Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1941)
THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1941- - THE BATTALION -Page 3 K5 teSiST *gi«* b Commander of Philippines A&M Has State’s Least Individual Expenditure Of $194.62 Per Student In a recent survey of education costs among the Texas schools of higher learning for the last fiscal year compiled by Fred R. Donohoo, first assistant state auditor and efficiency expert, it was found that A. & M. showed a marked de crease in state aid and institution costs as well as per student costs in comparison with most of the other schools. The report on state aid itemized for last year breaks up the higher education costs into groups. A. & M.’s expense was $8,209,666, a de crease of $376,115; Texas Univer sity $4,592,476, increase of $280,- 808; State Teachers colleges $3,- 816,597, decrease of $900,813, and other colleges $3,419,252, decrease of $1,160,540. Classification of costs for these institutions was strictly for education $11,471,051, increase $987,474; administrative $942,490, increase $63,336; auxil iary enterprises $4,568,163, increase $487,721; other operating and maintenance $1,676,886, increase $55,217 and additions to plants $1,379,402, decrease $2,759,410. • Institution costs for 1940 are as follows: A. & M. main college, $6,755,954, decrease $361,299; John Tarleton college $466,094, increase $6,901; North Texas Agricultural College, Arlington $408,738, in crease $32,298; Prairie View State Normal $578,879, decrease $54,015. University of Texas $3,877,192, increase $119,415; medical branch, Galveston, $425,063, increase $120,- 862, and College of Mines, El Paso, $290,221, increase $40,531. Teachers colleges, Commerce, $618,909, decrease $240,733; Den ton, $1,135,294, decrease $203,305; Huntsville, $497,203, decrease $95,- 727; San Marcos, $551, 083, de crease $65,652; Nacogdoches, $364,- 790, decrease $170,785; Alpine, $195,945, decrease $137,575, and Canyon, $453,373, increase $129,- 964. Other colleges: Arts and Indus tries, Kingsville, $387,181, decrease $76,876; Texas State College for Women, Denton, $1,607,470, in crease $100,891, and Texas Tech nological, Lubbock, $1,424,601, de crease $193,555. Of the total costs at each insti tution the auxiliary expenses for each group totaled $1,866,071 at An Essaq "On A Senior" There is something about a Senior that is smart. . . dash ing . . . somehow there is a gallantry which typifies of ficers of the Corps . . . and the first things that gives a man that appearance of snap and precision is Boots. The Better Fitting and Better Looking Boot made especially for Aggies is LUCCHESE’S. That’s why Juniors will order them in May. The Perfect Ankle Break Boot LUCCHESE BOOT CO. 101 W. Travis San Antonio J? ?l ll f'lff If'!. Jil Talk about a swell treat... just sink your teeth into smooth DOUBLEMINT GUM Yes, for real chewing satisfaction, just sink your teeth into delicious DOUBLEMINT GUM. Velvety-smooth, full of refreshing flavor. Chewing DOUBLEMINT daily adds fun to sports, informal get-togethers, study sessions. Helps brighten your teeth and sweeten your breath, too. And costs so little! Buy several packages today . . . and enjoy delicious DOUBLEMINT every day. Past Commandant Of A&M Gets Rapid Promotion to the Job Brigadier General George F. Moore, United States Army, A. & M. graduate of the class of 1908, took command of the United States Defenses of Manila and Subic Bays in the Philippine Islands on Febru ary 15, 1941 when he relieved General Walter K. Wilson, United States Army, who was ordered to return to the United States. Col onel Moore’s promotion to the rank of Brigadier General was only re cently announced by the War De partment and his assignment to this most important post, particu larly in view of the very serious situation in the far east at this time, is very clearly indicative of the War Department’s high regard for, and complete confidence in the keen ability of another Texan, who, incidentally, passed also through the files of Aggieland, later to at tain a mark in his chosen field to which Aggies everywhere can just ly point with pride. General Moore was born in Aus tin, Texas on July 31, 1887. He was graduated from Texas A. & M. College in Civil Engineering with the Class of 1908 and accept ed appointment in the United States Army as a Second Lieuten ant of Coast Artillery Corps in 1909. By 1917 he had attained the rank of Captain and in May 1917 he was appointed Major in the Ordnance Department and was From The Texas Aggie later the same year promoted to Lieutenant Colonel; however, af ter the World War he I’eturned to the Coast Artillery Corps with which he has served continuously since. General Moore is a distinguish ed graduate of the Coast Artillery School, a graduate of the Advanced Course, Coast Artillery School, and of the Command and General Staff Brig. Gen. George F. Moore School and the Army War College, respectively. He was appointed Major in 1920, Lieutenant Colonel in 1934, Colonel in 1938 and Bri gadier General in December, 1940. Wife and Daughter With Gen Moore at Home in Corregidor He returned to his Alma Mater in 1938 as Head of the Department of Military Science and Tactics and became one of the most popular Commandaiks ever to serve the institution. With General Moore at Corregi dor are his very charming wife and daughter, Ann, both of whom, also are no strangers to Aggie land. General and Mrs. Moore and Ann are well known in the Army and particularly so in the Coast Artillery Corps and their friends are as numerous as their acquaint ances. General Moore has served two previous tours on Corregidor and is therefore especially well quali fied to command these important defenses, the successful manning of which requires a very thorough knowledge of the numerous practi cal, technical, and tactical elements involved. Fort Mills is unique in many respects. It is known as “THE ROCK” and just that it is indeed—a huge “stigray” or “tad pole-shaped” rock rising to an al titude of some six hundred feet and lying about midway of the channel at the entrance of Manila Bay. Vegetation is prolific and the climate is the most delightful in the vicinity of Manila all year round. It is only about two and (Continued on Page 6) Robert F. Smith Math Contest for Sophs and Fish Will Be Held May 5 SW Journalism Congress Elects Angell And Criswell Organization Executives Group Decides to Hold Convention at Texas A&M in 1943 Ralph Criswell of The Battalion advertising staff was elected pres ident of the Business Managers As sociation of the Southwestern Stu dents’ Press Club when five del egates from A. & M. student pub lications attended the annual meet ing of the Southwestern Journal ism Congress in Abilene last Thursday, Friday and Saturday. At the same meeting the group elected E. L. Angell, manager of A. & M. student publications as vice-president of the Southwestern Journalism Congress and voted to bring the convention to the A. & M. campus in 1943. Held this year at Hardin-Sim- mons University the Congress fea tured a defense theme in its pre sentations among which Frank King of the Dallas Bureau of the Associated Press, Capt. Frederick R. Stofft of the 45th Division, Dean Frank L. Martin of the University of Missouri, Stanley Foran of the Foran Advertising firm of Dallas, and William R. Mathews of the Arizona Daily Star spoke on that subject. Awards for the best newspaper, humor magazine and yearbook were made at the close of the session. Judges for the publications were selected from prominent commer cial publication editors. In the daily newspaper division The Daily Tex an of the University of Texas was given the first place trophy. First place in the weekly newspaper div ision went to the Texas Tech Tor- A. & M. College, $699,826 at Texas University; $790,048 at teachers colleges. Athletics cost $554,290, an increase of $54,774. A computation of per student costs at each of the state institu tions includes all forms of expen ditures. The number of students at each state institution and the total average annual cost per student follows: A. & M. college, 7,017 students, $194.62. This figure is the average cost per student at A. & M. when the charges pertaining to the ex periment stations and extension and forestry divisions which ag gregate $2,713,261 have been de ducted. John Tarleton college, 1,357, $343.47; North Texas Agricultural college, 1,752, $233.30; Prairie View Normal, 1,935, $299.16. University of Texas, 16,621, $233.27; Medical branch, 554, $767.- 26; College of Mines, 1,419, $204.53. Teachers Colleges.—Commerce, 3,885, $159.31; Denton, 6,177, $219,- 30; Huntsville, 2,893, $171.86; San Marcos, 2,983, $184.74; Nacogdoch es, 1,880, $194.04; Alpine, 1,326, $147.77, and Canyon, 1,968, $230.37. Texas College of Arts and In dustries, 1,867, $207.38; Texas State College for Women, 3,662, $438.96, and Texas Technological College, 6,169, $230.93. •reader. The Aggie-vator of Okla homa A. & M. was given first place humor magazine honors, and the Cactus of the University of Texas was first in the yearbooks. A. & M. publications received hon orable mention in each division. Attending the convention from A. & M. were Bob Nisbet as of ficial delegate, Pete Tumlinson from the humor magazine, Lee Rogers from the Battalion editor ial staff, Ralph Criswell from the Battalion advertising staff, and Harvey Lynn from the Longhorn. Officers of the Student Press Club elected for the forthcoming year to preside at the next con vention to be held on the campus of Southern Methodist university in Dallas include Edward Clifton ■of S. M. U. as president, C. G. Slussman of L. S. U. as vice-pres ident and Dow Heard of Baylor as Secretary. Ralph Criswell of A. & M. is the president-elect of the Business Managers’ division. IT’S TIME FOR Spring Cleaning Get Your Clothes Cleaned The MODEL Way MODEL CLEANERS Bryan and College Six Winners To Get Four Gold Watches and Two Other Cash Prizes After the death of Robert F. Smith in 1932, a fund was set aside for the annual Mathematics Con tests of which he was the official sponsor while acting as professor of mathematics at A. & M. for 49 years. The preliminary examinations in these contests are to be held Mon day, May 5. From the contestants in these preliminary examinations, twenty sophomores and thirty freshmen will be chosen to take the final examinations in the con test to be held Monday, May 19. Six winners, consisting of three freshmen and three sophomores, will be presented with awards at the Mathematics-English Banquet scheduled for May 22. The awards to be made are: First sophomore prize—Gold watch. Second sophomore prize—Gold Watch. Third sophomore prize—Ten Dol lars. First freshman prize — Gold Watch. Second freshman prize — Gold watch. Third freshman prize—Ten dol lars. These awards are bought with the interest from Government bonds whose purchase was made possible through the contributions of more than 400 ex-students of A. & M. A majority of women students at the University of Kentucky date almost four times a week; the men barely average two dates a week. Sutherland to Be Principal Speaker at AAUP Fete April 23 Dr. Robert L. Sutherland, direct or of the Hogg Foundation for lectureships for mental hygiene at the University of Texas will be the principal speaker /at the annual banquet of the American Associa tion of University Professors to be held here April 23. The banquet will be open to all faculty mem bers and their wives and to res idents of Bryan and College Sta tion. Dr. Sutherland’s topic of discus sion at the banquet will be “Un orthodox Educational Opportuni ties in Texas.” Dr. Sutherland has a long list of achievements to his credit and foi many years has been in intimate contact with the problems of youth and American education. He spoke to the faculty of the School of Arts and Sciences a few weeks ago on the subject “Rediscovering Human Nature.” Other notables who have appear ed in this role of speaker at past banquets include Dr. Homer Rainey, president of the University of Tex as and Dr. Edgar O. Lovett, pres ident of Rice Institute. ATTENTION AGGIES!! Visit Bryan’s Newest CLOTHING STORE See What $16.50 Will Buy In A New Spring Suit At oAkin’s MEN’S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS 310 North Main — Bryan REMEMBER — THE DRUG STORE t\NOS "'% mm MS 0 ' 3 BIG DAYS THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY — Klenzo Mouth Wash Delightful cinnamon-like flavor gives you a new pleasant protection. 2 for 50^ Rexall Quality Mi31 Tooth Paste A flavor that is really a delight. Leaves the mouth so clean and re freshed—aids in sweet breath. 50^ Size 2 for 510 Rexall Quality Rexall Shaving Cream Start your day off with this “smile” shave. 25^ Size 2 for 260 Rexall Quality Mi31 Antiseptic Solution Extra economy for your mouth wash! Mi 31 is antiseptic when diluted with an equal volume of water. 49^ Size 2 for 500 A v Rexall Product Klenzo Tooth Brushes 25£ Size 2 for 260 35^ Size 2 for 360 Sensational Value Reg. $1.25 Smoking Stand Only 890 Woodbury Shaving Lotion Reg. 5Q£ Value 2 for 510 50^ Dr. West’s Tooth Brush and 50^ Dr. West’s V-Ray Makes Teeth 25% Whiter. $1.00 Value for Only 590 Alco-Rex Puretest Aspirin Pleasant, Relaxing Rub- Quick relief for simple down in Hot Weather aches and pains or colds 2 for 260 2 for 500 FREE - COUPON - FREE One Victrola Record with purchase of any three records at regular price. With This Coupon Only Name Address We have all newest releases. Mail or phone your order. We deliver. The Aggieland Pharmacy “Keep to your right at the North Gate and you can’t go wrong.”