Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1941)
Page 4 THE BATTALION -TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1941 Official Notices NOTICE The President’s Office has a package from the Ellison Photo Co. Wilt*the de partment ordering this material please call for it. NOTICE There will be a meeting of the Academic Council at 3 p.m. Wednesday, October 8. P. C. Bolton, DEAN NOTICE The first meeting of the Drama Group f the College Women’s Social Club will be held at the home of Mrs. F. B. Clark October 9 at 9 a.m. The of the SINGING CADETS ....The Singing Cadets will meet in Assembly hall starting tonight at 7. AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY There will be a meeting of all students majoring in chemistry in room 9 of the chemistry building at 5 p. m. Tuesday for the purpose of organizing a Chapter of the Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society. Fred W. Jensen. LOST AND FOUND Lost near project house area—Elgin pocket watch with chain and knife bear ing initials “A. E. L.” Please return to E. A. Leonard, Room 219, Dorm 10. Telephone 4-8114. Usual reward offered. FRESHMAN ENGLISH TEST On Wednesday and Thursday, October 8 and 9, students lish 103 and 104 the scores of w formation of their instructors, their deans, and themselves. The scores will not be included in semester averages. Each stu dent will please bring a pen and a soft pencil, or two soft pencils—No. 2, HB, or F. Hard pencils and color pencils are not to be used. GEO. SUMMEY, JR. CRYPTOGRAPHY CLUB KCCRG LERML GEFRR YJIML FMURM QMJTC AGNFC PQAPW NRMEP YKQDM PWMSR MQMJT C. A. & M. DAMES CLUB DANCES FRIDAY NIGHT AT COUNTRY CLUB The A. & M. Dames Club will have a dance at the Country club Friday night. All married students and wives are cor dially invited to attend. Come and you’ll be sure to have a good time. Charge will be 50 cents per couple. A S C E PICNIC The A. S. C. E. will have a picnic Tues- engineerlng building at 5 o’i Transportation will be furnished, civil engineering students are invited. EASTERN PANHANDLE CLUB The its secon yell pri Memphii AH yell emphis, Wellington, m Chiidre ack, McLes Change existing into a more enjoyable life by surrounding yourself with comfortable chairs and convenient little tables McCulloch-Dansby COMPANY Complete Home Furnishers —CORPS TRIP— (Continued from Page 3) band and formed the letters A. & I. and A. & M., playing the school song of the schools with the forma tions. The formation that followed was the most impressive part of the entire evening. Facing the west stands, the Aggie band formed the letters U. S. and were led by Col. Richard J. Dunn in his famed ar rangement of “The Star Spangled Banner.” It was an awe-inspiring sight as the 17,000 spectators stood in salute as the national anthem was played. Immediately before leaving the field the A. & M. band moved to a position directly in front of the corps and played the “Spirit of Aggieland.” After the game, the Aggies scat tered to various parts of San An tonio for a victory celebration which lasted far into the night. In general, the Aggie trip was a glor ious success and the corps is look ing forward to the journey to San Antonio next year where the team will play Washington State. an and ing towns are cordially invited and urged to attend. FENCING here will be a fencing meeting n 203 Ag. building Tuesday eveni: r yell practice. All old and new me] Th. room after yell prs bers and those interested there. in ing mem fencing be COLORADO COUNTY CLUB There will be a meeting of the Colo rado County club Tuesday night immedi ately after yell practice in Room 1 of the new YMCA. AUSTIN A. & M. CLUB The Austin A. & M. club will have 3 first meeting in Room 107 of the Academic building immediately after yell practice tonight. club ELLIS COUNTY CLUB There will be an Ellis County meeting Wednesday night at 7 for the purpose of electing officers and settling future business. Meet in 56 Milner. meet Octobe: 12:05 p. m. at Sbisa Hall The weekly Fellowship Luncheon will eet October 9, 12 :06 p. m. at Sbisa Hall Banquet Room. All employees of the Col lege and their guests are invited to at tend. Buy your tickets at the door for fifty cent. guests £ f tickets -H. C. Dillingham, Chairman. CAMPUS STUDY CLUB The Campus Study club will have its Officers’ Tea at Sbisa hall on Tuesday, October 7, at 4:00 p. m. All members and prospective members are cordially in vited to attend. BETTER BUYMANSHIP CLUB The first meeting of the Better Buy- manship group of the College Women’s So cial Club will be held in the Lounge of the Y. M. C. A., October 8, at 3 p. m. The topic is “Consumer Problems.” AH those interested in better buymanship are invited to attend. Classified LOST in College Station—Rear fender skirt off convertible black Buick. Reward. Ben Ferguson, Campus Theater. DOBBS INTRODUCES RICH, RUDDY FOR RENT—Room for one or two stu dents, individual beds and study tables; close enough to come for three meals. $30.00 a month. Phone S. V. Perritte 4-8794. RIDES to Corpus Christi—Leaving Sat urday morning, returning Sunday night; 1940 Oldsmobile with radio. See T Lynn, 101 Milner, or write Box 2845. Banquet Tonight For Corps Leaders A banquet for regimental com manders, battalion commanders, organization commanders, house masters, and project house cap tains will be held at Sbisa Hall Tuesday at 6:15 it was announced by Cadet Colonel Tom Gillis. After the meal Lt. Joe E. Davis, acting commandant, will speak to the campus leaders concerning the problems which they must face. Cigars will be served. -CLUB ROSTER— (Continued from Page 1) Social Secretary—Paul Graham Southwest Louisiana A. & M. Club President—Pete Henry Vice-President—Edwin Kingery Secretary Treasurer — Clayton D’Avy Scholarship Honor Society President—Jack Taylor Vice-President—Ransom Kenny Secretary-Treasurer—A. J. Lan da The Singing Cadets President—G. A. Adams Vice President—Thomas H. Col lins Honorary Vice President—Mar ion Lyle Business Manager—J. O. Bart lett Publicity Manager — Everett Pauls Librarian—Bernay Martin Southwest Texas A. & M. Club President—A. E. White Vice President—R. S. Crawford Secretary—W. B. Brown Reporter—Ray Barr Saddle & Sirloin Club President—J. R. Fuller Vice President—Jack Taylor Secretary—Walter Cardwell Treasurer—Horace Brown Reporter—Gordon Grote Texas A. & M. Sailing Club Commodore—Stanley Smith Vice Commodore—Wm. G. Gill Secretary-Treasurer — Burton Parker Reporter—J. R. Covington Tri-State A. & M. Club President—S. E. Brown Vice President—A1 Pronger Secretary-Treasurer — W. T. Jones Throckmorton County Club President—J. M. Carpenter Vice President—Bill Galloway Secretary-Treasurer—Knox Eu banks Reporter—Forrest Armstrong United Science Club President—W. D. C. Jones Vice President—W. T. Robin son Secretary- Treasurer—Jim Stin son Wharton County Club President—Charles Hudson Vice President—Norman Nova ■ sad Secretary—Jack Leddy Dobbs leadership was never more pronounced —or more important to you — than it is today! In Burma Brown you have all the originality, smartness and exclu- j siveness you’ve come | to expect from Dobbs. *A DOBBS EXCLUSIVE Dobbs Hats $5 to $10 j Berg Hats $3.95 rilaldropfl(6! "Two Convenient Stores” Station Bryan AFTER THE SHOW TRY LILY ICE - CREAM CREAMLAND At North Gate Music Room Silent Since Condenser For Phonograph is Broken The music room in the Cushing Memorial Library will reopen as soon as a filter condenser for the phonograph can be obtained, it was announced by T. F. Mayo, librarian. Due to national defense priori ties claims, officials of station WTAW have been unable to re place the condenser which has been worn out for over a month. This library of classical records on the third floor of the library which has been popular with the students for several years is a gift of the Carnegie Corporation. -WILLIAMSON— (Continued from Page 3) 27. Texas A. & M 90.8 28. Clemson 90.6 29. Detroit 90.6 30. Temple 90.5 31. Washington State 90.4 35. T.C.U 89.7 36. Texas Tech 89.7 37. Boston College 89.7 40. Alabama 89.5 42. Cornell 89.0 45. California 88.7 47. Villanova 88.6 48. Ole Miss 88.5 60. Tulsa 88.2 53. Arkansas 87.9 67. Yale 87.5 68. Washington 87.4 59. Iowa State 87.4 60. 62. Southern Cal Columbia 87.1 86.9 69. Georgia Tech 86.4 70. Oregon 86.3 71. Denver 86.1 72. U.C.L.A 86.0 76. L.S.U 85.8 79. Army 85.3 81. N.Y.U 84.8 -BACKWASH- (Continued from Page 2) will go under the axe tradition soon. • • • So They’re Going What we are about to say needs no comment. We picked up the September is sue of the Texas Ranger, student mag at T. U., the other day and sprawled on a two page layout midway ..through the book was an article .bearing the title, CALI FORNIA, HERE WE COME. At the top of the page was a picture of Pete Layden, Jack Crain, and Coach D. X. Bible, the three All-Americans! The following excerpt was taken from the article: “The Longhorns will go the sea son undefeated. They will beat the damaggies at Kyle Field and win the Southwest Conference cham pionship. Then, because it will be the only thing the Californians can do, Texas will get the Rose Bowl bid.” All of that is well and good . . . But we remember when the Rice Owls were on their way to the Rose Bowl in September, 1938 and they didn’t have to face the Aggies on Kyle Field on Thanks giving Day, either. ASAE Picnic Has Fish As Honor Guests Freshmen came into their own at the annual picnic of the Ameri can Society of Agricultural Engi neers at Hensel Field Thursday afternoon as the fish were honor- guests at the feast. The purpose of the annual pic nic is to bring the freshmen and upperclassmen into contact with each other so that the organiza tion can function as a unit as soon as possible. About 75 agricultural engineer ing majors attended the get-togeth er and played baseball and foot ball before the feast. Transporta tion was arranged by the agricul tural engineering department. A H Department Lists Stock Owned By A & M College The animal husbandry depart ment recently announced the total number of horses and mules own ed by the college in response to a request from the Horse and Mule Association of America. Of the 20 head of pure bred stock there are 15 Percheron mares, 4 Percheron stallions, and 1 Suffolk stallion. The college also owns 57 work mules, 22 American Saddle Horses, 13 head of grade horses for work stock and 24 head of vet erinary stock. The AH department believes that this total of 136 horses is the greatest number of horses owned by any other college. State Health Officer Warns Against Trench Mouth Disease IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL Pleasing Particular People Is Our Constant Aim CAMPUS-CLEANERS Over Exchange Store & In New Y o-mm-o-wm+a-mmmfa WHEN THIRST CALLS CALL ON US • COMPLETE FOUNTAIN SERVICE AGGIELAND - PHARMACY Tywri? * -STUDENT CLUBS- (Continued from Page 1) stitute of Chemical Engineers, chemistry lecture room; American Institute of Electrical Engineers, electrical engineering lecture room; Petroleum Club and American In stitute of Mechanical engineers, petroleum-geology lecture room; American Society of Agricultural engineers, agricultural engineering lecture room; American Society of Civil Engineers, civil engineering lecture room; Architecture club, architecture lecture room; Biology club, biology lecture room; F. F. A. junior chapter, room 303 agricul ture building and F. F. A. senior chapter in the animal husbandry lecture room. Thursdays Clubs meeting on second and fourth Thursdays are Horticulture society, agriculture building; Land scape Art club, landscape draft ing room; Marketing and Finance club, YMCA chapel; Poultry Science club, 117 animal husban dry building; Rural Sociology club, 203 agriculture building. Those clubs meeting on second and fourth Thursdays in addition to those above are American So ciety of Mechanical engineers, electrical engineering lecture room; Agronomy society, agricultural en gineering lecture room; American Veterinary Medical association, veterinary hospital lecture room; Aeronautical Sciences club, chemis try lecture room; Cotton society, textile building; Geology club, pe troleum geology lecture room; In dustrial Education club; room 101 Mechanical engineering building; Pre-Med society, biology lecture room . Friday The Scholarship Honor society will meet on Friday nights in the civil engineering lecture room. The A. & M. Sailing club will meet in room 319 academic building on second and fourth Fridays. Meetings of the Cosmopolitan club will be held on Sundays in the YMCA parlor. —AGGIES LEAVE— (Continued from Page 3) great part of his glee was also caused by the grand display of all the centers. Not one fumble oc curred in the backfield, with Sib ley, Holder Mercer and Cotton Wil liams doing a great job in snap ping the ball. Their defense work was great, too, with Williams coming through with three interceptions of A. & I. aerials. One of the interceptions, however, was nullified by an Ag gie penalty. An odd part of the game came in the final period when Felix Bu- cek broke through to block Gilbert Steinke’s kick and covered it in the end zone. From all appearances it seem ed that the Aggies had a score, but Bucek had one foot out of the zone, which caused the officials to give the cadets only two points. Steinke DID NOT step out of the end zone as previously reported by a number of papers. The Aggies came out of the San Antonio fray without any serious injuries. Leo Daniels suffered a slightly bruised knee and Les Rich ardson was still seen hobbling around yesterday afternoon, but both suited up yesterday and are expected to be in top shape by Sat urday. Richardson had a hum knee last Saturday before the game, causing him to give way to Weldon Maples, who, by the way, played a grand game. “The soft tissues of the mouth require as careful watching as the teeth, to keep them in a healthy condition,” according to Dr. Geo. W. Cox, State Health Officer. “One of the more common dis eases to which these soft tissues are subject is a germ known as ‘Vincent’s infection” also called ‘trench mouth’ from the fact that it was very prevalent among sol diers in crowded camps and trenches during the World War. These two names are given to the disease when it affects the gums and supporting structures of the teeth; sometimes it affects the throat and tonsils, in which case it is called ‘Vincent’s angina.’ “One peculiarity of the germs that cause ‘trench mouth’ and Vin cent’s angina’ is that they may live and thrive in the absence of oxygen. They enter the mouth and become fixed between the teeth, under the gum margin and beneath the margins of fillings and crowns. They grow in and about decayed teeth. They are more likely to be active and cause the disease to develop in mouths that s not kept clean and not well cared for than in clean, healthy mouths. “The infection may he picked up through the use of common drink ing cups, dishes or cooking uten sils that have not been thoroughly cleaned, through drinking from in sanitary fountains and in other ways. It can be spread to others, just as colds are, through cough ing and sneezing. “The disease is highly contagious and spreads very easily from per son to person. It is characterized by bleeding and sore gums, and finally by ulcers in the soft tissues. In acute form the disease is pain ful and causes great discomfort. In extreme cases the infection may spread through the entire system with very serious results. “Of course, not all bleeding or sore gums or bad breath are due to ‘trench mouth,’ but at the first indication of such symptoms—no matter what the cause—a doctor or dentist should be consulted promptly and his advise and in struction should he followed with the utmost care. Those who de velop the disease must also take every precaution to keep from passing the infection on to others.” SOPHOMORES AND JUNIORS I need a few pairs of Fish Slacks. Must be in ^ood condition. To be re sold for about $2.00 LOUPOT’S J. E. Loupot, Class ’32 -TOWN HALL- (Continued from Page 1) Modern Choir—all girls—will in vade Aggieland and take over Town Hall for the evening. Quentin Rey nolds, international correspondent and news commentator, will appear on February 23, with a lecture. Aggies remember the popularity of the ballet as presented by Catherine Littlefield and her troop; so the troop of Anges DeMille will come to Town Hall on March 5. Following Agnes DeMille, on April 7, A. & M.’s own Singing Cadets will present a concert. Sometime in May, another swing session similar to the one present ed by Duke Ellington last year before, the Infantry Ball, will be given. The exact date and the name of the orchestra to be pre sented has not yet been disclosed, but Fred Smitham has assured us that it will be a “darned good one.” LITERATURE GROUP The Literature Group of the College Women’s Social Club will meet Friday, October 10, at 3 p. m., in the home of Mrs. P. J. Talley. “Tess of the D’Urber- villes,” by Hardy, will be reviewed by Mr. D. B. Gofer, and Mrs. D. H. Reid will review “Where Do We Go From Here?” by Laski. Visi Texas consumes more cheese per capita than any other state in the Union. — Dr. H. W. Hooper Dentistry College Hills Phone 4-8704 NEW BUS SERVICE THRU BUS SERVICE TO AUSTIN WITH CLOSE CONNECTIONS TO SAN ANTONIO 3 Schedules Daily Lv College Station 8:50 a. m. 1:00 p. m. Ar Austin 12:00 noon 4:10 p.m. Lv Austin 12:50 p.m. 4:45 p.m. 5:45 p. m. 9:00 p. m. 9:55 p. m. Ar San Antonio 2:50 p.m. 6:55 p.m. 11:55 p.m. Fare to Austin $2.10 or $3.80 Rt. Fare to San Antonio .$3.00 or $5.00 Rt. Buses Stop At THE AGGIELAND INN URVILLE BUS CO, MC. Friendly Service Come Out To UNCLE ED’S Where The Aggies Go TRY ONE OF OUR DELICIOUS HAMBURGERS HRDLICKA'S On the Old College Road FOR COMFORT Change to MANSFIELD GRENADIERS The stocky depth of the leathers from which these shoes are built is renowned for its amazing soft-feel over the foot. A Mansfield label assures comfortable fit. In rich, antique browns. $5.00 and $5.50 WIMBERLEY ■ STONE PAN>BT VS/.O 17 SHOE DEPT. B. C. ALLEN, Owner COLLEGE and BRYAN