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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1941)
Page 4 THE BATTALION -SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1941 Official Notices It has been recommended by the Traffic Committee and approved by the President of the College that the following streets be closed for the noon formation from 12:10 P. M. until 1:00 P. M.; for the formation from 6:10 P. M. until ~ ' ' 25 : and north- BUPP 7 :00 P. M., effective Saturday, October 25 day, Houston Street—Bizzell Hall west corner of old mess hall. Ross Street—In front of Exchange Store. West entrance to campus at Memorial Monument. Jones Street and Dr. Marsh’s. NOTICE The following change in students in charge of lights in the dormitories has been made: Cadet W. L. Gunlock, Dorm. 1, Room 420, replaces Cadet F. N. Stubbs, Dorm. AGGIES Beat BAYLOR F 0 R M E N | ( Salute This Favorite ! 'Aviation Buckler*' \ Wtade of extremely soft Norse, this plain toe one buckie oxford is amazingly comfortable ... Its heavy oil treated sole can “take it”. . For civilian or military wear.. Other Edgertons $5.50 to $7.50 (llaldropgfl “Two Convenient Stores” College Station Bryan 1, Room 128, for Dorms. 1, 2, 3, and 4. APPRECIATION Tom Gillis, Cadet Colonel, College Station, Texas Dear Colonel Gillis: Will you kindly convey to the Cadet Corps our sincere and heartfelt apprecia tion for your beautiful expression of sym pathy in our hour of deepest sorrow. And please tell them that as long as we maintain our home in the West, we hope each and ever Aggie Cadet who might chance to come this way will make our home his home. Again may I gratefully acknowledge your wonderful kindness. Most Sincerely, Mrs. William H. Taylor BATTALION STAFF There will be a meeting of all Junior editors of The Battalion Monday night, October 27, in Room 122 Administration building. BEAT BAYLOR AGGIES We Serve The Best Our Prices Are Right DELUXE CAFE BRYAN You Clean Up Baylor, Aggies LET’S GET THOSE BEARS, ARMY! BURKHALTER GROCERY New Highway 6 AGGIES! > CUT UP THOSE BEARS! But first, why not come in and GET THAT HAIRCUT AGGIELAND BARBER SHOP Across From Post Office WE WILL RUIN THE BRUINS BUT SAY, OLE ARMY, Why Not Come In And Order That Pair Of COWBOY BOOTS That You Have Always Wanted? You will be as proud to wear them as are the many Aggies who wear our boots. Holick’s Boot Shop North Gate AND LET US CLEAN THAT TUX For The Dance Tonight COURTESY CLEANERS Across From Project Houses Phone 4-4264 —AGGIE— (Continued from Page 1) the Aggies’ second touchdown a - gainst T.C.U. last week, and is sure to be a threat against the Bears this afternoon. The Baylor Bears, in an attempt to stop the vaunted Aggie attack, will send Jack Wilson, Buddy Gatewood, and Jack Russell to hand the cadets their first defeat since 1937. These three have been the main spark plug in the Bears’ victories this year, and will be the main offering by the Bruins to day. Wilson, who is 75 per cent of the Bear offense will combine with Weldon Bigony, Bo Robin son, and Milton Crain in the Bay lor backfield. BRAZOS A. & M. CLUB The Brazos A. & M. Club will hold its first meeting of the year next Tuesday on the first floor of the Academic Build ing immediately after yell practice. All Brazos County boys are urged to y ounty boys are urge attend this initial meeting of the clu A. & M. DAMES CLUB Have you ever been to the museum? Be sure and come to the A. & M. Dames Club Wednesday night at 7 :3 at the Y. M. C. A. From there we will go to the museum to see the various collections of birds, gu ms, stones, the mummy, and many other things of interest. WALTHER EAGUE The A. & M. Walther League will meet in the Y Chapel at 4 o’clock Sunday af ternoon. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING The Mechanical Engineering Office is holding a box of scales sent from the Howe Scale Co., weight 80 lbs., will the department that ordered these please call for them.—C. W. Crawford, Head, Depart ment of Mechanical Engineering. COSMOPOLITAN CLUB Count Sugareff will speak to the Cos mopolitan club Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock in the Y parlor. American stu dents are especially invited because the club is for all students whether from a foreign country or not. PRE-MEDICAL STUDENTS A special Pre-Medical Aptitude test will be given at 2 P. M. on December 5, 1941 for all pre-medical students who expect to apply for entrance into medical college in the fall of 1942 and who did not take the test given last May. One must have an aptitude test rating to be < entrance to the medical college. All students who wish to take this test should leave their names with me in Room 13, Science Building, before 5 P. M., Tuesday, October 28, since the test forms have to be ordered at that time.—G. E, Potter, Pre-Medical Advisor. an aptitude test ratin be eligible for FISH AND GAME CLUB MEETING The regular meeting of the Fish and Game club Monday night following Yell Practice will feature an interesting dis cussion of an itinerary through the col lege museum conducted by Curtis Hesse, Curator. All interested persons are urged to at tend the meeting in front of the museum immediately after yell practice. HILLEL CLUB There will be a meeting of the A. & M. Hillel club, at 7 :30 p. m., Sunday, October 26, in the lounge room of Sbisa Hall. Rabbi Newton J. Friedman, director of the Texas university Hillel foundation will speak. Church Notices AMERICAN LUTHERAN CONGREGATION Y. M. C. A. Parlors Kurt Hartmann, Pastor A. & M. Lutheran Student Association meeting Sunday morning at 10 in the mess hall parlors. Bible Class at 6 :45 p. m. in the Y. Par lors. Our regular divine service is conducted regi in the Y. Parlors (2nd floor of Y. build ing) every Sunday night at 7:30, imme diately after Bible class. A. & M. Lutheran Student Association officers: Sidney Herzik, President; R. F. Eisen- hauer, Vice-President; Raymond Velinder, Secretary-Treasurer. You are welcome! A. & M. CHRURCHC OF CHRIST R. B. Sweet, Minister Sunday 9:45 a. m., Bible classes; 10:45 Morning worship service ; 7 p. m. the after- ir discussion group; 7:45 p. m. the g Tuesday, : Wednesda; ing. All are invited to attend all these ser vices. You will be most welcome. supper evening worship. 10 a. m. the ladies’ Bible class, ay 7:30 p. m. the Prayer meet- FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH In Bryan Wm. H. Andrew, D.D., Pastor Sunday School—The Dan Russell A. & M. Bible Class—9:45 A. M. Morning Worship, 10:50 A. M. Baptist Training Union, 6:30 P. M. Evening Worship, 7:30 P. M. Free round-trip fares on Special bus leav ing both Y’s and Project House Area at 9:20 every Sunday morning. Every Aggie welcome to this church. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 9:00 A. M.—Coffee Hour 10 :00 A. M.—Church School. 11:00 A. M.—Morning Sermon. (Dr. DeWitt Baldwin-Board Mission Speaker). 7:00 P. M.—Wesley Foundation Fel lowship. (Led by Dr. Baldwin). 7 :30 P. M.—Svening Service. Monday, October 27, 1941 7:15 P. M.—Special Church wide Rally led by Dr. DeWitt Baldwin. The ladies of the church are entertain ing the professional women who are in terested in the Methodist group on Tues day evening, October 28, at 8 o’clock at the parsonage, presenting Dr. DeWitt C. Baldwin. Classified FOUND—On highway near Round Rock, suitcase containing blouse and other articles of uniform belonging to some Aggie.—R. P. Ward, E. E. Dept. Interested in playing guitar, mandolin, accordian, with string band.—Drop card to Dan, Box 5151 Campus. FOUND—A yoi same and will be returned.—4-7719, C. G. White. LOST—Black bag at Houston catch out Oct. 12. Finder please return to 4 Legett, of box 4816. SADDLE HORSES FOR RENT—Lake- view Saddle Club, 2 Mi. south of college on Hwy. 6. LOST—Slide Rule—H. J. Robertson case. Return to Puryear 60. Reward. FOR RENT-—Bedroom with private bath and garage. W. L. Johnson, Beverly Es tates. Interested in deer hunting?—Inform Neal Jernigan, Jr., 409 N. College Avenue, Bryan. 2-5656. REWARD—A $2.00 reward will be paid to the person returning a brown leather jacket to Hynds, room 217 No. 11. The jacket has a zipper up the front and one on each sleeve. RIDE TO ARKANSAS—Ride to Little Rock for the Arkansas game in new Aggie bus. Will leave College of Friday morning, Oct. 31 and return on Sunday, Nov. 2. For arrangements please come to 78 Mil ner. —DISTRACTIONS— (Continued From Page 2) spares any puches all the way through. That is, up to the last. Then things change for better or worse. We haven’t been able to decide just which. Still sillier is “HOLD THAT GHOST” showing at the Campus tomorrow and Monday. The per petual cut-ups, Abbott and Costello, nave turned out another for the customers before their popularity begins to wane. The Andrews Sisters and Ted Lewis and his orchestra have the opening and closing numbers in the show. Their part is fine, but there just isn’t enough of it. A ghost or two gets loose and scares everyone, especially Cos tello. But the laughs far outnum ber the screams. This is one show that romance is at a minimum. Everyone else takes a back seat when Messrs. A. & C. start. There isn’t room for both, • so romance gets the gate. Utter devotion to a job is ex pressed by Martha Scott as an English teacher in an American university and to a woman by Wil liam Gargan who waits for a life time to marry Martha, but never puts his proposal over. The story is entitled “CHEERS FOR MISS BISHOP” and will be shown at Guion Hall Monday. Martha enters the picture as a girl of nineteen just entering col lege. The end finds her retired from teaching at the same school 51 year later. All the time Gargan tries to tell her of his love, but he can’t seem to make it quite im pressive enough. She falls in love with several other men, but all these affairs don’t materialize. Aft er she is retired from her posi tion with honors, she realizes that she has overlooked the real enjoy ment of life in her zealous devo tion to her job as a teacher. —FISH ELECT— (Continued from Page 1) president were Edward Roeder, Frank Wagenhauser, Jack Or rick and John Pennington. Roeder, of Machine-Gun Troop Cavalry, tal lied over 700 votes, with Orrick his closest competitor. The Corps of Enginers’ candi dates won the next two positions, with Paul McBride of F Company and George Manousos of E Com pany winning the secretary and treasurer races respectively. Oth ers nominated for secretary were Fred Nesmith, Barney Grimm and John L. Horton. Besides Manousos, Tom Kamos and Marvin Kautsch were nominated for treasurer. The chief function of the fresh men as a class will be the annual Fish Ball to be held in early spring. —WILLIAMSON— (Continued from Page 3) week, and both teams go into the game with identical ratings. Bar ring a tie, the Williamson System takes Stanford. HOME TEAM VISITING TEAM Centenary WASHINGTON (St. L.) California U. S. C. Commerce Tchys OUACHITA Daniel Bake ABILENE CHRIS. Flagstaff WEST TEXAS ST. FORDHAM Texas Christian Georgia Tech AUBURN Georgetown BOSTON COL. HOLY CROSS New York U. Harvard NAVY Kansas IOWA STATE KENTUCKY W. Virginia L. S. U Florida MICHIGAN Minnesota MISSOURI Nebraska NOTRE DAME Illinois DENTON TCHRS. Sam Houston OHIO STATE Northwestern Oklahoma SANTA CLARA Okla. A. & M TULSA Pittsburgh DUKE PURDUE Iowa Regis ST. MARY’S (Tex.) SYRACUSE Rutgers TEXAS A. & I Ada Tempe ARIZONA TULANE Ole Miss TEXAS Kice TEXAS A. & M Baylor TENNESSEE Cincinnatti Texas Mines HARDIN SIMMONS U. C. L. A OREGON VANDEIRBILT Princeton Wash. State OREGON STATE Wisconsin INDIANA Washington STANFORD Yale DARTMOUTH —BACKWASH— (Continued from Page 5) and to do all the other “don’ts” of mail service. But for something unusually different, take the case of the fella who signed his name as “Bean” and mailed four cards to his parents but didn’t include an address. As a result, the cards are still in the local post office and may be secured by “Bean.” The Aggieland Inn is the only hotel owned by the Texas state government. HAIRCUTS 25^ SANITARY Barber Shop 306 N. Main Bryan Let’s Go, Aggies! GOOD FOOD NEW YORK CAFE BRYAN STYLE FORECAST: STRIPED SHIRTS See Our Complete Selection of civilian shirts in striped and solid patterns. YOUR CHOICE OF COLLARS Duke of Kent Regular or Button Down $1.65 Ties 50c & $1.00 AGGIE MILITARY SHOP North Gate Kappy Kaplan JH . . If... like the Ms wt All-American Girl... you want a cigarette ""^R/DOILIDdK. Chestferfield Try a couple of pocks. We feel sure you’ll be coming bock for more . . . because Chesterfield’s right combination of the world’s leading cigarette tobaccos makes them so much Milder, Cooler and Better-Tasting that more smokers are turning to them every day. Yes, the approval of smokers is the big thing that's pushing Chesterfield ahead all over the country. EVERYWHERE YOU GO V*- " i k mm IP" ip* Copyright 1941, Liccett & Myers Tobacco Co.