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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1941)
DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION VOLUME 41 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, OCT. 11, 1941 Z275 NUMBER Y5 Twelve Beauties, Twelve Queens, 1 Winner Anna Ruth Ashe was the girl introduced at the intermission of the Corps Dance last night as the Aggie-Day Sweetheart, winner of this sig nal honor over eleven other beauties nominated by TSCW classes because of their charm and personality. The twelve Aggies who acted as judges were faced with a particularly difficult problem when they were asked to choose from the above 12 TSCW-ites. Reading diagonally across the page, starting at the left and reading up the girls are: Row 1— Helen Bratton, Claire Nusom, Betty Buchanan. Row 2—Mary Lynn Gibbs, Fern Hendricks, Sara Gillet, Row 3—Jo Ann Scott, Sophia Nelson. Row 4—Bobby Jo Sanford, Anna Ruthe Ashe. Row 5—Barbara Cook, Marian Good. Bob Phillips, B Infantry, Selected To Head Sophomore Class for 1941-42; Vance Carrington is Vice-President Gillis Presides Over Most Turbulent Meeting of Year Bob Phillips, B Infantry, was elected president of the Sophomore Class Thursday night in one of the most turbulent class meetings of the year. Other officers of the class of ’44 elected were Vance Carring ton, C Cavalry, vice president; Ray mond Johnson, B Signal Corps, Secretary; D. M. Griffiths, F En gineers, treasurer; Harold Ivey, I Infantry, Class historian; and Joe Coolidge, D Cavalry, and Bob Me Gee, Headquarters Signal Corps, student welfare representatives The meeting was presided over by Tom Gillis, Cadet Colonel of the Corps. So noisy and turbulent was £he meeting which was at fever pitch that it lasted long after its scheduled adjournment. The vote for president was a clear cut majority for Bob Phillips who carried off 272 votes for the top office. Behind him in order were Bob Glaze with 169 votes and Gus Boesch with 101. After many calls for order by Humbert Is Made Seed Assn Member Dr. E. P. Humbert, head of the Department of Genetics has been signally honored by being made a life member of the Texas Seeds men’s Association, for services per formed for the organization for the past 22 years. Dr. Humbert attended a meeting of the association in San Antonio last week and also attended a meet ing of the Texas Seed Council, of which he is chairman. At the election of officers he again was named chairman for the ensuing year, and all other officers were reappointed. The honorary life membership in the Texas Seedsmen’s Association came as a surprise event on the annual meeting program of the organization Saturday. Exes Cowan, North Enter Services Of U S Fighting Forces Two more former Aggies have answered the call of the colors re cently. Granville William Cowan, Class of ’44, enlisted for aviation training in the United States Navy and Harvey L. North, class of ’42 enlisted in the Cavalry. Cowan will receive his first month’s training at the Naval Air Base at Dallas and from there will go either to Corpus Christi or Pen sacola for the completioh of his training. After completing the full aviation course he will be commis sioned in the Naval Reserve and immediately will be called to duty with the aviation squadrons of the the U. S. Navy. Gillis and the organization com • manders who counted votes, nom inations for vice president were taken. Vance Carrington of C Cav alry won the post by an overwhelm ing majority of 309 votes, the larg est vote of the evening. Dellie Voekel trailed with 119 and Gus Boesch fell behind with 67 and Bobby Latimer trailed with 64 votes. Through cries for order the nom ■ inees for secretary were chosen. A- mid the din and confusion of the assembly, Raymond Johnson of B Signal Corps, Sid Smith of the Band and Duke Woffter were selected. On the first vote Johnson received a plurality count for the post but failed to collect enough for the Exams For Civil Service Positions Are Available Here The Civil Service Commission has announced an examination to secure information specialists to meet the demands of various Gov ernment agencies. The salaries range from $2,600 to $4,600 a year. Optional branches are press and publications, and radio. Profes sional experience in editing or writ ing for a newspaper, national mag azine, or informational service, or in radio informational work is re quired. Appropriate education may be substituted for a part of the experience. Applications must be filed not later than October 23, 1941. Other examinations announced include: Junior Physicist, Assist ant observer in Meteorology, As sistant and Junior Agricultural Statistician, Letterer and Grainer to fill vacancies at the U.S. Naval Air Station, Corpus Christi, Texas. The examinations are open to persons who have reached their 20th birthday but who have not yet passed their 48th birthday. The deadline for applications for Letterer and Grainer is October 10, 1941. Painter Enlists For U S Air Corps Service Brand Painter, who was on the boxing team at A. & M. in 1934, has enlisted in the Army Air Corps. After the completion of his enlist ment for Aviation Cadets he was stationed at Maxwell Field, Mont gomery, Alabama. Here he will re ceive training which will lead to a commission as Navigation Offi cer in the Army Air Corps. Brand Painter is the latest person to join the long line of former Aggies in the armed services. Johnson, Griffiths, And Ivey Chosen for Positions needed majority. He later won a hotly contested second vote with a 299 count to Smith’s 195 and Woff- ter’s 12. A vote of 262 garnered the trea sury post for D. M. Griffiths of F Engineers. Other candidates for the position were Bill McKen zie with 55 votes, Frank Lebus, 54, and Pat Stanford, 23 votes. For the important post of class historian, the class chose Harold Ivey of I Infantry by a 251 vote. Dick Muckelroy, Bobb Francis, and Andy Cokinos followed with 75, 9 and 2 votes respectively. The post for the first of two Stu dent Welfare Representatives from the Sophomore Class was a hotly contested one with Joe Coolidge, D Cavalry, nosing out Ralph Leh man by a 218 to 73 count. Bob McGee of the Headquarters Signal Corps was the only nominee for the second Student Welfare Representative position and was elected unanimously as the meeting came to a close. Batt Magazine To Be Issued Monday The October issue of the Bat talion magazine will be printed and ready for distribution after supper Monday. Returning in this issue is Pete Tumlenson’s creation of Fish Blotto and in addition there are several cai’toons by Sid Lord. The feature story of the issue is “The Forward Passout” by Jack Ashworth. The story concerns the results of a clash between two female football teams on the grid iron. The magazines will be distributed to each room by the first ser geant of the various organizations. The first sergeants will receive the magazines in the basement of the Administration building. MIT Offering New Government Courses Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology now resembles a branch of the government’s defense forces more than it does a private insti tution of learning. In his annual report to the alumni, Karl T. Compton, president told the current activities that are making M.I.T. of “vital importance ... a great national resource.” Nearly 100 members of the teaching staff are working for the government on advisory or operat ing committees, their activities ranging from technical service with the navy to improvement of cul- ural relations with South Ameri can republics. Anna Ruth Ashe Is Sweetheart For Cadet Corps at TCU Game First Long-Term Juke Box Prom In Sbisa Hall Tonight The first Juke Box Prom ever to be held at A. & M. during the win • ter session will be held tonight from 9 to 12 in Sbisa Hall Annex. Music will be furnished by recordings played over the mess hall speaker system. Admission to the dance will be 25 cents per couple and one bird dog will be admitted with each couple upon payment of 10 cents. Number 2 uniform will be “reg” for sopho mores, freshmen and juniors. Sen iors may wear civilian clothes at all dances. Alden Cathey, Social Secretary of the Senior Class, stated “The reason a Juke Box Prom is being held this time of the year is to provide good inexpensive entertain ment for Aggie week ends. The dance tonight is an experiment and whether or not they are con tinued in the future will be de termined by its outcome.” Juke Box Proms have been held the past two summers as the hign- light of entertainment for the sum mer school students. Started in 1940, they have constantly gained in popularity and attendance. This is the first time an informal dance such" as this has been held during the fall. Kelley to Speak At American Chem Meet Next Tuesday Dr. C. M. Kelly of the chemis try department will speak on “Some Modern Approaches to Molecular Structure” at the fifteenth meet ing of the Texas A. & M. section of the American Chemical Society October 14 at 8 p. m. Dr. Kelly who took his bachelor’s degree from Oregon State and his Ph. D. from the University of Washington is the first of a series of well known chemists from col leges and industrial firms over the country who will speak before the group at its meetings for the coming year. Next speaker scheduled to ap pear on future programs of the society is Dr. R. W. Erode, Depart, ment of Chemistry, Ohio Stale University, who will speak on Spectrographic Analysis Novem ber 17. In December Alexis Voorhies, Jr., Associate Director, Esso Labora tories, Standard Oil Company will explain the Sulphuric acid alkyla tion process. S. D. Kirkpatrick, Editor Chem ical & Metallurgical Engineering, will address the organization at its February meeting on some sub ject, probably National Defense. Vitamins and public health will be the topic discussed by Profes sor H. H. Holmes, Head of the De partment of Chemistry, Oberlin College, and President of the Amer. ican Chemical Society at the March meeting. Last speaker of the year is Pro fessor Farrington Daniels, Physi cal Chemist, University of Wiscon sin, who will talk on Electro Kinetics in April. At the meeting Tuesday F. W. Jensen, Chairman of the society will appoint a committee for the nomination of officers. Kent State Offers Facilities to Defense Kent, Ohio—Fall 'registration at Kent State University threw into action a new phase of the univer sity’s effort to co-ordinate its facilities with the national defense emergency, Dean Raymond E. Manchester announces. All university organizations which are working on phases of the defense and emergency pro grams are grouped under a central University Defense Council with Dean Manchester as chairman. Magazine For Men Rates Texas Aggies In October Publication A man’s magazine for men and this month’s issue about REAL men. So goes the letter from Esquire magazine received by Sports Editor Mike Haikin. The real men referred to are the members of the ’41 Aggie foot ball team who the magazine will discuss in an article entitled “New Huddle Muddle” in the coming is sue. Senior Judging Team to Have Last Workout in Dallas The Senior Livestock Judging Team will go to Dallas this week end for a final workout before the collegiate judging contest in Kan sas City on October the 18. The results of the practice in Dallas will determine the squad of eight men to be selected from the thir teen men out for the team. Coach Irvan F. Edwards and assistant coach William Warren will accom pany the boys to Dallas. The eight man squad will leave College Station Tuesday, October 14 and will stop enroute at Okla homa A. & M. for a short prac tice. They will also stop at the Eschelman Percheron Horse Farm at Sedwick, Kansas. At the Ameri can Royal Livestock Judging con test A. & M. ranked fourth last year. This year the team will judge 12 rings of animals and give reasons on eight. The rings will consist of fat cattle, draft horses, swine and sheep. The Aggies going to the State Fair are Tommy Stuart, Melvin Burks, Jack Cleveland, Gordon Grote, Carl Jahnem, Milt Ruble, Jake Hess, William Pendleton, Vic tor Loeffer, Alvin Murray, and J. F. Wheat. Last year six of these men were on the Junior Livestock team that won first at Fort Worth out of a field of twenty teams. After their return from Kansas City the team will begin prepara tion for the International Live stock Show in Chicago. The teams expenses to Chicago will be paid by the Saddle and Sirloin Club. Photographic Contest Again Open to Aggies Aggie seniors are eligible to en ter Vogue magazine’s second photo graphic contest it has just been announced by Vogue editors. Prizes consisting of six month’s appren ticeships with salary in the Conde Nast Studios in New York will be given the winning man and woman. Additional cash prizes will be awarded for the best photograph submitted for each of the prob lems. This nation-wide contest consists of eight photographic problems to be presented in the magazine. These cover a wide range of top ics, including fashion shots, out and indoor subjects, action and still life. For further information write to Vogue’s Photographic Contest, 420 Lexington Ave, New York City. King and Taylor Head Petroleum Engineers At their first meeting the Pe troleum Engineering Club elected two senior students, Gerald King, president, and Neal Taylor as rep resentatives to the A. I. M. E. meeting (Petroleum Division) to be held in Dallas, October 16-18. King appointed Ransom Kenny as the club’s representative on the Student Engineering Council. The club also heard a lecture on “Geology, Drilling, and Production Problems in Connection with Salt Dome Flank Production” by M. T. Halbouty, Vice President, Merit Oil Corp., Houston, Texas. Winner Presented to Aggies At Intermission of Corps Dance Friday Miss Anna Ruth Ashe, T.S.C.W. sophomore from Fort Worth, was presented to the cadet corps last night at intermission of the corps dance as the Aggie Day Sweetheart for the joint A. & M.-T.S.C.W. corps trip to the T.C.U. game to be held next Saturday. Miss Ashe, who was one of the 12 nominees from T.S.C.W., was chosen by a committee of 12 Aggie Seniors who journeyed to Denton Wednesday. Miss Ashe was also-f a nominee for the Sweetheart last year from her freshman class. A1 though selected Wednesday, the identity of the sweetheart remain ed a closely guarded secret until the intermission of the dance, for which Red Nichols and his orches tra played. Cadet Colonel Tom Gillis pres ented all the nominees to the corps at the intermission and then nam ed Miss Ashe the sweetheart. All the nominees were brought to the college for the week end by the Senior Class. After their arrival at noon yesterday, the girls ate dinner in Sbisa Hall at the staff table with the 12 Aggies who made the Denton trip. Supper last night was in Duncan Hall. After the girls witnessed an Ag gie yell practice, they were special guests at the Town Hall perform ance of Red Nichols orchestra. All attended the corps dance as guests of the senior class. All the girls were given corsages of two white gardenias. The girls will be at the Juke-Box Prom tonight but will return to Denton Sunday. Miss Ashe will be presented with a bouquet of flowers at the half of the T.C.U.—A. & M. game by Bob Russell, major of the Aggie band. For the corps week-end, she will be escorted by Cadet Coined Gillis. The nominees from whom Miss Ashe was chosen were: Senior and Helen Bratton; Junior Class— Class—Sara Gillett, Lynn Gibbs, Betty Buchanan, Claire Newsom, and Fern Hendricks; Sophomoi'e Class—Sophie Nelson, Marion Good, and Anna Ruth Ashe; and Freshman Class—Barbara Cook, Bobbie Jo Sanford, and Jo Ann Scott. Hedges Returns From CWS Training Course Dr. C. C. Hedges, head of the Chemistry Department and Di rector of the Fireman’s Training School, returned Monday from Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, where he took the two week Civil ian National Defetnse Chemical Warfare Service course. He re ceived instruction on war gasses, gas masks, all types of bombs, and methods of defense against such war weapons. Dr. Hedges also received train ing along that of state, county, and city defense training. T^ie classes attended by Dr. Hedges were made up of firemen, police men, army officers, and F.B.I. agents. P A System To Carry Broadcast Of Game At 12:50 Beginning at 12:50 today, the Texas A. & M.-New York Univer sity football game will be on the air. Originating over KTBC at 1150 kilocycles, a play by play description of the game will be an nounced over the campus loud speaker system atop the Academic building as soon as it can be trans mitted from KTBC to WTAW, the local station, by long distance phone. The game, being broadcast through the courtesy of the Hum ble Oil and Refining Company, will be carried over stations KTBC, Austin; KFJZ, Fort Worth; WRR, Dallas; KAB, San Antonio; KDST, Big Spring; KGKL, San Angelo; KRBC, Abilene; KPLT, Paris; KTEM, Temple; KRRV, Sherman; and WACO, Waco. Announced Dan Riss of WLW, Cincinnati and formerly of WFAA, Dallas will give the play by play description of the contest. Horticulturists To Hold National Meeting In Dallas The American Association for the Advancement of Science is meet ing in Dallas, during the week of December 29 to January 3. This association meeting has from 3,000 to 5,000 people in attendance from sciences of all branches. The American Society for Hort icultural Science, which is affiliated with the A. A. S., will have its usual meeting in connection with the science meeting. The event is usually held in three separate sections—namely, one on fruits, vegetables, one on floriculture, and one on ornamental horticulture. Horticulture meetings usually have an attendance of about 400 persons. Most of the programs and ex hibits will be at Southern Metho dist University, principally in Heyer Hall. Visiting horitcultur- ists plan to stay on the s . M. U. campus in dormitories. Dr. G. W. Adriance, head of the A. & M. Horticulture Department, is also chairman of the committee on local arrangements for the meeting, and has already received many ad vance registrations for the meet ing. Aggieland to Dreamland-With Hot Jive and Aggie Sweetheart By E. M. Rosenthal Guion Hall felt it. The Aggies felt it. That solid rhythm was in the air and a packed house wanted the world to know it. The moment maestro Red Nich ols opened the Town Hall show last night in Guion Hall feet were beating out the red hot boogie and hands clapped in time to the jive as the music went.“wailing to the four winds.” Aggieland was in a world far fx-om College Sta tion, all earthly worries were for gotten and Aggies knew that the Nichols orchestra ruled all. Penny Banks, the orchestra’s diminutive vocalist, captured the hearts of the entire audience each time she took the spotlight. In fact a mental feud was being car ried on among the Aggies—Which did they want more? Solid jive or the sweet songs of Penny? Thun derous applause greeted both and the encores of each only compli cated trying to make a decision. After an hour’s entertainment, the orchestra was finally able to break away from the enthusiastic crowd long enough to move their instruments to Sbisa Hall for the corps dance. But Sbisa saw the same thing—Aggies intoxicated with the strains from Nichols and Company. True enough fifteen hun dred Aggies and their dates were in the groove. During the intermission things quieted in old Sbisa long enough for the crowd to hear an an nouncement for which they had been waiting all week. Cadet Col onel Tom Gillis walked up to the bandstand to present the T.C.U. corps trip queen, T.S.C.W. sopho more beauty, Anna Ruth Ashe. After the intermission the Ag gies came back for another two and a half hours of dancing and when 1 o’clock rolled around, Aggieland realized that its first big name corps dance of the year was a suc cess that would be hard to parallel.