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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1941)
Page 12- THE BATTALION Official Notices SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: May 10—Water Carnival, Water Polo Club. May 10—Engineers’ Musical, Guion Hall, 7:00 P. M. May 10—Corps Dance, Mess Hall, 9 P. M. to 12 midnight. OFFICE OF THE COMMANDANT GENERAL ORDERS NO. 49. 1. Under the provisions of par. 82, A. R. 146-10, on account of failure to ex ercise command and for direct disobedi ence of orders, the following demotion is announced effective this date: To be reduced to the grade of private: Cadet Captain BERT E. COOK, Com manding Co. E, Engineers. 2. Under the provisions of par. 32, A. R. 146-10, the following promotion in the Cadet Corps is announced, effective this date: To be promoted to the rank of Cadet Captain and assigned to command Co. E, Engineers. Cadet First Lieutenant JOHN N. BALL, Co. E, Engineers. By order of Lt. Colonel WATSON. R. P. LIVELY Captain, F. A. Adjutant. EXCUSED ABSENCES who participate in the preparation of the Junior and senior engineering students reparatic exhibits on Saturday morning. May 10, will be given excused absences. They should see that their names and the hours of participation are supplied to the heads of their departments so that excuse cards can be issued. Those grant ed excuses may get their excuse cards in the department offices next week. F. C. BOLTON, Dean. Classified FOR SALE—Complete furniture for four room room apartment. Includes Norge table top stove and innerspring mattress. R. D. Radeleff, 211 Foster Ave., College Hills Estates. RIDE—Wanted ride for two (2) to Washington, D. C., leaving June 7th or after. Phone 4-7064. LOST—Girl’s gold mesh evening bag. Left in Safeway Taxi night of May 2. Finder please call 4-4109—ask for Pat Hadsell. Usual reward. The Year 1940-41— (Continued from page 5) and conceived by George Fuer- mann, Battalion Associate-editor, the Student Aid fund was organiz ed and put into operation. Fuer- mann was made chairman of the fund committee, composed of three faculty members and four students and appointed by the president of the college. The fund is to pay for emer gency medical expenses of worthy Aggies who are unable to meet the charges themselves. Money for the [ CONGRATULATIONS HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES When in Aggieland visit FRANKLIN’S— the center of Aggie hospitality. You’ll be shown every courtesy, served an epicurean meal, and refreshed by quiet, charming at mosphere when you bring her here for dancing and dining. FRANKLIN’S 1 Mile West on Airport Road "AGGIE TELLS AGGIE” . . . that A. M. Waldrop & Co. has catered to the needs of A. & M. men for the past forty-five years . . . during these many years we have sold only regulation uniforms and equipment. . . every item we sell carries our personal guarantee for quality and workmanship and is moderately priced. We wish to extend our Greetings to all prospective Aggies and invite you to visit our two stores . . . You will find Aggie graduates in charge of our Military Departments and they will be pleased to as sist you in selecting your needs for next fall. See us before you buy. • Regulation Slacks Regulation Dobbs Hats Regulation Trench Coats Made to Measure Uniforms Regulation Insignia and Hat Cords Aggie Coveralls , Regulation Shirts Regulation Blouse Nunn-Bush - Edgerton and Fortune Shoes • We also carry a complete stock of young men’s clothing . . . furnishings and shoes. ‘Two Convenient Stores” COLLEGE STATION — BRYAN Building Program— (Continued from page 8) buildings in the Engineering School is the Petroleum-Geology build ing (1932) where the geology and petroleum, offices, classrooms, and laboratories are located. The Chem istry building (1927, second wing 1929) contains the classrooms, of fices, and laboratories for the teaching of all phases of chemis try. The Physics building (1920) is equipped with all of the neces sary equipment, including lecture rooms, and well-equipped labora tories. The Electrical Engineering department has a building of its own (1912) which includes much electrical equipment. The Civil En gineering Building (1900), which contains the oldest engineering de partment of the college is thor oughly equipped for every branch of the civil engineering profession —highways, structural, and hy draulic engineering. The School of Agriculture is equipped with a physical plant val ued at more than a million and one quarter dollars. A few of the more recently constructed buildings are the Agriculture Building (1922), which includes administra tive offices, classrooms, and lab oratories for the study of all sub jects relating to agriculture; the Animal Husbandry Paviling (1916), which contains a large judging arena surrounded by concrete seats for 1,600 spectators, besides class rooms and offices; the Animal In dustries building (1933) which pro vides offices, classrooms, and lab oratories for the use of students in this department; the Agricul tural Engineering building (1933) which provides equipment and fa cilities needed in the training of Agricultural Engineers; the Col lege Creamery (1923), which con tains the dairy laboratories and creamery, is equipped for the man ufacture and distribution of ice cream, cheese, and market milk; and the dairy barns (1916) which provide facilities for the handling of various classes of livestock. The athletic plant has grown from the open field of 1903 to the present day stadium on Kyle Field which will seat 36,000 spectators, DeWare Memorial Gymnasium which has a seating capacity of fund was raised by donation and giving a benefit show. This fund will grow larger and more useful to Aggies as it grows older, but 1941 was its initial year. Through all its trials and ef forts, the year of ’41 has been eventful, to say the least. No ar ticle, no matter of what length, could adequately describe the prog ress made by Aggies during the year, the new friendships formed, or the value to the school. But it will be remembered by all who were here as a year of events and a year well worthy of cherished memories. 3,500, a swimming pool which will accommodate 600 spectators, and an auxiliary gymnasium for use chiefly in intramural activities. There are fourteen tennis courts, both clay and concrete; baseball diamonds, and fields for football and speedball. The intramural sports department has facilities so that all students may partici pate in the intramural program. The department of Veterinary Medicine is equipped with a mod em veterinary hospital which is fully equipped to handle all types of cases. Classrooms and labora tories are provided for this de partment in the hospital. The Y. M. C. A. has a reading and writing room and a parlor where various club meetings are held and in addition, fine recrea tion rooms with bowling alleys, billiard tables, and ping pong tables. The new dormitory is also provided with a separate Y. M. C. A. which serves that area. A few other campus buildings are the Administration building, the Museum, the Cushing Memorial Library, with over seventy thou sand volumes and some 350 period icals, and the Academic building, which contains the various class rooms of the English, Economics, History, Architecture, and Math ematics departments. Music at A. & M.— (Continued from page 5) to furnish music for various oc casions. The membership is made up of students who like to sing and enjoy the fellowship which singing affords and who have de cided to make the Singing Cadets one of their chief extra-curricula activities. Consisting of 107 members, the Cadets sing at banquets, college assemblies, religious services, and for special programs of all kinds. Unlike the band, which gives no credit in music, the Cadets receive one hour’s credit each semester for their work. Very successful concert tours to South and East Texas were taken by the Cadets thi s spring. Feature of the year’s work for the organization was it’s command performance for Town Hall given at popular request. Students with vocal talent who enjoy singing are extended an in vitation to try-out with the Cadets at the beginning of the school year. For those whose music interest runs along popular lines there’s the Aggieland Orchestra, the school’s own popular dance band. Composed entirely of Aggies, the special dances during the spring band plays for football and corps dances in the fall and for club and social season. It plays for the annual Cotton Ball and Style Show, one of the biggest events of the entire year, Employment for 69— (Continued from page 6) tion Engines, and an Engineering Drawing course. Each of these courses averages around fifteen men enrollment. In this program the college is offering an opportunity to anyone interested in obtaining training in one of the many phases of engi neering, all of which are short of men in the present emergency. No tuition is required in order to take any of the courses, and the only expense attached is room, board and the necessary text books. The twelve weeks required to cover the courses is one full of hard work for the men taking them, in that they go eight hours a day, six days a week and in some cases they even attend night class es. After they have finished they receive a certificate that is equiva lent to one year of experience in the Civil Service. Smoker For Seniors Who Get Commissions Senior R.O.T.C. cadets who will receive their commissions as sec ond lieutenants in the reserve corps upon graduation this spring will be guests at a smoker to be given by the Brazos County chap ter of the Reserve Officers Asso ciation at 7 p. m., May 21, in Sbisa Hall. The Texas State de partment of the R.O.A. will co operate with the Brazos County chapter. Colonel C. L. Mitchell, chief of staff, first military area, San An tonio will be the guest speaker. He will be accompanied by mem bers of his staff from each of the various branches of services. Of ficers of the Texas R.O.A. will also be present at the meeting. Social Season— (Continued from page 7) music for the Engineers Ball and Corps dance. Carlsen brought two vocalists with his band and made “Star Dust” and “The Last Time I Saw Paris” more popular than ever. Eddie Fitzpatrick played for the Cavalry when they had their regi mental ball, and the Infantry had Duke Ellington. Ellington also played for the Town Hall program which each year features some popular orchestra which comes here. Playing without music, El lington’s boys put on a talented and entertaining program. The Ross Volunteer dances, which come for three days during spring holidays, had Phil Levant play for their Queen’s Ball, Captain’s Ball, and dinner dance. The sophomore and freshman classes had their dances as part of the social season. A Barnyard Fro lic, Cattlemen’s Ball, Cotton Pag eant and Ball and numerous corps dances have all had their part in the years events which will end in June with Final Ball and Final Re view. as well as for numerous spring corps dances. Each Christmas the band goes on a two weeks tour of Texas cities playing for Christmas dances. The spring semester is punctuated with week end trips to festivals and dance engagements. The orchestra takes on several new men at the beginning of each year and try-outs are conducted by the leader at that time. Inconsistencies in spelling books may often be the cause of poor spelling among school children, ac cording to Dr. Emmett A. Betts, head of the reading clinic at Penn sylvania State college. Outstanding Students . (Continued from Page 1) junior class, will be presented with a $200 cash award given each year by the Daughters of the American Revolution to the honor man of the junior class. Mrs. Edwin S. Lom- mers, State Regeant of the D. A. R. will present the money to Gillis. To Master Sergeant Tom Gillis of B Battery Coast Artillery will go a medal presented each year by the United States Coast Artil lery Association for outstanding work in military sciende, academic ability and proficiency. This is giv en each year to a junior of the Coast Artillery corps who is se lected by a board of officers from the Coast Artillery unit of the United States Army. Gillis will be presented the medal by Mrs. F. A. Hollingshead. Cadet Master Sergeant Lewis Kercheville of Battery I Field Ar tillery will receive a medal from the United States Field Artillery As sociation selected by a board of of ficers from the Field Artillery unit of the United Statees Army. He has been selected for his outstanding work in military science, academic ability and proficiency. Mrs. O. E. Beezley will present the medal to Kercheville. Dr. T. O. Walton, president of A. & M., will present Billy Dean Brundige of 3rd Corps Hdq., Se nior, Tom Gillis of B Coast, Junior, and William Jefferson Galloway of A Field, Sophomore, with a scholarship honor medal for mak ing the highest grades in their respective classes for the terms 1939-40. The nation’s defense preparation has caused postponement of re opening of the Mohawk Drama fes tival on the Union college campus The University of North Caro lina’s 39 CAA student pilots have amassed a total of 1,640 flying hours without an accident and only four minor mishaps. -SATURDAY, MAY 1®, 1941 Engineers’ Day— (Continued from Page 1) A liquid air show will be the principal feature of the chemical engineer’s part of the day’s activi ties. They will also show chemical reactions and the manufacture of synthetic materials, showing the uses of chemistry in national de fense. The petroleum engineering de partment will demonstrate re search methods and field displays showing actual pumping and drill ing of oil wells. The exhibits are presented and explained in a non technical manner so that laymen may understand the principles in volved. All of the exhibits and demon strations will be explained by stu dents of the departments, and students had a large part in set ting up and planning the exhibits. The seven cadets who have been placed in charge of the exhibits of their departments are: LaVere Brooks, architectural engineering; J. R. Nalley, mechanical engineer ing, Ed Ivey, chemical engineering, W. A. Collins, aeronautical engi neering, Ben Elliot, petroleum en gineering, F. K. Nichols, electrical engineering, and G. K. Carnes, civil engineering. GREETINGS! HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES We want to congratu late yqu upon your grad uation from high school. We hope to see you at Texas A. & M. College next fall. We make a beautiful corsage that would please any girl. We are dependable. BRYAN FLORAL & NURSERY Dial 2-1266 506 S. College Ave. Hf/77/ THE GOLFERS GRANTLAND RICE Right from the tee-off, you’ll like their COOLER, MILDER, BETTER TASTE Smokers get every good quality Mcspaden they like in Chesterfield’s famous blend. This rig/it combination of the best tobac cos that grow in our own Southland and that we bring from far-off Turkey and Greece truly SATISFIES. Make your next pack Chester cant team-up with a better cigarette. Everybody who smokes them likes them. Copyright 1941, Licctn & Mms Toiacco Co