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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 30, 1942)
Page 8- THE BATTALION -THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 30, 1942 Official Notices Meetings EX 4-H CLUB—--There will be a meeting of the Ex 4-H Club tonight at 7:15 in Room 132 of the A. & I. building. Next year’s officers will be elected. NEWCOMERS’ CLUB—The Newcomers’ club will have a picnic at Hensel Park Saturday, May 2, at 5:00. In case of pre it_ will be held at ScKool. lay 2, at i> :UU. In case rain enough to prevent an outdoor picnic, A. & M. Consolidated AGRONOMY SOCIETY—There will be a short but very important meeting of the Agronomy Society tonight at 7 :15, in Room 310, Ag. building. SAILING CLUB There will be a spe- ight picture of sailing i Caribbean will be shown, and plans for next year’s sailing trips will be discussed. All old members are urged to attend and new members are invited. MECH. ENG.—There will be a meeting of the American Society of Mechanical En- of the American Society of Mech gineers Thursday night at 7:00 the Chemictry lecture room. Co lard Chevalier, executive of the McGraw- Hill Publishing Company will be and will speak. All engineers who are in terested are invited to attend. Alsc for the barbecue will be discussed. p. m. in Colonel Wil- [cGraw- present 10 are i Iso, pla RURAL SOCIOLOGY CLUB—The Ru ral Sociology club will meet tonight at 8:00 o’clock in Room 203, Agricultural building. There will be an election of of ficers for the coming semester. Arrange ments will be made for the annual barbe cue. This is an important meeting. pended from 1 to 4 p.m. today to permit a review.—F. C. Bolton, Dean. Announcements ,y 1—Page; Sbisa Hall. ant and Ball—Guion Hall Ma: and S^iocv jia-,i. May 1—Baseball Game—T.C.U. vs. A. & M.—College Station. May 2—Kream & Kow Klub Dairy Day —Creamery building—8 a. m. May 2—Baseball Game—T.C.U. vs. A. & M.—College Station. ENGINEERING STUDENTS—All engi- from clas May 1 to hear the lecture by Colonel Willard Chevalier in Guion Hall. A roll will be taken.—F. C. Bolton, Dean. en neering students are excused from classe at 11 o’clock Friday, May 1 to hear th JUNIOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS A limited number of junior engineering students are offered summer employment with the Curtiss-Wright Corporation. Sal ary, $25 per week plus overtime. Interested juniors should contact the Placement Of fice, Association of Former Students, Room 133, Administration building. ENGLISH CONTEST EXAMINATIONS —Students who have qualified for the glish Contest for Freshmen F. M. Lgw English Coi and the William Morriss English Contest for Sophomor inati animations will be held m the Library classroom at 8 p.m. on Thursday, April i. Examinees may use either ink or soft >ncil (No. 2, HB, or F). iThe following are eligible for the Soph omore Contest: W. F. Banks, G. J. Charle- bois, S. R. Gammon, Jr., H. S. Jacobson, G. R. Rawley, Helmut Sommer, and Geo. H. Spencer. The following, are eligible for the Fresh- an Contest: William H. Andrew, W. L. Baker, Richard L. Bolen, A. W. Camp bell, J. W. Holloway, F. I. Jones, H. L. KREAM AND KOW KLUB—The Kream and Kow Klub will hold its annual picnic Thursday, April 30 at Cashion Cabin. The time is 5 p.m. All club members, faculty members, and their wives are invited. LANDSCAPE ART CLUB—There will be a meeting of all students majoring in Landscape Art tonight at 7:30 in the Drafting room of Francis hall. There will be an election of officers for the next school year. All members are urged to be present. Executive Offices NO CLASSES 1-4—Classes will be sus- SKFET WAV TAXI PHONE 2-1400 Regulation KHAKI TIES We have a complete stock of 4-in-hand or Sta-Ties 50^ - 65^ - $1.00 r Only to look and feel like this • • • ~T A » L O tt E D B v G-Q. Q-P — 1 = ^ FRO M THE Gif N U IN fe CLOT K For The COTTON BALL Wear a PALM BEACH White Barathea . . . for looks, style and comfort. Come in, try one on . . . wear it for the Cotton Ball and all summer long. You’ll be assured of be ing well-dressed in a PALM BEACH White. fllaldropaff Two Convenient Stores College Station — Bryan ilipson, J Entrants olloway, Philipson, R. Shanks, William W. Ward. whose names are omitted failed to meet one or more of the conditions of eligibility. Geo. Summey, Jr. CIRCULAR NO. 35: 1. In compliance with the request of the committee in charge of the COTTON BALL, approved by the organization commanders concerned, DORMITORY NO. 6 will be vacated by cadets FRI DAY and SATURDAY nights, MAY 1 and 2, 1942, in order to provide ac commodations for visiting girls at tending the COTTON BALL and CORPS DANCE on those nights. 2. Cadets having guests will be assessed a charge of 50(‘ per guest to cover cost of matrons, maid service, and other in cidental expenses. 3. The Organization Commanders are charged with the responsibility for see ing that rooms and corridors are left in a neat, orderly condition for the reception of guests. 4. Cadets concerned will vacate this area by 1:00 P. M., MAY 1 ; guests will be admitted at 3 :00 P. M. Cadets will be readmitted to the hall at 12:00 noon, MAY 3, by which time guests must be out of the dormitory. , 5. Guests staying in the dormitory must be in not later than 3 :00 A.M., FRI DAY and SATURDAY nights. Guests must check in with the matron upon their return to the dormitory after the dance. When reservations have been made for guests they will not be per mitted to check out until departure for their homes. This will be done with the matron. Escorts will be held strictly accountable for compliance with these instructions. Guests will not be rooms that are permitted not equii to occu equipped w ipy ith shades. Cadets making reservations eck wii dscerta equippi not, provide shades. aons should check with the occupants of the room to Ascertain whether or not the i .-f tie occi scertain whethe: quipped with shades and if not, provide shadt 7. Reservations may be made by cadets living in DORMITORY NO. 6, WED NESDAY, APRIL 29, from 8:00 A. M. qntil 5:00 P. M., who wish to reserve their own rooms. After 5:00 P. M. on that date, reservations will be open to other students. 8. D, F, & I BATTERIES, FIELD AR TILLERY, will be excused from Reveille SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1942. By order of the COMMANDANT: JOE E. DAVIS, Captain, Infantry, D.W., Assistant Com mandant. HEADQUARTERS RESERVE OFFICERS TRAINING CORPS MEMORANDUM NO. 8 1. The FEDERAL INSPECTION of the R. O. T. C. UNIT on April 29 and 30, 1942, will be conducted by the following officers: Colonel E. A. Keyes, Cav., Civilian Com ponents Officer. Colonel Charles L. Mitchell, Inf. Colonel William J. Calvert, Q.M.C. Colonel John Perkins, C.A.C. Lieutenant Colonel Osgood C. McIntyre, F. A. Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin F. Chad wick, C. E. Lieutenant Colonel Richard A. Eads, C. W. S. Major James B. Wise, Jr., Cav. Captain Grady T. Turner, Sig. C. Second Lieutenant Daniel C. Cutter, Ord. Dept. 2. The .program for inspection and the entertainment of Inspecting Officers will be as follows: Wednesday, April 29 7:15 a.m., Breakfast, Sbisa Hall for Inspection Party. 8:00 a.m., All Senior Instructors to meet Inspecting Officers in office of P.M.S.&T. 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon, Inspection as per schedule. 12:00 noon, Luncheon, New Area Mess Hall. Senior Cadet Officer of each unit will invite during the morning the Inspec tor for that unit to the luncheon and will arrange the place and time of meeting Inspector. Colonel Keyes will be guest of Cadet Colonel TOM GILLIS. 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m., Inspection as per schedule. 3 :00 p.m., Inspecting Party will assem ble in office of P.M.S.&T. for call on President of the College. 7:00 p.m., Dinner for Inspecting Party. 7 :15 a.m., Party, Sbisa Hall. , Dinner tor inspect Thursday, April 30 ., Breakfast for Inspecting 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon, Inspection as per schedule. 12»:00 noon. Luncheon with College Of ficials, Sbisa Hall. Each Senior Instructor to escort respective Inspector so as to ar rive at the place for the Corps Review at 1:20 p.m. ie cadet will so prepare his clothing, equip ment, person, and quarters, and timself as 3. The Commandant expects that each lis clothing, equip- quarters, and so con- as to reflect great credit upon Cadets. Ca- •d to wear their sleeves rolled down, shirts properly buttoned, and ties properly tied at all times when the uniform is. being worn. 4. The following will govern the wearing of the uniform from REVEILLE, April 29, to RETREAT, April 30: (a) Cotton shirt, cotton trousers, (or boots and breeches), service hat, for all drills or exercises (except when coveralls cribi are prescribed by Senior Instructors) (b) No. 1 uniform for review. (c) For all laboratory classes regula tion fatigue clothing with service hat. 5. Non-military students not specifically exempted from wearing of the uniform will comply with the provisions of Para graph 4 (a) and (c), above. 6. Organization Commanders will be held iar ag: By order of' Colonel WELTY: •ganization Uommanders wi responsible for compliance with the spe cial provisions of Paragraphs 3 and 4. A. J. BENNETT, Major, C.A.C., Executive Classified State Farm Insurance Companies offer low cost Auto, Life and Fire policies.— S. D. Snyder, Local Agent. Phone 2-2629. Box 1555, College Station. LOST—1 key chain with 4 keys. Lost between old mess hall and Bizzell Hall. Very important. Please return to Walling ford/ 154 Bizzell Hall. —CONTEST— (Continued Prom Page 1) William Morriss English Contest for Sophomores are: W. F. Banks, G. J. Charlebois, S. R. Gammon Jr., H. S. Jacobson, G. R. Rawley, Helmut Sommer and George H. Spencer. Prizes in the freshman contest consist of first prize of $20 in cash and second prize of $5 cash, and are donated by F. W. Law, presi dent of the Board of Directors of the college. Sophomore contest prizes are contributed by William Morriss of Dallas and consist of $15 in cash as first prize and $10 cash for second place. —KYLE FIELD— (Continued from page 7) spring has disappeared . . . Bibb Faulk, the genial Steer coach, has finally uncovered an adequate pitching staff . . . Bill Dumke, the Longhorn “sore-arm” hurler has finally hit his stride and has ma terialized as the college hurler he was expected to be in his sopho more year . . . Bibb’s first choice is Dumke and for his second, he has uncovered a sensation in square-jawed Bob Strelsky . . . the latter was picked off the in tramural lots and so far has de livered every time out ... he hasn’t the stuff which makes Dum ke a fine prospect but he has a competitive spirit and good control, . . . That was from the Steers News Service. With 13 stations scattered throughout the state carrying the program, the University of Wis consin band is in its fifth year of broadcasting concert music. Classified PERSONAL—Two months but ago person borrowed a tux from 89 Leggett and left a note that the tux would bi turned. The note was signed “Jack” as yet he has not returned. Should you happen to know who this person is please ask him to return the suit. No questions will be asked. asl lege Park. Unfurnis ig<> a pa ilied. PI hone 4-5434. FOR RENT—Furnished apartment in Meadowbrook, between College and Bryan. Phone 2-2319. LOST—A small brown bag at the cor ner in Houston. If found please return to Room 407 No. 2. Reward. FOR SALE 1 —Excellent awning, 8 feet long. Five dollars. Call Mrs. Torrance. 4-8274. FOR RENT—5-room new house, fur nished. All modern. 521 Walton Drive, College Hills. Phone 4-7699. HOUSE FOR RENT—5-room unfur nished house across from Grant’s Filling Station. Phone Louis Mais and ask for Frank Visoski. BICYCLE WANTED—Woman’s bicycle in good condition. Call 4-7719. Texas Has Large Vitamin A Source Texas range forages even when dead • or dormant were found to contain considerable amounts of carotene, according to a paper pre sented by Dr. A. R. Kemmerer of the Agricultural Experiment Sta tion at t|ie Memphis meeting of the American Chemist Society, April 22. Dr. J. F. Fudge and Dr. G. S. Fraps were joint authors of the paper with Dr. Kemmerer. Carotene is the substance in plants that is converted into vita min A when it is fed to animals. Most of the dead or dormant for ages contain not less than 4.0 parts per million carotene. This amount of carotene is en ough to satisfy the vitamin A re quirements of range cattle; which, according to work done at the same Experiment Station, is 1500 micrograms ’ of carotene per 100 pounds of live weight. Sumac and kafir silage also contained appre ciable amounts of carotene; en ough if the silage is fed in quan tity, to meet the maintenance re quirements of cattle. The dried forages do not supply enough carotene for milk produc tion by dairy cows. Dairy cows need nearly a million micrograms of carotene daily to produce butter fat high in vitamin A. This can be obtained from almost all of the green forages analyzed. For a source of vitamin A green forages are the least expensive and most abundant, the scientists found. —DISTRACTIONS- (Continued Prom Pag# I) “TARGET FOR TONIGHT,” the film made by the British Royal Air Force about itself, plays today at Guion Hall. There will be no show at Guion Friday because of the Cotton Pageant festivities. “Target for Tonight” is a true- to-fact dramatization of an air raid on German oil fields. Its “ac tors” are boys and officers from the R.A.F. Thfe details of the bombing raid, are shown from the time the reconnaissance planes re port with aerial photographs to the ■ time the bombers accomplish their mission and return to Eng land. Throughout the picture, there is no evidence of ‘heroics,” and play ers and scenes are all shown as they actually are—a definite nov elty for movie-goers. Eastern Oregon college students have formed their own air raid protection unit and first aid corps. McQuillan Addresses Chemical Engineers The student chapter of the A. I. Ch. E. held its annual banquet last Thursday evening at 6:30 in the banquet room of Sbisa hall. The guest speaker for the evening was E. E. McQuillen who present ed .an interesting view of the work of the Former Students Associa tion. Other guests of honor included Mrs. McQuillen, Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Lindsey, Dr. W. D. Harris, F. F. Bishop, and Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hewson. Officers inducted for the coming year include Jasper Barrett as president, George Wunderlich as vice-president, and Bill Brandon as secretary-treasurer. Jack Hagan was selected to serve as the junior representative on the Student En gineers Council. The retiring officers were W. G. Domaschk, president, Jasper Bar rett as vice-president, and W. C. Swain as secretary-treasurer. A H Sophomores Stage ’42 Contest Again animal husbandry sopho mores will compete against each other in the annual sophomore livestock judging contest to be held Saturday morning, May 2 in the A. H. Pavilion. The contest will start at 9 a.m. judging will be done in the morn ing and reasons will be given that afternoon. There will be eight classes of livestock judged, two of beef catle, two of swine, two of sheep, and two of horses, but rea sons will be given only on one class from each division of stock. Senior members of the Saddle and Sirloin Club, assisted by tS| juniors will have charge of the con test, while the animal husbantA y professors will take reasons on the various, classes Section leaders will be J. R. “Shorty” Fuller, as sisted by W. M. Parker, F. R. Andrewald assisted by E. W. Cox, Bill McBride, assisted by Clarence Wade, and F. T. Dalby, assisted by Jake Fritsch. Other members of the club will assist with the re cording of grades, keeping time, and taking uf? of the cards. Medals this year, as years past, will be given to the five high point men. A good turn out of contestant^ is expected. Naval Air Corps Requirements Lowered to Admit High School Grads For the first time in the history of the Navy air branch, educational requirements for applicants tior cadetship and commissions as aviators have been lowered to allow the en listment of high school graduates and 18-year-olds, it was announced Saturday by Lieutenant Commander Barry Hol ton, senior member of the naval aviation cadet selection board. ^ “Heretofore,” Commander Holton said, “Navy aviation requirements have been such as tcf 7 Four hundred sixty-five co-eds ( at the University of Wisconsin are learning standard Red Cross fjrst aid methods in a special course. demand two years of college edu cation from the applicant. The lowering of the requirements is directly caused by the rapid expan sion of the fleet air arm and the speeded-up war program.” Age limits on applicants for naval aviation training have been lowered to include youths 18 years of age, Holton revealed. The previous requirement was 19 years. Commander Holton, quoting the announcement from superior of ficers in Washington, said: “The age limit for applicants for naval training is now 18 and they may be graduates of accredited second ary institutions and high schools who are desirable officer material and physically qualified and who demonstrate aptitude for flight training by passing’ an aptitude test.” Holton pointed out that appli cants under the new age limit and educational requirement must furnish a transcript of their high school credits, three letters of rec ommendation and birth certifi cates amj passport type photos of themselves. If they are under 21 years of age, they are required to have the written consent of their pa rents or guardians. All applications for Texas and Oklahoma for navy flying under the new plan will be made as usual through the Naval Aviation Cadet Selection Board in the Allen Build ing, Dallas, Young men may ap ply at their nearest recruiting sta tion and may be allowed govern ment transportation to Dallas. Sucessful applicants will be commissioned Ensigns in the fleet air arm upon successful comple- ASCE Concludes Season with Banquet The A. & M. Student Chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers concluded its year’s ac tivities Tuesday night with the an nual banquet, which was held in the banquet room of Sbisa Hall. Colonel Willard Chevalier of the McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. was the principal speaker. tion of both primary and advanced training. Primary training is giv en at the Grand Prairie, Texas air base while advanced training is given at Pensacola, Jackson ville or Corpus Christi. Salary for navy pilot Ensigns is $245 per month including flight pay. Secretary Knox Appeals to Colleges New Orleans, La., April 29.— Emphasizing the importance of en listing 80,000 college freshmen and sophomores to meet the Navy’s future officer needs, Sec retary of the Navy, Frank Knox, has telegraphed the heads of 1,000 colleges and universities urging that they give the newly announc ed Class V-l their whole-hearted support. Secretary Knox said that through Class V-l, the U. S. Navy is counting upon the nation’s col lege freshman and sophomore classes to provide future officers for the U. S. Navy. He stated that Class V-l which enables those who enlist in the Navy to continue their education at least until the end of their sec ond year, is “democracy’s intelli gent and practical way of meeting America’s urgent need for thou sands of young college-trained of ficers without breaking down our educational standards or forget ting future needs for trained men for civilian life after the war is won. ’ . Approximately 400 colleges and universities already, have agreed to participate in the V-l program which offers the colleges the spe cial plan by which under-classmen between the ages of 17 and 20 may enlist as apprentice seamen but can at the same time stay in col lege. 6 Pairs of SENIOR BOOTS $17.50 - $20.00 LOUPOT’S For more Flavor For more Mildness The smoke of slower-burning: Camels contains 28% LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other largest-selling brands tested—* less than any of them—accord ing to independent scientific tests of the smoke itself! Camel THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TORACCOS B. J. Beynolds Tobacco Company, Winston- Salem, N. C.