Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1942)
Page 4 Official Notices Announcements TO DEPARTMENT HEADS AND SU PERVISORS OF STUDENT LABOR— We have been advised that NYA funds will be available to a limited extent through June 30th. In order to take ad vantage of this fact, it is urgently re- fluested that each department to which NYA students are now assigned advise me immediately of the number of NYA stu dents now assigned that can be usefully employed for the period of June 1st to June 30th, inclusive. May we also remind those departments which have not yet returned assignment cards and estimates of departmental student labor needed for the coming term that time is short and your cooperation will be appreciated ? Wendell R. Horsley Chairman, Student Labor Committee LIBRARY BOOKS DUE—“All library books are due Saturday, May 9 by noon.” Don Andre Hennessee Assistant Circulation Librarian GRADUATING SENIORS—On Wednes day, May 13, there will be posted on a bulletin board in the Administration build ing a list of those Seniors who have com pleted all the requirements for a degree. It is urgent that you consult this bulle tin to determine your eligibility for grad uation.-—H. L. Heaton, Acting Registrar. BIOLOGY 102—Students in Biology 102, Taxonomy, Section 95, please call at Room 26 or 23 Science hall for mimeographed outline of “Units of Vegetation.”—J. J. Sperry. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES are held every Sunday at 11:00 a. m. in the Beat The Heat... with Edgerton Ventilateds ! . ..A \L4|' i 111 l. J:i. . J FOR MEN Caressing coolness filters gently through this moc casin type ventilated style, by Edgerton. Comfort able—yes! And two-tone blending gives it added smartness. T lTaldrop&(8 “Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan ] College S Y.M.C.A. All are cordially invited to at tend. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE STUDENTS— The picnic scheduled for Saturday after noon in Hensel Park has been cancelled. A supper will be served to the members of the class at the church Sunday at 5 o’clock. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, College Rev. R. L. Brown, Pastor Harvey Hatcher, Education & Music Direc. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship service 10:50 a. m. You are invited to attend this Mother’s Day service. Bernay Martin will sing, ac companied by Mrs. W. F. Munnerlyn, who will play the offertory. The high school girls and the choir will also sing. The pastor will preach. B. S. U. Council 1:30 p. m. Training Union 7:00 p. m. Evening worship service 8:00 p. m. The all-church picnic will be held Sat urday, May 9, at 5:00 p. m. Meet at the church. You are invited to attend these services. ST. THOMAS CHAPEL (Episcopal) Rev. Roscoe Hauser, Jr., Chaplain 8:30 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:30 a. m. Church school. Coffee club and discussion. 10:45 a. m. Holy Communion and ser mon. Monday, 3:00 p. m., the St. Thomas Guild meets at the Chapel. Monday, 7:15 p. m.. Vestry meets at the Rectory. Classified FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT—Two bedrooms, living-dining room, kitchen, screened porch and garage; nice yard; ex cellent for couple with child; available aft er May 16th. Phone 4-8354 or inquire of Mrs. Lambert Molyneaux, Highland St., West Park Addition, College Station. State Farm Insurance Companies offer low cost Auto, Life and Fire policies.— S. D. Snyder, Local Agent. Phone 2-2629. Box 1555, College Station. BICYCLE REPAIRS AND PARTS The Student Co-op Call 4-4114 CLEANING and BLOCKING $1.00 Bring your hat in when you leave for the holi days and it will be ready to use again JUNE 1st. or We Will Store It Until Next September Free! STANDARD HAT WORKS IN LOUPOT’S ij^ " 1 Trade “DON’T” Sell BOOKS FOR THE SUMMER SEMESTER Why Sell Your Books and Spend Your Cash? Trade Your Books and Save Your Cash! You will save money by trading books with Lou be fore you go home. If the book traded for is not what you need you can use its same value on another book that you can use. Be sure to do this before you leave this semester. COME IN TODAY AND BE SURE OF GETTING SECOND HAND BOOKS SAVE 33% TO 50% LOUPOT’S Trading Post J. E. Loupot Class ’32 ^ ^ LISTEN TO WTAW ==1150 KC== Saturday, May 9, 1942 11:25 a. m.—Egg Price Market Report and Agricultural Talk. 11:30 a. m.—Treasury Star Pa rade (U. S. Treasury De partment) . 11:45 a. m.—A Moment for Re flection (Bryan and College Station Pastors). 11:55 a. m.—The Town Crier. 12:00 Noon—Sign-Off. Sunday, May 10, 1942 8:30 a. m.—The Marvel of Vis ion (Better Vision Insti tute). 8:45 a. m.—Classical Music. 9:15 a. m.—Roans Chapel Sing ers. 9:30 a. m.—Sign-Off. Sheep and Goats On Texas Farms Are on Increase Sheep and goats continued to in crease in number on Texas farms and ranches during 1941, says W. R. Nisbet, animal husbandman of the A. & M. Extension Service. Several million lambs are produced yearly in the state. The expansion in sheep is being made at the expense of the cattle population in new areas, Nisbet ob serves, adding that “some of the heavily stocked ranges could carry fewer sheep and more cattle.” Sheep are pushing most rapidly west and north from the Edward plateau. Answers to parasite prob lems would permit more rapid ex pansion to the south and east where ranges seem superior for sheep. While many lambs are kept for replacement in the current expan sion, most of the wether lambs leave the state as feeders. Nisbet suggests an expansion in lamb feeding. County agricultural agents have promoted a substantial number of lamb feeding demonstrations, largely through 4-H Club program. Mohair production is next in im portance to wool and lambs. The 16 to 17 million pounds of mohair sheared at six month intervals rep resents 85 per cent of the nation’s production. “It is generally accepted that selling mohair on an ungraded basis penalizes the growers be cause weight often is obtained at the expense of quality,” Nisbet says. Accordingly, a grading program was inaugurated in the fall of 1939 through cooperation of the Exten sion Service with the Agricultural Marketing Service and the Texas Angora Goat Raisers Association. In 1941 the Extension Service em ployed Walter Garth, Jr., of San ford, Maine, during August and September to extend the program. Numerous grading demonstrations were given on ranches and some purebred flocks were culled on a quality basis. As a consequence, general support for marketing mo hair on its merits was more nearly obtained. About 600,000 pounds of hair was graded during the spring and fall seasons of 1941, compared with a volume of 336,000 and 500,- 000 respectively, in 1940. The 1941 graded hair sold for a low of 38 cents for No. 4 grown to 85 cent* for No. 1 kid. The University of Kentucky has the fourth largest graduate school east of the Mississippi river and south of the Ohio river. Classified BOOTS, size 9%, bombay ice cream breeches, 29 waist, and accessories for sale. These have been worn very little and are in excellent condition. See Toppy Pearce in 201 Hall II, or phone 4-4534. LOST—Will the Aggie who picked up a black bag in Ennis April 11 please re turn to Howard McNail, 221 No. 11. Re ward. FOR RENT—Furnished house for sum mer or longer. 3 bedrooms. Reasonable rate. 708 East 30th St., Bryan. Between High School and Junior High. Phone 2-6684. WANTED—3 rooms for May 14 and 15, either in College Station or Bryan. Pat Towery, Box 2402, College Station. LOST—Slide rule No. 739226. Please re turn to Richard L. Saunders, 1-2, Walton Hall. Reward. FOR SALE—1 pair Senior Boots, size 9%; 2 pair boot pants; spurs and hooks. See Brakebill, Room 301, No. 10. WANTED—Ride for two to Kansas City, Mo., or vicinity after Final Review, May 16. See J. B. Stewart, 1-8 Hart, or phone 4-8344. LOST—Log-Log Decitrig Duplex Slide Rule. Name printed in black ink on case. Return to Arthur LeBlanc, Room 315 No. 8. Reward. WANTED TO BUY Set of Bngineer- ing Drawing Instruments. Must be in A-l condition. Pat Towery, 87 Leggett. THE BATTALION Trig and Physics Desirable for Air Corps Bombardier Mathematics through trigonom etry and physics are desirable for the applicant who wishes to be come a bombardier in the U. S. Air Force. The bombardier, as the name im plies, is in charge of bombing op erations. Schools are located at Midland, Texas; Albuquerque, N. M.; Victorville, Calif.; Higby- Chandler, Ariz; Roswell, N. M.; Hobbs, N. M.; Carlsbad, N. M., and Kingham, Ariz. No evidence of formal schooling is required and applicants for bombardier instruction spend nine weeks in fundamental study, 12 weeks at a bombardier school and five weeks in gunnery practice. Following this 26 weeks of school ing he becomes a second lieutenant in the U. S. Army Air Force and draws $245 a month unless he lives on an army post where no rental allowance is made. During the training period he makes $75 a month, $1.00 a day subsistence, clothing, quarters, and a $10,000 government life insurance policy. Applicants who wish to enlist in the U. S. Air Force may do so when the examining board comes to A. & M. May 13 and 14. He must'bring three letters of recom mendation and a birth certificate or a reasonable proof of age. —CLOSE FIGHT— (Continued From Page 3) Watkins may break the existing record in the high jump. Pete will also e^ter the broad jump—a new event for him—in addition to the javelin and high hurdles. • Rice’s hopes have been dimmed somewhat by Bill Christopher’s pulling a muscle. It is still doubt ful whether he will be able to enter the meet this afternoon or not. Christopher was a cinch for first in the broad jump, a place in the high jump, and was also a re lay man. However, Rice still has Harold Hall in the dashes and Bill Black burn and Jim Deal in the weights. All are favored in their events. Aggie dashmen Ken Stallings and Derace Moser may give Hall trouble, though, and Felix Bucek will furnish plenty of competition in the discus. When A. & M. de feated Rice in a dual meet sev eral weeks ago, Felix tossed the platter 141 feet for first place over Deal. Texas is depending on Hafernick and Umstaddt for the majority of their points. Hafernick is the defending champion in the mile. —OFFICERS— (Continued from page 1) to ranke of Lieutenant Colonel commanding the Cavalry Regi ment. Battalion Staffs Named Battalion staffs were announced as follows: Infantry regiment, First Battalion, R. L. Hanby, maj or; J. M. Williams, captain; and E. M. Hale and C. G. Genderson, first lieutenants. Second Battalion: J. K. Kimbro, major and T. H. Collins, captain; Third Battalion: H .M. Herron, major and E. B. Meyer, captain. Field Artillery battalion staffs are J. W. Hance, major, first bat talion; P. Alford, major, Second Battalion and J. C. Weaver, maj or, Third Battalion. Coast Artillery battalion staffs are: First Bat talion headquarters, J. T. Cox, major; Second Battalion, D. A. Treadwell, major and A. A. Lenert, captain. In the Engineer regiment the an nounced battalion staffs are: First Battalion, T. J. Bolling, major and C. Agee, captain; Second Battalion, Jack Hampton, major and L. L. Marshall, captain. Cadet oficers on the Signal Corps Battalion staff are: John Wilkinson, battalion commander; H. B. Hagen, captain; J. W. Yartz, Carlton Brush and A. K. Hassin- ger, first lieutenants. The Chemi cal Warfare staff members are J. H. Barrett, major; A. H. Lynch, captain and A. G. Smith, W. L. Franklin and F. G. Rand, first lieutenants. Those on the Ordnance Battalion staff are Byron Pyeatt, major and John A. Roming, cap tain. Squadron Comanders of the first and second Cavalry Squadrons were announced as M. D. Adams and J. H. Irving respectively. Both will hold the rank of Major. Major of the corps band is W. F. Bucy. Trade With Lou HE’S RIGHT WITH YOU —BIT AND SPUR— (Continued from page 1) ing to participants, the judges bidding contestants to “change your leads,” and the “horsey” ex pletives of riders coaxing their mounts into gaits. Sidelights on'the horse show . . . Little Jean Philips of San Antonio carrying off the majority of the ribbons . . . That there is a “five- gaitedi’ seat and an “army” seat. The absence of Kay Abernathy who was supposed to present the Defense Stamp prizes . . . Mr. Temple Stephens of Moberly, Mo., being asked about his famous mare, Easter Serenade, who was trained by Mr. Stephens (the only amateur to win the grand champ ionship in American Royal, the largest saddle horse show in Amer ica . . . The men entrees in the Hunter class in their red coats and boots, “tallying” over the jumps . . . Jane Manuel’s colorful riding habit . . . Rex tossing his rider at the jump ... A judge’s remark: “This is the most diffi cult show I have judged in a long time.” . . . Which must have been true for the time they took to reach a decision . . . Beautiful beasts to remember . . . Suntan . . . Bohemian Beau . . . Dark Girl . . . Anacacho Meteor. —GRADUATION— (Continued from page 1) Dr. T. O. Walton, president of the college, will confer the de grees which will be presented by Dr. F. M. Law, of Houston, presi dent of the Board of Directors. In event of rain the ceremonies will be moved to Guion Hall. That same evening Dr. and Mrs. Walton will b© at home informal ly to the graduating class and their guests, former students of the college and their families, and members of the faculty and their families. The final ball of the year will climax the day’s activities. In Guion Hall on Saturday morning, May 16, at 8:30 o’clock, those 565 members of the gradu ating class who have completed, their four-year course in military science and tactics, will receive their commissions from Brig. Gen. Andrew D. Bruce, U.S.A., com manding Tank Destroyer Center, Camp Hood, Texas. General Bruce is a member of the Class of 1916. After the commissions have been presented, the seniors will return to their organization and will lead them in the final review and then will turn over their com mands to the juniors who will lead the cadets past the retiring sen iors who will be on the reviewing stand. As each organization passes in review the seniors from that company, troop or battery will step forward and take the final salute from their schoolmates and when the last man has passed the school year will have ended. Courses in first aid for all stu dents have become part of the Muhlenberg college program. RADIO REPAIRS AND PARTS The Student Co-op Call 4-4114 •SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 9, 1942 First Baptist Holds Picnic at Hensel Park Saturday Afternoon The annual all-church picnic of the First Baptist Church, College Station, will be held Saturday aft ernoon at Hensel Park beginning at 5 o’clock. All students who are Baptists or of Baptist preference are invited to attend this picnic. Games of many kinds will be par ticipated in from 5:00 till 7:00, at which time the picnic supper will be served by the adult members of the church. Baseball, badminton, horseshoes, washers, rope jumping, dart ball, and a number of races, relays and contests are being planned by Charles Barnes and the games committee. This picnic is a part of the church’s observance of Chris tian Home Week, May 3-10. AN AGGIE TRADITION LOUPOT’S m ...AND TAKE YOUR TRAIN CAREFREE! ■ Don’t start your vacation cluttered up with luggage prob lems when a phone call to Railway Express relieves you of all such troublesome details. We’ll call for your trunks and bags, speed them to your home, and save you time and expense. The low rates include insurance, and double receipts, to say nothing of pick-up and delivery at no extra charge within our regular vehicle limits in all cities and principal towns. You can send "collect”, too, when you use Railway Express. Just phone for information or service. At last, here’s a double duty shirt that serves you equally well as a sports shirt or as a regular shirt. The trick is in the low-band, long-pointed convert- . i/ .. ir, , ihle Arrow Collar. The Doubler Shirt has two button- thru pockets and a French seam front. The fabric is oxford or twill flannel . . . both durable and San- forized-Shrunk (shrinkage less than 1%). You’ll have practically two comfortable and smart shuts for the price of one. In white and solid colors. Buy this utilitarian value today! Marines — Sailors — Aggies — COME IN — Jones Barber Shop Bryan, 114 S. Main College The Exchange Store “An Aggie Institution” Corps Dance Tonite Featuring RHYTHMS BY RAEBURN AGGIES: Don’t miss the Dance of the year! Come and dance to Boyd Raeburn. 9 ’til 12 Scrip $1.10 SBISA HALL