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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1942)
Page 4 THE BATTALION -TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 7, 1942 Official Notices Announcements Tuesday A.M. D. A. R.—Army Ladies. Tuesday P.M. Army Ladies—Episcopal Ladies. Wednesday A.M. Extension Service Ladies. Wednesday P.M. Church of Christ — Baptist Ladies. Thursday A.M. Volunteers. Thursday P. M. Project House Ladies— Lutheran Ladies. Friday A.M. Experiment Station Ladies. Friday P. M. Volunteers. AERO DIGEST SUBSCRIBERS — All persons who have subscribed to the Aero Digest magazine and have not yet receiv ed a copy, please see Mr. Barlow in the Aeronautical Engineering Office. lean Bankers Assoc loan scholarship of a student of one id to some field of formation concerning the terms of the loan and blank forms of application may be secured from the undersigned. T. D. BROOKS Dean, School of Arts and Sciences. MENU ASSISTANTS — The following students will report to Mr. J. C. Hotard Friday, April 10, for the pur- at 2 p. pose of as menus for the week following: Johnson, assisting with the arra: nging Johnss From South of the Border Stitched trimming and two-tones of tan make this distinctively differenf “South of the Border” Edgerton style a winner! It looks really smart, doesn’t it? Most Styles $5.95 to $8.50 FOR MIN — Tht SENECA fl7aldropfl(8 “Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan Joseph C.: Schuchart, O. W.; Howard, J. R. H. “ .; s N.; Skalnik, Brooks, La Ve Key, D. W. Willia C. R. ; McLarn, ooks, La Vere; Hess, Jake; Landrui H. B.; Key, Dwight C.; Huser, Joe E.- Jr.; Landrum, OFFICE OF COMMANDANT—Dogs that are not wearing a rabies tag and a city tax are now being picked up by the cam pus police. Meetings THERE WILL BE an importai g of all auxiliary and regular r ednesday night at 8 o’clock irtant meet- ilar firemen iy night at 8 o’clock in the Chemistry Lecture room. It is very urgent that both auxiliary and regular membe be present. auxiliary Frank Brown, Chief. BETTER BUYMANSHIP—The Better Buymanship group of the College Wom en’s Social club will meet a t3 o’clock, April 8, at the home of Mrs. J. N. Thomp son, 214 Foster, College Hills. The topic, “Use and Care of Home Equipment” will be discussed by Mrs. Thompson. SPANISH CLUB—The Spanish Club will meet Wednesday at 8 o’clock in Room .122 of the Academic building. It is essen tial that all members be present. Literary icial club LITERARY GROUP — The group of the College Women’s Social will meet with Mrs. Weldon Brewster, 106 Aberdeen in College Park, Friday at 3 “Man and Su; ege Park, r nday o’clock. Mrs. G. E. Potter will review “Man Ruben clair. er perman” by Shaw and Mrs. view “World’s End” by Sin- Classified WANTED to contact several cadets IF HIGHER CLEANING AND PRESSING PRICES COME . . You have no one to blame but yourselves. Vote our agents, IN LAUTERSTEIN ENJOY THOSE WEEK-ENDS AHEAD NAVY We Invite You To Come Out We Specialize in Mexican Foods FRANKLIN’S On Airport Road j “You jaste the quality of the rea] thing” l Ice-cold Coca-Cola is re freshing ... refreshing as only Coca-Cola can be. In its frosty bottle dwells the quality of genuine good ness. And taste... a taste delicious, exciting. Thirst asks nothing more. You trust its quality BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY BRYAN COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Honky Tonk Clark Gable who has made love to most of Hollywood’s loveliest ladies, now woos Lana Turner in “Honky Tonk,” the sizzling ro mance now appearing at Guion Hall. This picture is being brought back by popular request as it is one of the best pictures of the year. Architect Sophs Complete Building Of Scaled “Help Yourself” Laundry Completion of a unique project in prefabricated demountable build ing construction has been accomp lished by the sophomore Architec ture class at A. & M. The project was a “help yourself” laundry unit for use in connection with prefab ricated housing projects such as are now being erected at Orange and other cities in Texas. “Help yourself” laundries are a rather new advance and are be ing seen in ever increasing num bers. In such a laundry housewives may take their clothes to the es tablishment and rent washing ma chines, doing the work themselves. Facilities are complete down to ironing boards, and the whole laundering operation may be per formed at the laundry. In this way housewives who do not own wash ing machines or other means are enabled to do their washing with out paying the cost of commercial laundering. Work on this unit has been in progress since the start of the present semester. The class was organized into the departments of design, engineering and construc tion, and approached the problem from the viewpoint of a commer cial architecture firm. Execution of the project was done by the class with no professorial help, but was carried out under the supervising eyes of the professor of sophomore architecture, who acted in an advisory capacity. —KYLE FIELD— (Continued from Page 3) the ’28 Olympics held at Amster dam, Holland . . . Nute Trotter, promising end from the freshman team has left school . . . Trotter was counted to furnish plenty of action for Coach Homer Norton’s ’42 eleven. -SW CONFERENCE- (Continued from Page 3) Southern Methodist at Dallas. Thursday—Baylor vs. Rice at Houston. Friday—Baylor vs. Rice at Houston, Texas vs. Southern Meth- o<dist at Dallas. Saturday—Texas A. & M. vs. Baylor at College Station, Texas vs. Southern Methodist at Dallas. —RICE-A&M GRID— (Continued from Page 3) Nov. 7*—S.M.U. at Dallas. Nov. 14*—Rice at Houston. Nov. 26*—Texas at Austin. Dec. 5—Washington State Col lege at San Antonio. * Southwest Conference games. needing a little financial help. Only work ing boys up with studies and willing to abide by all faculty rules need apply. Ad dress, Loyal Aggie, Box 4783, College Station. FOR RENT—Small nicely furnished apartment with garage for a couple. Bryan, 1108 West 27th Street. MODERN ROOM for week-end guests. te. 334 Foster we Two blocks from East Gai Avenue. Phone 4-4199. WANTED—A ride to New York City or vicinity, leaving May 16, returning by June 1st. See Walker, H. C., Room 110 No. II. FOUND—In the Machine Shop base ment, a high school ring. Will be returned to owner upon identification.—Mechanical Engineering Office. FURNISHED HOUSE—Modern; living dining room, kitchen, bath, and two bed rooms; screened porch; garage; rose and vegetable gardens; excellent for couple with small child or infant; reasonable rent. See Mrs. Lambert Molyneaux, High land St., West Park Addition, College Sta tion, or ’phone 4-8364. Panel construction was used in the erection of the project. In this type all walls, ceilings and par titions are built in sections, and thus may be put up much quicker than the regular type of construc tion. Another advantage of this kind of building is that it may be knocked down and transported to another location for erection there. Another feature of the laundry project is the use of actual scale materials throughout. Construc tion was made to % scale, and every part of the unit conforms to the scale. The materials are alsO( of the exact type which would be used in building a full-sized laun dry. As a result the project is as near like the real thing as it can be made. —DISTRACTIONS- (Contmu«d from Pag* I) the trenches. Billy Conn, the gentleman so handy with the .boxing gloves is the outstanding name in the story by Octavus Roy Cohen, “THE PITTSBURGH KID.” It is the other half of the double feature attraction at the Campus today and tomorrow. This is the story of a fighter who is torn between two loves, one a glamour girl, and the other, the daughter of his late manager. Eventually he makes the right choice. Conn is acceptable in his first attempt on the screen, and the supporting cast is able to carry the story to a fairly successful conclusion. State Health Department Asks People To Cooperate in Controlling Typhus —ACTIVITIES— (Continued From Page 1) Two thousand of these dined in Sbisa Hall while 1461 ate at Dun can Hall. Sunday afternoon the Ross Vol unteers climaxed their annual fes tivities with an exhibition and com petitive drill on the parade, ground at 3:30 o’clock. This week-end also marks the first time in the history of the college that R. V.’s have been held during a regular school week-end. The Concert Band played its second concert in two days Sun day afternoon at 4:30 in Guion Hall. Guest artist on the program was Cynthia Lancaster, harpist. Sunday night parents went home to all parts of the nation, perhaps a little footsore and weary, but with fond memories of a big week end spent with their sons at Ag- gieland. —BAKERS— (Continued From Page 1) levers below the hungry mouths of the ovens control the starting and stopping of the brutes. By the time it would take to whip out your pipe and settle down into an easy chair,' the bread is done and ready to be cooled and sliced. The bread sheer (and it’s no slouch for brains) slices and wraps 1200 loaves an hour. Well, there’s revielle. The bread must be toasted for breakfast so a new day begins. Aggies and Sailors ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL SCALP TREATMENT Y.M.C.A. and Varsity Barber Shop Typhus fever is fast developing into a serious health menace in Texas, according to Dr. Geo. W. Cox, State health officer, who is sued an appeal for every Texan to cooperate in the prevention of this dread disease. “Last year, the greatest num ber of cases in the history of the state were reported, when there was a total of 733 cases of typhus fever in Texas. While there were only 46 cases of typhus fever re ported during the first twelve weeks of last year, during the same period of this present year, there have been 131 cases,” Dr. Cox stated. “With the peak of this di sease occurring in August, if the present trend is continued, we may expect serious conditions result ing from typhus by the end of summer.” The type of typhus fever occur ring in Texas is known as endemic or Brill’s disease, and is trans mitted to human beings from in fected rats, by means of the rat flea. The eradication of rats great ly reduces this health hazard, and a consistent program of rat pois oning, rat trapping, and rat proof ing will materially aid in the con trol of typhus in Texas. Dr. Cox stressed the fact that it is the patriotic duty of every Tex an to cooperate in maintaining the highest possible health level, and the eradication of rats will pro mote the control of typhus among our civilian population as well as our armed forces. Do YOU want to pay $5.00 per year more for your tailor work? WE DON’T THINK SO! Vote us in your organi zation. LAUTERSTEIN Colorado School of Mines Summer Session July 6-Sept. 2 Engineering Courses May Be Completed Equivalent to Half a Semester 3 s Wor Chemislry; Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Petroleum Engineering; Descriptive Geometry; Engineering Drawing; Economics; English; Geology; Mathematics; Mining; Physics; Metallurgy. Also Field Courses in Geology, Metallurgy, Mining, Petroleum May 25 to July 3; and Plane Surveying May 25 to July 3 and July 27 to Sept. 5. For further information write Director of the Summer Session Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colo. Get the Newest in Both Styles on VICTOR and BI UFRIRD RECORDS 1. “SHE’LL ALWAYS REMEMBER”—Glenn Miller 2. “YOU CAN’T HOLD A MEMORY IN YOUR ARMS”—Freddie Martin 3. “I THREW A KISS IN THE OCEAN”—Shep Fields. 4. “THE MEMORY OF THIS DANCE”—Hal McIntyre. 5. “TO A BROADWAY ROSE”—Artie Shaw. HASWELLS ALWAYS The Exchange Store Label IS THE LABEL OF QUALITY Required Text Books Approved Drawing Materials Sport Wear Sporting Goods Select Furnishings ; WE HAVE YOUR EVERY NEED THE EXCHANGE STORE /T AN AGGIE INSTITUTION « * * *• , 1 j'*