Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1941)
■r a * *■ v * * 4 } • > i 'i % ^ f * s » « ON KYLE FIELD -With Hub Johnson. Pete Watkins surprised the Bay lor fans Saturday by topping their one star of the field event, Dub Walters, one inch to claim the first spot in the high jump event. It- was only revenge as Walters won the event at the Texas Re lays. Coach Rollins stated, “Sat urday’s performance showed that he can go much further than he has yet.” The Drake Relays will prove a testing ground for the confer ence meeting. Wednesday of last week, our rich uncle marked Jack Wilson of the Baylor track, basketball and football team “E-l„ and Prank Kimbrough breathed a sigh of re lief. He has now found his striking point and has drawn from the con ference for the first time. Glen Rose, cage mentor of the Arkansas Razorbacks, has answered the call to the Army. In three years under Rose, the Hogs have won the league title three times and tied for a fourth. A&M And Baylor To Meet For Third • Game of the Season Game Will Be Played in Waco Thursday Afternoon Thursday for the third time this season, the Texas Aggies and the Baylor Bears meet on the baseball diamond in a Southwestern Confer ence game. The two other games were play ed at College Station in a two game series that ended in a draw. In the first of the series, the ca dets rode to a 10 to 0 victory be hind the pitching arm of Lefty Bumpers. The following day found an over-confident Aggie nine given much the same treatment that they themselves dealt out in the nrevious encounter. It was only af ter four nitchers had taken to the mound that the cadets came out on the short end of a 7-5 score. Waco will be the scene of this meeting and should show whther A. & M. or Baylor has the better ball club. Both teams have gained much experience since their last meetings and are in top-notch shape to play the game that will end this season’s play between the two teams. At the last two meetings, two southpaws on the mound caused all of the trouble. For the Bears, Frank (Lefty) Golden was the boy who was stingy with his runs and it was Lefty Bumpers who closed the Bear batsmen out for a no run game. Roy Peden, Aggies, is another pitcher who makes it hard for the opposition to get on first base. Although he is a fast ball artist, he occasionally puts a slow one across to make them feel foolish for swinging. Yesterday there left Aggieland for a service as an officer in the Army for a year or for duration one “ex” who has followed the Aggies from the top to the bot tom and back to the top again. At the start of the ’39 grid season he didn’t place the cadets above third place. Still with him goes all our wishes for good luck. He knows Aggies for he is one, and this summer the Twilight Softball League will miss one- Satch Elkins. SKoTTBSW & A SHORT STORY ABOUT OUR NEW SHORTS You’ll cheer the freedom giving comfort of *B.V.D.’s famous shorts, for they boast the exclusive “All-Ways Stretch” seat that’s as flex ible as your own skin! Fea tured in exclusive patterns, colorful fabrics, and with modern “Gripper” fastenings. Pair them up with the new V-neck shirt. 35^ ea. 3 for $1.00 7 i v c-* r\ WIMB£RLEY • STONE DANSBV CLO£Kl£RS COLLEGE and BRYAN Ask My Wife How Much Gas We Need — She Drives the Car . . . We satisfy every type of motorist, whether they drive up front (or as in the case above), from the back seat. Motorists will find a quality about our service that guar antees smoother driving, eco nomical motoring. AGGIE SERVICE STATION North Gate Sophomores— Know Good Uniforms That’s why Mendl & Hornak are leading uniform tailors . . ... drop in at the Uniform Tailor Shop, Sophomores, a thorough inspection on your part will assure us o^ orders for Junior-Senior uniforms. All that Mendl & Hornak ask is that you see their stock be fore you order . . . then judge for yourself. Uniform Tailor Shop North Gate BATTALION ■ APRIL 24 PAGE 3 Intramurals 5th Corps Headquarters Emerges as Speedball Champs in Win Over B FA By Boy Myers Speedball competition wound up with 5th Corps Headquarters on top of the heap. In the final game of the season they defeated B Field Artillery by a 20-6 score to show that they already had a champion ship team. Team members who turned out for the finals were: Cooper, S. H.; Wil ton, T. A.; Rod gers, D.; Whittet, G.; DePasqual, V.; Hernan, E.; Huff man, H.; Ross, D.; McAfee, W. R.; Mitchell, B.; Od- M^ers gee, G.; and Key es, J. T. 1 FORFEIT DOGHOUSE D ENGINEERS G FIELD ARTILLERY C FIELD ARTILLERY 2nd HEADQUARTERS FIELD ARTILLERY 4th CORPS HEADQUARTERS A SIGNAL CORPS Wednesday afternoon at 5:00, W. L. Penberthy will hold the third of a series of classes to bet ter qualify seniors for assignments as athletic officers in the army. It is not too late for new mem bers to come out and get the ben efits of this instruction. Classes meet in the Civil Engineering lec ture room every Wednesday after noon. The Artillery Band, under the pitching arm of Billy Roberson, advanced up the softball ladder at the expense of E Field Artillery. Scoring progressed evenly with each inning and saw the game end with the band on top with a 12-0 win. Turnouts for class A swimming have been on approximately a 50- 50 basis, only all of the teams that came down were at a loss for com petition; therefore, no meets and all teams were winners on for- TCU Entered In Nine Intercollegiate Matches, Four Sports Nine intercollegiate matches in four sports are on the schedule for Texas Christian University teams in the last nine days of Ap ril. Yesterday, Coach Walter Roach moved into Austin with the Frog baseballers, for a single game. Fri day, the Frogs play S. M. U. in Fort Worth, and on April 30 meet Texas A. & M. in College Station. The low scoring T. C. U. golf foursome will play three matches in the nine days. They will meet Rice here April 22, Baylor in Waco April 26, and Denton Teachers here April 29. Based on the showing to date, fans in this sector are figuring that the Frog niblick wielders have a good chance to bag the confer ence championship in Austin May 8 and 9. Coach Mack Clark’s track men will engage in a dual meet with the Denton Teachers here April 23, and a triangle meet here April 26 with S. M. U. and Baylor. The Frog tennis team, under Coach Tom Prouse, will journey to Dallas April 25 for a match with S. M. U. We Specialize in:— • HAMBURGERS • BAKED HAM SANDWICHES The Best Food Prepared The Best Way ! Minute Sandwich Shop North Gate feits. White, Cokinos, Smallwood, Gat es and Wade batted the little white ball around the ping pong table for H Field Artillery to give them a 5-0 win over E Engineers. Another 5-0 match between C Field Artillery and G Infantry was chalked up in favor of Artillery men Hull, Harrison, Pennington, Buttrill and Pierce. The element of time cost A Cav alry a softball game when they played 2nd Corps Headquarters. According to departmental rules, playing stops at 5:40 and the score reverts to the previous inning. A Troop was leading 9-8 in their half of the seventh when the time elapsed and the score went back to the sixth, 8-7, in favor of 2 CHQ. F Coast Artillery took their game 7-3 from A Infantry after com ing from behind to start scoring in the third. A Company dropped out of the scoring picture in the fourth and failed to bring a man home after that. F Infantry brought enough men across the home plate in the first inning to cinch their game with C Chemical Warfare. The six run lead and another in the third prov ed too much for the “test-tubers” to overcome in spite of their rally in the fifth and seventh. Final score was 7-4. Headquarters Cavalry held a one run lead over B Infantry up until the fifth inning, at which time the B Company boys wound things up with a four run rally to put the game on ice, 9-6. | Cadets Drop Down In Loss Column as Owl Batsmen Win, 6-3 Playing a wild game Friday af ternoon in the opener of the two game series down on the muddy banks of the Buffalo Bayou, Sat urday the tide turned and the ca dets went one game deeper down the loss column as the Rice Owls collecetd five hits and six runs off Bumpers in one inning to win, 6 to 3. The Owls’ big spree came in the third frame with a walk and an error going with the five hits to put the Aggies out of the running. Gomez doubled, but the ball, rolling through Francis in center, allowed Gomez to circuit. On the play, Leigh and Costa scored be fore Gomez for three of the runs. Scoggin, Jeffrey, and Lindsey scored for the Aggies with Jef frey registering a triple in the second to score Scoggin. It was the second win in nine starts for the Owls this season and finished the series between the two schools for the year. Team Standings Team— W L Pet. Texas 6 1 .857 Baylor 5 2 .714 A. & M 3 2 .600 S. M. U 5 4 .556 Rice 2 7 .222 Texas Christian 1 6 .143 Dutch Meyer Named On “Football Man Of The Year” Committee Coach Dutch Meyer of Texas Christian University has been nam ed Southwest representative on a national committee to pick the “Football Man of the Year” fol lowing the 1941 season. The se lection will be made in December, when the committee members will meet in Chicago. Film Club May Add Cadet Representatives Plans are being discussed to have student representation on the directing committee of the Col lege Film club in order that stu dents may have a voice in the or ganization as soon as the satisfac tory arrangements have been com pleted. Steps will be taken to organize a film club as a cooperative fac ulty-student undertaking. The strong and enthusiastic support by students this year has led to this proposal, film club president Sam B. Zisman said yesterday. Fish Encounter Baylor Cubs Here Today at 3:30 p. m. First Conference Game to Be Played Due to Rainy Weather Playing their first game of the season, the Texas Aggie fish en counter the Baylor Cubs here at 3:30 this afternoon on Kyle Field. As previous games have been rained out, this will be the first conference game the fish have ex perienced, although the fish have played the B squad several times. Coach Harry Faulkner has in dicated that he will start Wendell Acrey at pitcher, Earl Seay at catcher, Howard Hart at first base, John Robinson holding down sec ond base, Dan Webb at short stop, J. E. Newberry at third, D. L. McCanse in center field, Louis Du pree in left-field and F. A. Tread way in right-field. Last year the Aggie fish gigged the Cubs for a win with a score of 11 to 5, and the Fish lost to Texas, 21 to 9, and 7 to 6. In 'an interview with Coach Faulkner yesterday, he stated that, “All in all, the fish looked better than they did last year.” They will meet the Allen Acad emy Ramblers Wednesday and will take on the University of Texas freshmen here Friday. Watkins Stars as Aggies Take First Place in Track Meet Pete Watkins, sophpmore star of the high jump and the hurdles, came through Saturday to show that he had the real “stuff” when the Aggies topped S.M.U., Baylor, and T.C.U. in a quadrangle run at Waco. Watkins, who placed second to Dub Walters in the Texas Relays, turned on a bit of extra umph to top the Bear star one inch and become the favorite of the South west Conference. ’Bama Smith was individual high scorer with twelve and one-half, claiming the 100-yd and 220-yd dashes with runs in the sprint and mile relay. He was followed by Gibson of S.M.U. and Roy Bucek of the Aggies with ten each. In winning, the cadets won nine events and tied for first in another to mark up 74 points to their record. Southern Methodist won second with 48 points, with Baylor in third spot with 23 and T. C. U. in fourth with 19 marks. The summary: 440-yd. run—Dealey, SMU, first; Line- ham, SMU, second; Henderson, (Ralph), A. & M., third; Brush, A. & M., fourth. Time—51.5 seconds. 100-yard dash—Smith, A. & M., first; Pope, TCU, second; Coleman, Baylor, third; Knight, A. & M., fourth. Time— 9.8 seconds. Mile run—Gibson, SMU, first; Todd, Baylor, second; Taylor, TCU, third, Stew ard, A. & M., fourth. Time—4:40. 220-yard dash—Smith, A. & M., first; Knight, A. & M„ second; Pope, TCU, third; Hickman, Baylor, fourth. Time— 22.2. Nine A&M Trackmen to Run In Drake Relays Next Week 110-yard high hurdles—Bucek, A. & M., first; Tate, SMU, second; Watkins, A. & M., third; Groesclose, TCU, fourth. Time— 14.7 seconds. 880-yard run—Henderson (Ralph), A. & M., first; Hinkley, SMU, second; Bates, SMU, third; Steward, A. & M., fourth. Time—2 :2.9. 440-yard relay—A. & M .(Spivey, Knight, Brush, Smith), first; Baylor, second; TCU, third. Time—43.6 seconds. Two-Mile Run—Gibson, SMU, first; Laney, A. & M., second; Elmore, A. & M-, third; Taylor, TCU, fourth. Time—19 :36.5. 220-yard low hurdles—Bucek, A. & M-, first; Garrison, A. & M., second; Tate, SMU, third; Groesclose, TCU, fourth. Time—23.5 seconds. Mile Relay—A. & M. (Henderson, Smith, Brush, Knight), first; SMU, second; Bay lor, third. Time—3 :31.2. High jump—Watkins, A. & M-, first; Waltersm Baylor, second; Ricks, A. & M., third; Andrews, Baylor, fourth. Height— 6 feet 7 inches. Shot put—Wilson, Baylor, first; Thom ason, A. & M., second; Russell, Baylor, third; Adams, TCU, fourth. Distance—48 feet 4% inches. Pole vault—Ricks, A. & M. and Berry, SMU, tied for first; Nye, A. & M., third; Gillespie, TCU, fourth. Height—12 feet. Discus—Felix Bucek, A. & M., first; Henry, A. & M., second; Johnson. SMU, third; Palmer, TCU, fourth. Distance— 115 feet 9 inches. Broad jump—Garrison, SMU, first; Groesclose, TCU, second; Ricks, A. & M., third; Pope, fourth. Distance—21 feet 2 inches. Javelin—Barnett, SMU, first; Wilson, Baylor, second; Shalnik, A. & M., third; Mangum, SMU, fourth. Distance—182 feet 10 inches. Houston County Project House Boys To Have Annual Ball The 76 cadets living in the Houston county project house (old Army barracks) will have their annual dance May 2 at the Shiloh club, Manager R. P. (Rip) Barn hill announced yesterday afternoon. “Our music will be a little un usual,” Barnhill said, “in that we will have an orchestra composed 9! student talent including a trumpet, a piano, two violins, two guitars | and a mandolin.” This is the second year that the Houston county house, second larg est cooperative group at A. & M. has held such a function. Runners Leave For Des Moines Early This Morning Nine Aggie trackmen leave here this morning for Des Moines, Io wa, for the thirty-second annual running of the Drake Relays next week-end. Records are due to fall in many of the events and once. again the Aggies will make their appear ance in a few spots. Last year Ed Dreiss topped the hurdles to win his “traditional” third place behind Fred Wolcot of Rice and Boyce Gatewood of Tex as. This trip might see Roy Bucek, who won fifth place in last year’s run, Pete Owens of Howard Payne, and Bob Wright of Ohio State fight for the top placings. 'i High Jump Record to Fall Six feet six inches has long been the standing of the high jump bar and, after next Saturday, should be *a record of the past. In the favorite spotlights are Don Boydston of Oklahoma A. & M., Dub Walters of Baylor, and, af ter this past Saturday’s perform ance, Pete Watkins of the Aggies. Texas University will enter a strong team and hold the odds in the sprint and relay events. Carl ton Terry and Fred Ramsdell will be the lead horses for the Steers with Jack Hughes supporting the field entries in the discus [throw. The Aggies will enter the high •Jump, pole vault, high hurdles, low hurdles, 100-yd dash, and the 440-yd and 880-yd relays. Those making the trip include Coaches Homer Norton and Dough Rollins, Carlton Brush, Roy Bu cek, Ralph Henderson, Jimmy Knight, Derace Moser, Albert Ricks, ’Bama Smith, Marshall Spivey and Pjte Watkins. ADDISON’S j “Foot Fashioned” i SHOES $3.75 pair I The Guaranteed Shoe BACHELOR'S FRIEND SOCKS 25^ and 35^ j Pair ! AGGIE CLOTHIERS ! “Quality Merchandise at i i l f *—- Norwich university is about to begin construction on a mess hall that will include facilities for a college store and. recreation room. QUALITY! Second.. j PRICE! Fair Prices” North Gate v Ty' ROYAL EUGENie natural rolled gold plate 15J. *37 50 The name “Longines-Witt- nauer” in back of this watch is your guarantee of quality. And the price— starting at $24.75 —is sensationally low. See them — compare — and judge for yourself. CALDWELL’S BRYAN HERBERT, WALL, Baritone, former baritone, New York Opera As sociation, Director of University Light Opera Company, announces opening oi a Studio. For information call 2-7340. Lucchese Vs Webster 1. A leather covering for the feet and lower part of the legs . . . Webster 2. The best grain leather ... most skilled craftsmanship .. .. the new process used by LUCCHESE ... a covering for the feet and lower part of the legs . . . must be comfort able. Smooth foot-fit, and per fect ankle break. THE PERFECT ANKLE BREAK BOOT LUCCHESE BOOT CO. 101 W. Travis San Antonio