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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1941)
Page 6- Official Notices PSYCHOLOGY The department of Psychology will offer the following sections and courses in addi tion to those printed in the Official Sched ule: 207—Sec. 603F—MWF 9 302—Sec. BOOK—TTh 11 C. H. WINKLER, Head of Department. PRESIDENT’S OFFICE The president’s office is holding a pack- >m the L. S. Starrett Co., of Athol, Mass. Will the department ordering this merchandise please call for it. age from COMMANDANT’S OFFICE General Order No. 3: 1. With the approval of the PRESI DENT, the following SCHEDULE of CALLS is announced effective at FIRST CALL for RETREAT, THURSDAY, SEP TEMBER 11, 1941: , Daily except as noted elsewhere Sunday 1st Call 6:15 A. M. 6:45 A. M. Reveille (no forma tion) 6:25 A. M. Fatigue Call 6:30 A. M. 7:00 A. M. Mess Call 6:55 A. M. 7:25 A. M. Assembly 6:58 A. M. 7:30 A. M. Mess Call 12:10 P. M. 12:20 P. M. Assembly 12:13 P. M. 12:25 P. M. 1st Call, Retreat 6:10 F. M. Assembly 6:13 P. M. Retreat 6:15 P. M. Mess Call Immediately after Retreat Call to Quarters 7:15 P. M. Assembly 7:30 P. M. Tattoo 10:55 P. M. Taps 11:00 P. M. By order of the COMMANDANT: JOE E. DAVIS, 1st Lt., Infantry Assistant Commandant. BATTALION STAFF MEETING There will be a Battalion Newspaper Staff meeting tonight at 7:00 p. m. in room 122 of the Administration Building. Plans will be made for the coming year, and promotions will be announced at that time. Old members are urged to attend, anyone interested in joining the Bat- and anyone interested in joining the talion staff should be there at that time. OFFICIAL NOTICE English 441, Interpretative Writing (3-0), Credit 3 will be offered the first semester 1941-42 at hours to be arranged. Anyone who wishes to take this course should see W. C. Stone, 126 Administration Building. This course is in addition to English 331, News Reporting which was taught last year. H. L. HEATON, Acting Registrar. CHANGE IN SCHEDULE OF CLASSES Aero. 201, Section 505M has been chang ed from Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9 to Tuesday, Thursday at 1 and Friday at 11. Chemistry 448, 445, 447 and 449 will be offered first semester at hours to be arranged. H. L. HEATON, Acting Registrar. NOTICE The President’s Office has a thermome ter returned from Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Inc., which had been sent in for repairs. Will the department owning this please call for it. STORAGE ROOMS Storage rooms in the basement of Guion Hall (rear entrance) and in the base ment of Dormitory 3 (Briggs Hall) will be open for business on Tuesday, Septem ber 8, and on Wednesday, September 9, The Church Of Christ R. B. SWEET, Minister Welcomes you and invites you to attend all its services if you have no other church home at A. aad M. One Block North of Main Post Office Both freshmen and old students are invited to the student reception Friday, 7 p. m. on Church lawn. Sunday Services 9:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. MAKE OUR TWO STORES YOUR \ FOR REGULATION UNIFORMS AND MILITARY EQUIPMENT We carry complete lines of Regulation Uniforms . . . Slacks . . . Shirts . . . Shoes . . . Trench Coats . . . Hats . . . Caps.—Stop in and allow us to assist you in selecting your needs. AGGIE TELLS AGGIE—that A. M. Waldrop & Co. has served A. & M. men since 1896—Selling Quality Merchandise at Moderate Prices—See us before you buy your uniform goods. Reg. “Fish” Slacks—18 Oz. All Wool, High Back Reg. “Fish” Cotton Slacks, High Back Archer Trench Coats ... Alligator Slickers Regulation Hats . . . Maler “Fish” Caps Manhattan Army Shirts (Man-Shaped) Pool’s Army Cramerton Cloth Shirts Wadrop Special—Army Shirt (form fit) Pool’s “Aggie” Coveralls—Sanforized “Fish” Gym Suits — Gym Shoes Cramerton Cloth Army Breeches Red Wing Lace Boots . . . Justin Cowboy Boots, Nunn-Bush — Edgerton — For tune Shoes Manhattan and Shirtcraft White Shirts Mansco Shirts and Shorts California Jackets — Catalina Sweaters Complete lines of Hat Cords, Chin Straps, Embroidered Insignia, Metal Insignia, Signet Polish, Blitz Cloths, Saddle Soap, Griffin’s Polish, Pennants, Aggie Spots, Aggie Jewelry, Key Chains. Our Two Stores will be open every night this week for your convenience. Our Military Departments are Managed by Former Aggies and we employ Trained Student Assistants to help you select your needs. (llaldropg^ “TWO CONVENIENT STORES” College Station Store At North Gate Across From Post Office BRYAN STORE Main and 26th Streets Where the Aggie Bus Stops from 8 a. m. until 5 p. m. each day. On September 10, 11, and 12, these storage rooms will be open from 4 p. m. until 6 p. m. Then again on September 13, these halls will be open from 8 a. m. until 5 p. m. W. R. HORSLEY, Chairman, Student Labor Committee. OFFICIAL NOTICES Any student who is interested in taking Choral work here should contact Mr. Richard W. Jenkins who will have charge of this work. Mr. Jenkins is located in the Student Activities Office and he will be glad to talk with any student concern ing this work. One-half unit of college ester when the work is completed to the satisfacth US T credit will be allowed per semester when of Mr. Jenkins. H. L. HEATON Acting Registrar COMMANDANT’S OFFICE GENERAL ORDER No. 1: The following instructions for TACTI CAL and CADET OFFICERS are issued for the information and guidance of all concerned: I. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR TACTICAL OFFICERS: 1. They will make a thorough inspec tion of the dormitories assigned to their units prior to occupancy at the beginning of the long session and report in writing to the COMMANDANT as to the ade quacy and condition of equipment. as to dormr irmitories and ization and administration of cadet organ izations in accordance with accepted mili tary practice and as directed from time to time by the COMMANDANT. 3. They will hold CADET ORGANI ZATION gamzations, for proper care of GUI PROPERTY used by members of the organ izations, and for enforcement of all COL LEGE REGULATIONS. 4. They will make at least ONE com plete inspection of the dormitories to which they are assigned each week and such partial inspections each week as may be necessary to insure a proper state of police and order. The TACTICAL OF FICERS will be assisted on this inspec tion by a CADET OFFICER designated by the ORGANIZATION COMMANDER. 5. They will be subject to call in con nection with the discharge of their duties 24 hours of the day and will be responsi ble for reporting infractions of the COL LEGE REGULATIONS whenever and wherever such violations may come to their notice. 6. They will take the necessary steps to control any disorderly conduct which may come to their attention at any time. 7. They will make such trips away from the COLLEGE with the CORPS of CADETS as may be directed by the COMMANDANT. II SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR TAC TICAL OFFICERS OF THE DAY: 1. Each day there will be TWO TACTI CAL OFFICERS detailed, ONE for each AREA. 2. Each will supervise the meal forma tions and the retreat formation in the area designated. 3. After the CORPS has entered the MESS HALL they will make a tour through each DINING ROOM in use by CADETS. 4. Each will make one inspection of the dormitory areas designated between CALL to QUARTERS and TAPS. This inspection may include visits to rooms or halls of dormitories as deemed neces sary. 5. They will make an inspection of the dormitory area designated at TAPS. 6. A TACTICAL OFFICER of the DAY will supervise tour duty in the designated area from 2 P. M. until 4 P. M. on SATURDAYS and SUNDAYS as designated. 7. TACTICAL OFFICERS of the DAY will attend all student activities such as picture shows, dances, and home athletic events, as directed by the COMMANDANT. III. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CADET OFFICERS OF THE DAY: 1. ALL CADET OFICERS below the grade of CADET MAJOR and all unclass ified SENIORS enrolled in the R.O.T.C. will be carried on the OFFICER of the DAY roster. 2. The roster will be maintained in the OFFICE of the COMMANDANT who will detail 4 CADETS daily for this duty. ty wil: and end at 8:50 A. M. 3. ALL 4 CADET OFFICERS will re port to the COMMANDANT to be form ally placed on duty at 8:55 A. M. and similarly to be formally relieved at 8:50 A. M. the following day. 4. The following general instructions will be complied with by each CADET OFFICER of the DAY: a. He will be generally responsible for maintenance of order and discipline in the area to which he is assigned. b. When not otherwise engaged on duty, he will tour the campus within his area. c. During the 10 minute interval be tween classes throughout the morning and during the 10 mintues at the end and beginning of each hour in the afternoon until 5 P. M., the 2 OF FICERS of the DAY assigned the old dormitory area, will take post in the ROTUNDA of the ACADEMIC BUILDING and the 2 assigned to the new dormitory area will take post at the JUNCTION of NAGEL and HUBBARD STREETS. d. He will report to the TACTICAL OF FICER of the DAY in his area at the MESS HALL prior to assembly for MEAL FORMATIONS, having first eaten an early meal, for such in structions as the TACTICAL OFFI CER of the DAY may desire to give him. e. On nights when there is a picture show, he will OFFICER tions and will scheduled student dances and home athletic events. f. On SATURDAY and SUNDAY after noons at 2 P. M. he will report to the TACTICAL OFFICER of the DAY in charge of TOUR DUTY at the designated an 5. Additional instructions will be given CADET OFFICERS of the DAY by the COMMANDANT, ASSISTANT COMMAND ANT, and TACTICAL OFFICER of the DAY, as may be necessary or desirable. 6. CADET OFFICERS of the DAY will be considered on their honor to report vio lations of the COLLEGE REGULATIONS during their tour of duty. IV. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CADET OFFICERS IN CHARGE OF QUARTERS: 1. A CADET OFFICER in charge of QUARTERS for each organization will be detailed daily by each company, troop, and battery commander from the seniors living in his dormitory. The tour of duty will extend from REVEILLE to REV EILLE. • 2. He will remain at or in the vicin ity of his dormitory during his tour of duty except during his class periods, at meal times, or during scheduled athletic events. 3. He will inspect all rooms after morning police. 4. He will check the rooms of all un derclassmen at CALL to QUARTERS on each night except SATURDAY night. 5. He will make one additional inspec tion during CALL to QUARTERS to in sure an environment conducive to study. 6. He will check freshman more rooms at 12:00 midnight on SAT URDAY night. 7. He will cause sophomores in good standing who desire to visit on or off the campus until 10 P. M. TWO (2) nights per WEEK on nights when CALL to QUARTERS is observed to show him a properly signed pass when leaving quar- 8. After DECEMBER 1 he will cause freshmen in good standing who desire to visit on or off the campus ONE (1) night per week until 10 P. M. on nights when CALL to QUARTERS is observed, to show him a properly signed pass when leaving quarters. 9. He will see that all lights are out >R im of his tour a report of any violations of are out :ept in rooms where lights ZATION COMMANDER upon completion r i_:_ n ■t.orvrtW' nf nnV violati' after TAPS exo 5d. 10. He will turn m NDER are authorizi in to the ORGANI- regulations that may have occurred while ^l^ Additional appropriate instructions may be given OFFICERS in CHARGE of QUARTERS by their respective TACTICAL °^2. IC CADET NON-COMMISSIONED OF FICERS may be detailed as assistants to the OFFICER in CHARGE by TACTICAL OFFICERS when considered desirable. By order of the COMMANDANT: JOE E. DAVIS 1st Lt., Infantry Assistant Commandant. THE BATTALION COMMANDANT’S OFFICE MEMORANDUM to DAY STUDENTS: 1. DAY STUDENTS living in the vicin ity of the OLD MESS HALL, who are taking their meals in the MESS HALL, will fall in with the NON-MILITARY group and march to their meals. This group forms adjacent to MILNER HALL on MIL ITARY WALK. lY STUDENTS living in the vicin ity of the NEW MESS HALL, who are taking their meals in the MESS HALL, will fall in with the INFANTRY CORPS HEADQUARTERS and march to their meals. The INFANTRY CORPS HEAD QUARTERS forms on the east side of DORMITORY No. 12. By order of the COMMANDANT: JOE E. DAVIS 1st Lt., Infantry Assistant Commandant. the, letters: A B C D bundles in Saturday 7-8j a. m., bundles back Tuesday 3-6:30 p. m.; E F G H I bundles Monday 7-8 a. m. bundles back Wednesday 3-5:30 p. m.; J K L M Me N bundles in Tuesday 7-8 a. m., bundles back Thursday 3-5:30 p. m.; 0 P Q R S bundles in Wednesday 7-8 a. m., bundles back Friday 3-5:30 p. m.; T U V W Y Z bundles in Thursday a. m., bun dles back Saturday 1-3 p. m. The schedule for Station 2 will be the same with one exception: All boys whose ith the letter A B C D will JUNIOR-SENIOR ASSEMBLY There will be a required assembly of all Seniors and Juniors in Guion Hall at 10 a. m. Saturday, September 13. At II a. m. of the same day there will be a re quired assembly of all Sophomores in Guion Hall. In order that all students clai ” • - schedule for Saturday morning, period will be 20 minutes in length. H. L. HEATON Acting Registrar. CLUB PRESIDENTS On October 1 The Battalion will carry an official club wil roster giving the officers ibs which have the Student Ac- of A. & M. Club and the club officers for which constitutions on file with the tivities Committee and which have filed 1941-42. Only those clubs which ha' stitutions on file with the Student the names of their officers with this com mittee will be included on the roster. Club officers may be filed for the committee at Rooom 126 Administration Building. Legal Notices LAUNDRY SERVICE All laundry from old dormitories will be turned in at Laundry Station 1 in two west rooms of Austin Hall. All laundry from the new dormitories will be turned in at Laundry Station 2 in north end of dormitory No. 12. Laundry slips may be secured from Laundry Stations. The name, address, etc., will be placed in the space designated. It is very essential that the surname be written first. All students that were in school last year please use your old laun dry mark. Marks will be assigned new students. After the list has been filled out the stub is torn from the list and pre- •y is your J stamped only when presented with laun dry bundle. Duplicate stubs may be se cured at main laundry for 5c each. Laundry will be turned in and delivered back to Sta. 1 according to the following schedule: All students whose surnames begin with begins wii in their ] turn in their laundry Friday 7-8 a. m. and it will be delivered back Mon day 3-5:30 p. m. Laundry must be turned in and called for as scheduled as other laundry will be coming back on the following da; cleared there will be congestion at •y : your respective dates and cooperate with All late or out-of-place bundles will ck on the following days and stio E will be allowed 23 pi week with a limit of 4 shirts, 2 pants, 1 unless < the laundry rooms. Students please note ■spective d ' us. All late or have an extra charge of 15c. Students pieces per ween wigii a juum, wx •* oinx go, ^ a coverall and 2 polo shirts. Shirts may be exchanged for pants. Mess hall jacke may be exchanged for pants. There w kets will ? j;— ir be a charge on all excess pieces according to the following: Shirts 10c, pants 15c, polos 5c, coveralls 10c, all small pieces 2c each. Your dress shirts will receive special at tention if brought down to the main laun dry and called for for 15c. If you have any complaints or sugges tions in regard to your laundry come to the main laundry and call for Mr. Ayers. W. E. Higgins, Laundry agent Sta. 1. J. C. Powers, Laundry agent Sta. 2 Schedule for Group Project House and American Legion Bundles turned in at Station 3 Wednes day 7-7:45 and will be delivered back Fri day 3-6 p. m. Students that pay laundry fee at Fis cal office please present your receipt at r reci Main Laundry before turning in laundry, lid there wi »ce bundles. J. D. Wilson, Agent. ig If fee is not paid there will be a charge idles. Wilso; of 60c for 23 piece bui All day students will turn in laundry 300 Used SAM BROWNE BELTS and FRESHMAN SLACKS All Renovated All Sizes To Fit Anyone SAVE 33 1-3% to 50% ALL REGULATION MERCHANDISE Loupotfs Trading Post - NORTH GATE Tuesday 7-9 a. m. at North side of Main Laundry. Call for Thursday noon. G. P. Ayers, Mgr. Classified FOR RENT—Room with private en trance, private bath and garage. 537 Wal ton Drive, College Hills. Phone 4-9539. FOR RENT—Three large bedrooms in private home near campus. Fully furnish ed. Two bathrooms, $10.00 per month per person. Corner Foster and Francis, Col lege Hills. Phone 4-4749. FOR RENT—Furnished garage apart ment in Bryan, built-in features, prac tically new Westinghouse refrigerator, hot water heater, on paved street, city mail delivery. Will rent as room to four stu dents. 1011 East 25th Street, Phone 2-7220. FOR RENT— Two furnished bedrooms modern ho •ivate entrai nstructors pi College Park. Phone 2-5409. m fur in modern home; shower and tub bath; ■■■■■of referred. Also garage in e; shower private entrance. Graduate students structors -THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1941 Elms Named On Activities Staff Grady Elms, former principal of the elementary consolidated school at College Station has been appointed a member of the Stu dent Activities Staff, according to a statement from the activities office. Elms is a graduate of Baylor University where he received his B. S. degree. He received his M. S. at A. & M. this summer. During the past year he was in the posi tion of acting principal of the Con. solidated schools. Until the recent enlargement of Sbisa Hall, Duncan Hall was the world’s largest eating establish ment under one roof. Sbisa also held the title previous to the other mefes hall’s construction. The seniors of 1904 had to write a thesis to complete their degree. The college owned radio station WTAW has a 1000 watt transmit ter. Kyle Field Stadium will seat 33,000 persons in the concrete U but by adding end zone seats it has held as many as 38,300 (1939). What art you doing with YOUR LAUNDRY THIS YEAR?... HI! STUDENTS Come on out for that old get-to-gether. Renew old ac quaintances, meet old friends. Bring the girl friend and enjoy an evening of dining and dancing. HRDLICKA’S 1 Mi. South — Old Highway 6 Courtesy of Dartmouth “Jack-o-Lantern” A better method is to send it home regularly by Rail way Express—and have it returned the same way. Our service is fast, sure—and convenient. Economical rates include pick-up and delivery at no extra charge within our regular vehicle limits in all cities and prin cipal towns. Your choice of prepaid or collect charges. Just as convenient too, for ’most any shipment: Baggage, gifts, cake or a pet elephant. Railwa^Aexpress Agency inc. NATION-WIDE RAIL-AIR SERVICE IHKmmeSaB ATTEKTION AGGIES We are glad to see you back and we are ready to serve you. It is certain that you will need the following items, so come by and get them now. TRENCH COATS DRAWRC BOARDS TEST BOORS COVERALLS EXCHANGE STORE COLLEGE OWNED AND OPERATED Campus