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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1941)
THE BATTALION -SATURDAY, MAY 31, 1941 The Battalion STUDENT TRI-WEEKLY NEWSPAPER TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE The Battalion, official newspaper of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas and the city of College Station, is published three times weekly from September to June, issued Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday mornings ; also it is published weekly from June through August. Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at College Station, Texas, under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1879. Subscription rate, $3 a school year. Advertising rates upon request. Represented nationally by National Advertising Service, Inc., at New York City, Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. Office, Room 122, Administration Building. Telephone 4-6444. 1940 Member 1941 Ptssociofed GolIe6iate Press Mi Nisbet Oaorga Puermann Keith Hubbard Bum Yannoy Me Tomlin lineoa Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Advertising Manager ... Editorial Assistant Staff Artist Proof Readers No Smoking, Girls A RECENT DECREE by Pat M. Neff, president of Baylor University, has outlawed smoking for girls who attend the university. He stated that be ginning next fall “high school girl graduates who have contracted the habit of smoking will not be admitted to the institution and any young lady who smokes will be sent home.” We used to have horses and buggies too and some people thought the automobile was a passing fancy. But no sane modern person thinks so now. And cigarettes used to be thought immoral and sin ful, but not many modern people think so. Even their physical harm has been discounted greatly by medical findings and the fact that few deaths are attributed to smoking. What is so wrong with girls smoking, wrong enough to forbid her the advantages of higher ed ucation? It is freely admitted that some dainty young things make an awkward appearance hand ling a cigarette when they don’t know how, but lack of grace is not enough to bar the portals of educa tion either. The decree further declares that Bay lor does not consider as good investments young women who smoke, and dormitory applicants are be ing interviewed personally by the dean of women and asked to sign a no-smoking pledge. Isn’t all that going a little far in the light of present day trends? Isn’t a college girl mature enough to make her own decision concerning such a minor issue as smoking? It looks like the insti tution is playing around with some unimportant cigarette fires while the world is about to burn down around them. I. B. Pierce, PM Levine Sport* Department ■Mb Jdbaoen Sports Editor bob Myers ... .— Assistant Sports Editor Mns Hafltin, Jack Holliman W. P. Oxford Junior Sports Editor Circulation Department Sammy Henderson Circulation Manager W- G. Hanger, B. D. Wilmeth Assistant Circulation Manager t. D. As bury, E. S. Henard Circulation Assistants Photography Department PM Onhaan Photographic Editor Jamas Carpenter, Bah Crane, Jack Jones, Jadk Stegal Assistant Photographers SATURDAY’S EDITORIAL STAFF Earl i A. Shields Managing Editor fe> ■- Harrison Assistant Advertising Manager Junior Editors WW O. Erbaberry W. 0. Carter Don Gabriel Beportorial Staff OhsHes Bab cede, Herbert Halle, Paul Haines, Carl Yaa ■oak. i. J. Keith. S. A. McReynolds, Beverly Miller, Khrhard ■H»«»Aii f. Jack Nelson, L. B. Tennison. Quiet-Men Studying IT TAKES AN EXCEPTIONALLY good man to study for his final exams when there is noise and commotion going on around him. Everyone has heard of these fellows who can concentrate so effectively that a cannon fired in the room goes unnoticed, but men who can actually concentrate like that are spread extremely thin, and there probably aren’t any on this campus. But we can make conditions here as conducive to study as possible by maintaining an atmosphere of quiet industriousness around the dormitories— quiet so there will be no elements distracting from complete concentration, and industriousness to en courage an all-out effort toward the subject. Maintaining quiet will be only too easy for those who have to study; it is those who are so for tunate as to be exempted or for other reasons not taking exams that will cause the commotion. The natural tendency is to loaf around with other fel lows or to start bull sessions, but a little consid eration and thought will show that it might be dis turbing to someone. After making a good showing on a quiz there is a natural feeling to celebrate too, but celebrants should keep away from the halls. It was one of the points used by the corps in wanting Final Review placed after exams that the seniors present during exam week would act as a stabilizing influence to maintain order and pre vent breakage. Their main way to help other Aggies is to preserve an atmosphere in which underclass men may study. A studying man deserves this con sideration from all his classmates, so let’s take our celebrating and commotion away from the halls. Opportunity in Finals THE BEST CHANCE TO RAISE A GRADE that exists is the final examination. They are long, te dious, and comprehensive, but they count one-third of the total grade and that can be a staunch sup port for a sagging average. Since the final exam grade does count so heav ily toward making the rating given for the term grade, any effort spent on raising it will be more amply repaid than the same effort spent on any other one feature of the course. It is easy to use that last bit of energy to study a little longer, and with the end so near in sight it will be worth the added effort. With the end of the year there is a strong feel ing to slight some things for plans to get home a few minutes sooner, but finals are not the things that should be passed over lightly. Since it is so easy to raise a grade, any sacrifice made now to ward that end will prove its worth later by the extra grade points or better record left with the college. With the opportunity to raise a grade so eas ily by a 3 hour quiz and several hours preparation, there should be nothing that stands in the way of total efforts toward finals. Virginia Judd Anstead Jr., former Butler uni versity student, once chosen as America’s most beau tiful model, is the mother of twin boys. Women students at L. S. U. led the men in schol astic average for the first semester by .165 grade points. Sally Stanton, queen of Pasedena’s Jan. 1 rose parade, recently addressed students at California Institute of Technology. The national youth administration is providing part-time work for about 450,000 boys and girls from 16 to 24 in high schools and colleges. University of Georgia art department drew up a check 25 feet long, by means of which university sororities made a donation to the British relief campaign. FRANK LOVING PRESENTS: I Heard the Preacher Say ONE WOULD BE beyond the bounds of logic if he laid claim to perfection for anything of human ori gin. Nevertheless when you shake the hand of those seniors at final review, you can read in their eyes— through tears-probably—that they have little com plaint to register over their years here at Aggie- land. Very few fellows need an explanation of “The Spirit of Aggieland”, and the best of us could not give an adequate one if we tried. If perchance some newcomers are a bit hazy on the matter, the scene of that final handclasp and parting word next Sat urday will certainly clear up the issue. To a man, that class of ’41 will agree that no finer friend ships, no richer experiences, no fonder memories are to be had anywhere than here on our cam pus. We who leave are completing a potent chap ter in our lives; a chapter whose influence is death less and whose weal is immeasurable. We owe a tribute of lasting gratitude to the faculty and insti tutions of this college whose efforts have made it what it is. To fight changes is but to delay pro gress, but we will all place a stamp of approval and a vote of thanks on this institution and the men who have done the job. Finally, we are proud of our class, and we think the rest of the students and the faculty join us in this pride. This class is amply seasoned with hon esty, courage, chivalry, friendliness, and, above all, respect for the other fellow be he friend or foe. These things in my humble opinion are the qualities of a Christian character. I firmly believe that many of the best Christians rarely set foot in a church —important as that is. After all, Christianity is a way of living; and in fulfilling that requesite I can point with pride to the Class of ’41. Quotable Quotes “THE NEWEST RESPONSIBILITY for newspaper editors is at once the oldest —- to give the people the facts straight. I tell you frankly that I believe six-inch banner headlines and the constant compe titive effort to shock citizens into buying a paper are among the greatest enemies of press freedom because they blunt the public trust in newspapers. I think the competitive effort to cap one sensation al bulletin lead with another, the struggle to get a more glaring headline than your opposition, is an evidence of irresponsibility toward the facts, which hurts in the long run far more than subtle at tacks from Washington or the threat censorship. I mention these Achilles Heels simply because I believe self-criticism is the way to freedom. It is also true that the American press tackles every day huge responsibilities and comes through with flying colors. Our newspapers and press associa tions are covering the war with great skill and re sourcefulness. Our papers, small and large, are vi gilantly telling the truth about our national defense program at home.”—Erwin D. Carnham, managing editor, the Christian Science Monitor. —AGP “AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS on, the whole are giv ing us objective, factual, straight news reporting which is unique in the world today. In a world that has turned black under government censorship, we can thank God that here in America, faulty as our press may be, it is nevertheless, fre.”—Kenneth E. Olson, Dean of Journalism, Northwestern Uni versity. —AGP As the World Tams. DR. AL B. NELSON SOLDIERS ARE NOW BEING STATIONED in shipyards and plane factories on the west coast in order to prevent sabotage of any kind. Machine guns are a part of the equipment of these troops. Report all aliens whom you suspect of being in the country without legal sanction and also all per sons suspected of disloyalty to the government. This is a request that is being made by government agen cies now. Japan is reported to be in creasing the pressure on the Dutch East Indies. The idea is to force the Islands to grant all econom ic preference to Japan, to turn all their immense oil and rubber sup plies to the Japanese in order that they may be more independent of other sources of supply. The Japanese are apparently convinced that the United States will do nothing but talk even in the face of extreme provocation. Events in Crete indicate a further disaster for the British. This will be far more serious than the sinking of the Hood and indicates plainly the need for more fighting planes and tanks for the British in the near East. The British planes in the Mediter ranean were outnumbered tremendously and were fighting against the best German planes and had to leave the Germans in control of the air. The W. P. A. still has 1,496,863 men on its rolls and their budget requires nearly as much money per year as the entire yearly cost of the United States government previous to 1910. L:! 1 ' wl+h , T0MGILU5 Hum Colonel Ashbum Said... The following quotations are ex- life and human suffering for the cerpts from the special Commence- freedom we accept as a matter of ment address delivered to 61 grad- fact. At the close of our Constitu- uating seniors in Guion Hall last tional Convention, Benjamin Frank- night: line was asked what kind of gov- “I am glad your graduation day ernment had been created for the falls upon Memorial Day. After all, people. It would be well for us memories are not just for the aged remember his brim reply—‘A Re- and for tombstones. I know of no public if you can keep it.’ light with which we may illu minate the path of the future ex cept that which falls on our way from the lamp of the past. Cer tainly for every tragic human ex- 80 sure but ^ hat th ^ world migra- the best thin g to do is sta y at home Costello. It is anything for a laugh, tion is in the interest of the last and stud y- and Abbott and Costello will do it. of these four freedoms—freedom The Campus is showing “ARI- Mixed-up romances and some more “We talk about four freedoms— Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press, and Freedom from Hunger and Freedom from .Fear. I am not By Tom Yannoy before the detective does. And Now that finals are upon us when that happens, there can’t be once more, there is not just a great an awful lot in the show, deal of time for the various dis- The other half of the Monday- tractions offered on and around Tuesday double bill is “ONE the campus. The motion pictures NIGHT IN THE TROPICS” fea- scheduled for the next week hit turing Alan Jones, Nancy Kelly, a new low. Except for one or two, and those two dopes, Abbott and experience. These tragic events if we have been seen them and heard , n ^ , j 3 from hunger or a hunger for great- ZONA” for the last times today, mixed-up romances is the main I, 311 ® a M bell . an ^. Sh f °^ ed a cau ^ on er economic freedom. We have ap- Jean Arthur and William Holden item in the film. light. Man in his folly generation after generation repeats the same mistake. preached this economic stability here in the United States to a are the shining lights in the show. “SO ENDS OUR NIGHT,” the It is about the first American story of political refugees in greater degree than the people of women to settle in Arizona, any other land. To preserve our Europe is showing at the Assem- Pat O’Brien and Constance Ben- bly Hall today. The story is taken standards of living, your resource- nett are presented in “ESCAPE from the novel “Flotsam” by Erich fulness, your educated talents must TO GLORY” at the Campus Sat- Maria Remarque and stars Fred- be brought to bear on our problems urday midnight and Sunday. eric March, Margaret Sullavan, “ELLERY QUEEN, MASTER France Dee, and Glenn Ford. The DETECTIVE” is one-half of the refugee’s hardships in fleeing from double feature offered for Monday do for it is coming to the Assembly “I am almost equally sure that these interruptions which we call war and which have irritated the human family about every score of years often may be necessary to bring mankind back to the endur- stantlyH^ealize^how^ profitless Tnd US to have bread bnes where men and Tuesday at the Campus. Ralph Hall Wednesday. Love, life and the of distribution. I hope your genius may evolve a program which here after will make it impossible for how vain are greed, selfishness, jealousy and envy, moral coward ice, self indulgence, and ungodli ness—mankind would not be dl stand in wheat waist high. Bellamy as the new character, El- pursuit of happiness in the Gay lery Queen, is starting a new se- Nineties done in the manner that “By example and precept you ries of detective stories. Margaret Holloywood is noted for is the main Lindsay is co-starred with him. topic. Rita Hayworth is the “Straw- From where we stand, this is just berry Blonde,” and although Ann must strive to raise the level verting you young men today from buman behavior. In the field au -i j ui. ji u u the course of peace to preparation f r i endsb ip recognition must be giv- Austria to Czechoslovakia and to Sheridan undoubtedly would have against war. If, however, you come en to the responsibility of pre- France are portrayed excellently, done a better job, Rita leaves noth- out of this situation with a con- servin g proper moral levels—no It represents what the movie world ing to be desired. Of all- the coming how few man rises above his friendships. can do when they get down to bus- films for the next week or so, this iness and try to put out something is probably the best one as far as tinuing knowledge of things really count, and of endur- car eful in choosing them, be , ing values of life you will have j ealou s of the time you give to really worthwhile. We recommend entertainment is concerned. achieved man’s greatest lesson. others who are ^worthy of that it as tops in drama and acting. time. You have listened to them on the . . . radio networks, and now they are “I have watched your older broth- on the screen. The Aldrich Family in “LIFE WITH HENRY,” star- “As I look around over the world and see the disorder and confusion which we face it seems difficult ers for 30 y ears - 1 have seen them to me for any one of us older men subjected to every test. I have ring Jackie Cooper, Leila Ernst, to try to give you compass bear- worbe< I w *th them in peace and I and Eddie Bracken, will be at the ings, or to give you sound counsel bave bivouaced with them in war. Assembly Hall next Tuesday. The OnWTAW 1120 kc. — 2677 meters Saturday, May 31, 1941 and advice because frankly we do 1 bave found in t be *« the physical show has lots of publicity because 11:25 a. m.—Lest We Forget (In- not now know where you are going stamina, the high flaming spirit of of the radio connections, but the gtitute of Oral and Visual Educa- or what will be required of you. I P atri « tism tbat America requires story is only fair. There are lots tion) . do not know at what port of call toda y to a greater degree than of comical situations throughout, ever before in its history I saw them you may have to report. I do not and it is calculated to be a relief know where you can find the stabil- 1 saw them march steadily for- from studying, ity of opportunity that you right- ward in a rain of leaden missiles “STRAWBERRY BLONDE” with fully seek and which stability was intent onl y upon reaching the ob- all that James Cagney, Olivia de given to your generation when we i ective to which they had been as- Havilland, and Rita Hayworth can stood on the threshold of life where signetL 1 saw man y of tnem fal1 ’ another one of those Hollywood you now stand at commencement their faces turned res olutely tow- “whodunits” that leave an insipid ^j me ard the enemy. I never saw one taste in your mouth after it is all of them falter. I have the feeling over. In fact it is so inferior that “The first" channel in which you as you go out from here today that you wiU P robabl y solve th e crime will navigate is in your business whatever task may be ^ned to ' ' ~ or professional fields-presently you ’ that whatever hardship you that is to be service in the United may be called upon ^ endure or States Army. Whether that will be harder sti11 ’ in whatever prosperit y you may have to retain your bal ance that there will be the same devotion to your country and that 11:40 a. m.— 11:55 a. m. tin Board. 12:00 noon—Sign-Off. Popular Music. —Community Bulle- for one year, two years or longer, I do not know, but I am sure that in due time you will be returned to those fields of business enter- san " ! lov ' ! f " r »"' 1 prises for which you have here pre- ‘l> a t same high patriotic spirit ex- emphfied by you that I have seen flame through the lives of all W. J. Douglas, Jr. INSURANCE AGENCY General Insurance Commerce Bldg Phone Bryan 2-6605 $G0IN'H0ME?...i Then send your baggage to ye old home stead by Railway Express and take your train with peace of mind. We call and deliver at no extra charge within our regular vehicle limits in all cities and principal towns. Service is fast, econom ical—and sure as shootin’! Just phone pared yourself. “No field offers the opportunity for human leadership and under standing of men as you now have before you in your duty with troops. A sense of fairness, of help fulness and of willingness to do everything that you require of those under you and to do it better than they will take you far in that field. Likewise it will enrich your service in business when you have done your service for the colors. The ability to motivate and to in spire men to action is one of the supreme requisite for success in all enterprises. “Freedom and liberty are not a matter of geography. Freedom did not just happen. Democracy is an achievement. . . . Our Democracy is an achievement by conquest. A very definite price tag was attach ed to every liberty we enjoy. A price tag paid in terms of human A. & M. men for a score and a half years.” — STORAGE for your trunks this summer. • We will pick up, store and deliver all for $1.00 WHITENER Transfer and Storage Co. Bryan - Phone 2-1571 Assembly Hall SATURDAY, MAY 31 HEARTS UNDAUNTED WHArS SHOWING AT THE CAMPUS Saturday — “ARIZONA,” starring Jean Arthur, Wil liam Holden, and Warren William. Saturday prevue & Sunday —“ESCAPE TO GLORY,” with Pat O’Brien and Con stance Bennett. Monday, Tuesday — “EL LERY QUEEN, MASTER DETECTIVE,” featuring Ralph Bellamy and Margaret Lindsay. Also “ONE NIGHT IN THE TROPICS,” with Alan Jones, Nancy Kelly, and Abbott and Costello. AT THE ASSEMBLY HALL Saturday 6:45 & 8:30—“SO ENDS OUR NIGHT,” with Frederic March, Margaret Sullivan, and Frances Dee. Monday 6:45 — “THE SAINT IN PALM SPRINGS,” starring George Sanders and Wendy Barrie. Tuesday 6:45 — “LIFE WITH HENRY,” with the Aldrich Family and Jackie Cooper. Good Luck Seniors Thanks for four years of patronage. To the rest of the Corps we wish you a pleasant vacation. See you next year! CALDWELL’S Jewelry Store Bryan, Texas iiiarrlng FREDRIC MARGARET FRANCES MARCH • SULLAVAN - DEE <wmi Glenn Ford • Anna Sten and Erich Von Stroheim ‘Directed by JOHN CROMWELLS Screenplay by Talbot Jennings • From the ^ngyel "Flotsam” by Erich Mana Remarque •• Released thru UNITED ARTISTS Also Mickey Mouse ‘PLUTO'S PLAYMATES” 6:45 and 8:30 fl v T ■ f ' # • • r v ^ ? » * *