Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1941)
Page 4 Official Notices NO CLASSES SATURDAY Because of the corps trip to Houston, all classes will be suspended Saturday, November 15.—P. C. Bolton, Dean. - CIRCULAR NO. 8: 1. The Corps of Cadets will move to Houston, Saturday morning, November 15, 1941, via. Southern Pacific Railroad to parade and attend the A. & M.-Rice foot ball game. 2. Calls will be sounded as follows: 1st Call, Reveille (no formation) 6:00 A. M. Mess Call, Breakfast, 6:10 A. M. Assembly, 6:13 A. M. 3. Units will march to the Southern Pacific Depot in the order given below which will be followed in entraining. Troops will march from their respective assembly points at 6:50 A. M. a. First Section: Time qf departure— 7:20 A. M. Tactical Officers: Major El- wood and Lt. Williams. Troops: Band, Corps Staff, Infantry Regiment, Field Ar tillery Regiment, Composite Regiment. b. Second Section: Time of departure— 7:30 A. M. Tactical Officer: Lt. Strother. oops iment, Coast each organization on the train and sen Troops: Cavalry Regiment, Engineer Reg- nent, Coast Artillery Regiment. 4. a. Railroad Tickets are on sale at the Southern Pacific Depot. Tickets will be purchased prior to noon, Friday, Novem ber 14, 1941. b. One cadet officer will accompany ach organization on the train and senior cadet officers will be stationed at each end of the coaches to see that students do not get off the train when stops are made enroute, ajid vestibules will be kept closed. 6. Detraining: The first section will arrive at 9:10 A. M.; Second section will arrive at 9:15 A. M. Organizations will detrain promptly upon colum of twos, to assembly area- arrival and will P march in < Southern Station. 6. Baggage: a. Immediately after halting in posi tion at the parade assembly area, each squad will make up a squad roll contain ing all overcoats and raincoats, securely tied in one bundle and tagged with two tags to each roll. Tags will be distributed by company supply sergeants. Hand bag gage will be market with chaik—the name of the owner, organization, and branch: Example—Joe Smith, Troop C Cavalry. Rolls and baggage will be placed in bag gage trucks provided. Baggage will be obtained from truck at point of dismissal. Four men will be detailed from each bat talion as guards to remain with the prop erty and safeguard same during the pa rade. parking space in front of the Pacific Railroad b. will On detraining members of the band secure instruments from the bag- age coach and proceed to a moving van rovided for the urpose, and leave bag gage and instrument cases in the moving van. 7. Parade: a. Time: 10:00 A. M. b. Assembly: Organizations will assem ble in the respective areas designated, in column of companies, each company in mass formation. c. Order of march: Corps Commander and Staff Field Artillery Band Infantry Regiment Field Artillery Regiment Composite Regiment Infantry Band Cavalry Regiment Engineer Regiment Coast Artillery Regiment Why Be Left Out In The Cold? WHEN YOU ARE COLD AND HUNGRY Come In And Try Some Of Our Delicious Hot Chocolate Aggieland Pharmacy “Keep To The Right At The North Gate” Dr Asbury Injured In Automobile Crash Dr. S. E. Asbury of the Experi ment Station suffered from minor cuts, bruises,-and a broken thumb received last Friday night at about 9:00 o’clock when he was hit by an automobile. Asbury was riding his bicycle and was struck from the rear by the car. The driver of the car is un known. He was taken to the college hos pital for first aid and then carried to the Wilkerson Clinic in Bryan. His condition is reported as im proving favorably. d. Formation: Column of regiments, regiments in column of battalions, battal ions in column of companies, companies in mass formation at close interval, with a six man front. e. Route: Congress Street to Main Street: right on Main Street to Lamar Street; right on Lamar Street to Dismissal area. f. Reviewing Stand: The reviewing stand will be located in front of the Rice Hotel. g. Colors, Standards and Guidons: Col ors, Standards, and Guidons will be car ried. Regimental Colors and Guidons will salute. After the parade the Colors, Stand ards and Guidons will be placed in the band van, under the supervision of one color sergeant designated by the corps commander. The van will be located at the intersection of Lamar and Bagby Streets. • h. Dismissal: Infantry Regiment—Right on Bagby Street to Walker Street. Field Artillery Regiment—Right on Brazos Street to Walker Street. Composite Regiment—Lamar Street to Bagby Street. Cavalry Regiment—Right on Smith Street to Walker Street. Engineer Regiment—Lamar Street to Brazos Street. Coast Artillery Regiment—Lamar Street to Smith Street. 8. Uniform: a. No. 1 uniform. b. Non-Military students and other stu dents that do not have a blouse are authorized to wear civilian clothes. c. No. 2 uniform will be non-regula tion for the parade and ball game, but may be worn at other times on the trip. Those students wearing civilian clothes to the ball game should have their yellow- receipt with them in case the gate keeper questions their identity as students of the College. 9. Time of departure for return from Houston: Regular train—11:30 P. M., Saturday night, November 15. Tactical officer: Major Elwood. Special train—12:30 Saturday night, November 15. Tactical officer: Lt. Strother. Regular train—8 :00 A. M., Sunday morn ing, November 16. Regular train—11:30 P. M., Sunday night, November 16. Tactical officer: Lt. Williams. 10. To prevent confusion and delay in forming the parade, cadets that do not got to Houston by train will be at the assembly area not later than 9:00 A. M. 11. Company supply sergeants vrill re port to the Commandant’s Office not later than 2 :00 P. M., Friday, November 14, and receive twine, tags, and chalk for marking squad rolls and baggage. Color sergeants will report to Room 20, on the second floor, Ross Hall, to receive colors and standards between 1:00 and 4:30 P. M., November 14, 1941. By order of Colonel WELTY: JOE E. DAVIS 1st Lt., Infantry Assistant Commandant. - THE BATTALION - -EMPLOYMENT (Continued from Page 1) opening remarks. Liberal Arts Speakers Speakers at tjie liberal arts and teaching lecture will be James R. D. Eddy, chairman, division of vo cational education, Austin, and L. V. Stockard, assistant superintend ent of schools, Dallas. Dean T. D. Brooks will serve as chairman. Each of the lecture programs is designed to run not longer than one hour and 15 minutes. Although the above lectures are from definite fields, their remarks are expected to apply generally to employment and personnel mat ters; hence, students may attend any or all of the lectures they wish. Educational Program This series of lectures has been developed by the placement of fice as an educational program to acquaint students of A. & M. with some of the problems they will face after graduation and to give them information on both the solic itation and holding of desirable employment. Summer Cotton Tour Films Shown Tonight Moving pictures of the Cotton tour which were taken this summer by the Agronomy department will be shown in room 201 of the Tex tile building tonight after yell prac tice. The movies will be shown by L. M. Thompson of the agronomy department. of the New York base of American Air lines. PLAN SCIENCE SEMINAR Date: 7:30 P. M, Thursday, November 13, 1941. Place: Experiment Station Conference Room. Speaker: Neil E. Rigler. Subject: The Biochemistry of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation. partment should come by the Placement Bureau, Room 133, Administration build ing as soon as possible and arrange for their interview periods. Placement Bureau ASSOCIATION OF FORMER STUDENTS. EX 4-H CLUB There will be a meeting of the Ex 4-H club tonight in room 132 A. & I. buildi: lub congress will be elected. Dr. Dan Russel will speak. ng. lub AGRONOMY SOCIETY The Agronomy society will meet tonight in the Ag. Eng. Lecture room, immediately after yell practice. Paul Walser, state eo- dinator of The Soil Conservation service ord wil 1 be the speaker. AMERICAN MILITARY ENGINEERS There will be a meeting of the Society of American Military Engineers tonight after yell practice in Room 117 of the Academic bldg. Captain Mc-mlley will speak. All members are urged to attend. The Literary Group of the College Wom- i’s Social Club will meet at 3 p. m. Fri day, in the home of Mrs. M. F. Nelson, en’s Social Club will meet at 3 p. m. Fri- “For Whom The Bell Tolls,” by Heming way, will be reviewed by Mrs. P. J. Talley, and Mrs. A. B. Nelson will review -DeaUi and Taxes” by Parker. Visitors are wel come. Classified LOST—In South Station Monday, His tory 213, Math 161, English O&A, and two black composition books with notes. Please return to 202, Dorm 9. F. E. POST OFFICE The Faculty Exchange Post Office has several boxes for rent to the members of the college staff. Anyone interested should see Mr. K. J. Aldrich at the Faculty Ex change Post Office. PLACEMENT BUREAU Electrical and mechanical engineering seniors who filled out General Electric Interview Records for their respective de- I. E. CLUB There will be an I. E. club meeting immediately after yell practice Thursday night in room 101 M. E. shops building. INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES There will be a meeting of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences in the Electrical Engineering Lecture room tonight at 7:30, Walter S. Weismann, Jr., Houston repre sentative of American Airlines, will pre sent a film and lecture on the activities 15 Blouses and Sam Brownes to | Rent For \ Corps Trip $1.00 loopot’s i i LOST—Slide rule bearing name L. A. Larrey inside flap. Return to Room 417 No. 8 for reward. 4-1181 TODAY ONLY “I WAS A PRISONER ON DEVIL’S ISLAND” With Sally Eilers — Donald Woods Also Popeye Cartoon — Sports Information Please FRIDAY & SATURDAY “BACHELOR DADDY” With Edward Everett Horton Evelyn Ankers Baby Sandy Also Musical — “Rhythm Revels” Latest Fox News 1940 A. & M. vs. Rice Football Game THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1941 Hulme Volunteers for Naval Air Corps Fred Hulme, graduate assistant in biology, volunteered for the Naval Air corps Saturday and left Tuesday for Dallas where he will train before going to Pensacola, Florida, for advanced work. Hulme is a graduate of Baylor university and has been doing grad uate work at A. & M. in the biol ogy department. . LOST—1 white dog with McAllen dog license on collar. Last seen near new mess hall. Return to 56 Legett for reward. LOST—Lord Elgin wrist watch with broken band. Engraving on band “Ann to Me.” Liberal reward. E. C. McLarty, Phone 4-4479 or Project House No. 12. ROUND TRIP TO DALLAS this week end. Leave College 5 o’clock Friday after noon. Leave Dallas 6 o’clock Sunday af ternoon, 1939 Oldsmobile with heater & radio. Price $2.00 round trip; $1.00 either way. See McCullough, 29 Legett or Gil- lesn'e. 40 Legett. LOST—LL Decitrig Duplex Slide Rule on Oct. 30. Letters R. J. C. scratched on metal part. Reward. Call Costlow at 4-8819. LOST—Wjll the senior who was given bag after wreck near Mexia after Ft. Worth Corps trip please notify McDaniel at Project House 12. RIDERS WANTED—From Bryan to Col lege. Call 2-5920 after 6:00. FOR A ROUND TRIP RIDE to Amarillo for the Thanksgiving holidays (leaving after gamel inquire at Room 12. Y.M.C.A. in : |i No Cramming Necessary! For swell flavor and real chewing fun-the answer is delicious Wrigley’s Spearmint Gum ■ -« ';;~f\rvrr ; r,", << v j ^ XSB2C-1-It’s the Navy’s new dive- bombing sensation — Test Pilot Bill Ward at the stick HOW DOES IT FEEL to dive straight down from several miles up? BillWard “YOUR EARS CRACKLE and pop. You think,” says Bill Ward, "the whole knows. He’s the test pilot who put this amazing new Curtiss dive bomber world’s trying to squeeze the daylights out of you. You think maybe it through her paces for the Navy. That’s Bill (in the picture at the left, above} has, if things go a little foggy or dark when you’re pulling out of your smoking his (and the Navy man’s} favorite cigarette. He’ll tell you— dive.” After a ride like that, a cool, flavorful Camel tastes mighty welcome. The smoke of slower-burning Camels contains 28% LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other largest-selling cigarettes tested^ less than any of them — according to independent scientific tests of the smoke itself! Mm/m* / m issues- ^ flV e quab •sd+ej&z&z i : i Test Pilot Bill Ward shares the Navy man’s preference for Camels O PEAKING of tests, BillWard adds: Light up a Camel yourself. You’ll O “Those recent laboratory tests know in the first few flavorful puffs showing less nicotine in the smoke of why, with men in the service*... with Camels only go to prove what I’ve the millions behind’s Camels, always found in my smoking—Camels {*Actual sales records show the favorite are milder in lots of ways. That’s what cigarette with men in the Army, Navy, u „ Marines, and Coast Guard is Camel.} counts with me. lob. .gale®- CAMEL THE; ClGARET'lpLi^^b^tlEltlTOBAtllicis^