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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1941)
4 V -> w ■it DIAL 4-5444 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION The Battalion DIAL 4-5444 STUDENT TRI WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF TEXAS A. & M. COLLEGE VOL. 40 122 ADMINISTRATION BLDG. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. 4, 1941 Z725 NO. 37 Board Votes Removal of 30-Cent Guest Charge As Cadet Committee Appeals; Subsistence Is Reduced AAA Building Drive Is Started Plans Being Pushed to Keep $900,000 Payroll Active solicitation for the $50,- 000 fund, to insure the construct ion of a building to house the Agricultural Adjustment Admin istration, now located at Texas A. & M. College, and also to insure the continued location of that agen cy, with its more than 400 em ployees and $900,000 annual pay roll, was continued Thursday morning by the committee in charge. This committee, representing Bryan and College Station, is head ed by George G. Chance, chairman. Ford Munnerlyn is vice chairman and other members are J. Webb Howell, Judge A. S. Ware and O. W. Kelley. F. L. Henderson and Coulter Hoppess, the latter the at torney for the Bryan Housing Au thority, are sitting in on committee sessions as legal advisors. The committee, which met Thurs day morning and Friday morning at the Bryan and Brazos County Chamber of Commerce, at which time announcement of the progress that has been made was possible. Chairman Chance stated Thurs day morning that while every ef fort would be made to see all pros pects, any person not seen, desiring to contribute to the fund, should go to the office of the chamber of commerce and sign up for his sub scription. At present the committee is working with the idea that the (Continued on Page 4) Dean Kyle To Be Principal Speaker At Merit Award Banquet E. J. Kyle, Dean of the School of Agriculture, will be the princi pal speaker at the Merit Award Banquet, Jan. 10, during the 14th annual meeting of the Texas Agric ultural Workers Association. The banquet will honor some outstand ing Texan for distinguished service to Texas Agriculture. The meeting as a whole will consider how Texas Agriculture can best meet the new problems and responsibilities that face it in a nation geared to the total defense program. Agriculture will play a a leading role in the national de fense program, and Texas, as one of the most important agricultur al states in the Union, can be de pended upon to adjust its agricul ture to defense needs. Exit Nisbet and Fuermann Plans Afoot to Have Exchange Of Editors With Other Papers For Day Replies Received From Daily Texan And TSCW Lass-0 A day’s vacation for the editors of the Battalion. Such is the prospect in store when the editors of various south west collegiate papers will ex change papers for a day. In inaugurating the plan Bob Nis bet, editor-in-chief, and George Fuermann, associate editor, are in viting editors of other papers to College Station to edit the Battal ion for one day and will in return edit their publication for one day —the dates to be arranged by mu tual agreement. Replies to the invitation have been received from the Daily Tex an of the University of Texas and from the Lass-0 of T.S.C.W. Arrangements with Boyd Sin clair of the Daily Texan are that he and Jack Dolph, Texan associ ate editor, will edit the Battalion of Thursday, January 17. A definite return date has not been set, but will probably occur in February. Reply from Dorothy Schmittgens of T.S.C.W. agrees to journey to College Station for the Febru ary 13 editorship. Complete arrangements will be made when the editors of other school papers answer the invitat ions. “The purpose in extending these (Continued on Page 4) Marvin Sledge Is Latest Ex-Student Called to Active Duty The latest Ax-Aggie assigned to active duty in the U. S. Army is Captain Marvin Sledge of Cresson, Texas. Sledge was assigned to active duty as Adjutant, 1st Material Squadron at Hamilton Field, Cal ifornia, according to an announce ment by the Commanding General there. He is a graduate of Texas A. & M. receiving his B. S. degree in 1931 along with his commission as 2nd Lieutenant Infantry Re serve. On February 12, 1940, he was promoted to the rank of Cap tain. Jack Shelton To Take New Job With FCA on Jan 15 Jack Shelton, vice-director and state agent, Texas A. & M. Ex tension service, will leave his pres ent position on January 15 to be come general agent for the Farm Credit Administration in the Tex- ; district. Shelton came to the Extension Service in 1935 from Brown Coun ty where he had been managing a ranch for the Luling foundation for two years. Prior to that time, he served as county agricultural agent in Denton and Cooke coun ties. Born in Rockwood, Shelton is a graduate of Texas A. & M. He served in World War I with the rank of captain and major. For 9 years he was a member of the board of directors of the American Jersey Cattle Club, and for a time served in the capacity of president of that organization. •\*V i Ele Baggett New Guidon For RV’s Is First In College History For the first time in the history of the Texas A. & M. Ross Vol unteer Company there will be a company guidon. This was unani mously decided upon in the first meeting of the R. V.’s and plans are now complete. The guidon jvill be very similar to the Cavalry guidon, being the same shape, and divided into two parts. The top half consists of the gold crest of the company on a white background, while the lower half is a gold field with the name “Ross Volunteers” in white. All edges of the flag will be decorated with gold fringe, and the flag it self will be mounted on an alumi num staff with a gold and white tassel at the top. "Poor Boys’ School" Gets Still Cheaper—21c Per Meal Money in the pocket, weight imf the wallet, or what have you—the recent reduction in the mainten ance made by the board of direct- tors will mean to each student the saving of six cents per day or a- bout $1.80 a month. Figures released by the pres ident’s office indicate that the days - missed because of the early dismis sal for Christmas holidays will be made up in the maintenance for January, and that maintenance for that month will be reduced $2.75 besides the 6 cents a day reduction. With these changes the month of January will require payment of only $16.75 for board or adding the charges for room rent and laun dry, the total for the month amounts to exactly $24, and it is payable beginning today until Jan uary 8. The figure of $24 is a re duction from the original figure of $28.50 as quoted in the college catalog. Total payable for the beginning of the second semester under the new change will amount to $57.25 and the maintenance for March to be $26.75. Presbyterian Choir To Sing ‘The Messiah’ The Presbyterian Church Choir of College Station will sing The Messiah, most famous of all ora torios based on the birth of Christ, on Sunday, Jan. 5, at 11 a. m. in Guion Hall. The choir is under the direction of Irving Dietz. Soloists will be Mrs. H. H. Garretson, soprano; Walter Lee Porter, bass; and Mr. Dietz, tenor. The choir and solo ists will be accompanied by Sarah Watts and Caroline Mitchell, pian ist; Marion Lyle, organist; and Cynthia Lancaster, harpist. The performance will consist of six recitatives and airs as solo work, five choruses for full choir, the overture by Mr. Lyle, and the “Pastoral Symphony” introducing the New Testament account of the first Christmas by Miss Lancaster. D. H. Williams Elected Chamber Of Commerce Head D. W. Williams, head of the De partment of Animal Husbandry, was elected president of the Bryan and Brazos County Chamber of Commerce at the recent meeting of the board of directors. John M. Lawrence Jr., was chosen first vice president, and J. M. Bullock, second vice-president. J. H. Beard was named treasurer, and D. L. Wilson was re-elected secretary and manager. Miss Dixie Mathis was re-elected assistant sec retary. Williams will name immediately the heads of the various commit tees, in order that the committees may organize and decide on their objectives and budget requirements so that they may submit them at the annual meeting at College Thursday night, Jan. 9. At this time the amount of financing for the coming year will be determin ed. At the annual meeting, Dr. Tho mas H. Taylor, president of How- (Continued on Page 4). Becker, Richey, Nisbet, Fuermann and Chappell Holmgreen Named To Make-Up Cadet Committee New Position Ele Baggett Seriously Hurt While Hunting Deer Ele B. Baggett, editor of the Longhorn, was seriously injured in a hunting accident near Ozona Dec. 17. He was shot in both legs by a high powered .22 rifle. Baggett was hunting on the Mas- sie West ranch near his home town, Ozona, with Jack Aycock of San Angelo, and Tommy Foster of Sterl ing City, both of B Infantry. A deer had been wounded, and in chasing it down a hillside, Baggett tripped and fell, discharging his gun. The bullet passed through the right knee and inflicted a flesh wound in the left leg. Aycock and Foster immediately applied tourniquets to stop the loss of blood, and Aycock went for help. During the three hours until help arrived, Baggett lost a great amount of blood, and on arrival at the San Angelo General Hospital, it was necessary to give him four blood transfusions. He is out of danger and resting well now, how ever. Baggett is expected to be back in school at mid-term, although it is feared that a stiff right knee will result from the accident. He is editor of the Longhon, was pres ident of his junior class, and is in Who’s Who in American Colleges and Universities. His work on the Longhorn is being taken over by the Managing Editor, Morton Rob inson. Aycock and Foster were very in strumental in saving Baggett’s life. (Continued on Page 4) Walton Leaves Today For Annual Meet in Washington President T. O. Walton, chair man of the Executive Committee of the 52 Land Grant Colleges in the United States and Possessions, leaves today at noon by train for Washington, D. C. to attend the regular January committee meet ing. Dr. Walton was elected chairman of the committee in January 1939. The meeting is an annual affair that is held each January to dis cuss problems, and matters of in terest to the Land Grant Colleges. Guest Charge Removal and Subsistence* Reduction From 23 to 21 Cents Per Meal Get Three-Month Trial, Directors Vote The 30-cent guest charge in A. & M. dining halls was removed at the regular meeting of the board of directors held Sunday, December 22. A student committee, composed of Cadet Colonel Wil liam A. Becker, Senior Class President Tom B. Richey, Bat talion Editor Bob Nisbet, Battalion Associate Editor George Fuermann and Field Artillery Band Captain Roy J. Chap pell, petitioned the board for the removal of the charge, and the petition was favorably acted upon. At the same time, the board of directors authorized a two-cent-per-meal reduction in subsistence, reducing the meal cost from 23 to 21 cents. This represents an approxi mate saving of $1.80 per month per cadet, or $16.20 for the nine-month long session. The removal of the 30-cent guest charge and the reduction of subsistence are both tentative measures. Board President F. M. Law pointed out, and will be reconsidered three months hence. “However,” Law added, “the removal of the 30-cent guest charge is probably a permanent thing.” Board members present at the meeting, besides Law of Houston, included E. J. Kiest of Dallas, Joe Utay of Dallas, A. H. Demke of Stephenville, G. R. White of Brady and vice-president W. G. Lacy of Waco. President T. O. Walton and Mrs. Melle Williamson, acting sec retary of the board, were also in attendance. The five cadets entered the board room shortly after 11 a. m. and Becker opened the discussion for the committee. He pointed out the feeling of resentment throughout the student body where the guest charge was concerned and added that the tradition of taking guests in the mess halls was one which the corps was reluctant to see die. “Most guests,” Becker added, “are relatives, close friends or sweet hearts of the cadets escorting them into the mess hall.” Fuermann added that, “The good will and prestige won by the college through the unique privilege of taking guests into our 'Liess halls is worth ten-fold the alleged $9000-cost each year.” He added that the charge made people feel like customers rather than guests. “We realize that the board has passed this ruling because it feels that a few students were benefiting at the expense of many,” he added, “but this is not the case.” Nisbet then told the board of the class meetings at which the en tire student body (with the exception of the then-unorganized fresh man class) had unamimously voted for a return to the old system. At this point Kiest interrupted with several questions which were answered by the cadet committee. Chappell pointed out that the student body realized that there were certain occasions such as football games on the campus which fully merited the guest charge. “The corps realizes this,” he said, “and heartily indorses a plan whereby strangers are charged for their meals at football games.” Board’s Attitude Caused By Desire To Reduce Subsistence To Minimum Kiest stated the board’s attitude in making the charge in the first place, explaining that the board was doing all in its power to reduce the subsistence charge as low as possible. “We don’t want something for nothing,” Nisbet pointed out. “We realize that we will have to pay for this privilege.” Here Becker again stressed the value of the tradition to the corps. Two more points favoring the corps’ viewpoint were added when Fuermann declared that a survey made by the committee revealed that for every guest taken in the mess hall, 30 cadets missed that meal. “More than that,” he added, “Mr. Hotard is forced to prepare for the maximum number of persons possible. As a general rule, therefore, there will thus be some waste which could easily be consumed in a valuable way by guests.” Kiest and Law again came in with questions at this point. Utay then pointed out the board’s attitude in respect to this mat ter and stressed the fact that the board was anxious to cooperate with the student body at all times. “I wonder,” Utay asked, “if the student body would want to have coupons good for a certain number of guest meals?” The committee replied in the negative. Demke followed by a series of questions which were answered by Richey, Nisbet and Chappell. Shortly thereafter the meeting was adjourned for lunch and fol lowing that the board voted to approve the student petition. Banquef Honoring A&M 25-Year Employees Postponed Indefinitely The banquet honoring seven em--f ored become members of the Twen- ployees of Texas A. & M. who have spent 25 years in the service of the college has been postponed indefinitely. The banquet was orig inally scheduled for December 20, in Sbisa Hall, but due to the early dis missal of school for the Christmas holidays, the occasion was can celled until sometime next semes ter. ' The honorary affair, sponsored He will return Friday, January by the Former Students Associa- 10th by train in order to attend tion of which Bert Pfaff, ’25, is the A. & M. Board of Directors president, is given to all college meeting which is to be held Sat- employees who have served 25 urday, January 11th here on the years and it has become a worthy j campus at A. & M. tradition of the school. Those hon- Appointment of E. N. Holmgreen, administrative officer in charge of the Agricultural Adjustment Ad ministration in Texas, as business manager of Texas A. & M. College was announced today by Dr. T. O. Walton, president of the college. The appointment, effective Febru ary 1, was made by the A. & M. Board of Directors at a meeting in Dallas December 31. Succeeding Holmgreen in the AAA will be B. F. Vance, assistant administrative officer. Vance’s ap pointment was made by the State AAA committee and is subject to the approval of the Washington office. Holmgreen will be the first bus iness manager of the College, a position created by the Board of Directors. A. H. Demke, of Ste phenville headed the Board of Di rectors committee which made the selection. Holmgreen graduated from Tex as A. & M. College in 1922, re ceiving a degree of Bachelor of Science in agriculture. After two years with a private concern, he became assistant county agricul tural agent in Dallas county. From (Continued on Page 4) WTAW To Get More Power With New Appropriation College Station’s WTAW is dress ing up for the New Year with in creased power and new custom made equipment to be constructed by either the Collins Radio Co., Inc., R. C. A., or some other builder of radio transmitters. The meeting of the Board of Di rectors held on the campus re cently appropriated $6000 for the equipment and increased the power for the college broadcasting sys tem. The permission was received sev eral months ago from the Federal Communications Commission to make this increase in power which doubles the former power of 500 watts to 1000 watts. The necessary instrument needs have already been sent o the Tex as Board of Control which will award the contracts in the near future. If national defense requirements on radio transmitter manufactur ers do not hold up the program, WTAW should be operating with the new equipment by March. All of the new equipment will be in stalled at the present site of WT AW’s operating location on the hill northeast of the college beneath the recently constructed 220 foot vertical antenna radiator. ty-five year Club and they are to be presented engraved walking canes by Pfaff. A. L. Darnell, professor of dairy husbandry; S. C. Hoyle, editor of college publications; Dr. E. B. Rey nolds, chief of the division of ag ronomy of the Agricultural Ex periment Station; R. E. Karper, agronomist in charge of sorghum investigation at Lubbock for the Experiment Station; M. P. Holle- man, chief clerk, Experiment Stat ion; Sam Step toe (colored), con nected with the entomology de partment, and Cable Henry (color- continued on Page 4) Plans For New Baptist Church Are Being Rushed Plans for the new Baptist Church at A. & M. are being rush ed to completion since the Exec utive Board of the Texas Baptist Convention voted to give $25,000 to help complete this work. The work will be started soon after school is out in June. Part of the old building will be preserv ed for services until the new build ing is completed. The new building is to be made of brick and is to be made of etaion vbmwyfp mrdl be constructed in a “T” shape, and the main auditorium will seat 1250 people. Also, the basement of the church will include a stage con structed at one end. Officials of the church have planned the new church so that more additions can be added if the need arises.