Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1942)
Money for China E. J. (Manny) Smith, left, presents Tsin Lon Quang,, vice consul for the Republic of China, a check from the Hillel Club for the Chinese War Relief after the consul and his wife had spoken to members of the Hillel and Cosmopolitan clubs. DeMille’s f Light Fantastic Toe’ Charms Town Hall Audience By Doug Lancaster As John Milton once said in one of his well-known poems—none of us can ever remember which one— “Come and trip it as you go, On the light fantastic toe.” Whether or not it was a “light fantastic toe,” the Aggies haven’t decided. All they are certain of is that Agnes De Mille and her comic ballet presented one of the best Town Hall programs this year. In her initial appearance in Guion Hall Thursday night, Miss de Mille’s ballet drew a large number of Texas admirers, as the program had a near full-house capacity. Included in her program of nine humorous ballet numbers were “Tyrolean Pinic,” “Rodeo,” “Hoe Down,” and the “Virginia Reel,” which were the most talked of the whole ballet because they were so humorously played, and also since the last three are characteristic Monday Will Be Defense Day At Camouflage Show In keeping with the original schedule of showings, Monday has been designated as Civilian De fense short course day at the Cam ouflage Exhibit in the basement of the Academic Building at A. & M. College. Friday, March 6, was delegated to a special showing for the Gar den Club of College Station and the Texas Dairy Products Asso ciation. At the opening night held Tuesday, March 3, the civic organi zations and officers of Bryan, Col lege Station, and A. & M. who made it possible for the Museum of Modern Art, New York City, to bring its exhibit to this vicinity were honored with the premier showing at College. Together with the City Commis sion of Bryan, the City Council of College Station, deans, and heads of departments of the Col lege, the Woman’s Club of Bryan, and the Civilian Defense short course at College were taken through the improvised air-bomb shelter which houses the exhibit. Approximately 150 persons were present during the primary show ing. Keen Competition Monday NightAmong Livestock Showmen There will be some keen com petition Monday night at 8 p. m. when 90 contestants who have entered the Little Southwestern Livestock show, will present their animals to the judges. The show which is the third of its kind at A. & M. helps the boys learn the art of showing their ani mals in competition and also en ables every boy to have a chance at the prizes which will be given to the winner of each division and to the grand champion showman. of this part of the country. During her ballet version of the “Virginia Reel” Miss de Mille came to the part in which all those not dancing clap their hands and stomp their feet, in time to the music. Several Aggies started clapping and stomping right along with her, and, thinking quickly, Miss de Mille “broke the ice” by motion ing to the audience several times. In no time at all everyone was clapping and stomping in good ole’ hay loft style under the able di rection of Miss de Mille. This audience participation got everyone in the ballet groove, and as a result made an excellent per formance even better. Miss Agnes de Mille is not the only famous member of her fam ily. Her father is William de Mille, well-known movie producer, and her grandfather was the late em inent single tax economist, Henry George. This young ballet dance artist has, in a brief period, sold herself to the United States and Europe as a unique dance caricaturist and humorist. For almost three years she entertained England with her dance mimicing, and headed a bal let company with Authony Tudor. Between concert engagements she found time to direct the dances for MGM’s “Romeo and Juliet” star ring Norma Shearer and Leslie Howard. Because of Agnes de Mille’s su perb performance of last Thursday night, everyone who saw it and those who have heard of, but miss ed seeing it are looking forward to a possible appearance of Miss de Mille and her comic ballet on Town Hall next year. Ento Club Prepares Ag Day Insect Show Entomology students of A. & M. will present a varied group of dis plays for the Agriculture Day Pro gram April 4. Insects and their relation to national defense will be seen in the exhibits of economic insect pests and the live display of honeybees. Members of the entomology club will show insects that they have collected throughout the year and will be present during the day to answer any questions which might arise about insects. The club has also done much this year toward completing their annual publication, “The Texas Aggie Entomologist,” a copy of which is sent to every ex-entomol- ogy student. Defense Committee Show Air Raid Film College Stations National De fense Committee is sponsoring a picture in Guion Hall Sunday aft ernoon on the control of incendiary bombs. The cadets will see the pic ture during the free show period. At 5:15 p.m. the same show will be shown for the benefit of the general public. The picture will re veal the conditions that exist dur ing an air raid, the sponsor stated. The Battalion COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, MAR. 7, 1942 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. VOLUME 41 Z275 NO. 67 A&M Graduates Have Opportunity in Air Corps by Transferring Their Commissions Military Subcommittee Approves Legislation For Increased Pay for Officers Senators of the Senate military subcommittee approved legislation this week which would raise the pay of second lieutenants from $1,500 per year to $1,800. In the proposed bill, pay of privates and non-commissioned officers would also be increased. . Senator Johnson of Colorado, chairman of the subcommittee, said the measure would cost $255,- 000. 000 a year, based on the size of the armed forces last January 1. Under the proposed legislation, members of the armed forces would receive nearly double their present pay in all the non-commissioned offices. At present members of the army and navy receive $21 a month for their first four months and then $30 a month until they are pro moted to higher grades. The new plan would increase the initial pay Four Aggies Will Compete In Arizona Rodeo Four A. & M. animal husbandly students will compete against students from other colleges in a' rodeo at Tucson, Arizona Sunday. The four veteran rodeo men from A. & M. will face competition from college men from throughout the Southwest. The team which is made up of Caddo Wright, Fred Dalby, Shorty Fuller and Johnney Hardin, were selected by popular vote of the members of the Saddle and Sirloin club on the basis of the men’s past record in rodeo activities. Of the men selected Fred Dalby was the champion all-around cow boy at A. & M. in 1940. Caddo Wright, director of the rodeo at A. & M. this year will be doing the calf tying at the show. Fuller and Hardin will try for honors at bronc and steer riding. Stock Judges Go to Ft. Worth Ten junior livestock judges left A. & M. Friday for Fort Worth where they will compete in the Intercollegiate livestock judging contest which will be held at the Southwestern Exposition and Fat Stock Show March 14. All the men left a week early so that they can work out next week in preparation for the con test. Five of the group will be picked before the time of the con test to be the final judges. The boys will be competing against some of the stiffest competition in the United States. The animal husbandry students making the trip are; Joe Lemley, John Powell, John Wheat, Jay Pumphrey, Heston McBride, Ed Cumbie, Marvin McMillan, Billy Kidd, John Jordan and Horace Brown. This group was picked from a larger number of boys by coaches Irvin F. Edwards and Bill Warren. While on the trip the team will visit such points of interest as The Diamond L. Ranch, Harrisdale Farms, Dean Herford Ranch, The P. L. Underwood Rambouillet Farm, and the Ross Mule Barn. Brewster to Speak For Fish Y Council Members of the Freshman “Y” Council will have as its guest speaker for Monday night Dr. Weldon Brewster, assistant to the head of the Biology Department. The topic of discussion will be “Human Reproduction” and will be illustrated with pictures and draw ings. to $42 and there would be six higher pay categories through the various ranks. Second lieutenants and ensigns pay would be increased from $125 to $150 a month. The only other officers of commission ed rank whose pay would be raised would be the pay of brigadier gen erals, a raise from $7,500 to $8,000 a year. English Quiz Contest Will Be Held in April Fish and Sophs Will Try for Cash Prizes Given by Law, Morris Prizes will be offered to Fresh man and Sophomore English stud ents again this year in two con tests which will be held between the 20 and 30 of April. F. M. Law, chairman of the board of directors, will sponsor the annual freshman English con tests which will be held the latter part of April at A. & M. Prizes of 20 and of 5 dollars will be offered to the winners and these will be awarded at the Mathematics-English Contest din ner on May 8. The conditions of eligibilty are as follows: (I.) Dis tinguished student rating the first semester, (2) Grade A in English 103 (3) Grade A or B in English 104 to March 21, and (4) satis factory oral work in English 104 to April 10. The exact date of the examination will be anounced early in April. There will also be an English contest for Sophomores, William Morris of Dallas is offering prizes of 15 and 10 dollars to those who stand first and second in the con test. The following are the condi tions of eligibility: Distinguished student rating for the first semes ter, grade A in the last previous English course (203 or 231), and grade A or B in one of the current Sopho'more English courses regu larly taken in the second semester (207, 210,232, or 328 if this is being taken as a substitute for the usual Sophomore course). The examination; will include a vocabulary test, not the same as the one given a yqar ago, and an examination on the context of the course. Students who are so far eligible for both the Freshman and Sophomore contests should notify their instructors by March 11. By Tom Leland An award for a new high in en thusiasm was bestowed upon Jim mie Lunceford and his Orchestra by the patrons of the eighth an nual Field Artillery Ball held last night in Sbisa Hall. Jimmie Lunce ford played for one of the largest crowds at any A. & M. social Get Dirt in Your Eyes, Ears and Shoes? Then Avoid the Ditches Did you trip over a bunch of ditches last night as you came across the campus, and get dirt in your eyes and shoes so bad that you! had to take a bath one night ahead of time? Well maybe you have wondered why the workmen were digging up all that cast iron pipe near the Electrical Engineer ing building. This pipe which is part of an old abandoned water line, has be come very valuable since it can no longer be purchased. The Build ing and College Utilities depart ment has taken the situation well in hand and have used W.P.A. la bor to unearth the precious cast iron tubes so that it will be avail able for future use. Who knows? Some of the workmen may discov er an old bicycle tire or an auto mobile innertube while they are digging in that good old earth. Creamery Short Course Set For Mar 16 to Apr 25 Demand for Skilled Workers Increases By Week Under Conditions Another in the ever increasing list of National Defense courses offered at A. & M. will be the Creamery Defense Short Course March 16-April 25, C. N. Shep- ardson, head of the college dairy husbandry department, announced. With the war depleting skilled dairy workers in Texas, the prob lem of replacing them with men not subject to immediate service has arisen. It is to fill this need that the course is offered. “There is a constant demand for churn men, freezer men, pasteuriz er operators, laboratory techni cians, department foremen, plant superintendents and plant manag ers,” Shepardson said. “With the intensive course we have planned, we aim to turn out graduates cap able of filling any of these posi tions.” In the past A. & M. graduates have filled these positions, but the majority of the graduates hold reserve commissions in the army 'and are being called to active duty. The course will last six weeks and cover the field of dairy hus bandry as full as possible. Plant managers have recommended that as much time as possible be spent on actual instruction. There are no scholastic require ments but a high school education is advisable, Shepardson said. event. Lunceford will also be the master of ceremonies at tonight’s corps dance starting at 9 o’clock in Sbisa Hall. Lunceford is well known in the capitals of Europe and has been heralded by many critics as one of the outstanding musical per sonalities of the day. He is a col lege graduate, a possessor of four college degrees, and a master of the clarinet, flute, drums, trom bone and guitar. Chairmen of the committees for the affair were S. A. Ellsberry and A. R. House. In charge of the programs were W. F. Goodman, Jr., and E. E. McChesney. The favors were supervised by R. Ter rell and H. L. Delfraisse. Decor ations were under the direction of L. C. Hengst and A. Brown. The orchestra committee was composed of T. K. Pierce and J. L. Decker. The finance committee was made up of R. H. Miller, J. W. Smith, F. T. Phillips, W. B. Harrison, H. W. Dickerson, J. G. Walmsley, G. W. Hudson, E. O. Johnson, R. A. Ball, F. D. Albritton, F. R. Young, W. T. Scott, and A. H. Munson. Enthusiam High As Lunceford Plays for Field; Corps Dance Lt Colonel Snyder, Ellington Field Asks 100 Men to Enter Army Air Corps A. & M. graduates have now been offered the oppor tunity of becoming officers in the air corps by the an nouncement made yesterday by Lt. Colonel Snyder, U. S. army air corps, from Ellington field, who asks for 100 men to transfer their commissions from other branches. Colonel Snyder and several assistants will arrive at A. & M. Mon day, March 9, for the purpose of selecting these candidates who wish to take advantage of this new opportunity for A. & M. graduates to furnish their Dairy Products Ass’n Selects Prof Shepardson Head Ridgeway Elected Sec. McMurray Manager At Wartime Convention Professor Charles N. Shepard son, head of the dairy husbandry department, was elected president of the Texas Dairy Products As sociation at the conclusion of the two-day wartime convention which closed here at noon yesterday. Joe Ridgeway of San Antonio, was reelected secretary and M. E. McMurray of Fort Worth was re elected manager. Buster Laughlin of Abilene was elected vice-presi dent. Final speaker on the program was A. L. Ward, Dallas, director of the education service of the National Cottonseed Products As sociation who summed up the dairy products manufacturer’s war time task as a four part program emphasizing increased production, improved quality, efficient opera tions, and better salesmanship^. Jack Nisbet, New York, of the American Jersey Cattle Club, de livered a., graphic illustrated lec ture on the values contained in milk. In his talk he declared that 17,000 more dairy cows are needed in America to produce adequate milk for the proper diet of the na tion. Other speakers on the two day program were Dr. E. W. Gaum- hitz, surplus marketing specialist, USDA, in charge of lend lease purchases of dairy products from Washington; J. O. Clarde, of Chi cago, chief central district, Fed eral Food and Drug administra tion; retiring president A. J. Reddle, Shepardson, Dr. T. O. Wal ton, A. & M. president, who wel comed the visitors to the campus, and E. R. Eudaly, of the Extension Service. A. & M. was chosen the site of the convention because of the edu cational opporlunities it affords the visitors. The experimental farms, dairy herds, along with the pasture improvement and other projects aroused much interest ac cording to convention officials. Seniors Leaving For Active Duty Three seniors from the Signal Corps battalion and one senior from the Infantry regiment will leave immediately for their respec tive army schools for officer’s training. These men have not received their degrees, but have finished the requirements in military work to attend the army school, and will be commissioned, on gradua tion from there, as second lieuten ants in the U. S. Army. Those from the Signal Corps include J. H. Snow, R. B. Gibson, and W. H. Granfors. These men will report to Fort Monouth in New Jersey. R. A. Sladnovik, In fantry, who completed his military work last June, will report to the Infantry army school in Fort Ben- ning, Georgia. Deglar Speaks For ASME Meeting Tues Prof. H. E. Degler, Head of the Mechanical Engineering Depart ment at the University of Texas and a member of the College Rela tions Committee of the A.S.M.E., addressed the A.S.M.E. Tuesday evening. He spoke on “Aims and Activities and the Student’s Place in A.S.M.E. Programs.” services to the nation’s war effort. Colonel Snyder will be located in Rooms 36 and 37 of Ross Hall starting Monday, for the purpose of interviewing cadets who are due to be comipissioned at the end of the present schol year or at the end of camp and who desire their commissions transferred to the air corps. Any questions students have in regard to the air corps, the qual ifications for it, the type of ser vices to be offered by the air corps, or any other matters con cerning the air service will be ansewered by Colonel Snyder. Commissions may be transferr ed only from the cavalry, field artillery, coast artillery, and in fantry. Members of any other branches, the chemical warfare service, signal corps, or engineers will not be allowed to transfer their commissions, Colonel Snyder stated. Certificates Ready For 306 Distinguished Distinguished Student Certifi cates are ready for the 306 stu dents who qualified for that honor the first semester of the 1941-42 session. These certificates may be had by the honored students by calling for them at the information desk in the registrar’s office. The 306 students being awarded these certificates make up 5.59 per cent of the total enrollment. Of the whole student body there were fourteen men making A’s in all their subjects. In order to be distinguished, a student must be carrying sixteen hours, he must have no grade be low C, he must have no incomplete work and is required to have a grade point ratio of at least 2.25. Senior Scouts Ass’n Holds WeinerRoast Members of the A. & M. Senior Scout Association held their first fellowship meeting and wiener roast since the organization of the group last Wednesday night. The campfire and the meeting were held under the roof of the Animal Husbandry Pavilion be cause of inclement weather. The Senior Scout association was organized recently on the campus to enable A. & M. students who are former Boy Scouts to have the opportunity of continuing their Scouting activities. The group plans to work with local Scouts so that training in Scout leader ship and advancement toward the Eagle rank may be facilitated. All former Scouts on the campus are eligible for membership regard less of their rank. It is not neces sary to be Star, Life, or Eagle as was formerly announced. History Faculty Launches Lecture Series for Soldiers Members of the faculty of the Department of History of A. & M. have launched a series of lectures in army camps in this area at the request of the U. S. Army Public Relations office. Dr. S. R. Gam mon, head of the Department of History and V. K. Sugareff al ready have addressed enlisted men at Camp Wallace and Fort Crock ett. J. L. Dodson is slated to talk on the Fallacy of Imperialism at Camp Hulen March 13 and at Camp Wallace March 18.