Page 4 THE BATTALION -TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1941 ‘If Called to Duty Full Credit Will be Given’-Welty OFFICIAL NOTICES OFFICIAL The Academic Council w’ll meet at 8 p. m. today.—F. C. BOLTON, Dean. FEBRUARY GRADUATES for Baccalaureate and Ad vanced Degrees to be conferred in Feb ruary should now make application for degrees in the Registrar’s Office. Decem ber 15 is the latest date for applying for *uch degrees.—H. L. HEATON, Acting Registrar. Commanders Pledge Corps Speculation Runs Rampant As Loyalty to Nation in Crisis Aggies Hear First War Reports v v It was a dramatic moment m of. “Let’s take a corns FACULTY DANCE CLUB The next Faculty dance will be held on the evening December 12, Friday, from 9 to 12 in the Annex 'of Sbisa Hall. EASTERN PANHANDLE CLUB The Ea-.tem Panhandle club will meet Tuesday night after Yell Practice to dis cuss final plans for the Christmas Dance. All members are urged to attend. WILLIAMSON COUNTY CLUB There will be a meeting of the William son County A. & M. club in Room 208, Academic Building tomorrow night im mediately after yell practice. It is urgent that all members interested in the Xmas Dance be present. CALIFORNIA CLUB There will be a California A. & M. Club meeting at 7 o’clock Tuesday night in Room 217 Academic building. All those who are from or interested in California are cordially invited to attend. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY CLUB The^e will be an important meeting of the Mississippi Valley A. & M. Club Tuesday night at 7:15 in Room 310 Aca demic building. Everyone please be there. PERMIAN BASIN CLUB Permian Basin Club meeting in Room 120 Academic building Tuesday night at 7 o’clock. BEAUMONT CLUB The Beaumont A. & M. Club will hold a very important meeting tonight after yell practice in Room 206, Academic Building. It is imperative that all mem bers be present, for membership cards and dance tickets will be distributed. HEY, HEADING FOR HOME? Start right and easy! Send your luggage round-trip by trusty, low- cost Railway Express, and take your train with peace of mind.We pick-up and deliver, remember, at no extra charge within our reg ular vehicle limits in all cities and principal towns. You merely phone Rai lwa^Expre s s agency i NC . NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE Commandant Pleas for Students To Stay in School as Long as Possible Climaxing the day’s tense events, the organization com manders held their, first meeting with Colonel M. D. Welty, commandant, last night in Sbisa hall and adopted a resolution of loyalty and fidelity after Colonel Welty made the im portant statement that he would see that some arrangements were made “to have the men receive credit for their college work if drafted or called to active duty before the end of the semester.” Leave early, no credit Colonel Welty qualified his statement, however, by go ing on to say that such cred it would be received only if “the men stay in college as long as they possibly can. If any student receives his pa pers to report on April 1, he should not quit school now but continue on with his studies until the time for him to re port for duty. This is the only way any arrangements can be made to see that full credit is given. BELL COUNTY CLUB There will be an important meeting of the Bel] County A. & M. club tonight immediately after yell practice in the Academic building. The room number will be announced in the mess halls. SPANISH CLUB MEETING The Spanish club will meet Wednesday night after supper in Room 122 Academic building. All students Spanish or who are interested in Lat: America are urged to attend. ng tin COLLLIN COUNTY CLUB The Collin County Club will meet to night at 7:30 in Room 107 Academic bldg. INVITATION FROM OPTIMISTS Any officer of the College caring to attend a luncheon given by the Optimist Club of Dallas at noon on December 31 preceding the Cotton Bowl game on Jan uary 1. p'ease notify my office at once.— E. J. KYLE, Dean, School of Agriculture. EAST TEXAS MEN There will be a meeting of the East Texas A. & M. club Tuesday, immediately after yell practice in Room 120 Academic Bldg. All members are urged to attend to make final plans for the Christmas dance. Cigars will be served. LITERARY GROUP The literary group of the College Wom en Social club will meet with Mrs. C. E. Potter. 102 Jersey Street, College Park, Friday at 3 P. M. Mrs. N. E. Rigler will review “Elizabeth and Essex” by Stra- chey. Classified WANTEH: Aggie student for part-time work soliciting ads. Country weekly. Ad dress Xzy, Care Battalion. LOST—Black Konson lighter combined, Thanksgiving game. Left on table at Col lege Coffee Shop. Return to Bannister, 217 No. 7 for reward. n cigarette case and Wednesday before tabli LOST—A Gruen wrist watch with frag ment of blue “glass” band attached, some where between Foster Hall and North Gate Thursday night. Finder please see Oxford, Room 13, Foster Hall, for reward. PLEASE 1 Will whoever has an un claimed brown spiral Horse & Mule Pro duction Notebook please bring to 60 Legett for usual reward. I. N. Hickman. TEXAS RANGES BELTS Reg. U. S. Paf. Office Out o]j 'Weit... Aidei ft/eut Belt Stifle You’ll really fall for this new Varsity-Town 3-but ton model — it’s “West Coast Drape” and it is the number one model with college men every where. Dress up for the Holidays in one of these smart new Varsity- Town’s — available now in college cords ... co verts ... diagonal weaves and fine worsteds. $25 to $40 “Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan From down in Yoakum, Texas, comes he- man bell style that has corralled the fancy of well dressed men the nation aver. Made by the makers of famous Hereford Saddles, Texas Ranger Belts are works of art in leather. Hand tooled and hand- stamped in designs that bespeak the bold spirit of the West. For riding, hunting, golf ing ... many wear them for business, too. Mod# cf gmlnt K> baTh*. ^LOO kand tooled In /•o/-*cro/I design, ry com** in tad HOUSE COATS One of the most useful things you can give a girl. Add glamour to her leisure. Also A VARIETY OF GIFTS • PAJAMAS $1.99 up • GOWNS $1.99 up • BED JACKETS $1.99 up • HOSIERY $1.00 up • HOUSE SLIPPERS $1.00 f\ up • SLIPS $1.59 up • GLOVES $1.00 up • BAGS $1.00 up • SPORTWEAR • SLACKS \ • JACKETS A wide selection of accessories for HER CHRISTMAS GIFT. Come in and see the charming gifts. Our sales ladies will be glad to oblige you. Eugene Edge & Son 121 N. Main V