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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1942)
Page 2 THE BATTALION The Battalion The World Turns On Kollegiate Kaleidoscope STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural am chanical College of Texas and the City of College Station, is published three times weekly, and issued Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. By A. F. Chalk Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Colli Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 6, 187' lege 0. Subscription rates upon request. $3 a school year. Advertising rates epresented nationally by National Advertising Service, at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and Re; Inc., San Francisco. Office, 4-5444. Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone 1941 Member 1942 Associated GoUe6iate Press E. M. Rosenthal — Acting Editor Ralph Criswell Advertising Manager Sports Staff Mike Haikin Sports Editor W. F. Oxford Assistant Sports Editor Mike Mann Senior Sports Ass : " i -'-‘ Chick Hurst Junior Sports Circulation Staff Gene Wilmeth Circulation Manager Bill Hauger Senior Circulation Manager Photography Staff Jack Jones Staff Photographer Bob Crane, Ralph Stenzel Assistant Photographers Thursday Staff Clyde C. Franklin Juinor Managing Editor Ken Bresnen Junior Editor Ed Kingery Junior Editor Jack Hood Junior Editor Robert L. Freeland Assistant Editorial Editor Jack Lamberson Assistant Advertising Manager Reporters Calvin Brumley, Arthur L. Cox, Russell Chatham, Bill Fox, Jack Keith, Tom Journeay, W. J. Hamilton, Nelson Kar- bach, Tom Leland, Doug Lancaster, Charles P. McKnight, Keith Kirk, Weinert Richardson, C. C. Scruggs, Henry H. Vollentine, Ed Kingery. Edmund Bard, Henry Tillet, Harold Jordon, Fred Pankey, John May, Lonnie Riley, Jack Hood. Pre-Induction Training The average male undergraduate is badly prepared in his inevitable life in the armed forces and American educational institutions are giving no evidence that he will be any better prepared in the near future. That, reports Richard C. Himmel, chairman of the board of control of the University of Chi cago’s Daily Maroon, is the clear indication from a telegraphic poll of 72 college and uni versity student editors. The poll aimed to determine how much pre-induction military training is available to college men and whether the character of this training is such that it will give these men special army qualifications, leading eventually to a com mission. College editors report that universities and colleges introduced vast changes in cur- riculums after Pearl Harbor and 74 or more new “defense courses” were reported by the 72 schools. Requests have been made to the War Department for ROTC units by non- ROTC schools and several ROTC institutions have asked that the size of their units be increased. The War Department replied that limited facilities made it impossible to estab lish new units or make substantial increases in the sizes of the units already established. Pre-induction Training Pre-induction military training is of two kinds, basic and specialized. Into the basic classification fall Reserve Officers Training Corps and similar devices to teach military fundamentals. Most of the courses listed by college editors as “defense courses” fall into the specialized classification. ROTC is in the former classification because about 75 per cent of its manpower takes only the first two years of this training, known as the “basic” course. Completion of this course does not make one eligible for a commission. The “advanced” ROTC, given in the junior and senior years, has a limited enrollment imposed by the war department. Only about 20,000 of an estimated 650,000 men in the institutions of higher learning in the coun try are accommodated in the ROTC “ad vanced” course. Only at completion of the “advanced” course are men eligible for com missions. “Defense courses” reported to the Ma roon are of three types: specialized pre-in duction military training, best exemplified by the numerous “cartography” courses which have a definite military implication; courses in “fire fighting” and “knitting” would fall into a general civilian defense classification; and war industries training courses include such courses as “personnel administration” and “industrial microbiol ogy.” Pressure for Basic ROTC Immediately after Pearl Harbor, stu dents exerted pressure to get some kind of basic military training in cases where there was no such training available to them. Col leges and universities were faced with the problem of either giving their students no military training or establishing such, train ing themselves, since the War Department gave no evidence that it planned to do any thing about it. In most cases the schools chose to have no basic military training and to offer their students instead a counter- irritant, “defense courses.” Only three schools successfully attempted after Pearl Harbor to get some kind of basic military training: the University of North Carolina, Washington and Lee, and Muhlenberg col lege. A statement by Lt. Gen. Ben Lear, the survey report says, is the best substantiation of the fact that the college man’s first cry for basic military training was the right cry. General Lear, in response to a query from a parent asking why his son wasn’t an officer when he had had a college education, said, “Academic training is not of itself suf ficient to make a soldier. These college trained young men in most instances have the physical and mental qualities of an of ficer, but because of lack of military know ledge they must join the greenest recruits.” The main “defense course” which swept the country was of the physical conditioning type. Almost every school in the country The problem of uniting the different eco nomic groups within our country is becom ing more and more vital as our military po sition deteriorates in the Pacific. Recent speeches made by the President and the Vice-President indicate that the administra tion intends to use its influence more strong ly in the future to restrain minority groups whose actions are seriously retarding the war effort. The President again called atten tion to the simple fact that we must all sacri fice some of our customary economic liber ties if we are to prosecute this war effective ly. In both of these speeches referred to above, the farmers were reminded of the benefits they have received during the Roose velt administration. They were also advised not to demand higher prices for their prod ucts at a time when the government is at tempting to institute methods of controlling the rising price level. The farm bloc in con gress has in the past demanded that farm prices be allowed to rise to 110% of parity with the prices of manufactured products. It has been the contention of the adminis tration that the rising prices of farm prod ucts must be curtailed if we are to avoid a serious inflationary trend in the general price level. The problem of agricultural prices is but a part of the general problem of regulating a war-time economy. Organized labor and big business constitute two other minority groups which must sacrifice many of their cherished economic liberties in the interest of the general welfare. Loss of time resulting from disputes between these two groups must be abolished. The government now has ample power to enforce a system of compul sory arbitration for the settlement of indus- ■ "Ifm . ' : . | jlp TFhe first inter- COLLEGIATE BASE BALL GAME ENDED WITH A HIGH MODERN DAY BASKETBALL. POOR PAPA/ MERCER UNIV. HAS HAD AT LEAST ONE SON OF O.R GILBERT ALUMNUS OF 1897, ENROLLED FOR EVERY YEAR SINCE 1920/ BACKWASH By Jack Hood Backwash: An agitation resulting from some action or occurrence/*—Webster Week-end Maestro Slated ta answer an early call to arms, some Seniors will sport mili- trial disputes, and voters of the country may Engineers are the second or- tary titles on their personal cards, a business partner. The two feud make their protests known at the ballot box guuization to feature a Negro band used in the invitations, i.e., “Lieu- ; f rorn the start. Finally Robinson this fall if some drastic action is not taken, this year. Their choice, Andy Kirk, tenant John E. Doe.” No. 1 reason exposes his partner’s criminal ac- Each group is obviously afraid that any Comes from en S a g ements at the for the change is to make the tions . !t may sound a little mixed sacrifices it might make will not be made by Terrace, in Chicago, the cards usable after the final ex- U P> but the details are not vital to other groups, and it would seem that the •^ amous E )oor » in New York, and ercises. (Four years of Aggie econ- function of a government under such circum- numerous college dates, including omy is another reason.) stances would be obvious. Simultaneous ac- Yale an< * Princeton. His is one of From Denton comes a story la- tion on the part of the administration to ^ ew t rave Hng outfits that car- beled “Aggie optimism”: TSCWite institute controls over wages, corporate prof- ry female features—June Rich- Lucille McDermott received a tele- its and agricultural prices might cause a sud- niond, buxom vocalist, see cut, and gram inviting her to the Field den shock, but such a procedure would make Mar y Lou Williams, pianist. Fea- Ball. The only hitch to the urgent invitation, closed “with love,” was that Lucille doesn’t know, and has never heard of, the Aggie who sent it . . . the so-called blackout Tues day night was just a practice to get the new air raid wardens “in the mood.” A few lights were turned off for effect, but the main objective was^ to get the wardens on the line to prevent possible “first scares” . . . for an up-to-the- minute view of war geography, look in on the war maps in the main hall of the Library. Carlton Sheram, I-Infantry, keeps the maps current on his own time, changing them daily, or more oft en, as the battle goes. -THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 12, 1942 covering' caps disMONs WITH ||)TOM VANNOY The A. S. M. E. is sponsoring the plot. The picture has enough the picture at the Campus today, action in it to make it very inter- It is “SAFARI”, featuring Doug- est j ng> las Fairbanks, Jr., and Madelaine ^ g<> o see a mur(Jei . myg _ Carroll. It concerns the events m . the life of a trio, two men apd a tery picture and solve the crime girl, on a jungle big-game hunt- before the solution is told in the ing expedition deep in the heart story? If you pride yourself on of Africa. this ability, then go see “I WAKE Outside of the talented Miss Cat- UP SCREAMING” at the Campus roll, the story does not hold too tomorrow and Saturday. You will much attraction. To attract atten- probably guess wrong. With a tion from her fiance, Tullio Carm- cast made up of Betty Grable, Vic- inati, who is a baron or some- tor Mature, Carole Landis, and thing of the sort, she makes a play William Gargan, the show is bound for lion-hunter Douglas Fair- to be a success, banks. Things get along and event- The story is quite different from ually the right man wins. It is the usual run of detective myster- strictly in the average class of ies. In fact, it borders on the psyco- motion pictures. pathic. The cast turns in a fine Edward G. Robinson is a news- job of acting. Betty Grable keeps paper editor who turns the col- her beautiful figure well covered umns of the unscrupulous partner, as Carole Landis’ sister. Carole Edward Arnold, in “UNHOLY starts out as a waitress and be- PARTNERS.” There is a little bit comes a model through the efforts of romance, a dash of comedy, and of sports promoter Victor Mature, lots of action in the story. It will determined to get ahead in the be at Guion Hall today and tomor- world. rOW. Robinson returns to New York after the first World War with a revolutionary idea for the journ alistic world, the tabloid size pa per. To keep the firm in business, he is forced to take Arnold in as Dial 4-1181 it difficult for any one of the three groups to justify selfish behaviour in the future. Whether it would be “politically expedient” is still another matter, but it occurs to the writer that a good measure of positive action on the part of the government might not cost as many votes as the congressmen are appar ently thinking it would. Quotable Quotes “The contemporary attitude that the schools should not teach controversial issues and should teach children ‘how to think’ but not ‘what to think’ is sheer moral pussy footing and a betrayal of the real purposes of education. If we educators do not correct this moral deficiency in education we are go ing to lose the confidence and support of the people.” Dr. Homer P. Rainey, president of tu ^ i ™ ale S0 J 01 st ls Tr ^ a Te y r< ; 1 ]; the University of Texas, holds that it is the ultimate purpose of liberal education to de velop moral and spiritual leaders. 1 J,*' 1 w* ■- A V,. •• • ; 7?/' WHAT’S SHOWING AT THE CAMPUS Thursday — “SAFARI,” featuring Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Madelaine Carroll. Benefit A. S. M. E. AT GUION HALL Thursday, Friday — “UN HOLY PARTNERS”, star ring Edward G. Robinson. TODAY ONLY “SAFARI” Starring MADELEINE CARROLL f DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. All Day Benefit Show American Society of Mechani cal Engineers of A. & M. Also “Fresh-As-a-Freshman” — Cartoon SPORT Friday and Saturday RADIO REPAIRS THE BETTY GRABLE‘VICTOR MATURE CAROLE LANDIS• LAIRD CREGAR Also NEWS — MUSICAL — CARTOON June Richmond San Angelo Club Donates Two Books During the past year the A. & M. Mother’s Club of San Angelo has Billed as Andy Kirk and His made two gifts of books to the Clouds of Joy, the band broadcasts College Library in memory of over Columbia and records for San Angelo Aggies who have died Decca—their' recording of “47th recently. Street Jive” sold to the tune of In memory of Ely Wright, an reports some kind of emphasis on physical 45,000 in January. engineering student, the Mother’s conditioning. That physical conditioning is The Kirk crew is en route to the Club has given, “Engineering’s an insufficient substitute for basic military West Coast to do some musical Part in the Development of Civ- training is clear. Further, several college ed- shorts in the film capital. With ilization,” by Dugald Caleb Jack- itors report that student interest is declining his vocalists, Andy plans to include son; “Locomotives on Parade,” by in these courses, and close order drill and bayonet movements have been introduced to vitalize them. Substitute Courses Offered Floyd Smith, swing guitarist, as a stand-out. Joe W. Gibbs and Leo D. House- wright, piloting plans for the Ball, “Blood, Winston College editors also report that their say that only uniforms Wl11 1)6 worn. • • • schools are teaching Japanese, Portuguese, “military German,” “military French,” Rus- sian, Arabic, Italian, and Turkish. Classes in BackwaS^lng■ Around aUllllllllllllllllll Edward Hungerford; Sweat, and Tears.” by Churchill. Walter Stanley Campbell’s “Short Grass Country” has been given in memory of James L. Black, an agriculture student. This club has set a precedent by , . t -i i . , , , quietly commemorating a boy by %yP Y have already been introduced Something new has been added to dedicating to him some books that in two schools and similar courses are slated dress up the “John Henrys” of his fellow-Aggies will enjoy and to appear m six more curricula. Psychology many of the graduating Senior, profit by. departments have taken on significance by . , offering “pre-service” training in “military psychology”, “propaganda psychology,” “moral psychology” and the “psychological causes of war.” College men are being trained in “quick computation methods,” “ballistics,” electronic chemistry,” “Pacific geography,” “military cartography,” “aerial photography,” “practical telephony,” “ship drafting,” “first aid,” “stress analysis,” and “truck driving.” The task of the average male under graduate today is to achieve the highest possible military effectiveness, both for his personal satisfaction and advancement, and for the general effectiveness of the United States in winning this war. To this average student, says the report, three things are im portant: first, his college education; second, a sound basic pre-induction military train ing; and third, some assurance that any specialized pre-induction training he does will be utilized by some branch of the armed forces. The institutions are making it easier for men to complete their requirements for a bachelor’s degree by using various devices to speed up the curriculum; consequently, men will soon be able to be graduated a year or two earlier than they would normally. The report concludes, “There must be a close cooperation between the army and edu- i cational institutions to standardize ‘defense I courses’ before the college men can have any assurance that his specialized training will be utilized.” r\ VICTOR AND ^ BLUEBIRD RECORDS 1. JERSEY BOUNCE—Benny Goodman 2. ZOOT SUIT—Andrews Sisters 3. WAIT UNTIL THE SUN SHINES, NELLIE —Harry James 4. I REMEMBER YOU—Charley Spivak HASWELL’S MOVIE ALL THE WOOL IS HOT AT THE BATTLE FRONT WE HAVE- 100% Wool Yarn Dyed Material, Talon Zippers, Silk Threads, Solid Brass But tons and Buckles... To Make You - - THE FINEST AND BEST-FITTING UNIFORM AT A. & M. — BUT — Don’t wait too long, as prices still continue to rise. Order now—be among the satisfied later. GUION HALL THURSDAY - FRIDAY 4:30 and 7:45 Edward G. Robinson - Laraine Day in "Unholy Partners" NEWS — CARTOON — COMEDY COMING SATURDAY William Powell Zubik & Sons IHE EX m - BmF0M : 1896 — 46 YEARS OF TAILORING — 1942 COMEDY — MARCH OF TIME * » 4' \ <T » • >> * * > ( 4 , * » 4 * 4 1 It ksy-' i