Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1941)
Page 4 THE BATTALION -SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1941 Official Notices CIRCULAR NO. 8: 1. The Corps of Cadets will move to Houston, Saturday morning, November 15. 1941, via. Southern Pacific Railroad to parade and attend the A. & M.-Rice foot ball game. 2. Calls will be sounded as follows: 1st Call, Reveille (no formation) 6:00 A. M. Mess Call, Breakfast, 6:10 A. M. Assembly, 6:13 A. M. 6. Detraining: The first section will M.; arrive at 9:15 A. M. Organizations will gan detrain promptly upon arrival and will arrive at 9:10 A. M.; Second section will A tly march in colum of twos, to assembly area— parking space in front of the Southern Pacific Railroad Station. 6. Baggage: a. Immediately after halting in posi tion at the parade assembly area, each squad will make up a squad roll contain- BURT coUAR ing all overcoats and raincoats, securely tied in one bundle and tagged with two tags to each roll. Tags will be distributed by company supply sergeants. Hand bag gage will be market with chalk—the name gage obtain trucks provided. Baggage will be hed from truck at point of dismissal. Four men will be detailed from each bat talion as guards to remain,with the prop erty and safeguard same during the pa rade. b. On detraining members of the band will secure instruments from the bag gage coach and proceed to a moving van provided for the purpose, and leave bag gage and instrument cases in the moving van. 7. Parade: a. Time: 10:00 A. M. b. Assembly: Organizations will assem ble in the respective areas designated, in column of companies, each company in mass formation. c. Order of march: Corps Commander and Staff Field Artillery Band Infantry Regiment Field Artillery Regiment Composite Regiment Infantry Band Cavalry Regiment Engineer Regiment Coast Artillery Regiment d. Formation: Column of regiments, regiments in column of battalions, battal- mnq in column of companies, companies in mass formation at close interval, with a six man front. e. Route: Congress Street to Main Street; right on Main Street to Lamar Street; right on Lamar Street to Dismissal area. f. Reviewing Stand: The reviewing stand will be located in front of the Rice Hotel. g. Colors, Standards and Guidons: Col ors, Standards, and Guidons will be car ried. Regimental Colors and Guidons will LISTEN TO WTAW 1150 KC Manhattan collars are varied, smartly designed and styled to type. There is a Manhattan collar for every man. The Burt has been approved by college men everywhere — see this smart collar styled especially for you in fine oxford cloths—Tan, Blue or white. $2.00 flTaldropafi “Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan color sergeant designated by the corps commander. The van will be located at the intersection of Lamar and Bagby Streets. h. Dismissal: Infantry Regiment—Right on Bagby Street to Walker Street. Field Artillery Regiment—Right on Brazos Street to Walker Street. Composite Regiment—Lamar Street to Bagby Street. Cavalry Regiment—Right on Smith Street to Walker Street. Engineer Regiment—Lamar Street to Brazos Street. Coast Artillery Regiment—Lamar Street to Smith Street. 8. Uniform: a. No. 1 uniform. b. Non-Military students and other stu dents that do not have a blouse are authorized to wear civilian clothes. c. No. 2 uniform will be non-regula tion for the parade and ball game, but may be worn at other times on the trip. Those students wearing civilian clothes to the ball game should have their yellow receipt with them in case the gate keeper questions their identity as students of the College. 9. Time of departure for return from Houston: Regular train—11:30 P. M., Saturday night, November 15. Tactical officer: Major Elwood. Special train—12:30 Saturday night, November 16. Tactical officer: Lt. Strother. par; at receipt Former A&M Student Now First Lieutenant Lt. William R. Large, Jr., of 1110 Kings Highway, Dallas, Tex as, has been promoted from second lieutenant to first lieutenant in the U. S. Army Air Corps Reserve. He attended Southern Methodist University, received a B. S. degree from Texas A. & M. in 1936, and later attended Carnegie Institute of Technology at Pittsburgh, Pa. Stationed at the “West Point” of the Air” since June, 1940, Lieu tenant Large is on duty as flight instructor. Randolph Field, head quarters of the Gulf Coast Air Corps Training Center, is an Army basic flying school, training over 800 Aviation ‘ Cadets every 10 weeks. When In Doubt About Your Eyes Or Your Glasses Consult Dr. J. W. Payne OPTOMETRIST 109 S. Main Bryan, Texas HOUCK CLEANER Ben Youngblood, Mgr. Agents in most halls or save on CASH & CARRY S Pants, C. & P 20 Blouse, C. & P 20 Wool Shirt, C. & P 20 Suit, C. & P 40 Overcoat, C. & P Send To Holick’s 40 North Gate Let's Beat Rice AGGIES!! “MALT-A-PLENTY” SERVICE EATS — DRINKS — SMOKES — George s Confectionery Be sure to listen to the Com munity Bulletin Board which is carried on WTAW six days each week, Monday through Satur day at 11:55 a.m. This program includes a newscast by staff members of the Battalion. • • • Saturday’s Programs 11:25 a. m.—I’m an American (Department of Justice) 11:40 a. m.—Interlude 11:50 a. m.—A Moment for Re flection (Bryan and College Sta tion Pastors) 12:00 noon—Sign-off. Sunday’s Programs 8:30 a. m.—Roan Chapel Sing ers 8:45 a. m.—Classical Music 9:30 a. m.—Sign-off. Monday’s Programs 11:25 a. m.—Life and the Land (Farm Credit Administration) 11:40 a. m.—Popular Music. 11:55 a. m.—Community Bulle tin Board and Battalion newscast 12:00 noon—Sign-off. -WILLIAMSON— (Continued from Page 3) C. U. after their miserable show ing last Saturday. This week’s predictions follow, with the probable winner in capi tals. WILLIAMSON'S PREDICTIONS SATURDAY GAMES HOME TEAM VISITING TEAM ABILENE CHRS Howard Payne ALABAMA U Georgia Teeh Arkansas S. M. U. Colorado Mines DENVER CLEMSON COLLEGE Wake Forest California U OREGON ST. Columbia U MICHIGAN CORNELL U. Dartmouth DENTON Commerce Tehrs DAVIS & ELKINS Arkansas A. & M. DUKE No. Carolina Duquesne MISS. STATE GEORGIA Centre GEORGETOWN U No. Carolina St. HARVARD Brown U. HOLY CROSS Manhattan Iowa U MINNESOTA Kansas U KANSAS ST. COL. Louisiana St AUBURN Louisiana Tech HARDIN-SIMMONS Louisville U VANDERBILT McMurry AUSTIN MARYLAND U V. M. .1 MARQUETTE New Mexico U. MICHIGAN ST Temple U. Missouri OKLAHOMA New York U TULANE Nebraska U PITTSBURGH Northwestern NOTRE DAME OKLAHOMA A. & M Arizona U. OHIO STATE Illinois U. PENNSLYVANIA Army PENN STATE West Virginia Rice TEXAS A. & M. SYRACUSE Colgate SOUTH CAROLINA Furman St. Mary (Tex) TEXAS A. & 1. Sam Houston SAN MARCOS SAN JOSE Fresno State STANFORD Washington State TULSA Baylor U. TENNESSEE Boston College Texas Mines W. TEXAS STATE TEXAS WESLEYAN Trinity U. TEXAS U T. C. U. TEXAS TECH St. Louis U. U. C. L. A Camp Haan YALE Princeton WILLIAMS Amherst Wisconsin PURDUE Wyoming UTAH A. & M. SUNDAY GAMES St. Mary (Calif.) SANTA CLARA Villanova DETROIT Regular train—8 :00 A. M., Sunday morn ing, November 16. Regular train—11:30 P. M., Sunday night, November 16. Tactical officer: Lt. Williams. 10. To prevent confusion and delay in forming the parade, cadets that do not got to Houston by train will be at the assembly area not later than 9:00 A. M. 11. Company supply sergeants will re port to the Commandant’s Office not later than 2 :00 P. M., Friday, November 14, and receive twine, tags, and chalk for marking squad rolls and baggage. Color sergeants will report to Room 20, on the second floor, Ross Hall, to receive colors and standards between 1:00 and 4:30 P. M., November 14, 1941. By order of Colonel WELTY: JOE E. DAVIS 1st Lt., Infantry Assistant Commandant. F. E. POST OFFICE The Faculty Exchange Post Office has several boxes for rent to the members of the college staff. Anyone interested should see Mr. K. J. Aldrich at the Faculty Ex change Post Office. In New “Y” OFFICIAL NOTICE The Entomology Club will meet Tuesday night, November 18, in the Biology lecture room after yell practice. Motion pictures of cotton experiments carried on in this state will be shown by E. O. Regis, a graduate student from Brazil. FACULTY DANCE CLUB The next dance will be held in Sbisa Hall on the night of Wednesday, November 19.— G. J. Samuelson. Classified FOR A ROUND TRIP RIDE to Amarill. for the Thanksgiving holidays (leaving after game) inquire at Room 12, Y.M.C.A. Aggies—Conference Leaders The 1941 Texas Aggie Team which will go into action against the Owls of Rice institute this afternoon is shown here. Front row, left to right—Bill Sibley, Jim Sterling, Marshall Spivey, Derace Moser, Don Leuthy, Jim Montgomery, Bill Henderson, Lester Richardson, and Bob Tullis. Second row—Leo Daniels, Earl Smith, Sam Porter, Bob Williams, Felix Bucek, Leonard Holder, Leonard Dickey, Jack Swank. Third row—Arthur Mercer, Maurice Williams, Sam Rankin, Dick Skarke, Truman Cox, Freddie Walters, Dennis Andricks, Jake Webster, Willie Zapalac. Fourth row—Charles Miller, Tom Pickett, Cullen Rogers, Lincoln Roman, Marion Slaughter, Elvis Simmons, Fount Wade, Harold Cowley. Fifth-row—Jamie Dawson, Martin Ruby, Zolus Motley, Jim mie Knight, Roy Bucek, Bill Andrews, Owen Moore. Sixth row—Johnny Stout, Dan Levy, Ray Mulhollan, Enel Wesson, Weldon Maples, Wayne Cure, Shelton Wagner. Back row—Head Coach Homer Norton; Backfield Coach Marty Karow; Line Coach Bill James and End Coach “Dough” Rollins. —Photo by Howard Berry. ONE SIDE OWLS Here Come The Aggies Let’s “BOOT” ’Em All Over The Field Army Holick’s Boot Shop North Gate South American Will Show Movies For Entomology Club Edgar Olivera Regis, a South American, from Campo, Brazil, Bahia, will show pictures of a number of cotton experiments that were carried on in Waco last sum mer to members of the Entomolo gy Club and visitors in the Biol ogy lecture room Tuesday night. Regis, a graduate student at A. & M. has taken several reels of pictures concerning these cotton experiments. These pictures will be shown after yell practice. —OWLS— (Continued from Page 1) will be the same with Less Rich ardson and Roy Bucek at the guard posts, Martin Ruby at tackle and Bill Sibley at the pivot post. Owls Also Crippled The Rice Owls, a potenitial pow er at the start of the season, sur prised everyone when they upset a strong Tulane team but that vic tory cost them some half a dozen injuries. Among the injured is Bob Brumley, Coach Neely’s key to the tricky Owl attack. How ever, a group of sophomore stars have come along nicely and have been Rice’s main threat in their past two games. Harold Stock- bridge, Barron Ellis, Bud Elyx Willie Smelley and Dick Dwelle are the prime examples. The Owls, who have been a distinct power most of the season, are ex pected to put a lot more emphasis on their passing game this after noon with Dwelle on the passing end and such stars as Ellis, Boh Trench, sophomore end, Clarx Wells, Stockbridge, and Ray Zim merman on the receiving end. Art Goforth, fiery guard, and Buck Sloan, captain and center of the Owls will lead the Rice de fense. Teaming with them will be Ted Brannon and Billy Heard at tackles, Weldon Humble at the other guard post, and Clark Wells and Bob Tresch at end. In the backfield it will be either Calvin McDougle or Joe Price at the quarterback spot, Dwelle or Ellis at one halfback post, Stock- bridge at the other halfback posi tion and either Brumley or Whit lock Zander at fullback. Brumley is reported to be rapidly recov ering from the injury he sustain ed in the Tulane game, and if he has recovered sufficiently, is a distinct possibility that Coach Neely will start him. “Do or Die’ ’ This will be a “do-or-die” battle for the Owls as they already have one defeat chalked up against them in conference play. The Aggies are undefeated and untied and should they lose today they will still have a good chance for the crown. yportsmen pass ^ the word along... Ils Oiesterfielc Smokers take to Chesterfield like a duck takes to water... because they’re definitely Milder Cooler-Smoking... Better-Tasting Chesterfield’s can’t-be-copied blend ... the right combination of the best cigarette tobaccos that grow both here and abroad . . . gives a man what he wants ... a ciga rette that’s definitely MILDER and that com pletely SATISFIES. IT’S CHESTERFIELD FOR A MILDER COOLER SMOKE Copyricbt 1941, Liccett & Mtess Tobacco Co.