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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1941)
Jimmy Parker Leads All-Stars to Battle With Bryan Summer Sports -With Mike Haikin- Battle For Second Place is Main Issue of Race Today; Seaboard Life Scares Cleaners Well, here it is, the home stretch in the Twilight League with the champion due to he decided this week in a playoff between the first two teams. The Campus Clean ers are virtually assured of first place unless they pull the same stunt they did last Wednesday. However, the battle is on for sec ond place, with the Aggie Cleaners, Campus Theater, and the Aggie- land Pharmacy doing all the scrap ping. At this writing the Theater boys are hanging on to second place with a defeat by Campus cleaners marring their record, while the Aggie Cleaners and the Aggieland Pharmacy lodged in third place with two defeats apiece. Speaking of last week’s games, Tommy Burnam’s Seaboard Life almost pulled a David-Goliath stunt against the Campus Cleaners when they came within two runs of de feating Wayne Todd’s polished team. For six innings, Seaboard Life outshone the Cleaners in ev ery department, but the strain was too much for them in the next inning, with the result being that the infield loosened up and let in two unearned runs. Bill Wilson, the Life’s hurler, pitched the game of his life, allowing the Cleaners but five blows. Only one run was earn ed off his delivery. Bryan-Aggie All-Star Game Today Should Be Rousing Battle; Bryanites Are Favored The Bryan All-Stars play host to the Aggie All-Stars tonight in a doubleheader, with the first game due to start at 8 o’clock. The Bryan diamondeers are composed of play ers from the Commercial League, while the Aggie team is made up of softballers from the Twilight League teams. Rudy Rutherford will probably toe te slab in the first game and if he’s right, the Bryanites wil be in for a night of misery. However, the Bryan All- Stars will be slight favorites to cop both tilts because of their organi zation and vast experience. Stretch ing our neck far on the not-so-solid limb, this corner sees a split, with the first game to go to the Aggies, and the second one to go to the Bryanites. Whichever way the games go, however, the tilts should be hard fought and close, and of interest to everyone. Spirit and Memory of Lou Gehrig Spurts New York Yanks to Great Heights and Glory The far-reaching cry of “Stop the Yankees,” of a year or so ago is re-echoing again as Joe DeMag- gio and his mates are setting the American League afire. Not so long ago the mighty Yanks were se curely lodged in fourth place and were about to be chased out of the ( \ trampiis Correctly Air-Conditioned by Frigidaire Continuous Showing Schedule Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun. 15^ Matinee — 200 Night TODAY - TOMORROW BIG DOUBLE FEATURE No. 1 “City For Conquest” Starring James Cagney Ann Sheridan Shows at 1:53 - 5:18 - 8:43 No. 2 “The Lone Wolf Takes A Chance” with Warren William Shows at 3:39 - 7:04 - 10:29 FRIDAY and SATURDAY Another BIG DOUBLE FEATURE “High Sierra” Starring Humphrey Bogart Ida Lupino. Shows at 2:58 - 5:33 - 7:01 “Horror Island” with Dick Foran - Peggy Moran - Leo Carillo Shows at 1:58 - 4:55 - 8:01 10:54 PREVUE SAT. NIGHT SUNDAY - MONDAY LOVE STALLED BY TERROR! $55 GEORGE MARTHA BRENT* SCOTT A Columbia Pictur* On Saturday Night, Feature will start a few minutes after midnight—after the Juke Box Prom. ‘-m Plus Disney Cartoon & News TUESDAY “The ‘ledge’ Is Cornin’ ” It’s Funny - You’ll Laugh COMING Wait For It! first division. Then came the tragic death of Lou Gehrig, their former first baseman. Everyone thought the Yanks would fold up for sure, but instead of that they came out of their doldrums to blast every thing in front of them and today are some 4 games ahead of the second-place Cleveland Indians. Yes, the jolting DiMaggio has set records, the pitching staff has come through with flying colors, the com bination of Priddy and Rizzuto has been magnificent, but the real pace setter has been Lou Gehrig, whose spirit and memory seems to have spurted the Yankees on to glory and fame. It’s a hard and rocky road to the penant still, but should the Yanks come through, it’ll be for ole Lou Gehrig, the beloved Yankee! (Sport Squibs from here and there) . . . . Lefty Bumpers pitcher an other hard-luck tilt against Hous ton last Friday night. ... he was taken out with the score tied at 2 all . . . Beaumont went on to win the game, 4 to 2. . . . This writer talked to Lefty Saturday and found out that he enjoys work ing with Beaumont, and thinks he will have a good year . . . he’s also crazy about his manager, Gordon Hinkle . . . says he is a real swell guy. . . J. P. Wood, another former Southwest conference star, is hit ting the ball hard and often with the Exporters . . . J. P. also fields like a veteran . . . Bumped into L. W. Brooks, Daily Texan sports editor for the fall term last week and had an interesting session with him ... he is the same fella that is trying to straighten out the ticklish affair between A. & M. and Texas . . . that is, get a friend ly rivalry to go on between the schools instead of the “let-’em- have-it” affair . . . think he’s got something there . . . Note to Elgin Williams, sports editor of the Sum mer Daily Texan—how about get ting some sports on your sports page . . . SPOT NEWS Just one little spot on your clothes is enough to ruin your entire appear ance and make every thing you have on look shabby. Send us your clothes for expert cleaning, pres sing and repairing. CAMPUS CLEANERS Above Exchange Store ❖ sfcsjssfjjfcifc ^j^*** *^ Cleaners - Theater in Playoff Tomorrow Campus and Aggie Cleaners Makeup Nucleus of Team Rutherford Pitches Another No-Hitter In Season’s Finale Seaboard Life Almost Pulls Big Upset Against Campus Cleaners in Last Week’s Tilt the clincher either Tuesday Wednesday of next week. Cleaners Favored feited its tilt to the Cleaners. Rudy Rutherford, who incident- ly pitched his second no-hitter Mon- FINAL STANDINGS Team W L Pet. Campus Cleaners ...9 0 .1000 Campus Theater . 8 1 .889 Aggieland Phar. . 6 2 .750 Aggie Cleaners ... 6 3 .667 Rivet Busters 4 5 .337 Lipscomb Pharmacy 2 6 .250 Milner Hall 2 7 .223 Seaboard Life 2 7 .223 Legett Hall 0 9 .000 the offensive punch. Feature Power-Hitting for the Theater boys as to the out come of the series. Their slugging has been consistent all year, and if they come through as expected, the Cleaners will be in for some misery. As for the pitching staff, Manager Frank LeBus has B. J. Lloyd, ace speedballer, and Hal Gibson, consistent righthander, to throw at the Cleaners. Gibson has pitched most of the games for the Theater because of an injury to Lloyd, and has done yoeman ser vice. Lloyd returned back to action last Monday with a splendid relief job against the Aggie Cleaners, whom he subdued, 9 to 4. No-Hitter For Rudy Meanwhile ,the Twilight League came to an end last Monday. In the final games, the Campus Thea ter defeated the Aggie Cleaners, 9 to 4; the Aggieland Pharmacy found the Seaboard Life easy com petition as they set ’em down, 8 to 1; the Rivet Busters let loose a barrage of hits to mow down the Lipscomb Pharmacy, 10 to 3; and Rudy Rutherford’s no-hit perform ance was too much for the North Gate Project House as the Campus Cleaners triumphed, 13 to 0. Seaboard Scares Cleaners For the first time this year, the Campus Cleaners had to come back from behind to win a game. The Seaboard Life softball team proved a hard nut to crack last Wednes day, but finally wilted in the clos ing frames. Bill Wilson’s pitching performance for the Seaboard Life Team went for naught as his mates became as jittery as a future fath er. Maxie Bloodworth started the game for the Cleaners, but finally gave way to Rutherford in the closing innings. It is estimated that the increase in the government rate of com modity loans to 85 percent of par ity this year will add about $224,- 000,000 to the income of producers of cotton and about the same amount to wheat growers. American forests occupy one third of the national area, exceed ing the home lands of 230,000,000 people in Europe. Ants have their milk cows also. The com field ant cares for and milks the corn root aphis of its honey dew. BATTALIONA- If it’s Swimming You Want, You’ll Get Lots Of It Friday By A1 Krezdorn Friday night at 7:30 summer school students and the natives of College Station will witness and take part in the second annual summer school swimming meet at the P. L. Downs Natatorium. According to Luke Harrison, summer athletic program director, and Art Adamson, Aggie swim ming coach, this should be one of the most successful of all the sum mer athletic events because the pool has been packed ever since it opened this summer. Adamson is to have charge of this meet, and anyone interested in entering should register at his of fice at the swimming pool. Due to the experience received in past years Coach Adamson has decided to have both a men’s and a woman’s division. In each divis ion there will be a junior class comprised of all entrants 12 years of age or under; an intermediate class of all those between the ages of 12 and 15 and a senior class for all those 15 years of age or over. In each class, participants may enter in any or all of three events .which are as follows: free style, back stroke, and diving. The div- (Continued on page 4) EATS DRINKS SMOKES It’s CASEY’S In the “Y” Doubleheader tq be Played Involving the Rules of Both Teams; Game Time 8 o’clock JULY 9 PAGE 3 TEXAS AGGIE TENTATIVE 1941 FOOTBALL ROSTER Head Coach Homer Hill Norton (Birmingham-Southern ’16) Assistants J. W. Rollins (Texas A. & M. ’17) Marty Karow (Ohio State ’27) W. N. James (Centre ’22) Lil Dimmitt (Southwestern) Player Home Town f ! Pos. Wt. Andrews, William (Bill) Amarillo FB 200 Andricks, Dennis (Andy) Brenham FB 203 Boyd, Harold (Cotton) Dallas E 180 Bucek, Felix (Wottaman) Schulenberg G 185 Bucek, Roy (Wildman) Schulenberg G 205 Buckland, Fred Harlingen T 200 Carlile, Tom (Polecat) Temple TB 172 Clifton, Warren (Red) Sulphur Springs C 173 Cowley, Harold Freer E 180 Cox, Truman Donna E 180 1 Cure, Wayne Gilliland G 208 , Daniels, Leo Bryan TB 165 Dawson, Jamie (Little Dog) Crockett E 200 DeArment, Richard (Dick) Bessemer, Pa. G 180 Dickey, Leonard (Gus) Alto T 210 Ellwood, Eugene (Frog) Lockhart G 185 Force, Henry (Bud) Orange TB 177 Gerner, William (Bill) Dallas G-T 190 Henderson, Bill (Jitterbug) Houston E 205 Holder, Leonard (Slats) San Antonio C 173 Hollis, Ellis (Al) Fort Worth BB 185 Joeris, Leonard Abilene T 240 Kishi, James (Jimmy) Houston TB 180 Knight, Jimmie LaGrange E 180 Levy, Daniel Corsicana E 180 Luethy, Don (Loop) Monahans T 206 Maples, Weldon (Baldy) Fort Worth G'-C 195 Mercer, Arthur (AJ) Temple C 180 Miller, Charles (Streak) Belton G 190 Montgomery, James (JB.) Moran T 205 Moore, Owen Amarillo E 190 Moser, Derace (Mose) Stephenville TB 180 Motley, Zolus Abilene G 200 Mulhollan, Ray (Mullins) Belton G 195 McAda, Acie (Big Foot) Kenedy E 182 Pickett, Tom Temple WB 180 Porter, Sam Grandview WB 180 Richardson, Lester (Les) Houston G 202 Rogers, Cullen (Slick) Mart WB 185 Roman, Lincoln (KingKong) Houston BB 185 Ruby, Martin Waco T 210 Sibley, Bill (Dub) Abilene C 185 Simmons, Elvis (Boots) Somerville E 205 Slaughter, Marion (Pete) Houston E 180 Skarke, Richard (Dick) Schulenberg BB 195 Smith, Earl (Bama) Frisco City, Ala. WB 170 Spivey, Marshall Lufkin WB 177 Sterling, James (Jim) Panhandle E 190 Stout, John Handley E 180 Swank, Jack Dallas T 210 Terry, David (Shorty) Greenville WB 175 Thompson, Freeman (Nubby) Texarkana G 185 Tulis, Robert (Bloody) Fort Worth T 220 Turner, Oscar Ysleta G-BB 175 Utley, Kelly Belton G 185 Wagner, Shelton (Wag) Yoakum FB 190 Webster, Jackson (Jake) Sweetwater T 230 Wesson, Euel (Poppa) Temple E 185 Williams, Maurice (Cotton) Marlin TB 175 Williams, Robert (Pinkie) Eldorado TB 170 Wolters, Freddie (Country) Lewisville E 172 Zapalac, Willie Bellville BB 200 - Monty Moncrief and Rudy Ruth-., erford will be Manager Jimmy Parker’s choice to face the Bryan All-Stars in a doubleheader at Bryan tonight. They will probably be opposed by Crenshaw, Coca Cola hurler, and Roger Bond of Western Auto or Norman Stuart, Bryan Cafe twirler. Game time will 2 at 8 o’clock. A doubleheader instead of a sin- le game was scheduled in order that each team may get to use its own rules in which tight bases are played, while on the sandlots of this campus loose bases are prom inent. Six Campus and Aggie Cleaners comprise the nucleus of the A. & M. team. Voted on by the managers of the various teams, the squad is represented by every team but the North Gate P. H. and Lipscomb Pharmacy, and is due to give the Bryan boys a close contest. The squad is made up of two teams, each about the equal of the other. After the completion of the first game an entirely new team will face each other. Hitting power and pitching skill make up an Aggie All-Star team a definite threat in its game against Bryan. Rudy Rutherford, holder of two no-hit, no-run games this season, will probably pitch the second game, with Monty Mon crief, ace hurler of the Aggieland Pharmacy due to start the first tilt. Should he get in trouble, his teammate and twirler, Lawler, will be on hand. Chick Fuller, Campus Cleaners’ third baseman, Slats Holder, Aggie Cleaner’s first sacker, and Bill Wilson, centerfielder from Sea board Life should add plenty of power to the first team. Seaboard Life’s Bill Moore and Aggieland Pharmacy’s Jimmy Cashion should do likewise for the second team. The probable starting lineups in clude the following: Lineup for First Game BRYAN lb. Joe Scanlin (Coca-Cola) 2b. Burley (Bond & Covington) 3b. Tete Scanlin (Coca-Cola) ss. Nelson (Western Auto) sf. Cobb (Bond & Covington) If. Carroll (Bond & Covington) rf. McWilliams (Bond & Covington) cf. Arrington (Varner Jewelry) c. Gomez (Bond & Covington) p. Trenschaw (Coca-Cola) p. Holland (Lilly) Manager—Bond (Western Auto) A. & M. Holder (Aggie Cleaners) Smith (Aggie Cleaners) Fuller (Campus Cleaners) Hancock (Aggie Cleaners) Key (Aggie Cleaners) Nixon (Campus Cleaners) Wilson (Seaboard Life) c. Sisco (Aggieland Pharmacy) р. Monty Moncrief Manager—Jimmy Parker (Aggie Cleaners) Lineup for Second Game BRYAN lb. Cloud (Western Auto) 2b. Patranella (Coca-Cola) 3b. Caroll (Bond & Covington) ss. Haltom (Varner Jewelry) ss. Bob Cloud Coca-Cola) sf. Repass (Western Auto) If. Price (Varner Jewelry) cf. Rouse (Coca-Cola) rf. Jackson (Western Auto) с. Deason (Coca-Cola) p. Roger Bond (Western Auto) р. Norman Stuart (Bryan Cafe) A. & M. lb. MoOre (Seaboard Life) 2b. Olbrick (Campus Cleaners) 3b. Cashion (Aggieland Pharmacy) ss. Roberts (Rivet Busters) sf. Watanabe (Campus Theater) If. Wallis (Milner Hall) rf. Buckley (Aggieland Pharmacy) cf. Gray (Campus Cleaners) с. Gunlock (Aggie Cleaners) p. Rutherford (Campus Cleaners) p. Lawler (Aggieland Pharmacy) Manager—Jimmy Parker (Aggie Cleaners) Songs of grasshoppers have been set to music. Not all flies are pests. The Dn Flies do much good in devour plant lice. in NEXT TO MYSUF, / / I M V . You can wear the Ruggers Shirt at work and at play. The stitchless band collar looks good with a tie, looks, just as good without a tie. Fine shirting fabrics are cool, comfortable, smart/ Prepare to beat the heat with a supply of Ruggers Shirts and colorful Sum mer tics. Here are just a few of bur_smarUtie patterns at $1.00 each PKStxz College and Bryan