Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1941)
Don’t Fool Yourself—Texas Longhorns Are Still Tough And Are Not Easy to Handle Only two more days remain— two more days before the titanic struggle between two great teams —the Texas Aggies and the Long horns of Texas university. And a great struggle it will be when these two ancient rivals clash this Turkey Day. The Aggies have waited a whole year, 52 weeks, 365 days for this event. The very day that Coach Dana X. Bible’s team upset the dreams of the Cadets, 7-0, Bill Henderson, sensational pass snatch ing end, remarked, “Wait’ll next year!” Well, Army, “next year” is just around the corner. The very day that we have been waiting for has just about arrived, and Coach Homer Norton’s gridsters are set to meet their bitter rival with grim determination and spirit. But in all this confusion, in all our confidence we forget one thing—the Longhorns themselves. This is a much stronger team than the one that beat the Aggies last year. They have everything— manpower, speed, and deception. Let’s keep that in mind. Yes, they were a much different team when they tied to Baylor and lost to T. C. U. then they have been all year. However, that doesn’t mean that they cannot get back in stride. They are still the same team that bowled over six top- notch opponents by overwhelming scores. They still have Pete Lay- den and Jack Crain, two of the best backs in the conference. Too, they can gain back plenty of their lost prestige if they shatter the jinx on Kyle Field and down the Ag gies. We are undefeated and untied, and we’re the champs of the South west Conference. But what good would it all be if we got beaten by Texas? It would only tend to shatter all our dreams again and end this season in an atrocious manner. Let’s not allow our con fidence to run away with us. It’ll take more than a jinx to beat the Longhorns—it will take determi nation, spirit, and the will to win like never before. Let’s not have anyone remark, “Wait’ll next year.” We want it this year! Sports Squibs From Here and There; Coach Norton Gives Comment on Bishop’s Article In reference to an article writ ten by Curt Bishop, sports editor of the Austin Daily Tribune, Coach Norton has this to say . . . “I’ve never seen the guy, never talked to him, and as for his quotations about me and the players, they are as false as they can be” . . . . Mr. Bishop’s article was based on (See KYLE FIELD, Page 4) COME ON CO-OP MEMBERS Help Us Sell Some More Business And Remember To Call On Us TEXACO SERVICE STATION Phone 4-8254 L. H. Courtney, Mgr. East Gate piBSMlDKO FILTERED SMOKING M ABSORBENT FILTERS' GENUINE FILTERS FOR MEDICO PIPES PACKED ONLY IN THIS RED & SLACK BOX 66 Baffle Filter whirl-cools smoke; traps juices, flakes and nicotine in pipes, cigarette and cigar holders. m mmrnm FINEST BRIAR MONEY CAN BUY TEMPTING STEAKS SATISFYING MEALS MW YORK CAFE Bryan Patronize Our Agent In Your Outfit. 2-1585 DYERS-FUR STORAGE HATTERS moncQ-n CASH & CARRY — D. M. DANSBY, ’37 North Gate COME IN SELECT YODR MOMS AND SUPPORT THE TEAM Place An Early Order FOR CORSAGES FOR THE BONFIRE DANCE Bryan Floral & Nursery 506 So. College Phone 2-1266 Battalion Snort s \Agsinvited to Cotton ' Bowl; No Reply Given NOVEMBER 25, 1941 Texas 9 One-Man Gang Jack Crain, the Nocona Nug get, will be a key man in the Longhorn’s attempt to break the Kyle Field tradition. Play ing from his position at quar terback, Jack has been a power in the Texas backfield. He is the leading conference scorer. By clinching the Southwest Con ference the Texas Aggies have automatically received an invita tion to play in the Cotton Bowl at Dallas, New Year’s Day, according to Dean J. S. Waterman of the University of Arkansas, president of the conference. The annual Cotton Bowl classic was taken over by the conference just prior to last January’s game and the conference champion is urged to represent the Southwest in the Cotton Bowl game... If the team invited does not choose to accept the invitation and asks per mission to play in another post season game instead, the confer ence will have to be polled on the request. An answer has not been given by Aggie officials as yet and one is not expected until after the Thanksgiving game with the Tex as Longhorns. Aggieland in gen eral refuses to comment on bowl (See BOWL GAME, page 4) HEY, HEADING FOR HOME? Start right and easy! Send your luggage round-trip by trusty, low- cost Railway Express, and take your train with peace of mind.We pick-up and deliver, remember, at no extra charge within our reg ular vehicle limits in all cities and principal towns. You merely phone Railwai^express agency inc. NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE KEEP UP YOUR GRADES With This Helpful College Outline • First Year College Chemistry • First Year College Physics • Principles & Practice of Bacteriology • Outline of General Botany • Outline of General Zoology and • Many Others STUDENT CO-OP Wishing You All A Good Thanksgiving AGGIES, JUST THE PLACE To Bring Your Date After The Game BEST FOUNTAIN SERVICE IN AGGIELAND Aggie-Longhorn Statistics Figures intended to be used to dope out the winner of the Texas Aggie-Texas Longhorn game here on Kyle Field Thanksgiving after noon, November 27, don’t mean a thing except to provide fuel for settling arguments. So, for the benefit of those who figure they can figure the victory from comparative figures—here is the complete season records of all players handling the ball on both the Aggie and Longhorn teams this season: BALL CARRIERS Player School Times Carried Gained Lost Net Gain Layden Texas 69 470 22 448 J. Crain Texas 63 869 35 334 Moser A. & M. 83 347 64 293 Sanders Texas 33 254 9 245 R. L. Harkins Texas 61 207 12 195 Doss Texas 26 180 17 lfi3 Roberts Texas 27 155 6 149 R. Williams A. & M. 43 174 47 127 Webster A. & M. 45 134 24 110 Andricks A. & M. 36 112 8 104 Mayne Texas 21 101 24 77 Pickett A. & M. 12 86 20 66 Spivey A. & M. 14 74 8 66 Matthews Texas 14 69 5 64 Daniels A. & M. 28 93 29 64 Kutner Texas 2 67 0 67 Lobpries Texas 14 49 0 49 McKay Texas 20 56 23 83 Rogers A. & M. 13 34 10 24 Minor Texas 11 27 11 16 Zapalac A. & M. 8 11 0 11 E. Smith A. & M. 1 3 0 3 Martin Texas 1 2 0 2 Field Texas 2 2 0 2 Cox A. & M. 1 0 10 -10 TEAM TOTALS Texas 864 2008 164 1834 A. & M. 284 1068 210 858 LEADING passers Player School Attempts Comp. Had Intcp. Net Yards Moser A. & M. 126 67 14 811 R. Harkins Texas 55 80 1 412 Daniels A. & M. 43 19 3 245 Layden Texas 31 14 2 140 Rogers A. & M. 21 7 8 99 Pickett A. & M. 15 7 1 75 Webster A. & M. 7 3 1 65 Mayne Texas 15 6 1 53 Sanders Texas 10 7 0 53 J. Crain Texas 7 4 0 41 Andricks A. & M. 7 4 0 39 R. Williams A. & M. 6 2 1 30 Heap Texas 4 1 1 29 McKay Texas 5 3 1 27 Roberts Texas 8 1 0 7 TEAM TOTALS: Texas 130 66 6 762 A. & M. 224 99 23 1354 LEADING SCORERS Player School Touchdowns Conversions Field Goals Total P. Crain Texas 8 20 0 68 Rogers A. & M. 8 0 0 48 Layden Texas 7 0 0 42 Spivey A. & M. 6 0 0 86 Moser A. & M. 6 0 0 80 Sanders Texas 4 6 0 30 Webster A. & M. 0 25 0 25 R. Williams A. & M. 4 1 0 25 Andricks A. & M. 4 0 0 24 Pickett A. & M. 4 0 0 24 Roberts Texas B 0 0 18 Kutner Texas 8 0 0 18 Doss Texas 3 0 0 18 Zapalac A. & M. 2 1 0 13 Harkins Texas 2 1 0 13 Mayne Texas 1 2 o 7 Minor Texas 1 0 0 6 Cowley A. & M. 1 0 0 6 Henderson A. & M. 1 0 0 6 Daniels A. & M. 1 0 o 6 F. Bucek A. & M. 1 0 0 c McKay Texas 1 0 0 6 Heap Texas 1 0 0 6 Scott Texas 1 0 0 6 Parker Texas 1 0 ■"Safeties for A. & M. (2) - 4 TEAM TOTALS: TEXAS 36 28 0 244 A. & M. 37 27 0 253 *A. & M. safeties came in games with A. & I. and S. M. U. PUNTERS Player School Kicks Yards Kicked Avg. Kick Roberts Texas 1 54 64.0 Pickett A. & M. 1 49 49.0 Crain Texas 6 293 48.8 Daniels A. & M. 13 515 39.6 Moser A. & M. 37 1401 37.8 Webster A. & M. 5 185 37.0 Rogers A. & M. 1 37 37.0 Sanders Texas 14 483 84.5 Mayne Texas 6 195 32.5 Harkins Texas 10 294 29.4 McKay Texas 3 73 24.3 Andrews A. & M. 1 18 18.0 Layden Texas 15 615 34.3 TEAM TOTALS: Texas 55 1907 34.5 A- & M. 58 2205 38.0 PUNT RETURNS Player School Pants Returned Yards Average R. Williams A. & M. 3 88 29.3 Rogers A. & M. 3 85 28.3 Pickett A. & M. 3 79 26.3 Daniels A. & M. 11 212 19.3 Spivey A. & M. 5 91 18.2 Sanders Texas 12 201 16.8 J. Crain Texas 19 309 16.3 Field Texas 1 16 16.0 Moser A. & M. 24 302 12.6 Roberts Texas 10 115 11.5 Doss Texas 1 2 2.0 F. Bucek A. & M. 1 2 2.0 E. Smith A. & M. 1 1 1.0 Martin Texas 1 1 1.0 TEAM TOTALS: Texas 44 644 14 ;6 A. & M. 51 860 15.3 Intramurals ~ Tty Dub Oxford B Signal Corps can play foot ball! And at that, it is a master piece of understatement. I have never seen such a well organiz ed team as B Signal Corps. They have a deceptiveness which is re markable. And their deceptiveness is built around a brilliant aerial attack led by George Van Cleave. However, they also have a run ner who is gifted with snake-hips ... .in fact he is so elusive that he reminds one of Texas universi ty’s Jack Crain. Dewitt Brown is the man I am talking about. . . Their plays are executed with perfect precision and calmness and must have been figured out from a heavy skull practice. I don’t know who is the “mind” behind the plan ning of the plays, but who ever he is, he is a wizard. When they played their game with D Infantry, from the kick off to the final gun, they never gave the “Paddlefeet” a chance. Not only did they make four 20 and four 40 yard penetrations t o their opponents Oxford none, but the fin al score of the game was 18-0. Upperclassmen may look for ward to Speedball as a coming sport. The sport will be offered as soon as touch football is finish ed. Class A Tennis is now in the finals. PALACE PREVIEW 11 P .M. THANKSGIVING EVE ONLY Jack Oakie — Linda Darnell In “RISE AND SHINE” THU. — FRI. — SAT. William Powell — Myrna Loy In “SHADOW OF THE THIN MAN” PREVIEW 11 P. M. SATURDAY NIGHT Edward G. Robinson In “UNHOLY PARTNERS” Shown SUN. — MON. MADELEY PHARMACY Across From The Project Houses Here Comes Santa Claus, Aggies / / OFFERING 225 Penney’s Famous Broadcloth REGULATION SHIRTS Fast Colors, Military Cut Sizes 14 and 14 , /2> Few 17 TO CLOSE OUT WHILE THEY LAST $1.00 each Patches 100 Attached Free it4, #. ttttMtr “AGGIE ECONOMY CENTER” Bryan, Texas s /i News for Night Owls If formal wear is your Nemesis, see the good- looking Arrow dress shirts. They’re both comfortable and well-behaved. The Arrow Lido, for white tie and tails, has a smooth narrow bosom, held se curely in place by suspen der loops. —>■ The Arrow Shoreham, for black tie and tux, has a semi-soft pleated bosom with turned-down attached collar. -<— Arrow Dress Ties, $1 Handkerchiefs, 25c Collars, 35c ARROW SHIRTS l earl “at but rt. the Dree jy a Ad- bor, ipal pair ate- ?lled ntly ilnd t of it-