The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 09, 1941, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION -TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1941 ‘If Called to Duty Full Credit Will be Given’-Welty OFFICIAL NOTICES OFFICIAL The Academic Council w’ll meet at 8 p. m. today.—F. C. BOLTON, Dean. FEBRUARY GRADUATES for Baccalaureate and Ad vanced Degrees to be conferred in Feb ruary should now make application for degrees in the Registrar’s Office. Decem ber 15 is the latest date for applying for *uch degrees.—H. L. HEATON, Acting Registrar. Commanders Pledge Corps Speculation Runs Rampant As Loyalty to Nation in Crisis Aggies Hear First War Reports v v It was a dramatic moment m of. “Let’s take a corns FACULTY DANCE CLUB The next Faculty dance will be held on the evening December 12, Friday, from 9 to 12 in the Annex 'of Sbisa Hall. EASTERN PANHANDLE CLUB The Ea-.tem Panhandle club will meet Tuesday night after Yell Practice to dis cuss final plans for the Christmas Dance. All members are urged to attend. WILLIAMSON COUNTY CLUB There will be a meeting of the William son County A. & M. club in Room 208, Academic Building tomorrow night im mediately after yell practice. It is urgent that all members interested in the Xmas Dance be present. CALIFORNIA CLUB There will be a California A. & M. Club meeting at 7 o’clock Tuesday night in Room 217 Academic building. All those who are from or interested in California are cordially invited to attend. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY CLUB The^e will be an important meeting of the Mississippi Valley A. & M. Club Tuesday night at 7:15 in Room 310 Aca demic building. Everyone please be there. PERMIAN BASIN CLUB Permian Basin Club meeting in Room 120 Academic building Tuesday night at 7 o’clock. BEAUMONT CLUB The Beaumont A. & M. Club will hold a very important meeting tonight after yell practice in Room 206, Academic Building. It is imperative that all mem bers be present, for membership cards and dance tickets will be distributed. HEY, HEADING FOR HOME? Start right and easy! Send your luggage round-trip by trusty, low- cost Railway Express, and take your train with peace of mind.We pick-up and deliver, remember, at no extra charge within our reg ular vehicle limits in all cities and principal towns. You merely phone Rai lwa^Expre s s agency i NC . NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE Commandant Pleas for Students To Stay in School as Long as Possible Climaxing the day’s tense events, the organization com manders held their, first meeting with Colonel M. D. Welty, commandant, last night in Sbisa hall and adopted a resolution of loyalty and fidelity after Colonel Welty made the im portant statement that he would see that some arrangements were made “to have the men receive credit for their college work if drafted or called to active duty before the end of the semester.” Leave early, no credit Colonel Welty qualified his statement, however, by go ing on to say that such cred it would be received only if “the men stay in college as long as they possibly can. If any student receives his pa pers to report on April 1, he should not quit school now but continue on with his studies until the time for him to re port for duty. This is the only way any arrangements can be made to see that full credit is given. BELL COUNTY CLUB There will be an important meeting of the Bel] County A. & M. club tonight immediately after yell practice in the Academic building. The room number will be announced in the mess halls. SPANISH CLUB MEETING The Spanish club will meet Wednesday night after supper in Room 122 Academic building. All students Spanish or who are interested in Lat: America are urged to attend. ng tin COLLLIN COUNTY CLUB The Collin County Club will meet to night at 7:30 in Room 107 Academic bldg. INVITATION FROM OPTIMISTS Any officer of the College caring to attend a luncheon given by the Optimist Club of Dallas at noon on December 31 preceding the Cotton Bowl game on Jan uary 1. p'ease notify my office at once.— E. J. KYLE, Dean, School of Agriculture. EAST TEXAS MEN There will be a meeting of the East Texas A. & M. club Tuesday, immediately after yell practice in Room 120 Academic Bldg. All members are urged to attend to make final plans for the Christmas dance. Cigars will be served. LITERARY GROUP The literary group of the College Wom en Social club will meet with Mrs. C. E. Potter. 102 Jersey Street, College Park, Friday at 3 P. M. Mrs. N. E. Rigler will review “Elizabeth and Essex” by Stra- chey. Classified WANTEH: Aggie student for part-time work soliciting ads. Country weekly. Ad dress Xzy, Care Battalion. LOST—Black Konson lighter combined, Thanksgiving game. Left on table at Col lege Coffee Shop. Return to Bannister, 217 No. 7 for reward. n cigarette case and Wednesday before tabli LOST—A Gruen wrist watch with frag ment of blue “glass” band attached, some where between Foster Hall and North Gate Thursday night. Finder please see Oxford, Room 13, Foster Hall, for reward. PLEASE 1 Will whoever has an un claimed brown spiral Horse & Mule Pro duction Notebook please bring to 60 Legett for usual reward. I. N. Hickman. TEXAS RANGES BELTS Reg. U. S. Paf. Office Out o]j 'Weit... Aidei ft/eut Belt Stifle You’ll really fall for this new Varsity-Town 3-but ton model — it’s “West Coast Drape” and it is the number one model with college men every where. Dress up for the Holidays in one of these smart new Varsity- Town’s — available now in college cords ... co verts ... diagonal weaves and fine worsteds. $25 to $40 “Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan From down in Yoakum, Texas, comes he- man bell style that has corralled the fancy of well dressed men the nation aver. Made by the makers of famous Hereford Saddles, Texas Ranger Belts are works of art in leather. Hand tooled and hand- stamped in designs that bespeak the bold spirit of the West. For riding, hunting, golf ing ... many wear them for business, too. Mod# cf gmlnt K><J<0> baTh*. ^LOO kand tooled In /•o/-*cro/I design, ry com** in tad<ff«4on, block or dvo* U13 Also A Large Selection Of Aggie Jewelry LOUPOTS TRADING POST North Gate “Should the seniors be called be fore June steps will be taken to see that they are graduated.” The seniors at the meeting were urged by Colonel Welty to keep a cocl head and stress to the under classmen the value of staying in school and not leaving the college without authority in order to vol unteer for duty. “The last thing the War Department wants them to do is for undergraduates lo leave and join up. The War De partment wants them to stay and receive their degrees.” Keep Cool Head After Colonel Welty’s message a resolution was presented by Ca det Colonel Tom Gillis. The reso lution was one that backed up the previously made statement of the faculty pledging the loyalty of the cadet corps in this time of national emergency. Resolution Passes Unanimously By a unanimous vote the reso lution passed and was agreed that a copy should be sent by wire to the President of the United States. The resolution read as follows: Headquarters, Corps of Cadets 8 December, 1941 Only a few short hours ago the United States through no fault of its own was forced into actual combat with the imperial forces of Japan. As students of an institu tion which has as one of its primary purposes the train ing of young men in military training, we stand prepared to join with other graduates of A. & M. college in the com mon defense of our country. Realizing the grave respon sibility which the present war places upon its members, the Cadet Corps of Texas A. & M. College stand together with our president in this time of great national emergency. A. & M. has had a great rec ord of service to its country both in times of war as well as of peace. During the past war Texas A. & M. furnished more officers for the army than did any other college. Today, 4,- 842 young Americans enrolled in A. & M. are undergoing mil itary training. But service by A. & M. does not stop there-— A. & M. men are technicians, skilled in the production of those items so necessary to na tional defense. The Cadet Corps of Texas A. & M., therefore, extends to the President of the United States its services whether as mem bers of military forces or of civilian defenses. We stand ready to carry out the polic ies of governmental agencies in whatever respect we can render the most effective ser vice. Tom Gillis Cadet Colonel Corps Commander At the end of Colonel Welty’s message, he summed up the past two day’s events by saying, “The U. S. was struck an unfair blow, but we will gather up steam and re taliate in such a fashion that ev erything will be all right in the end, and we will emerge victor ious.” LISTEN TO WTAW 1150 KC Tuesday’s Programs 11:25 a. m. — Excursions in Science 11:40 a. m.—Popular Music. 11:55 a. m.—The Town Crier and Battalion Newscast. 12:00 noon—Sign-off. Wednesday’s Programs 11:25 a. m.—Life for Wildlife (U. S. Department of Interior ll:40 v a. m.—Dimunitive Class ics 11:55 a. m.—The Town Crier and Battalion Newscast. 12:00 noon—Sign-off. It was a dramatic moment ui the picture, a war picture, “A Yank in the R. A. F.,” when the film snapped. Cat calls, hoorahs, and rowdy applause shook the walls of the Campus theater as the Ag gies in the audience disgustedly waited for the repairs. “We’ll be ready in a minute, fel lows,” a voice drifted in from back of the screen, “and if you would care to know Japanese planes have just bombed Pearl Harbor.” This was a mental bomb to the Aggies. First a deathly but ex ceedingly short silence then loud and uncoordinated yells. Someone yelled, “Beat the hell out of Japan.” Across the room came the cry STUDENT SURVEY (Continued from Pajre 1) end of the semeste. But, I think that the seniors are so tired of all of this war scare they are hoping they will be taken.” Bill Delaney, M, Inf., Sophomore “I feel that the war was inevit able and now that it has come we can only hope for the best. Above all cooperate with those men who 7^ are capable of leading our country to our ultimate victory which we all pray will come. N. Kokles, E, F. A., Freshman “In view of present circumstanc es I am definitely in favor of war with Japan. But, if the age limit were lowered I would not volun teer. In the event I should be call ed however, I would be ready to fight. The concensus of opinion among the student body is that war, no matter who with, was inevitable, and now that it has finally come all are willing, some even eager, to take an actual part in it. None of them really want it of course, but all feel that part of the re sponsibility even though a very small part, will fall upon their shoulders and all are willing to bear up under it. The question now foremost in the minds of every Aggie is “what is to become of us as a military body and how soon will it occur?” The answer to that question may best be found in the statement made by Cadet Colonel Tom Gillis. “Our class has long expected that it would have to use its military training, and we are actually fac ed with it. All we can do now is accept the practical side of our training and wait for a definite statement from the government.” of, “Let’s take a corps trip to Tokio.” “Japan, then Alabama” was heard followed by “Let’s take ’em one at a time. Japan next.” For the time the picture was forgotten. Aggies were realizing that “it” had finally happened. What would it mean for them? Early graduation ? A bull text major? An Aggie Expeditionary force? All kinds of speculations were being cast. Then the management started playing “Goodbye to Texas” and the Aggies sang with a force which made a person’s blood travel through his veins like a stream lined train. The Aggies were unit ed in thought, and surely their fight song punctuated their feel ings. Charlie Tiegner, who made the startling announcement to his pack ed theater, acted with sheepish modesty when thanked by mem bers of the corps for telling them what had happened. Having been asked his story of why and “how come” he did it, Tiegner told a brief but interest- “Well, my wife called right after she heard the news over the radio, and I was just itching to tell some one. Course there were those Ag gies in the audience for me to tell, but they were on the edge of their seats watchin’ the show. What was I to do? “Really I was hoping the film would break or something, and about that time I stop—, I mean the film snapped, yeah, that’s it| The film snapped.” In his voice you could hear one story but by close observing you might wonder something else. Did Tiegner stop the projector himself so that he could tell the Aggies something that so vitally concerned them? Brazos Aggies Meet Tomorrow Night, 7:30 The regular monthly meeting cf the Brazos County A. & M. club will be held at the Bryan Country Club tomorrow night at 7:30. A program and smokes will be furnished, and H. L. Heaton, sec- retary-terasurer of the college, urg ed each member to attempt to bring a new member. Fenn college home economics students have a new six-room lab oratory suite on the eighteenth floor of the college tower. Patronize Our Agent In Your Outfit. 7\i *r2'I5S5^! DYEPLS-FUR STORAGE HATTERS Tn.onca.ri. AmmmvxvKms CASH & CARRY — D. M. DANSBY, ’37 North Gate Jr Aggies... SAVE MONEY ON THESE LOW CHRISTMAS SPECIALS -LOOK- SPORT SWEATERS $7.50 (With Zipper) 100% REG. WATER-PROOF RAINCOATS „..$6.95 ALL LEATHER AND 100% WOOL JACKETS REDUCED 33'/ 3 % BEAT THESE PRICES IF YOU CAN REGULATION SHOES—Reg. $5.00 sellers for $3.75 Tailor Made JUNIOR SLACKS $11.00 Tailor Made FISH SLACKS $8.95 Tailor Made SERGE JUNIOR SHIRTS $10.00 — WHILE THEY LAST — WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF CHRISTMAS CARDS MUFFLERS — EAR MUFFS Aggie Clothiers Next To Lipscomb Pharmacy NORTH GATE 100 Vacancies for Officers in Navy Now Open Under Class V - 7 Training Houston, Texas, Dec. 8.—The | Upon completion of the prelimi- State of Texas, which already has nary course, those candidates rec- more than 12,000 officers and men ommended for appointment as Mid serving with the United States shipmen, U. S. Naval Reserve, will Navy, was called upon today to be given additional three months’ provide even more deck and engi- training. After being appointed a neering officers for the rapidly ex- : Reserve Midshipman and during panding two-ocean fleet. the period under instruction each One hundred vacancies now exist reserve midshipman will be entitled in the eighth naval district’s deck to receive the same pay and al- quota under the Class V-7 reserve lowance as midshipmen of the officers’ training program, while J regular Navy, namely $780 a year the engineering quota has been and daily ration, designated as “unlimited,” it was) Satisfactory completion of the announced by the officers-in- Prescribed course will qualify the charge of the Naval Reserve re- Reserve Midshipman for a commis- cruiting stations at Houston and s i° n as Ensign in the Naval Re- Dallas. To be accepted for enlistment in Class V-7, an applicant must have reached his 20th birthday but not yet passed his 28th birth- of arts, a bachelor of science or engineering degree from an accred ited university or college. However, in the case of engineer ing students interested in appoint ment in Class V-7, those who are their P laces with the officers of working toward their degree and | Regular Navy, who have completed four years cf serve. He may request active duty in the Fleet and, if ordered to such duty, he will be entitled to full pay and allowance. Naval Reserve Midshipmen are officers in a qualified sense and take precedence after Aviation Cadets of the Naval Reserve. Lat er, upon being commissioned as Ensigns in the Reserve, they take college, including mathematics and two years course Added emphasis on home eco nomics training is expected to physics and chemistry, will be ac-j loost enrollment of women stu- cepted, provided they meet the other requirements. • Applicants for enlistment in Class V-7 may be made at any U. S. Navy recruiting station, or at the Naval Reserve Recruiting Stations at Dallas and Houston. Applicants for enlistment in Class V-7 will be entitled to no pay, but when ordered to active training duty they will be furnish ed commercial transportation and necessary expenses en route. Upon arrival at their designated station they will be furnished at govern ment expense their initial outfit of uniform, clothing and equipment. dents at the University of Cali- lornia college of agriculture. FULLER BRUSHES For CHRISTMAS GIFTS Fuller Delux Personal Brush es in rich gift boxes ready for presentation for both ladies and men. Call Kenneth Whitfill 4-4324 or write Box 389, College Station, Texas. DINE & DANCE AT THE NEW ONYX The Finest Food and The Finest Dance Floor In The Country COUPLES ONLY Just North Of Bryan — *> HOUSE COATS One of the most useful things you can give a girl. Add glamour to her leisure. Also A VARIETY OF GIFTS • PAJAMAS $1.99 up • GOWNS $1.99 up • BED JACKETS $1.99 up • HOSIERY $1.00 up • HOUSE SLIPPERS $1.00 f\ up • SLIPS $1.59 up • GLOVES $1.00 up • BAGS $1.00 up • SPORTWEAR • SLACKS \ • JACKETS A wide selection of accessories for HER CHRISTMAS GIFT. Come in and see the charming gifts. Our sales ladies will be glad to oblige you. Eugene Edge & Son 121 N. Main V