Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1941)
'r-v y&' I k < a _> * t 1 ^5 K / h .# Five Teams Take Lead in Opening of Twilight League Summer Sports With Mike Haikin Twilight League Gets Off to Good Start As Ten Teams Vie for Top Spot in Campaign Luke Harrison’s sports parade finally got under way with a bang Monday evening as some 10 soft- ball teams competed against each other in the annual Twilight League. Entries that flocked Har rison’s office before the deadline Saturday indicates another rousing and thrilling campaign, with com petition due to be keen all over the campus. Such teams as the Cam- Victor Bluebird Records Intermezzo Joan Merrill Clap Your Hands On The After Beat Bob Chester I’ll Be With You In Apple Blossom Time Wayne King I Understand Four King Sisters Maria Elena Tony Pastor Things I Love Jan Savitt Spotlight on Style! Accent on Comfort! ALL SPUN RAYON SPORT SET $4.98 Ideal for the beach, sports or just lounging around the house! It offers that outstanding combination — smart tailor ing and complete comfort. The inner-and-outer shirt, famous for free-action fit, has short sleeves and a con- vertable collar. Slacks are fully draped — have pleats, self belt and Talon front. pus Cleaners, Aggie Cleaners, and the Campus Theater ten have been practicing since last Wednesday, and if the old adage “Practice makes perfect,” means anything, these three squads should be among the top teams in the league at season’s end. Ernie Pannell, sturdy member of Coach Homer Norton’s gridiron machine for the past two years, has signed a contract to play pro football with the Green Bay Pack ers. Ernie was the first choice of the Packers among hundreds of other ace linemen, and it is a credit to the former all-Southwest Conference tackle. While at school here, Pannell, along with Marshall Robnett and Charlie Henke, formed one of the greatest lines in the history of A. & M. He was a two-time all-conference man here, and during this past year re- jceived numerous all-American mention. He will leave for Green Bay, Wisconsin, to start the Pack er spring training session some time in August. Joe Louis takes on Billy Conn at the Polo Grounds tonight in a battle that should turn out to be a lulu. Ex-heavyweight Champion James J. Braddock, Jack Cuddy, United Press writer, and Sid Feder, Associated Press fight expert, all pick Conn to dethrone Louis from the perch he has had since 1937. All these men mentioned above are certainly fight experts, and should know what they are doing, but how they can pick Conn to win the title is inconceivable. I certainly don’t claim to be a fight expert or even close to one, but I just can’t see eye to eye with these experts. I’ve listened to every major fight in the last four or five years, with Louis being in the primary role in nearly every one of them, and it just doesn’t make sense to pick the “Pittsburgh Flash.” In the first place, Joe has a twenty pound advantage over his foe, and also has a SVz inch reach. True, Billy has the speed, but so did Bob Pastor, and “Bi cycle Bob” didn’t kiss the ole canvas for love. If Conn does miraculously survive Louis’ bom bardments and goes on to win, he will be the smallest heavyweight champion in the history of boxing, and that’s excluding no one. Al though I’m not in the habit of hanging myself on the well-known limb, I’ll come out and say that Billy will be flattened before the eighth round! Going to summer school isn’t as bad as some people think. One thing about it is that you get to bump into interesting people in all walks of life. While cavorting around Legett hall, I chanced by the room of Ray Rowan and John ny Kane, who do their regular studying at Notre Dame. As usual in every case, a bull session en sued, and before long I learned everything about the Notre Dame football team. An interesting Ten Teams Enter League to Compete In Round-Robin Luke Harrison Schedules Three Games Per Week; Net Play Due to Commence Soon The annual Twilight softball league became a reality Monday evening with. ten teams competing against each other on the drill field opposite Law and Puryear Halls. Luke Harrison, head of the enterprise, has notified all man agers that all games should start on the minute at 6 p. m. Milner Hall, Aggie Cleaners, Legett Hall, Campus Cleaners, Rivet Busters, Aggieland Phar macy, North Gate P. H., Campus Theater, Seaboard Life, and Lip scomb Pharmacy have teams enter ed in the league. Schedules have all been arranged by Harrison, with the sites due to be decided in the near future. Games will be played each Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday eve nings. Harrison plans on having a round-robin between all these teams, and, if necessary, will have each team play the other twice. Harrison is also working out the tennis and pingpong matchings at this time and hopes to have them completed in the next few days. Both of these sports have quite a number of entrants, with com petition due to be close as well as interesting. Swimming entries have not been opened as yet, but will be within a week or so. story told by Kane concerned Bill DeCorevant, sensational star of Northwestern University, It was the day of the game with Notre Dame. Milt Piepul, ace back of Coach Elmer Layden’s eleven, was given the job of taking care of De Corevant, and he not only did an excellent job of blocking him out of every play, but he collaborated on nearly every tackle on “Sweet” William. This irritated Bill to no end, and he preached revenge for all he was worth after the game was over. This he had when the Northwestern baseball team clash ed with the Irish. The Notre Dame pitcher had a no-hit game in the bag with two down in the ninth frame. But up stepped DeCore vant, and sooner than you can say “Jack Robinson,” blasted a scratch single for the only hit of the game. Interesting facts and figures on sports from here and there . . . Dough Rollins, cagey track coach of the Aggie thinly clads left for Palo Alto where he will attend the National Intercollegiate Track Rule association held at Stanford university . . . Homer Norton is on a two-week vacation in Florida. . . Bill (Heinie) Weir, ex-Aggie of ’23, and present basketball and football coach of Schreiner Insti tute, is attending the summer ses sion here in order to get his Mas ter’s Degree . . . Slats Holder who will vie for the center posi tion with Dub Sibley in the fall, is working out in football and soft- ball at the same time . . he plays first base for Jimmy Parker’s Ag gie Cleaners ten . . . Virgil (Brah ma) Jones has relinquished his (Continued from Page 4) "KEEP COOL” Electric Fans $1.39 up Ag-gie Polo Shirts 65^ up Summer Trousers , $1.15 or $2.00 suit Swimming Caps 10^ CAMPUS VARIETY STORE NORTH GATE r t | SUMMER STUDENTS ] . | Try Us For Your Cleaning & Pressing i j | Suits Cleaned and Pressed 30^ j j Pants Cleaned and Pressed 15^ j Dresses Cleaned and Pressed 40up CASH AND CARRY BATTALION. JUNE 18 PAGE 3 How They Stand Team Played Won Campus Cleaners 1 1 Campus Theater 1 1 Aggie Cleaners 1 1 Lipscomb Pharmacy 1 1 Aggieland Pharmacy 1 1 Seaboard Life 1 0 Milner Hall Highballs 1 0 Legett Hall 1 0 Rivet Busters 1 0 North Gate P. H 1 0 Lost 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 Monday’s Results Campus Cleaners 19, Rivet Busters 0 Campus Theater 11, Seaboard Life 3 Aggie Cleaners 6, Milner Highballs 3 Lipscomb Pharmacy over Legett Hall (Forfeit) Aggieland Pharmacy 10, North Gate P. H. 2 Today’s Schedule Milner Highballs vs. Lipscomb Pharmacy Aggie Cleaners vs. Seaboard Life Campus Cleaners vs. Legett Hall Campus Theater vs. North Gate P. H. Aggieland Pharmacy vs. Rivet Busters Friday’s Schedule Milner Highballs vs. Seaboard Life Aggie Cleaners vs. North Gate P. H. Campus Theater vs. Rivet Busters Aggieland Pharmacy vs. Legett Hall Campus Cleaners vs. Lipscomb Pharmacy Pet. .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .1000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Dean E. J. Kyle Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science Awarded Dean Kyle University of Arkansas Bestows Honor Upon Head Of School of Agriculture E. J. Kyle, dean of the School of Agriculture and chairman of the Athletic Council, received an hon orary degree of Doctor of Science last week from the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas, in recognition of his outstanding accomplishments and achievements in the field of agriculture. Dean Kyle long has been a prom inent figure in agriculture and sports at A. & M. He has published numerous books and bulletins on the subject, giving many helpful hints to the agriculturist. He has also made a speciality to agricul tural education, being the first person to urge introduction of agriculture in public schools. Concerning sports, Dean Kyle has been chairman of the Athletic council for many years. He re tired during the 1934-35 session, but resumed his duties in 1937. In those years he has figured prominently in schedule arrange ments, supplying the Aggie foot ball teams with renowned squads all over the country. The University of New Mexico states a yearly festival of arts and crafts. More than 3,500 intercollegiate football games are played at col leges and universities in the United States each year. University of Montana has one classroom that covers approximate ly 1,600 acres—the forestry school’s laboratory in Patte Canyon. Notre Dame university football teams won 105 games, lost 12 and tied 5 while Knute Rockne was their coach. Three Members of Tennis Team Enter Galveston Tourney Several members of the Aggie Tennis team, nowattending summer school here, plan to enter the Gulf Coast Tennis tournament which is to be held at Galveston July 4th and 5th. Dick Gillette, Xavier Fernandez, and A1 Krezdorn all plan to enter the Independence Day tourney which is one of the most colorful of the major Texas tennis tourna ments. This team, which last year un der Coach Manning Smith, gave rise to hopes of being one of the best in Aggie net history, will be the first cadet tennis team to com pete as a unit in a summer tourna ment. Gillette and Krezdorn will enter the singles match and also form a doubles combination. Fernandez will only participate in the former event. By entering this and all other tournaments possible this summer, the group hopes to gain enough experience to make them one of the top Southwest Conference net teams when next year’s campaign gets under way. Wildlife Farm To Be Established On Experiment Land The Board of Directors has for mally approved the moving of the Fish and Game Department from the Poultry Farm to the Experi ment Station land northwest of the Poultry Department, Dr. W. P. Taylor, head of the Fish and Game department, announced Monday. The site comprises ten acres and will help care for the growing ex perimental work of the Fish and Game department. Provision has been made by the Board for some improvements to be located, on the new site, including storage shed, laboratory and quarters for stu dents, a six car garage, fencing, gravelling and grading. During the year work has been under way on the food habits of beavers, on the hybridization of bobwhite and Mexican quail, and on grey fox food and life habits. The farm will facilitate the ex panding activities of the Fish and Game department and the division of wild life research of the Ex periment Station, Taylor said. The human eye responds to flashes of light lasting only from 1-100,000th to 1-10,000th of a sec ond, according to experiments at the University of Virginia. Rudy Rutherford Twirls Two Hit Shutout in Tilt Sound Hitting- and Brilliant Pitching Prove to Be Stimulant For the Various Winning Teams Amid threatening skies and-i-over the Milner Hall Highballs. clouds, Luke Harrison’s twilight softball league got off to a grand start Monday evening with all but one team showing up for sterling play and action. Five teams—Cam pus Theater, Campus Cleaners, Ag gie Cleaners, Aggieland Pharmacy, and Lipscomb Pharmacy—emerg ed winners of the first-day event. Lusty walloping and brilliant pitching prowess were the weapons used by the winning teams, and it proved their worth. Rudy Ruther ford of the Campus Cleaners, J. D. Lloyd of the Campus Theater, and Pitcher Gossett of the Ag gie Cleaners, all combined to bring some well-pitched games to this campus. NOTICE If there are any potential “blind toms” in this school who would enjoy to do some umpiring, see Luke Harrison either at his office in the Physical Education Depart ment or at the Y.M.C.A. The Campus Cleaners ten open ed their bid for the coveted soft- ball crown with a 19 to 0 victory at the expense of the Rivet Bus ters, a team composed of engineers and National Defense course work ers. Rutherford, pitcher and man ager of the team, allowed but two blows to the Riveters, while his mates came up with a galaxy of hits. An 11 run rally in the open ing frame was enough to ice the game. A 9-run outburst in the third inning gave the Campus Theater the needed margin for victory as they shellacked the Seaboard Life ten, 11 to 3. Pitchers Lloyd and Gibson collaborated on a 6-hit per formance, while Second-Sacker Edi son led the Theater attack with three blows. Two triples, a single, and two walks in the third inning brought four tallies across the plate for Jimmy Parker’s Aggie Cleaners and gave them a 6 to 3 victory When In Doubt —about your eyes or your glasses, consult Dr. J. W. Payne Optometrist 109 South Main Bryan, Texas Gossett, the Cleaners’ hurler, kept the Highballs scoreless for four innings, but they finally broke the ice in the fifth with a tally. Striking hard and fast in the last inning with 3 and 5 runs re spectively, the Aggieland Phar macy pounded out a 10 to 2 vic tory over a hustling North Gate P. H. ten. Moore, North Gate pitcher, twirled credible ball for three innings, but blew up sky high in the last two frames. In the other remaining tilt, Leg ett Hall failed to show up, and thus the game was awarded to Lip scomb Pharmacy on a forfeit. The teams resume their play this afternoon, with all the soft- ballers seeing service. Should any of the players be interested in the standing of their teams, they may drop around to the Y.M.C.A. where everything concerning these games are posted on the bulletin board. All This and Comfort too .... The “DUNLOP” by Eclgerton .... Two-tone sand and Saddle Calf, Air-Cooled Oxford Ventilated. Summer comfort to the N’th degree Cool as a breeze and easy to wear. ALL SIZES $5.50 Other Summer Oxfords $3.95 $5.00 to $11.00 7 t Y CA VN WIMBERLEY • STONE - DANSBY CJ/QCKIERS SHOE DEPT. B. C. Allen, Owner College and Bryan IT’S COOL HERE Enjoy A Drink Or Lunch Where It Is ALWAYS COOL We Carry A Complete Line Of Cosmetics MADELEY PHARMACY WEST PARK COMMUNITY CENTER ^ COLLEGE COURTS COFFEE SHOP SUPERIOR FOOD EXCELLENT SERVICE Try Our Meal Tickets $11.00 for $10.00 $5.50 for $5.00 $3.30 for $3.00 East Gate ‘■3-