’s and boy’s bicycle, in good condition. Call 2-7954. RADIO REPAIRS AND PARTS The Student Co-op Call 4-4114 Pause ••• Go refreshed 5? You trust its quality Thirst won’t take “no' for an answer... not when the answer is de licious, refreshing, ice- cold Coca-Cola. In this drink is the qualify of genuine goodness...the quality of the real thing. BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY BRYAN COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY STORE YOUR Trunks, suitcases, lamps, at Lauterstein’s store. North Gate. Not responsible for Thomas, ‘’43.” fire or theft.—W. K. WANTED^—A ride for two to North Dakota or vicinity. Am willi share expenses. See V. Dept., Campus. Fargo, or vicinity. Am wining to . See V. K. Gunkel, M.E. PAUL Jones, formerly in the Y.M.C.A. is now in the Aggieland Barber Shop and would appreciate his Aggie friends com ing down and seeing him there. Commandant’s Office OFFICE OF COMMANDANT CICULAR NO. 36: 1. In compliance with the request of the committee in charge of the COM MENCEMENT EXERCISES, approved by the Organization commanders con cerned, DORMITORY No. 3 will be va cated by cadets FRIDAY night, MAY 15, in order to provide accommodations for guests attending the Commence ment Exercises. 2. Cadets having gue*ts will be assessed a charge of 25c for guests to cover the cost of matrons, maid service, and other incidental expenses in DORMI TORY No. 3. 8. DORMITORY No. 16 will he opened THURSDAY and FRIDAY nights. Cadets having guests in this Dormi tory for THURSDAY and FRIDAY nights will be assessed a charge of 50c. 4. The respective organization command- dll be held responsible that rooms s are left in a neat, order- for the reception of guests. i. Cadets concerned will vacate DORM ITORY No. 3 by 1:30 P.M., MAY 15. Guests will be admitted at 3:00 P.M. Cadets will be readmitted to the halls at 9:00 A.M., MAY 16, by which time guests must be out of the dormitory. !. Young ladies staying in the dormi tories must be in not later than 3:00 A.M. FRIDAY night. Guests must check in at night with at matron up on their return to the dormitory after the dance. When reservations have been made for guests they will not be per mitted to check out until departure for their homes. This will be done with the matron. Escorts will be held strict ly accountable for compliance with these instructions. . Reservations may be made by seniors living in the area to be vacated THURSDAY. MAY 7, from 1:00 P. M. until 5:00 P.M., who wish to re serve their own rooms. After 5:00 P. M„ THURSDAY, MAY 7, until noon TUESDAY, MAY 12, reservations will be open to other seniors. Effective noon, MAY 12, reservations will be .open to other students. , Guests will not be permitted to occupy rooms that are not equipped with shades. ..Cadets making reservations whether or not the room is equipped with shades and if not provide shades. By order of Colonel WELTY: JOE E. DAVIS and hallways ly condition Captain, Infantry Assistant Commandant OFFICE OF COMMANDANT CIRCULAR NO. 42: The following changes in uniform regu lations have been recommended by the Uniform Committee and approved by the President: 1. Thdt the cotton overseas cap with officers braid be optional for seniors during the summer. 2. That the campaign hat be continued. 3. That only cotton uniform be autho rized as uniform wear during the sum mer months. 4. That the olive drab tie be authorized as regulation uniform, effective June 1, 1942, for seniors and juniors and and effective for others as soon as this tie is available for issue. 5. Effective June 1, 1942 cuffs on trous ers will not be regulation. 6. The Sam Browne belt will be retain ed for commissioned cadet officers during the emergency, but sabers will not be carried. 7. In order to make it possible to differ entiate members of the several class es, the following will be worn: signia of cadet officers Seniors—the insigi Juniors—Sergeant chevrons Sophomores—Corporal chevrons, or the chevrons of privates, first class. . In connection with the foregoing, at tention of all cadets is directed to the regulations regarding uniforms con tained in Section III. College Regula tions. These regulations will be strict ly enforced. 9. Cadets will wear the prescribed uni form at all times: No cadet will ap pear outside his quarters or attend any classes unless he is in proper uniform. Shirt collars will be buttoned, neck ties worn and neatly tied, sleeves not rolled, cuffs buttoned. Only autho rized head-gear will be worn. 10. Failure of any cadet to cary out any of the above regulations will be con sidered as wilful disobedience of or ders and punishments assessed ac cordingly. By order of Colonel WELTY: JOE E. DAVIS Captain, Infantry Assistant Commandant OFFICE OF COMMANDANT MEMORANDUM TO ALL CONCERNED: 1. All cadets who will be cadet officers and first sergeants for the semester beginning June 1, 1942, are directed to return to the College for a meeting in the Assembly Hall at 3:00 P.M., May 28, 1942. By order of Colonel WELTY: JOE E. DAVIS Captain, Infantry Assistant Commandant CIRCULAR NO. 38: All dormitories with the exception of MILNER HALL will be vacated by cadets not later than 4:00 P.M., May 16, 1942, at which time they will be closed and locked. Furniture other than College property must be removed from the dormitories and benovat- in order that the cleaning ing of halls will not be interfered with and any desks, trunks, clothing, chairs, or other articles not belonging to the College will be removed from the dormi tories after 4:00 P.M., May 16, 1942. Those students desiring to remain on the campus between semesters will re port to the COMMANDANT’S OFFICE for a room assignment in MILNER HALL not later than NOON, MAY 16. Those students now residing in MIL- We Shall Pay fheiimtadi With Compound | Interesilr.D.g We Need Every College Man In Officers’Training ★ To Man the Mightiest Air Army in the World ★ Make Your Choice This Week For Present or Future Officers’ Training IF your blood boils at the very thought of an enslaved world s j ; If Jap treachery and Nazi savagery make you see red and itch for a gun —calm yourself with the promise that we shall pay them back with com pound interest! We shall—and you as a college man now have the opportunity of serving as a Flying Officer—a Bom bardier, Navigator or Pilot—with that branch of service which will do that paying back in person—she U. S. Army Air Forces! Under the new Army Air Force Reserve Plan—if you are a Senior or wish to leave school—apply now for your Aviation Cadet training; You and your friends can share together the work and fun of flight training, and after approximately 8 months—earn the right to be flying officers in the U* S. Army Air Forces! On the other hand, if you are a Freshman, Sophomore or Junior— you can, if you like, continue your studies under the Deferred Service Plan of the Army Air Forces—and become better prepared for Officers’ Training later. New Simplified Requirements To qualify you must be 18 to 26 (inclusive), physically fit—and pass a new, simplified mental test which college men find easy; When you are ready—and facili ties are ready—you begin as an THREE ENLISTMENT PLANS FOR COLLEGE MEN Juniors—Sophomores—Freshmen May Continue Their Education 1. A new plan allows Juniors, Sophomores and Freshmen, aged 18 to 26, inclusive, to enlist in the Air Force Enlisted Reserve and continue their schooling, provided they maintain satisfactory scholas tic standing. All College Men May Enlist for Immediate Service 2. All college students may enlist as privates in the Army Air Forces (unassigned) and serve there un til their turns come for Aviation Cadet training. 3. All college students may enlist in the Air Force Enlisted Reserve and wait until ordered to report for Aviation Cadet training. Upon graduation or withdrawal from college, men will be assigned to active duty at a training center as facilities become available. If the necessity of war demands, the deferred status in the Army Reserve may be terminated at any time by the Secretary of War. The new Army Air Force Enlisted Re serve Plan is part of an over-all Army Enlisted Reserve Corps program shortly to be announced. This program will provide opportunities for college men to enlist in other branches of the Army on a deferred basis and to continue their education through graduation if a satisfactory standard of work is maintained. In case of necessity the Secretary of War shall determine when they may be called to active duty. It Is understood that men so enlisted will have the opportunity of competing for vacancies in officer’s candidate schools. This plan has been approved In the belief that continuance of education will develop capacities for leadership. (Re serve enlistment will not alter regulations regarding established R. O. T. C. plans.) Aviation Cadet at $75 a month, with expenses paid. If you have majored in science or engineering you can try for a commission in the ground crew—in Armament, Communications, Engi neering, Meteorology, Photography; As a Second Lieutenant on active duty, your pay ranges from $183 to $245 a month. 80% Have Won Commissions Due to thorough training—about four 'out of every five Aviation Cadets this past year received Second Lieu tenants’ commissions—of which 67% are now flying officers. The tremendous expansion of the Air Forces should assure rapid ad vancement in all branches. And after the war—you’ll be ready for the ever growing opportunities in aviation. Settle Your Service Now The years ahead are war years—and every college man should make his plans accordingly. To make America supreme in the air we need every college man who can qualify for active or deferred service; So take advantage now of this op tion. You may never again have such opportunities. See your Faculty Air Force Advisor for information and help with details. Join the thousands of America’s col lege men who are enlisting this week! NOTE: If you are under 21, you will need your parents’ or guardian’s consent. Birth certificates and three letters of recom mendation will be required of all applicants. Obtain the forms and send them home today. ^ % * 1 * * * • * v fl *■ . 1 » 1* t- * « > SEE YOUR FACULTY AIR FORCE ADVISOR FOR FULL INFORMATION (Or Apply to Your Local Recruiting and induction Station) U. S. ARMY RECRUITING AND INDUCTION STATION: Other Army Recruiting and Induction Stations are in the following cities: County Court House Bryan Texas LUBBOCK AMARILLO EL PASO DALLAS ABILENE FORT WORTH WACO HOUSTON SAN ANTONIO CORPUS CHRISTI THE SPECIAL EXAMINING BOARD WILL MSIF AGRICUL- Aviation Cadet Examining Boards are located in the following cities: TURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS MAY 13-14 DALLAS FORT WORTH SAN ANTONIO HOUSTON ★ ♦ ★