Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1941)
Page 4- THE BATTALION Official Notices Deadline for Official Notices is 8:30 p.m. on days before publication, that Is, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Notices should be concise, typewritten, double- spaced, and signed. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Mai*v 7—A.I.C.E. Benefit show—As sembly Hall. Mar. 7—Coast Artillery Ball—Sbisa Hall —9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Mar. 14—“T” Club Dance—Sbisa Hall —9 p.m. to 12 midnight. Mar. 14—Rifle Team Benefit Show— Assembly Hall. Mar. 20—Faculty Dance—Sbisa Hall— 9 p.m. to 12 midnight. ACADEMIC COUNCIL The Academic Council has voted that the commencement schedule for this year be changed back to the plan that was in Dr. A. Benbow DENTIST Phone 375 Astin Building - Bryan Definitely ELEGANT.. Strictly SMART.. Sport Coats that are up-to-the-minute ... in style . . . color . . , fabric and workmanship. Come on in and see our splendid assortment of sport coats. You’ll find the coat you’ve been wanting. $9.95 to $15 rilaldropfl(3 “Two Convenient Stores” College Station - Bryan use prior to the change to the present schedule. This change affects final exam inations and graduation, and the follow ing is announced for the guidance of all concerned. Final class work for this semester will close after the last class Friday, May 30, 1941. Final examinations for the second semester will be held according to the following schedule: Period K, May 31, Saturday,, 8-11 a.m. Period L. May 31, Saturday, 1-4 p.m. Period M, June 2, Monday, 8-11 a.m. Period N, June 2, Monday, 1-4 p.m. ;sday uesda Period S, June 4, Wednesday, 8-11 a.m. Period T, June 4, Wednesday, 1-4 p.m. Period V, June 5, Thursday, 8-11 a.m. Period W, June 5, Thursday, 1-4 p.m. Conflict examinations will be scheduled for Friday, June 6. Commencement will lay The final review will be held Saturday morning, June 7. E. J. HOWELL, Secretary Academic Council ay, ■ Period P, June 3, Tuesday, 8-11 a.m. Period R, June 3, Tuesday, 1-4 p.m. iy, be scheduled for Friday evening, June 6. SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING For the information of any students contemplating Civil Service examinations, information has reached us from the Civil Service Commission that the State of Texas under the apportionment plan is entitled to 2,878 positions and that only 1,317 are occupied. This is simply a measure of the avail ability of Civil Service places for quali fied Texans. GIBB GILCHRIST, Dean of Engineering PRESIDENT’S OFFICE The President’s Office is holding a package of waxing machine pads from the American Seating Co. Will the party ordering this please call for it. The President’s Office is holding one pair of one-hand pruners from the H. K. Porter, Inc. Company. Owner may have same by calling at this office. The President’s Office has a package from the Pasadena Wood and Metal- craft Co., containing a pair of bookends. Will the party ordering same please call for it. PRE-MED CONFERENCE Dr. W. H. Moursund, Dean of Baylor Medical School, will hold 15 minute con ferences with prospective medical school applicants this afternoon from 2 until 5 o’clock. The conference will be held in the Faculty Room adjoining Dean T. D. Brooks’ office. CotniM JWKKfcr The refreshing Rhythms which were featured at the Hotel Roosevelt, New York; The Hotel New Yorker, New York; The Edgewater Beach ■Hotel, Chicago. You heard them on the Ah- SPEED LIMIT ON CAMPUS 1. Due to the increasing number of cars being driven on the A. & M. College campus, it has been deemed necessary to establish and enforce a speed limit for driving on the campus. The limit will be 20 miles an hour. 2. An officer is being placed on the campus to see that the speed limit of 20 miles an hour is enforced, and all persons who drive on the campus are warned not to exceed this limit. By order of the Commandant: JOE E. DAVIS, 1st. Lt., Inf., Assistant Commandant BUNDLES FOR BRITAIN Army day for bundles for Britain will be each Thursday at 234 Lamar Street, College Station, Texas. Army ladies will act as hostesses. Please come on the day you are designated prepared to wrap bandages, knit, and mend clothing. Cloth ing that is donated should be cleaned before delivering. Hostesses for Thursday, March 6, 1941, will be Mrs. Lively and Mrs. Lerner from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon; Mrs. Wing and Mrs. Fox from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Mrs. Watson hopes that those designated will so arrange their time as to not require substitution. CLUB PRESIDENTS It is absolutely necessary that all club presidents who have put their club’s picture in the Longhorn turn in an alphabetical roster of their club. Club rosters must be turned in to the Long horn office or to room 317 Number 10, by March 8. Any clubs which have not had their picture made yet, should make an ap pointment with the photographer im mediately. SOPHOMORES Miss Jane Halstead of Bryan will speak to the Sophomore Council tonight at 7:00 o’clock in the New Y.M.C.A. on Men- Women Relationship. Every Sophomore is invited to attend. Ransom Kenny, Chair man. STUDENT WELFARE COMMITTEE There will be a meeting of the Student Welfare Committee in Sbisa Parlors at 6 :15 p.m. Wednesday. Please telephone my office (4-5734) by 10 a.m. Wednesday whether or not you plan to be present. F. C. BOLTON, Chairman. LAND OF THE LAKE CLUB The Land of the Lake Club will have an important business meeting tonight in Room 107, Academic buillding. Details of the club picture and of the Easter dance will be arranged. CALIFORNIA STUDENTS The California A. & M. Club picture for the Longhorn will be taken Wed nesday at 5:15 p.m. in front of the Pe troleum Building. All California students are asked to come. CHEMISTS’ MEETING The address of Dr. D. B. Keyes before the Texas A. & M. Section of the Amer ican Chemical Society will be given in the Petroleum Engineering Lecture Room at 8:00 o’clock on Tuesday, March 4 in stead of the Chemistry Lecture Room as previously scheduled. Dr. Keyes will speak on “A Study of Catalysts for the Vapor Phase Oxidation of Organic Compounds.” G. S. FRAPS, Secretary WHATS SHOWING AT THE CAMPUS Tuesday, Wednesda y— “MARGIE,” with Nan Grey, Tom Brown, Mischa Auer, Edgar Kennedy, Alan Jen kins and Andy Devine. AT THE ASSEMBLY HALL Tuesday 3:30 & 6:45— “DR. KILDARE’S CRISIS,” featuring Lew Ayres, Lo- raine Day, Lionel Barrymore and Robert Young. Wednesday, Thursday 3:30 & 6:45—“LOVE THY NEI GHBOR,” starring Jack Ben ny, Fred Allen, Mary Martin, Vera Vague and Eddie An derson (Rochester). Bowling— (Continued from Page 1) This booklet takes up the game from the standpoint of the begin ner and also give the expert a few pointers on the game. The principles, the selection of balls, the delivery, and the proper methods of controlling speed and direction are a few of the topics discussed. Three pages of the article are given to the proper method of scor ing of the game, a fundamental many players find difficult to ac quire. Some of the Player’s Dont’s listed include the following: DON’T use too much speed. DON’T roll the ball down the alley when there is a ball in the pit. This is for the protection of the pen boy. DON’T LOFT the ball. DON’T tell anyone what you are going to do. Wait until after the game and tell them what you did, if it’s good. OnWTAW 1120 kc. — 2677 meters NOW 'aac& TO HIS MUSIC and His Orchestra Corps Dance Saturday Night — For SERVICE and BEAUTY Armstrong Inlaid Linoleum for your Kitchen and Bath Room SEE THE MANY NEW PATTERNS. McCulloch-Dansbij Complete Home Furnishers A. & M. DAMES CLUB The regular meeting of the A. & M. Dames Club will be held Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the chapel of the Y.M.C.A. building. This will be husbands’ night. Mrs. Manning Smith will direct a folk dance. All students wives and their hus bands are cordially Invited to attend. NEWCOMERS’ CLUB The Newcomers’ Club will meet at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday at the home of Mrs. R. Reiser, West Park. AGRONOMY SOCIETY The Agronomy Society will meet today at 7:30 p.m. in the Agricultural En gineering Lecture Room. Elections for King Cotton, a junior business manager and a junior social secretary will be held. Only Agronomy Society members who have paid their dues may vote. PRE-MED BANQUET The Pre-Medical Society’s banquet will be held tonight at 7 o’clock in the Sbisa Hall Banquet Room. Dr. W. H. Moursund will be the speaker. RIO GRANDE VALLEY CLUB The club picture will be taken on the steps of Guion Hall at 12:45 Wednes day, March 5, 1941. No. 2 uniform will be worn with wool shirts. Seniors will please wear boots. All members be there. RURAL SOCIOLOGY CLUB The Longhorn picture of the Rural So ciology Club will be made this afternoon at 5:15 on the Agricultural Building steps. Khaki shirts will be worn. FACULTY LUNCHEON Religion is a necessity, denomination- alism sometimes a hindrance, and tolera tion a virtue. Come to the Fellowship Luncheon Thursday noon, to abide by a necessity and to ameliorate a hinderance by eating at a table with a clergy NOT of your own denomination. ROY L. DONAHUE, Chairman Legal Notice ELECTION NOTICE Ordinance No. S4. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ORDER ING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELEC TION IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STA TION, ON TUESDAY, APRIL 1. 1941, FOR THE ELECTION OF THREE COUNCILMEN AND A CITY SECRE TARY, FIXING THE TIME. PLACE AND MANNER OF HOLDING THE ELECTION AND APPOINTING JUDGES AND CLERKS THEREFOR. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of College Station, that: A general election be and the same is hereby ordered to be held on the first Tuesday in April, 1941, the same being April 1, for the purpose of electing three Councilmen and a City Secretary of Col lege Station, Texas. Be it further ordained that said elec tion be held in the Missouri-Pacific Sta tion of said City of College Station and the following persons are hereby appoint ed managers of said election, To-wit: Mrs. L. S. Paine, Judge, and such addi tional assistants as may be deemed neces sary (to be arranged for by Mrs. Paine). The polls shall be opened promptly at 7 o’clock A.M. and shall be closed promptly at 7 o’clock P.M. Said election shall be held under the provisions of the laws of the State of Texas governing general elections, and ily qualifi dents o: be allowed to vote. A copy of this Ordinance, signed by the Mayor of College Station. Texas, and at tested by the City Secretary, shall serve as a proper notice of said election. The Mayor is authorized and directed to have a copy of this Ordinance posted up in the City Office and at three other public places in the City of College Sta tion, and is further authorized and direct ed to have said election order published in the Battalion, a newspaper of general cir culation in the City of College Station, which notice shall be published three con secutive times, the date of the first pub lication, as well as the date of the post ing of said notices, to be not less than thirty days prior to the date of the elec tion. Passed and approved this the 20th day of February, 1941. APPROVED: Frank G. Anderson Mayor ATTEST: Sidney L. Loveless City Secretary only duly qualified voters who are resi- if the City of College Station shall Classified FOR SALE—1932 Plymouth 4-door se dan. Looks rotten, runs good and priced right. 128 No. 11. Town Hall— (Continued from Page 1) Europe and of his personal exper iences on his two trips to that con tinent—first to Germany and Finland and his most recent one to England. He will give facts that everyone is interested to hear about but which American audiences have not had the opportunity to know since censorship has blanketed a major portion of the earth’s sur face. Marine Corps— (Continued from Page 1) inactive Reserve status will receive transportation to their homes or place of enlistment. All students who are interested in this announcement are urged to turn in their names as soon as pos sible and to contact Captain R. P. Lively at his office in Ross Hall. New York City college has set up a student aid fund in memory of the late Prof. Howard C. Green, for 23 years director of the bus iness school evening session. Fairview, in College Park. Phone 4-5969. emps wit! 1937, also gold tux stud with small set in it. Return to 306 No. 9 or call 4-1193. Liberal Reward. LOST—Log Log Duplex slide rule in Chemistry building before finals with the name Richard Lee Saunders on the case. If found, please return to H-ll Walton. Small reward. e, Tl and Thermo. Problems Book. Will finder please return to 90 Leggett. Double usual reward. Elvin I. Bistrow. LOST—Bicycle, taken from front of Assembly Hall Friday night. Reward for information leading to recovery. Serial No. 20852, Standard Red with short handle bars. Elton Bridges, P. H. No. 13. Telephone 4-4474. Tuesday, March 4, 1941 via Texas Quality Network (not carried on WTAW 6:15 a.m. - 6:30 a.m.—Texas Farm and Home Program. Kate Adelle Hill, District Agent, Extension Service J. S. Mogford, Department of Agronomy 11:25 a.m. — Sign-On; Weather, News 11:30 a.m.—Father Flanagan’s Boystown. 11:45 a.m.—Serenade in Tango Time 12:00 noon—Sign-Off —o— Wednesday, March 5, 1941 6:15 a.m.—6:30 a.m.—Texas Farm and Home Program D. H. Reid, Poultry Husband- dry Department Dr. V. H. Melleas, Animal Husbandry Department —o— 11:25 a.m. — Sign-On; Weather, News 11:30 a.m. — George E. Sokolsky, Commentator (National Asso ciation of Manufacturers) 11:45 a.m. — Kitchen Clock 12:00 noon — Sign-Off —o— via Texas Quality Network (not carried on WTAW) 1:15 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.—Texas School of the Air —o— Thursday, March 6, 1941 6:15 a.m. - 6:30 a.m.—Texas Farm and Home Program W. L. Scott, Assistant in Land Use Planning, Extension Service Dr. E. P. Humbert, Head, De partment of Genetics —o— 11:25 a.m. — Sign-On; Weather, News 11:30 a.m. — America’s Wildlife (U. S. Department of Interior) 11:45 a.m. — The Shining Hour 12:00 noon — Sign-Off —o— Friday, March 7, 1941 6:15 a.m. - 6:30 a.m.—Texas Farm and Home Program N. N. Newman, Rural Super- Baseball Prospects— (Continued from Page 3) a strong contender for the crown, then, the cadets will have to de pend on one or two of their inex perienced staff to come through. Of the three, Hub Moon, Henry Lind sey, and Bob Reiser, Moon looks to be the most promising. Graduation of Red Kirkpatrick and Jack Doran left the Aggies without one experienced backstop. Chipp Routt showed up well in practice, but came up with a split finger that threatens to keep him out of action for three or four weeks. The other promising catch ers on the squad are Red Carden and Keith Aldrich. Carden has a strong arm on him, hut his hitting is lacking while Aldrich has de termination and hustle, but is un tried as yet. Coach Karow plans to let Roy Peden do some of th? backstopping until one or both of the youngsters develop. The conference schedule opens March 28 with the Aggies meeting the Baylor Bears in a two game series here. In the meantime, some seven or eight exhibition games are scheduled, with the Grand Prize Brewers being the first guests here in a two game series next Friday and Saturday. visor, Farm Security Ad ministration G. G. Gibson, Extension Dairy Husbandman —0— 11:25 a.m. — Sign-On; Weather, News 11:30 a.m. — Federal Music Pro gram (Works Projects Admin istration) 11:45 a.m. — The Kitchen Clock 12:00 noon — Sign-Off 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. — The Aggie Clambake Saturday, March 1941 6:15 a.m. - 6:30 a.m.—Texas Farm and Home Program H. H. Weatherby, Extension Service —o— 11:25 a.m. — Sign-On; Weather, News 11:30 a.m. — Lest We Forget (In statute of Oral and Visual Edu cation ' .. 11:45 a.m. — Regular Army on the Air 12:00 a.m. — Sign-Off —o— Sunday, March 9, 1941 8:30 a.m. — Roan’s Prairie Chapel Singers 8:45 a.m. — Songs of Your Heart 9:15 a.m. — Gilbert & Sullivan 9:30 a.m. — Sign-Off Fordham university has added lecture courses on recent advances in pharmacology and practice and theory of first aid. Dr. Oscar Kaplan, University of California psychologist, predicts a huge increase in mental disease of the aged in America. Don’t make that Pretty Young Thing Walk! LET HER RIDE The Safe-T-Way TAXI Prompt, Courteous Service 2-1400 - - - 4-4004 TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1941 Dean of Baylor Med School Is Here Today Dr. W. H. Moursund, dean of the Baylor Medical School in Dal las will address the A. & M. pre- Medical Society, at a banquet to night in Sbisa Hall. This afternoon, Dr. Moursund, will hold private 15 minute confer ences with each pre-medical stu dent who intends to enter a medical school within the next two years. He will answer any questions con cerning the work and life at these schools and will alscT advise the courses that should be taken by pre-med students. Surplus foods valued at $271,320 were purchased by 139)875 public assistance clients participating in the Surplus Marketing Adminis tration’s food stamp plan in Texas during December. Don’t Be Crabby! Improved vision improv es your disposition. For eye examination and glasses, consult Dr. Payne OPTOMETRIST 109 S. Main - - Bryan mtm UUTO Drive around to 215 S. Main, Bryan and see Jack Titus for AUTOMOBILE and FURNITURE LOANS $10.55 monthly repays a loan of $150.00. TO TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS Due to duplicate numbers in 1941 Issue of Telephone Directory, we will appreciate your cor recting your copy to show the following: CAVALRY MACHINE GUN, 2nd Stoop 8th Ramp, Puryear Hall 4-9264 ENGINEERS CO. A, 2nd Floor, H Ramp, Walton Hall SOUTHWEST TELEPHONE COMPANY M. C. ATKINS, District Manager ..4-4624 ry FOR RENT—Garage near campus. 209 -Nm V i"„r, ’■'I ‘ I i' Sophomores, Order Now and Save . Money! Mendl and Hornak are glad to announce that there will be no profiteering on their uni forms sold to Sophomores for their Junior Year in A. & M. Prices are still in line with those of last year —and will be as long as the material lasts... but it is well known that uniform material on the wholesale market is rising! Thrifty Sophomores will make a small de posit now . . . and order the uniform that bears that SYMBOL of DISTINCTION, “Made by Mendl and Hornak. ,, UNIFORM TAILOR SHOP