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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1941)
Page 4 Official Notices SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Mar. 20—Town Hall, Houston Symphony Orchestra—-Guion Hall—7:80 p. m. Mar. 21—Composite Regimental Ball— Sbisa Hall Mar. 21—-Economics' Club Benefit Show— Assembly Hall Mar. 22—Corps Dance—Sbisa Hall—9:00 P. M. to 12 midnight. Mar. 24—Lecture by Ruth Bryan Owen Rhode, Guion Hall, 8:00 p.m. Mar. 2i—Engineering Ball—Sbisa Hall— 9 -00 p. m. Mar. 28—Polo Asso. Benefit Show—Assem bly Hall Mar. 29—Hillel Club Dance—Sbisa Hall— B :00 p. m. Fellowship Luncheon each Thursday noon at Sbisa Hall. Roy L. Donahue, Chairman SENIORS Be sore you get your correctly engraved personal cards with your commencement invitations. You’ll need them not only now, but for all time. See the “Jug" at Corps Headquarters Office. ACADEMIC COUNCIL The regular meeting of the Academic Council will be held at 2:30 p.m. TUES DAY, March 25. F. C. Bolton, DEAN CLASSES SUSPENDED AT 10 In order to permit a review of the cadet corps for Congressman Ewing We Have It! SHOP and SAVE 'at the Campus Variety Store North Gate — to stop car SQUEEKS We can stop nerve-wrecking squeaks in your car not caused by mechanical faults. Our Cer tified Mobilubrication protects vital, moving parts with high grade Mobiloil and Mobilgrease. Your car will run smoother, bet ter and last longer when lubri cated by us at regular intervals. We will gladly call for and de liver your car. Aggieland Service Station East Gate Phone 4-1188 The MANFLAIR Collar on SHIRTS A little more spread and a lot more style . . . Manflair is a popular collar style with college men. Come in and see the new Manhattans for Spring . . . there’s plenty of smart patterns to choose from. Whites . . . plain colors and cheerful new stripes. $2 and $2.50 fl^aldropflfS “Two Convenient Stores” College Station - Bryan Thomason, classes will be suspended at 10 a.m. today. F. C. Bolton. DEAN HEADQUARTERS RESERVE OFFICERS’ TRAINING CORPS, AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE OF TEXAS College Station, Texas March 21, 1941 MEMORANDUM NO. 43 CORPS REVIEW 1. There will be a MOUNTED RE VIEW of the CORPS of CADETS under arms held in the honor of REPRESEN TATIVE THOMASON, CHAIRMAN of the HOUSE MILITARY AFFAIRS COM MITTEE, MARCH 22. 1941, on the RE VIEW FIELD WEST of GOODWIN HALL. FIRST CALL 10:80 A.M. ASSEMBLY 10:35 A.M. ADJUTANT’S CALL 11:00 A.M. 2. Classes will be suspended at 10:00 A.M., SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1941, to permit participation in the review. 8. UNIFORMS: a. Dismounted and motorized units: —Number I with white shirts. (Cadet officers may wear breeches and boots). b. Mounted units:—Number 1 with white shirts, breeches and boots. c. Cadets not in proper uniform will not be permitted to participate in the review and will be reported as absent. 4. The SENIOR INSTRUCTOR of the FIELD ARTILLERY unit will designate one battery to attend mounted and one battery to attend motorized, and the SEN IOR INSTRUCTOR of the CAVALRY unit will designate one troop to attend mounted 5. FORMATION: Line of regi ments in line of battalions in column of masses. 6. Order of UNITS in line: a North side BAND INFANTRY REGIMENT FIELD ARTILLERY REGI MENT (Less mounted bat teries) COMPOSITE REGIMENT CAVALRY REGIMENT (less mounted troop) ENGINEER REGIMENT COAST ARTILLERY REGI MENT b. East end Mounted Troop CAVALRY Horse-drawn FIELD ARTIL LERY Motorized FIELD ARTILLERY 7. Immediately after ASSEMBLY, each REGIMENT will move from its place of Assembly to a place where it can march into its position in the review formation most expeditiously, as follows: a. The BAND will move west to THROCKMORTON St., north to LUB BOCK St., west to CLARK St., and on LAMAR St. directly to its position on the REVIEW FIELD. b. The INFANTRY REGIMENT will follow the BAND. c. The FIELD ARTILLERY REGI MENT will move west to COKE St., north to LAMAR St., west to HOUSTON St., north to ESPLANADE, and west on south side of ESPLANADE until oppo site their place in line. d. The COMPOSITE REGIMENT will follow the FIELD ARTILLERY REGI MENT. e. The CAVALRY REGIMENT will fol low the COMPOSITE REGIMENT into position in line. f. The ENGINEER REGIMENT will mive south along HOUSTON St. and fol low the CAVALRY REGIMENT into position in line. g. After the COMPOSITE REGIMENT has cleared GUION HALL the COAST ARTILLERY CORPS will move south to LAMAR St., west to Houston St., and north to ESPLANADE, and follow the ENGINEER REGIMENT into position in line. h. The Motorized Battery of the FIELD ARTILLERY wiU move south on HOUS TON St., and into position in line. i. The Mounted CAVALRY Troop will move east on the north side of ESPLAN ADE, then south on HOUSTON St., and into position in line. j. The Horse-drawn Battery of the FIELD ARTILLERY will follow the Mounted CAVALRY Troop. 8. BATTALION ADJUTANTS and a CADET OFFICER designated to guide each of the motorized and mounted units will be at the REVIEW FIELD in time to take post on the Stake designating the sight of their respective units at AD JUTANT’S call. By Order of Lieutenant Colonel WATSON: R. P. LIVELY Captain, Field Artillery Adjutant COMMANDANT’S OFFICE CIRCULAR NO. 39: 1. The Cadet Officer of the Day and the Cadet Officer of the Guard will re main on the CAMPUS during their tour of duty unless ordered to leave the CAMPUS on detail by the COM MANDANT or the TACTICAL OF FICER of the Day. By order of the COMMANDANT. JOE E. DAVIS 1st Lt. Infantry Assistant Commandant AGRICULTURAL SENIORS Radio station WLW is offering three scholarships in practical radio training to June graduates in Agriculture. Students competing for these scholarships must submit preliminary material by April 15. A poster in regard to these scholarships will be found on the bulletin board in the Agricultural Building. Detailed informa tion can- be secured from Professor Dan Russell, Rural Sociology Department. E. J. Kyle, Dean School of Agriculture SUMMER FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM The announcement has been received that the Ralston Purina Mills and the Danforth Foundation are again offering a Summer Fellowship Pogram to students of Agricultural Colleges July 28 through August 24. Fellowships will be granted to 38 Agricultural Juniors from as many State Agricultural Colleges. One of these fellowships is being offered to an Agri cultural student in Texas A. & M. who will be a senior next year. The award will cover the student’s expenses for two weeks in St. Louis studying actual busi ness conditions, and two weeks at the American Youth Foundation Camp on Lake Michigan. Interested students should immediately get in touch with one of the following members of the committee on Danforth Fellowships : D. W. Williams, Animal Husbandry De partment C. N. Shepardson, Dairy Husbandry De partment Ide P. Trotter, Agronomy Department D. H. Reid, Poultry Department J. W. Barger, Agricultural Economics E. R. Alexander, Agricultural Education LIVESTOCK MARKETING SCHOOL The Livestock Marketing School spon sored by the Union Stock Yard & Transit Company will be held June 23 to July 3, 1941. Scholarships are offered to students finishing their Junior year, who are ma joring in Animal Husbandry or Live stock Marketing. The scholarship repre sents the expense of the student while in Chicago. The A. & M. College of Texas has again been allotted one of these scholarships. Any eligible student who is interested in this scholarship should call at the Animal Husbandry Department im mediately and leave his name. D. W. WILLIAMS Head of Department INDUSTRIAL FILMS Outstanding industrial films available in the Industrial Engineering Department this week are: MODERN METHODS OF PAINT PRO DUCTION : Manufacture of paint from the raw materials to finished product. Run ning time approximately 30 min. with sound. This film will be shown Friday, March 28 at 10:00 a.m. in the basement projection room of the M.E. Shops. MINING OF SULPHUR: Modern methods of sulphur mining are shown of Texas’ own sulphur fields. Running time approximately 30 min. This film will be shown Saturday March 29 at 10:00 a.m. in the basement projection room of the M.E. Shops. MANUFACTURE OF SHOES, 16mm silent, running time 30 minutes. PILLARS OF SALT, 16mm silent, 15 minutes. ROMANCE OF GLASS, 16mm silent, 16 minutes. Interested visitors are invited to see the first two films as part of the regular classroom instruction. Student technical Societies or other de partments are invited to arrange with the Industrial Engineering Department for the use of any of these films. The films are booked for the entire week and are ordinarily available on Monday through the following Saturday. Industrial Engineering Department JUDSON NEFF, Head INDUSTRIAL FILMS An outstanding film of the Pear In dustry, "Pearlands of the Pacific" will be shown by the Industrial Engineering De partment March 22 at 10:00 a.m. in the basement projection room of the M.E. Shops as part of the regular class room instruction. This is a 16mm sound film running about 30 minutes. Student Technical Societies or other de partments are invited to arrange with the Industrial Engineering Department for the use of these films. The films are booked for the entire week and are ord inarily available on Monday through the following Saturday. Industrial Engineering Department JUDSON NEFF, Head FROM THE LONGHORN Space has been reserved in the Long horn for the following clubs and as yet no picture has been made. Club officers must make arrangements with the photo grapher by March 26th. This date is the absolute deadline. The clubs are Abilene A. & M. Club, Heart-of-Texas and Mountainers Club, Bell County Club, and Trans-Pecos Club. Alphabetical club rosters, with list of officers attached, have not been turned in by the following clubs: Abilene A. & M. Club, Ag. Ed. Society, Economics Club, Eastern Panhandle Club, Geology Club, Newman Club, Poultry Science Club, Scholarship Honor Society, Rio Grande Valley Club, Trans-Pecos Club, Bell County Club, Bell County Mothers Club, and Lutheran Club. In order that the Longhorn Staff may facilitate their work it is requested that these rosters be turned in immediately at the Longhorn Office or Room 317, Dorm. 10. PRESS CLUB PICTURE Longhorn pictures fo the press club will be taken Tuesday, March 25, at five o’clock on the steps of the Administration build ing. Persons eligible consist of all those working on the publications of the Long horn, The Battalion newspaper. The Bat talion Magazine, The Agriculutrist and The Engineer. All members please be pres ent. FRESHMAN TENNIS PLAYERS The oft-postponed freshmen tennis tournament will get under way Saturday March 22nd, at 2 p.m. If the weather is bad all players are asked to meet in the gym at the above time. Players are ask ed to bring their own balls and should be ready to play Sunday at well as Satur day. KREAM AND KOW KLUB There will be an important meeting of the Kream and Kow Klub in the main Creamery lecture room Tuesday night at 7:80, to select a duchess for the Cotton Ball. All members are urged to attend for other important business will be discus sed. LUTHERAN WALTHER LEAGUE The Lutheran Walther league will have its regular meeting and service Sunday at 4:00 o’clock in the Y.M.C.A. chapel. All Lutherans of the Missouri Synod are asked to come. H. O. Kunkel, Secretary PRE-MEDICAL STUPENTS The time for holding the Medical Apti tude Test is being changed from Novem ber, as it has been in the past, to May I this year. Students who expect to en ter medical college in the fall of 1942 are required to take the test May 1, 1941. Each student who plans to take this test should call at my office (Science Room 18) and request that an exam ination form be ordered. This must be done by 6 P. M. Monday, March 24. G. E. POTTER Classified LOST—Recently, Stetson Campaign Hat with red cord, name under sweat band. Reward. Duty, Dorm 6, Room 305. LOST—One slide rule in M. E. Build ing. Name on case. Jack L. Hammond. Return to Room 321 No. 12 for reward. THE BATTALION -SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1941 LOST—An Omega Tissot wrist watch somewhere on the campus last Friday. Finder please contact E. O. Regis, 61 Milner Hall and receive reward. Legal Notice ORDINANCE NO. 57 AN ORDINANCE GRANTING TO COM MUNITY NATURAL GAS COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A FRANCHISE FOR THE CONSTRUC TION. OPERATION AND MAINTEN ANCE OF A GAS DISTRIBUTING PLANT OR SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: SECTION I. There is hereby • granted to COMMUNITY NATURAL GAS COM PANY, a corporation having its principal office in Dallas, Dallas County, Texas, hereinafter called "Grantee," its successors and assigns, the right, privilige and fran chise to construct, maintain and operate in the present and future streets, alleys, parkways and other public places and grounds in the City of College Station, Texas, a system of gas mains, supply pipes and laterals, and all necessary or desirable appurtenances, for the purpose of supply ing gas for light, heat, power and other purposes to the City of College Station, its inhabitants and persons and corpora tions beyond the corporate limits thereof; and the rights, privileges and franchises herein granted shall be and remain in Grantee, its successors and assigns, free from all licenses, taxes, rentals, fees or charges, except as hereinafter provided, for a period of twenty (20) years from and after April 1, 1941. SECTION II. All mains, pipes and lat erals will be so laid as to interfere as little as possible with traffic over the streets and alleys. The location of all mains, pipes and laterals may be fixed under the supervision of the governing authorities of the City of College Sta tion. Grantee shall repair, clean up and restore to an approximate original condi tion all streets and alleys disturbed dur ing the construction and repair of its gas distributing system. SECTION HI. When Grantee shall make or cause to be made excavations or shall place obstructions in any street, al ley, avenue or public place in the City of College Station, the public shall be pro tected from all damage by reason of the existence of such excavations or obstruc tions by sufficient barriers and lights placed, erected and maintained by Grantee. In the event of any injury to any person or property by reason of the construction, operation or maintenance of said gas system. Grantee agrees to indemnify and keep harmless the City of College Station from any and all liability. SECTION IV. The rates to be charged by Grantee for gas sold under this fran chise are hereby fixed and determined as follows: The sum of seventy-five cents (75c) gross per thousand (1,000) cubic feet for natural gas for domestic and com mercial purposes; provided, that this rate shall be subject to a discount of ten per cent (10%) if payment is made within ten (10) days from the date of the bill. In addition to the rates hereinabove al lowed to be charged for natural gas sold. Grantee shall charge and collect a "readi- ness-to-serve” charge or "customer’s charge” from each and every domestic and commercial consumer within the cor porate limits of the City of College Sta tion, in the flat sum of fifty cents (60c) per month. This charge is agreed and understood to be a charge that each and every consumer is to pay, regardless of the amount of gas consumed or the rate per thousand (1,000) cubic feet which will be charged for the gas. Grantee shall be privileged to charge and collect from each domestic and commer cial consumer in the City of College Station a minimum monthly bill of One Dollar ($1.00) including the readiness-to- serve or customer’s charge of 50c per con sumer per month. Grantee may also charge and collect from said consumers for setting, resetting and changing meters upon special request of consumers, an amount not to exceed the cost of labor and material used in performing such work, plus ten per cent (10%) additional thereon; provided such charge shall be not less than Two Dallars ($2.00). The above rates and charges apply for each month or part of a month in which gas is used by any domestic and commer cial gas consumer at the same location, and said rates and charges are expressly un derstood to be subject to revision and change by either the City of College Sta tion or Grantee in the manner provided by law. SECTION V. Grantee may make and enforce reasonable rules and regulations in the conduct of its business and may require, before furnishing service, the execution of a contract therefor and may require each consumer within the corp orate limits of the City of College Sta tion to pay Grantee for the installation of all service pipes from the main in the street to and throughout the consumer’s premises. Grantee shall have the right to contract with each consumer with refer ence to the installation of service pipes and the control thereof from their connec tion with Grantee’s main in the street to and including the meter located on consumer’s premises. Service lines are de fined as “supply lines” from Grantee’s main in the street to and ending at the consumer’s meter. SECTION VI. Grantee shall not be re quired to extend mains longitudinally on any street more than fifty (60) feet to any one consumer of gas. Nor shall Grantee be required to connect consumers to intermediate or high-pressure lines, ex cept where grantee may operate a regular intermediate pressure distribution system. SECTION VII. Grantee shall be entitled to require of each and every consumer of gas, before gas service is commenced, a deposit of twice the amount of an esti mated average monthly bill, which said deposit may be retained by Grantee until service is discontinued and all bills there for have been paid. Grantee shall then return said deposit to the consumer, to gether with interest thereon at the rate provided by law from the date of said deposit. Grantee shall be entitled to apply said deposit with accrued interest to any indebtedness owed Grantee by the con sumer making said deposit, and when it has been applied to any indebtedness the gas service can be discontinued until all of the indebtedness of the consumer is paid and a like deposit is again made with Grantee by said consumer. SECTION VIII. The rights, privileges and franchises granted by this ordinance are not to be considered exclusive and the City of College Station hereby expressly retains and reserves the right to grant at any time like privileges, rights and fran chises as it may see fit to any other person or corporation in the City of Col lege Station for the purpose of furnish ing gas for light, heat and power in and for the City and other consumers. Failure on the part of Grantee, its heirs or assigns, to exercise the powers and priv ileges herein granted in compliance with the terms of this grant, shall be cause for forfeiture thereof. SECTION IX. Grantee shall furnish reasonably adequate service to the public and shall maintain its property, equip ment and appliances in good order and condition. SECTION X. Grantee agrees to pay and the City agrees to accept, on the 1st day of April, 1941, the sum of Five Hun dred Dollars ($500.00), and on the same day of each succeeding year during the life of this franchise an annual payment of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for the rights and privileges herein granted to Grantee, and said fee shall be in lieu of any and all occupation taxes, easement and franchise taxes (whether levied as an ad valorem, special or other character of tax) ; in lieu of license and inspection fees, street taxes and street or alley rentals and of all other taxes, charges, levies, fees and rentals of whatsoever kind and charac ter which the City may impose or here after be authorized or empowered by law to levy and collect, excepting only the usual general or special ad valorem taxes which the City is authorized to levy and impose upon real and personal property. Should the City not have the legal power to agree that the payment of the fore going sums of money shall be in lieu of taxes, licenses, fees, street or alley rentals, easement or franchise taxes aforesaid, then, the City agrees that it will apply so much of the said sums of money paid as may be necessary to satisfy the Gran tee’s obligations, if any, to pay any such taxes, licenses, charges, fees, rentals, easement or franchise taxes. SECTION XL The grounds of the Ag ricultural and Mechanical College of Tex as are specifically excluded and excepted from the places where the gas system or parts thereof of Grantee may be installed, operated or maintained under this ordi nance. SECTION XII. This ordinance shall be considered effective as of April 1, 1941. SECTION XIII. Grantee shall file its written acceptance of this franchise with in ninety (90) days after its passage and approval by the Mayor. APPROVED this 20th day of March, A. D. 1941. FRANK G. ANDERSON, Mayor ATTEST: SIDNEY L. LOVELESS. City Secretary. ORDINANCE NO. 58 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT IT SHALL BE UNLAWFUL TO ALLOW LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY TO RUN AT LARGE, REQUIRING THE CITY MARSHALL TO IMPOUND LIVESTOCK OR POULTRY FOUND RUNNING AT LARGE AND TO COLLECT A FEE AND REIMBURSEMENT FOR REDEMP TION OF IMPOUNDED LIVESTOCK OR POULTRY, PROVIDING FOR ADVER TISING, SALE, AND USE OF PRO CEEDS THEREFROM, OF IMPOUNDED LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY NOT RE DEEMED. IMPOSING A FINE FOR AL LOWING LIVESTOCK OR POULTRY TO RUN AT LARGE. AND DEFINING CERTAIN TERMS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLfiEGE STATION, TEXAS: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any livestock or poultry to run at large and for the owner or keeper of any live stock or poultry to allow the same to run at large within the corporate limits of the city. SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of the city marshall to impound any live stock or poultry running at large. SECTION 3 The owner or keeper of any livestock or poultry impounded under the terms of this ordinance may redeem or reclaim same by the payment to the city of a fee of two dollars for each head of livestock and fifty cents for each head of poultry, and in addition thereto by reimbursing the city for the expense in curred in connection with the impound ment of such livestock or poultry. SECTION 4. It shall be the duty of the city marshall to advertise for sale any livestock or poultry not redeemed or re claimed by the owner or keeper within five days after such livestock or poultry has been impounded. Such notice of sale shall be published once in the official newspaper of the city and shall give a de scription of the livestock or poultry to be sold and announce the time for the sale. Such date of sale shall be not less than five days nor more than ten days from the date of such publication. SECTION 5. It shall be the duty of the city marshall to sell to the highest cash bidder any livestock or poultry advertised for sale as provided in Section 4 hereof. SECTION 6. Of the proceeds derived from the sale of any livestock or poultry under the terms of this ordinance, there shall be paid into the general funds of the city an amount necessary to cover the fees and reimbursement as provided in Section 3 hereof. The remainder shall be held in a special “Livestock and Poultry Fund,” to be paid to the owner or keeper of the livestock or poultry sold, if same makes claim within a period of three months. In event such claim is not estab lished within said time, such remaining proceeds shall then be forfeited to the city and be paid into the general funds. SECTION 7. Any person who wanton ly and willfully allows any livestock or poultry to run at large within the cor porate limits of the city shall be fined not to exceed ten dollars ($10) upon first conviction and not to exceed twenty-five ($25) dollars upon each conviction there after. Each day that the owner or keeper Hear RUTH BRYAN OWEN ROHDE America’s First Woman Diplomat 8 P. M. Monday Guion Hall Reserved Seats — 75 cents General Admission — 50 cents College and Other Students — 25 cents (Sponsored by Girl Scout Council) of any livestock or poultry allows aame to run at large shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 8. Without exciadiag any other types or classes, the ten* “live stock” as used in this ordinance shall include horses, mules, Shetland ponies, and burrows; cattle; sheep and goats; and hogs; and the term "poultry" shall include chickens, geese, ducks, gaineaa, turkeys, and pigeons. PASSED and APPROVED this 20th day of March, A.D. 1941. FRANK G. ANDERSON. Mayor ATTEST: SIDNEY L. LOVELESS City Secretary FIRST and FOREMOST in REFRESHMENTS Headquarters for: Cold Drinks Ice Cream Coffee Doughnuts Candy Tobacc#es GEORGE’S Confectionery South Station $18.95 Monthly repays a loan of $250.00 By Using Your Automo bile or Furniture as Collateral JACK TITUS 215 S. Main Bryan DO YOU SMOKE THE CIGARETTE THAT Copyright 1941, Liccnr & Mtebs Tobacco Co. MILDER COOLER... BETTER-TASTING \es, the Fleet smokes a lot of Chesterfields... and so do millions of other smokers like yourself. You’ll find that Chesterfields are MILD, the way you want a cigarette. ..not flat, not strong. They SMOKE COOLER...with a decidedly BETTER TASTE. cafifr tiUf a 'Betfoi Ctyomttc ...IT’S THE SMOKER’S CIGARETTE